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Electric Lift

 Cardboard
 Pulley
 DC Motor
 Batteries
 Battery Holder
 Rope
 Glue gun
 Switch

Procedure: First, you created a tower using cardboard and

small box acting as a cargo. Second, you put the pulley into
the DC motor then attach one end of the rope to the motor.
Third, you attach the other end of the rope to the box. Fourth,
you attach the DC motor to the switch then you attach the
wires of the battery holder to the switch. Finally, you put the
batteries in the battery holder.

Purpose: In workplaces, public buildings, and other multi-

story structures, a lift (or lift) is a means of vertical movement
between building floors, levels, or decks.
2 Benefits of Using an Electrical Lifts

The primary goal of using an electrical lift is to keep people
safe. It is beneficial for elderly people and kids who might
have trouble climbing stairs.
Those travelling between floors might feel secure thanks to
electrical lifts. Elevators also lessen frequent incidents like
people tumbling down the steps or kids tripping over stair

Provide Proper Comfort

Electrical elevators offer comfort so that users can enjoy the

experience. Frequency incorporation also aids in making the
lifts accurate and smooth.
In addition, it lessens the unwelcome, irritating vibrations.
People will like the ease of electric lifts. Before they actually
need it, they will make switching floors easier. People are at
ease in electrical lifts. The people benefit from its

Abstract: Transporting individuals or products vertically

between levels is done with the help of lifts. The first lift is
mentioned in writing for the first time by the Roman
architect Vitruvius, who claimed Archimedes had constructed
the first one in 236 BC.
A tremendous improvement over todays lifts, back before
lifts were made of hemp rope and propelled by people or
animals. As construction and technology progressed
throughout time, lifts became more effective until they
became what we see today.
Hypothesis: My project is about how an electric lift works. So
electric lift depends on 3 factors: weight of the object, the
power of motor, and the strength of the rope. Each factor
affects the other. When we increase the weight of an object,
we need stronger ropes so the object will not fall and a more
powerful motor to move it vertically.

Conclusion: Electric lifts are widely used in industrial and

commercial settings, as they are safe, mobile, effective, and
ideal for use indoors. Electric lift can significantly improve
people's quality of life. It reduces the number of times a day
that you must climb stairs. Moving numerous objects took a
lot of time when utilizing the stairs. Moving large goods is a
lot simpler when electrical lifts are used. People have far too
much independence thanks to electrical lifts.

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