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CYTOLOGY-the study of cell.

Cell- the basic living units w/n organism.

-came from the Latin word cellulae,meaning
small room.
Robert Hooke-an English scientist (1635-
1703) who gave “cells” their name after ob-
serving a thin slice of cork under the micro-
Mathias Jakob Schleiden -in 1838 , a Ger-
man botanist,stated that all plants are made
up of cells.
Theodore Schwann-a German zoolo-
gist ,published the idea that all animals are
made up of cells.
Rudolph Virchow-a German physician,
hypothesized that cells do not form on their
own ,but rather,come from other cells that di-
1.All living things are made up of one or more
2.Cells are the basic living units w/n organ-
isms.The chemical reactions of life take place
w/n the cells.
3.All cells arise from pre-existing cells through
the process of cell division.
Note : An adult human body contains about
60 trillion cells while a newborn baby,2 tril-
Bacteria- are the smallest cells, about 1-10
micrometers thick.An average human cell is
10 times larger than bacterial cell.
-A few cells,like the large fish eggs and yolk of
chicken eggs,are visible to the naked eyes.
-Cells vary in shape.the shape of a cell
can,more or less, give you an idea of its func-
tion.For instance , the red blood cell is shaped
like a disc,similar to a coin,w/c makes it able
to carry oxygen and squeeze into tiny capillary
walls. The skin cell is sheet-like because its
primary function is to cover, the body.

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