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Work is something that many people do to earn money and support themselves.

There are many

different types of jobs that people can have, such as teacher, doctor, or engineer. Some people work in
offices, while others work outside in fields or on construction sites.

When you have a job, it's important to be responsible and show up on time. You should also work
hard and do your best to complete your tasks. It's important to be respectful to your coworkers and
your boss.

Some people work part-time, which means they work for only a few hours a day or week. Others
work full-time, which means they work for 8 hours a day or more. Some people work during the day,
while others work at night.

Having a job can be rewarding because you can earn money and feel a sense of accomplishment.
However, it can also be tiring and stressful. It's important to take breaks and relax when you can.

In conclusion, work is an important part of many people's lives. It's important to be responsible and
work hard, but also take care of yourself and take breaks when you need them.

1. What is work?
a) Something people do to earn money and support themselves b) Something people do for fun c)
Something people do to waste time d) Something people do to avoid responsibility

2. What are some examples of jobs that people can have?

a) Teacher, doctor, engineer b) Chef, musician, artist c) Athlete, actor, writer d) Scientist, astronaut,

3. Where do some people work?

a) In offices b) In schools c) In hospitals d) In parks

4. What is important when you have a job?

a) To be responsible and show up on time b) To be lazy and not do your tasks c) To be disrespectful to
your coworkers and boss d) To take long breaks and not work hard

5. What does it mean to work part-time?

a) To work for only a few hours a day or week b) To work for 8 hours a day or more c) To work
during the day and night d) To not work at all

6. What are some advantages of having a job?

a) Earning money and feeling a sense of accomplishment b) Being lazy and not doing anything c)
Being disrespectful to coworkers and boss d) Not having any responsibilities

7. What are some disadvantages of having a job?

a) It can be tiring and stressful b) It can be fun and exciting c) It can be easy and relaxing d) It can be
boring and unchallenging

8. What should you do when you have a job?

a) Work hard and do your best to complete your tasks b) Be lazy and not do anything c) Be
disrespectful to your coworkers and boss d) Take long breaks and not work hard

9. What is important to remember when working full-time?

a) To take breaks and relax when you can b) To work non-stop without taking any breaks c) To be
disrespectful to your coworkers and boss d) To not complete your tasks

10. What is the conclusion of the text?

a) Work is an important part of many people's lives b) Work is not important at all c) Work is only for
lazy people d) Work is only for rich people


1. Be (быть)
2. Have (иметь)
3. Do (делать)
4. Say (сказать)
5. Go (идти/ехать)
6. Get (получать)
7. Make (делать/создавать)
8. Know (знать)
9. Think (думать)
10. Take (брать/забирать)
11. See (видеть)
12. Come (приходить)
13. Want (хотеть)
14. Use (использовать)
15. Find (находить)
16. Give (давать)
17. Tell (рассказывать)
18. Work (работать)
19. Call (звонить)
20. Try (пытаться)
21. Ask (спрашивать)
22. Need (нуждаться)
23. Feel (чувствовать)
24. Become (становиться)
25. Leave (уходить/покидать)
26. Put (класть/ставить)
27. Mean (означать)
28. Keep (хранить/оставлять)
29. Let (позволять)
30. Begin (начинать)
31. Seem (казаться)
32. Help (помогать)
33. Talk (говорить/разговаривать)
34. Turn (поворачивать)
35. Start (начинать)
36. Show (показывать)
37. Hear (слышать)
38. Play (играть)
39. Run (бежать)
40. Move (двигаться)
41. Like (нравиться)
42. Live (жить)
43. Believe (верить)
44. Hold (держать)
45. Bring (приносить)
46. Happen (происходить)
47. Write (писать)
48. Stand (стоять)
49. Lose (терять)
50. Pay (платить)
51. Meet (встречаться)
52. Include (включать)
53. Learn (учиться)
54. Change (менять)
55. Watch (смотреть)
56. Follow (следовать)
57. Stop (останавливаться)
58. Create (создавать)
59. Speak (говорить)
60. Read (читать)
61. Allow (разрешать)
62. Add (добавлять)
63. Spend (проводить время/тратить)
64. Grow (расти)
65. Open (открывать)
66. Walk (ходить)
67. Win (выигрывать)
68. Offer (предлагать)
69. Remember (помнить)
70. Love (любить)
71. Consider (рассматривать/считать)
72. Develop (развивать)
73. Drive (водить/ездить)
74. Reach (достигать)
75. Expect (ожидать)
76. Buy (покупать)
77. Provide (предоставлять)
78. Name (называть)
79. Serve (служить)
80. Fall (падать)
81. Receive (получать)
82. Understand (понимать)
83. Return (возвращаться)
84. Believe (верить)
85. Remember (помнить)
86. Follow (следовать)
87. Cut (резать)
88. Play (играть)
89. Bring (приносить)
90. Build (строить)
91. Hold (держать)
92. Sell (продавать)
93. Send (отправлять)
94. Wait (ждать)
95. Teach (учить/преподавать)
96. Travel (путешествовать)
97. Need (нуждаться)
98. Win (выигрывать)
99. Speak (говорить)
100.Finish (заканчивать)

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