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1. What is the best advice you have ever received in life?

2. Do you agree with the claim that money can't buy happiness? Why or why not?
3. Have you faced any challenges recently? How did you overcome them? Student debts
4. If you could invite anyone to a dinner party, who would it be and why?
5. How do you usually decide on important life decisions?
6. Can you think of a time when someone encouraged you to pursue something you were hesitant
7. What's one piece of advice you would give to your younger self?
8. Do you believe that challenges are necessary for personal growth? Why or why not?
9. Have you ever claimed credit for something you didn't actually do?
10. If you could invite a famous person to speak at your school/workplace, who would it be and what
topic would they discuss?
1. Life expectancy varies widely across the globe, from 54 years in Sierra Leone to 84 years in Japan.
2. Smiling helps reduce stress and boost your mood due to the release of endorphins.
3. The human brain can hold up to 2.5 petabytes of information, around 3 million hours of TV shows.
4. Stressful events can cause physical changes in the brain that may lead to mental health issues like
anxiety and depression.
5. Your taste buds change every 2 weeks, which is why you might start liking or disliking certain
foods over time.
6. According to studies, people who regularly practice gratitude are happier and healthier overall.
7. Laughter improves heart health by increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure.
8. People are more likely to remember negative experiences than positive ones due to the amygdala's
role in encoding emotional memories.
9. The fear of death, known as Thanatophobia, is a common existential concern among humans.
10. Life satisfaction tends to peak in the mid-40s and decrease after age 60, according to surveys.
To take risks
To learn from mistakes
To find oneself
To make the most of
Circle of friends
Positive outlook
Fresh start
Silver lining
Life's too short
Back to square one
Life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes, we face challenges that can be difficult to overcome. It's
important to remember that we can always seek advice from those around us. When we're faced with
a tough decision, it can be helpful to invite others to share their thoughts and opinions.
One thing that many people agree on is the importance of taking risks. Sometimes, we need to step
out of our comfort zone in order to grow and learn. This can be scary, but it's also exciting. We never
know what opportunities might come our way if we decide to take a chance.
Of course, not all risks are worth taking. It's important to weigh the potential benefits against the
possible consequences before making a decision. If we're not sure what to do, we can ask for advice
or encouragement from someone we trust.
Some people claim that life is about finding happiness. While this may be true for some, others
believe that life is about making a difference in the world. Whatever our personal beliefs may be, it's
important to remember that we have the power to shape our own lives.
In conclusion, life is a journey that is full of surprises. We will face challenges along the way, but
we can overcome them by seeking advice, taking risks, and making decisions that align with our
values. We should never be afraid to invite others to join us on this journey and encourage one another
as we navigate through life.
1. What is the main message of the text?
a) Life is full of surprises
b) We should always take risks
c) We can overcome challenges by seeking advice, taking risks, and making decisions that align
with our values
d) Life is about finding happiness

2. Why is it important to seek advice from others when facing tough decisions?
a) Because they will make the decision for us
b) Because they can share their thoughts and opinions
c) Because they will take the risk for us
d) Because they will find happiness for us

3. What is the importance of taking risks?

a) It is always scary
b) It is always exciting
c) It helps us grow and learn
d) It is not worth it

4. What should we do before making a decision?

a) Weigh the potential benefits against the possible consequences
b) Ask someone to make the decision for us
c) Take the risk without thinking
d) Find happiness

5. What is the difference between finding happiness and making a difference in the world?
a) There is no difference
b) Finding happiness is more important
c) Making a difference in the world is more important
d) Both are equally important

6. What is the power that we have in shaping our own lives?

a) The power to find happiness
b) The power to make a difference in the world
c) The power to seek advice
d) The power to shape our own lives

7. What should we never be afraid of?

a) Taking risks
b) Seeking advice
c) Making decisions that align with our values
d) All of the above

8. What is the journey of life full of?

a) Challenges
b) Surprises
c) Happiness
d) Risks

9. How can we overcome challenges in life?

a) By seeking advice, taking risks, and making decisions that align with our values
b) By finding happiness
c) By making a difference in the world
d) By taking risks without thinking

10. What should we do as we navigate through life?

a) Invite others to join us on this journey and encourage one another
b) Take risks without thinking
c) Find happiness
d) Make decisions that do not align with our values

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