Negem2017 - Electroplated Ni-Cu Nanocrystalline Alloys HER in Alkaline Solutions

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Electroplated Ni-Cu nanocrystalline alloys and

their electrocatalytic activity for hydrogen
generation using alkaline solutions

Mosaad Negem a,*, H. Nady a,b

Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, Fayoum-Egypt
Chemistry Department, Collage of Science & Arts in Qurayat, Aljouf University, Saudi Arabia

article info abstract

Article history: Hydrogen can be significantly considered the sustainable fuel for the energy storage and
Received 27 July 2017 conversion. In this work, we synthesize nanocrystalline Ni-Cu alloys across the range of
Received in revised form compositions and show that Ni-Cu alloys are indeed more active than pure nickel for
20 September 2017 hydrogen evolution reactions. The electroplated Ni-Cu alloy were characterized by scan-
Accepted 25 September 2017 ning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), X-ray
Available online xxx diffraction, XRD, and energy dispersive X-ray, EDX. The HER was studied at electroplated
Ni-Cu alloys in 1.0 M KOH solution at 298 K. The electroplated Ni-Cu alloys were investi-
Keywords: gated by cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and po-
Ni-Cu Alloys larization measurements to determine their electrocatalytic activity for the HER. The use of
EIS the appropriate concentrations of the addition agent simultaneously with the ultrasound
Hydrogen evolution waves during sample preparation was found to produce nanocrystalline Ni-Cu alloys. XRD
Nanocrystalline cathode patterns show that the Ni-Cu alloys possess the face centered cubic structure. The incor-
Ultrasound poration of Cu into the Ni alloys causes surface modification, which catalyzes the hydrogen
Polarization evolution reaction (HER). The electroplated Ni-Cu alloy with z49 at% Cu contents shows
the highest rate of hydrogen evolution. The increase of the Cu content more than z50 at%
was accompanied by a decrease in the rate of HER.
© 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

hydrogen with high efficiency using water electrolysis has the

Introduction great interests. The hydrogen evolution reaction is considered
the most important electrochemical reaction which is inves-
The renewable energy such as photovoltaics meets a problem tigated during photolytic and electrolytic water electrolysers,
of storage which urges to find a suitable fuel that can be chlor-alkali industry, fuel cells [1e3]. The electrolysis water
transferred and used easily. Hydrogen can be considered the which generates hydrogen from alkaline medium is consid-
most convenient contender which is greatest abundant ered clean and workable techniques. The sustainability of the
element on the earth to replace fossil fuel and sustainable to electrode materials depends on the energy consumption,
be used in several applications such as fuel cell to generate electrocatalytic activity and their stability during electrolysis
electricity. Therefore, the electrocatalyst which can generate process [4]. The electrocatalytic activity of the cathodes can be

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Negem).
0360-3199/© 2017 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Negem M, Nady H, Electroplated Ni-Cu nanocrystalline alloys and their electrocatalytic activity for
hydrogen generation using alkaline solutions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
2 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 1

enhanced by the synergetic combination of electrocatalytic is 2.5 Adm2 at pH 4 for 1 h and solution temperature is 293 K.
components and the surface area [5,6]. Ni alloys exhibit The solution is freshly prepared for every electroplating pro-
distinguished electrocatalytic activity for the hydrogen evo- cess. Copper oxide layer was removed from the copper foil by
lution reaction and in the various electrochemical processes. immersion in a (1:1) concentrated nitric acid for 1 min, then
Ni alloys characterize by their chemical stabilities in a strong cleaned using deionized water and acetone. The surface
alkaline solution, desirable mechanical properties and low morphology, crystal structure, chemical composition of the
cost. In addition, the enhancement of their electrocatalytic nanocrystalline Ni-Cu alloys were obtained using scanning
activity can decrease the consumption of energy [7e9]. Ni electron microscopy, SEM, (JOEL JSM-5300 LV, at 25 kV under
possesses high electrocatalytic activity towards the HER high vacuum), X-ray diffraction (XRD)and energy dispersive X-
which can be enhanced by alloying with appropriate metal via ray analysis (EDX) incorporated with SEM, respectively.
an electrocatalytic synergistic effect well reported in the
literature [10]. The electrocatalytic activity of Ni electrode can Electrochemical measurements
be increased by alloying with transition metal such as Co, Pt,
V, W, Fe, Mo, Zn and Cu by electroplating [11e23]. The elec- Cyclic voltammetry and the electrochemical impedance
troplating techniques guarantee to form small unit cell measurements were carried out using Voltalab PGZ 100 “All in
collected in the nanograins structures and the significant one” potentiostat/galvanostat where Electrochemical
surface area is obtained. The activation energy of the HER can Analyzer under computer control. Moreover, the electro-
be changed by the addition of transition metal due to altering chemical cell was used is A double-wall one-compartment cell
the electrode reaction mechanism [24]. Also, electroplating with a three electrode configuration. The platinum sheet of
has the influence on the chemical and physical properties of 1.5 cm2 surface area was the auxiliary electrode and the
the Ni-based alloys, which can increase the electrocatalytic saturated calomel electrode, SCE, (3.0 M KCl) was the refer-
activity of the alloys towards the HER. The high electro- ence electrode. The electrochemical experiments have been
catalytic activity of cathodes towards HER obtained by Ni al- performed using analytical grade reagents and deionized
loys in the alkaline medium leads to the potential application water. The freshly dissolved KOH of 1.0 M was utilized as the
of these alloys to generate hydrogen in the industry [17]. electrolytes. The potentiodynamic polarization experiments
Moreover, the Ni-Cu alloys show high corrosion resistance have been carried out with scan rate of 5 mVs1 to obtain
and good stability [21,25]. However, the electroplated Ni-Cu quasi-stationary condition. The impedance, Z, and phase
alloys have no extensive reports to investigate their electro- angle, W, have been recorded using the frequency domain
catalytic activity toward the HER [13e17]. In this study, the 0.1e105 Hz. The superimposed ac-signal was 10 mV peak to
electroplating of the Ni-Cu alloys is investigated using addi- peak and the details of experimental methods have been
tives such as gluconate, cysteine, boric acid under ultra- described elsewhere [22,23].
sonication conditions using galvanostatic technique. The
electrocatalytic activity of the Ni-Cu alloys cathodes is studied
to generate hydrogen from alkaline medium using cyclic vol- Results and discussion
tammetry, cathodic polarization and electrochemical imped-
ance spectroscopy. Alloy structure and composition

Different morphological structures of the electroplated Ni-Cu

Experimental alloys were obtained using gluconate bath and a current
density of 2.5 Adm2, and displayed in Fig. 1 which change
Characterization, chemicals and composition of the from smooth to coral reef-like and granular with the increase
electrodes of Cu content. Pure Ni is smooth and lustrous morphology and
the morphological structure of the Ni-19Cu, Ni-26Cu, Ni-
The electroplating of the Ni-Cu alloys were performed on cop- 44.5Cu, Ni-49Cu, Ni-59Cu, Ni-86Cuare coral reef-like
per foil of 99.98% purity as cathode and the platinum mesh was morphology as displayed in Fig. 1aef. Ni-94Cu alloy and pure
utilizes as anode of 2.4 cm2 area. The Pyrex cylinder cell was Cu show spherical and granular structures as shown in Fig. 1g
used during the electroplating process and TTI PL310 32V-1A and h. However, the rough electroplated Ni-Cu alloys were
PSU generates a galvanostatic current. The ultrasonication was obtained due to hydrogen evolution reaction on the electro-
obtained using the ultrasonic bath (Branson 3510, power 100 W, catalyst metal presence during the electroplating of the alloys
frequency 42 kHz) and the pH and conductivity-meter of Met- such as Ni and Cu.
tler Toledo type was operated to measure the pH and conduc- The EDX analysis spectra are merged in Fig. 1 for the
tivity of electroplating baths. NiSO4$7H2O, CuSO4$5H2O, H3BO3, different alloys and the composition is shown in Table 1. The
sodium gluconate and cysteine were obtained from Aldrich, EDX analysis spectra show that the high purity Ni-Cu alloys
Sigma and Merck, have been dissolved in deionized water as were synthesized and the alloys with different composition of
the chemical bath. The composition of electroplating baths and Ni and Cu are achieved using this bath. Fig. 2 shows that the
conditions for Ni and Ni-Cu coatings were the same as reported XRD patterns were obtained for Ni and Ni-Cu alloys with Cu
previously [23]. Different current densities, concentration of content of 1e50% which arranged in face centered cubic
brightener (cysteine) and complexing agent (gluconate) were (JCPDS number 351360) and their peaks shifted from that of
operated to optimize the electroplating of nanocrystalline Ni, Ni-Cu alloys with Cu content more than 50%. The unit cell
Cu and Ni-Cu alloys. The suitable electroplating current density parameters of Ni and Ni-Cu alloys with Cu content of 1e50%

Please cite this article in press as: Negem M, Nady H, Electroplated Ni-Cu nanocrystalline alloys and their electrocatalytic activity for
hydrogen generation using alkaline solutions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 1 3

Fig. 1 e Morphological structure (SEM) of nanocrystalline Ni-Cu alloys produced using the conventional ultrasound waves
for 1 h at 293 K, where: a. Ni-19Cub. Ni-49Cu, c. Ni-86Cu, d. Ni-94Cu and e. pure Cu.

varied between a ¼ 2.033 Angsrom-a ¼ 2.0358 Angsrom. was calculated using Debye-Scherer's equation from the XRD
While, the unit cell of Ni-Cu alloys with Cu content of 51e99% patterns. The grain size of Ni-Cu alloys changes with the Cu
and pure Cu varied between, a ¼ 2.063 and a ¼ 2.083 Angsrom. content of 1e50% which varies from 12 nm to 47 nm. Then, the
The XRD patterns demonstrated the peaks intensities related grain size increases gradually from 50 nm to 90 nm for the Ni-
to nano-size grains. The average grain size of the Ni-Cu alloys Cu alloys with the Cu content between 44% and 99.9.

Cyclic voltammetry of coatings

Fig. 3aec displays the cyclic voltammetry measurements for

Table 1 e Chemical compositions of nano-crystalline Ni
Ni, Cu and the different electroplated Ni-Cu alloys in 1.0 M
and Ni-Cu alloys obtained using conventional ultrasound
waves and additives at 293 K for 1 h from EDX analysis. KOH solution at 298 K. Fig. 3a shows the typical cyclic vol-
tammogram for Ni in the potassium hydroxide solution with
coating Ni% Cu%
starting scan potential of - 1.5 V which located at cathodic
1 99.9 e current for hydrogen evolution reaction. The current density
2 81 19
increases slowly with raising of potential due to the active
3 74 26
region for Ni dissolution. In alkaline media, the predominant
4 56 44
5 51 49 soluble nickel species are Ni(OH)þ(aq) or Ni2þ(aq) ions and the Ni
6 41 59 dissolution depends on pH which is proposed to a contribu-
7 14 86 tion of OH to the process of the active dissolution [26]. In
8 6 94 addition, the total reactions of anodic dissolution are shown
9 e 99.9 as in the following Equations (1) and (2):

Please cite this article in press as: Negem M, Nady H, Electroplated Ni-Cu nanocrystalline alloys and their electrocatalytic activity for
hydrogen generation using alkaline solutions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
4 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 1

Fig. 2 e XRD patterns of nanocrystalline Ni-Cu alloys obtained from gluconate bath using conventional ultrasound waves.

Ni þ OH /NiðOHÞads þ e (1) NiðOHÞads þ OH /NiðOHÞ2 þ e (3)

NiðOHÞads /NiðOHÞþ
aq þ e (2) NiðOHÞ2 /NiO þ H2 O (4)
It was reported that NiO is formed concurrently with Thus, Ni(OH)2 or NiO layer is synthesized during dissolu-
Ni(OH)2 using different pH and potential [27]. Equation (4) is tion of Ni which generates the region of passivation where the
supposed to accountable for passivation by production of NiO. current was stable with the increase of the potential. The

Please cite this article in press as: Negem M, Nady H, Electroplated Ni-Cu nanocrystalline alloys and their electrocatalytic activity for
hydrogen generation using alkaline solutions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 1 5

included a significant cathodic current obtained due to

hydrogen evolution. The transition region was obtained
before the active dissolution of copper and this may be due to
the adsorbed species production such as CuðOHÞ ads at the Cu
surface [27] by the reactions:

Cu þ OH /CuðOHÞ
ads (5)

The CuðOHÞ
adsspecies exemplified the adsorbed interme-
diate for active dissolution. In the anodic active region copper
dissolves into the solution as Cuþ ions [29], and the current
density is constantly growing with potential which is ascribed
to the dissolution of the adsorbed layer as the following:

ads þ OH /CuðOHÞ2 ðaqÞ þ e (6)

It is assumed that the reactions 5 and 6 are responsible for

passivation where the Cu2O passive layer is formed and the
anodic peak is obtained at 0.35 V (ai),

2 ðaqÞ/Cu2 O þ H2 O þ 2OH


ads /Cu2 O þ H2 O þ 2e (8)

At potential þ0.19 V, the second anodic peak (aii) was ob-

tained due to converting Cu2O at the external surface of the
oxide film (interface between oxide and solution) to the hy-
drated oxide or Cu(II) oxide [30], consistent with,

Cu2 O þ H2 O/2CuO þ 2Hþ þ 2e (9)

Cu2 O þ 3H2 O/2CuðOHÞ2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e (10)

The two cathodic peaks were obtained at 0.56 V and

0.88 V during cathodic direction. The cathodic peak (cii) is
resulted from the reduction of Cu(OH)2 and the cathodic peak
(ci) is because of the reduction of Cu2O [29]. Moreover, Fig. 3c
shows the cyclic voltammograms for Ni-Cu alloys in 1.0 M
KOH solution. The shapes of voltammograms were recorded
depending on the dominant metal in the alloy. The values of
the dissolution anodic current density decline with the in-
crease of the Ni content in the alloys.

Electrocatalytic activity of the studied electroplated cathodes

towards HER

Polarization measurements
The significant aim of this work is to utilize the electroplated
Ni-Cu alloy for hydrogen evolution reaction. Electrocatalysis
Fig. 3 e Cyclic voltammograms of nano-crystalline activity of the electroplated Ni-Cu cathodes for hydrogen
electrodeposited Ni (a), Cu (b) and Ni-Cu alloys in a evolution reaction was investigated by cathodic polarization
stagnant naturally aerated 1 M KOH solution at 25  C and and electrochemical impedance measurements in alkaline
scan rate of 10 mVs¡1. media of 1.0 M KOH. To determine the electrocatalysis activity
of the electroplated Ni-Cu alloys well, we performed the
cathodic polarization measurements to compare between ed.
reverse scan of the potential has no a cathodic peak related to Ni, bulk Ni, bulk Cu, ed. Cu and Pt cathodes and the electro-
the passive layer reduction as a results of both the highly plated Ni-49Cu alloy as shown in Fig. 4a. From Fig. 4a, the
stable passive layer and the dissolved oxygen reduction and electrocatalytic activity of the electroplated Ni-49Cu alloy is
passive film may continue the hydrogen evolution reaction notably higher than bulk Cu, bulk Ni, or even Pt [31]. The most
potential range [28]. important parameter which control the electrocatalytic ac-
Cyclic voltammogram for electroplated Cu in naturally tivity of the cathode and the rate of hydrogen evolution is the
aerated 1.0 M KOH medium at 298 K is displayed in Fig. 3b. hydrogen reduction overpotential. The current density pre-
Similarly, the scan of potential was started at - 1.5 V which sented at the same potential is considered a comparison

Please cite this article in press as: Negem M, Nady H, Electroplated Ni-Cu nanocrystalline alloys and their electrocatalytic activity for
hydrogen generation using alkaline solutions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
6 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 1

parameter for the electrocatalytic activity of the cathodes. then increases with more content of Cu. Fig. 4b persuades that
Therefore, Table 2 displays the steady state potential and the the hydrogen evolution reaction obtained by Ni-Cu cathodes
potential of starting hydrogen to evolve for all cathodes under increases with enlarge the Cu content and fast ascending of
the identical condition. The electroplating Ni-Cu alloys show current with the applied potential as a results of the evolution
clearly the electrocatalytic activity towards the hydrogen of hydrogen at the cathode. Cathodic polarization data indi-
evolution reaction and possess more positive potential than cated that the developed coatings with high electrocatalytic
that of bulk cathodes (cf. Table 2) for the hydrogen evolution activity generate remarkably amount of hydrogen evolution
potential. This is due to small unit cell or nanograins struc- and the electroplated Ni-49Cu cathode produce high current
tures attain huge surface area suitable for hydrogen evolution density for smallest overpotential.
reaction which enhances the electrocatalytic activity of the The electroplated Ni-49Cu cathode possesses more posi-
electroplated Ni-Cu alloys. The low electrocatalytic activity of tive overpotential of hydrogen evolution reaction (Cf, Table 2)
bulk cathodes can be ascribed to the smooth surface with in comparing with the other Ni-Cu alloy and the 49% Cu
small surface area. In addition, the electrocatalytic activity of content boosts the electrocatalytic activity of the electroplated
the electroplated Ni-Cu alloys can be attributed to the coral Ni-49Cu cathode towards the hydrogen production. It is clear
reef-like morphology which increases surface area and the that the coral reef-like morphology which contains a lot of
higher HER activity of Ni-Cu may be originated owing to syn- valley filled with the electrolyte, containing a massive space of
ergistic combination of Ni and Cu. Fig. 4b displays cathodic the internal surface of the Raney nickel, available to electro-
polarization curve for the electroplated Ni-Cu alloys as cath- chemical hydrogen gas evolution than smooth surface Raney
odes with different Cu content in 1.0 M KOH solution. The nickel layers. Numerous valleys are appropriately short
cathodic hydrogen overpotential (Cf. Table 2 and Fig. 4b) is diffusion paths of dissolved hydrogen, which enables rapid
decreased with the increase of Cu content up to z49%, and release of hydrogen gas and precludes unnecessary

Fig. 4 e (a) Polarization curves of the bulk Cu, bulk Ni, electrodeposited Ni, electrodeposited Cu, Ni-49Cu and Pt in stagnant
naturally aerated 1 M KOH solutions at 25  C.(b)- Cathodic current potential curves of nano-crystalline electrodeposited Cu
and Ni-Cu coatings in 1 M KOH solution at 25  C.

Please cite this article in press as: Negem M, Nady H, Electroplated Ni-Cu nanocrystalline alloys and their electrocatalytic activity for
hydrogen generation using alkaline solutions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 1 7

Table 2 e The steady state potential, hydrogen evolution potential and the cathodic hydrogen overpotential determined
from cathodic current epotential curves for the different investigated materials and Pt in stagnant naturally aerated 1.0 M
KOH at 25  C.
Materials Ess/mV E Hydrogen evolution/mV Cathodic hydrogen overpotential/mV
Ni bulk 275 1380 1105
Ni deposited 335 1326 991
Cu deposited 260 1260 1000
Ni-94Cu 295 1243 948
Ni-86Cu 190 1145 955
Ni-59Cu 280 1226 946
Ni-49Cu 290 1108 818
Ni-27Cu 255 1131 876
Ni-19Cu 245 1197 952
Pt 235 1220 985

accumulation of hydrogen gas and concentration polarization depressed capacitive semicircle shape is obtained by electro-
in these valleys [32]. These valleys increase the surface area plated Ni-27Cu, Ni-49Cu and Ni-59Cu cathodes. The charge
lowering the overpotential for hydrogen evolution reaction transfer process is considered predominantly to control the
and the surface area increases progressively with Cu content hydrogen evolution reaction which is assured by the uni-loop
up to 49% Cu and the most suitable cathode for hydrogen of Nyquist plots. The values of impedance measured for the
evolution is the electroplated Ni-49Cu alloy. The activity to- electroplated Ni-27Cu and Ni-59Cu are higher than that ob-
wards hydrogen evolution reaction is influenced by synergetic tained by the electroplated Ni-49Cu cathode which advocates
effect between the physical and chemical properties of the the different activity of electroplated cathodes towards the
electroplated Ni-Cu cathodes. Besides, electroplated Ni-Cu hydrogen evolution reaction. In absence of response related to
cathodes attain differences in the electrocatalytic activities hydrogen adsorption, the simple model is utilized to explain
mainly because of changes in their chemical composition the response of the HER on relatively smooth surfaces [33],
where the electrocatalytic activity was at the highest value for porous surfaces with narrow or wide cylindrical pores [34].
the Ni-Cu electrode containing only 49% Cu. Tafel slope values The pores of surface (inhomogeneity of the catalyst surface)
have been measured by linear least square fitting of the linear relate to the physical, chemical or geometrical in-
part of the semi logarithmic steady-state Tafel plots. The Tafel homogeneities [33]. Only depends on the intrinsic catalytic
slope values obtained for the different testes electrodes in the activity of metals. Furthermore, synergistic combination of Ni
HER are close to 120 mV dec1. These values are in line with and Cu improves the HER kinetic and the porous structure of
the one reported for Ni metallic electrodes [14] indicating that the surface. The fitted parameters of the impedance data are
the rate determining step for the HER is the proton discharge listed in Table 3 which displays clearly how the charge
electrosorption (Volmer reaction: H2O þ e þ M 4 M- transfer resistance for the hydrogen evolution on the elec-
Hads þ OH) [19]. troplated Ni-49Cu cathode is lower than that obtained for the
Ni-27Cu and Ni-59Cu electrodes. This can be attributed to the
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, EIS morphology and composition of the electroplated layers. It
EIS measurements were performed on a computer-controlled can be seen that the electroplated Ni-49Cu alloy is most effi-
combination potentiostat/galvanostat/frequency response cient electrocatalysts for the HER.
analyzer using Volta lab 10 potentiostat (Radiometer PGZ100) The high corrosion resistance of the electrocatalyst coating
controlled by Tacussel corrosion analysis software model is significantly essential to improve the sustainability leading
(Volta master 4). EIS analysis were carried out using diverse to low costs of maintenance and operating during electro-
cathodic potentials varied from 1250 mV to 1500 mV to catalysis processes. Fig. 6 exhibits EIS data for different Ni-Cu
investigate the electrocatalytic activity of the electroplated cathodes recorded in 1.0 M KOH at open circuit potential for
cathodes in 1.0 M KOH. Nyquist plots are displayed in Fig. 5 for the investigation of the corrosion resistance during the elec-
different cathodes of electroplated Ni-27Cu, Ni-49Cu and Ni- trolysis as shown in the form of Nyquist and Bode plots. The
59Cu alloys at 1300 mV overpotential which includes signifi- phase angle curves contain obviously two maxima and this
cant evolution rate of hydrogen. The model of the simple indicates that two times constant are obtained for all elec-
Randle's circuit was used to fit the EIS data as shown in inset of troplated Ni-Cu cathodes. The diameter of semicircle of the
Fig. 5a and b presents the EIS spectra for Ni-49Cu at 1300 mV Ni-49Cu alloy is larger comparing to that obtained by other
and show that a very good agreement between the experi- electroplated Ni-Cu alloys in 1 M KOH solution. Therefore, the
mental (symbols) and simulated (lines) data was obtained Ni-49Cu attains the highest corrosion resistance which is due
when the equivalent circuit shown in inset of Fig. 5a. The to the copper content. The copper content in the Ni-Cu alloys
solution resistance, Rs, is located in series with combination of has an important role by lessening the corrosion rate in
parallel including double layer capacitance, Cdl, and the alkaline solution. Moreover, the larger maximum phase angle
charge transfer resistance, Rct which is appropriate model to is displayed by the electroplated Ni-49Cu alloy while the other
interpret the impedance records during evolution of electroplated Ni-Cu alloys shows smaller maximum phase
hydrogen. Fig. 5 shows that the different radius of the faintly angle than the electroplated Ni-49Cu alloy as shown in Fig. 6c.

Please cite this article in press as: Negem M, Nady H, Electroplated Ni-Cu nanocrystalline alloys and their electrocatalytic activity for
hydrogen generation using alkaline solutions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
8 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 1

transfer resistance, Rct. This combination is in parallel to

another combination representing the coating capacitance,
Ccoat, and coating resistance, Rcoat. The two combinations are
in series to a resistor representing the solution resistance, Rs.
The high-frequency time constant reflects the characteristics
of the coatings resistance, and the low-frequency time con-
stant is characteristic for the charge-transfer resistance.
During immersion of electroplated Ni-Cu alloys in the elec-
trolyte, the corrosion initiates rapidly at the pores located in
the coatings which causes localized galvanic cells dominating
the galvanic corrosion process. The two electrochemical in-
terfaces can be included which are electrolyte/coating and
electrolyte/substrate. Table 4 presents calculated data of
fitting parameters for EIS measurements where Rp for elec-
troplated Ni-49Cu alloy is higher than other alloys and Ni-
49Cu alloy possesses higher corrosion protection. This con-
firms that the composition of oxi/hydroxide layer which is
formed on the surface of electroplated Ni-Cu alloys attains
different structure depending on Ni/Cu ratio. The Niþ/Ni2þ
incorporate into the unit cell of the barrier Cu2O layer. The
Cu2O layer is a p-type semiconductors where the mobile

cation vacancy is VCu ðoxÞ which is the charge carrier [35]. Ni
ions from the alloys diffuse into the Cu2O barrier layer and
Niþ/Ni2þ reacts by solid state reaction with VCu
ðoxÞ producing
complexes depending on the solute vacancy interaction
model (SVIM) [36] as shown the following Equations (12) and

Fig. 5 e a) Nyquist plots of Ni-27Cu (), Ni-49Cu (:::)

CuCu ðoxÞ/Cuþ ðaqÞ þ VCu

ðoxÞ (12)
and Ni-59Cu (---) electrodes at ¡1.3 V potential in 1 M
KOH at 25  C.(Inset) Equivalent circuit used for fitting of the 
NiNi ðmÞ þ 2VCu ðoxÞ/½NiCui ð2VCu  þ 2e (13)
experimental impedance. Rs ¼ solution resistance,
þ 2þ
Cdl ¼ double layer capacitance and Rct ¼ charge transfer Where CuCu (ox) is the Cu /Cu in a unit cell site of the

resistance. Fig. 5b Nyquist complex plane plots recorded oxide layer, VCu ðoxÞ is the negative charged cation vacancy.
for Ni-49Cu electrode at ¡1.3 V potential in 1 M KOH at NiNi (m) is the Ni atom in the unit cell of alloy, and [NiCu(VCu)2]
25  C. Symbols are experimental and solid lines are is the neutral complex. Formation of the complex decreases
modeled data. the free ions and ascends the electronic conductivity of the
barrier layer that leads to the increase of the corrosion resis-
tance of the oxide layer at the surface of the electroplated Ni-
In fact, these results confirm that the electroplated Ni-49Cu Cu alloys.
alloy possesses the highest barrier property because of the From the impedance data, it is clear that the electroplated
stability and surface coverage of this coating. The EIS data Ni-49Cu alloy obtains the highest complexation of mobile
reveal that the electroplated Ni-49Cu alloy has the best copper cation vacancies, is more stable against corrosion, and
corrosion protection performance. The experimental imped- is stable enough to be applied for hydrogen evolution. The
ance results were fitted to theoretical data according to the passive film disappears up under cathodic polarization and
equivalent circuit model presented in Fig. 6d. This model the simple model can be applied [31]. The total impedance, Z,
consists of a capacitor representing the double layer capaci- recorded under polarization is lower than that measured
tance, Cdl, in parallel to a resistor representing the charge under open circuit potential using the same concentration
which is due to the surface activation of the electroplated Ni-
Cu alloys by reduction of the hydrogen and passive oxide
Table 3 e Equivalent circuit parameters obtained by layer. The highest value of the Rct (i.e. largest semicircle) was
fitting the experimental impedance data recorded at obtained for the electroplated Ni-Cu alloys with low and high
¡1.3 V on nano-crystalline electrodeposited Ni-59Cu, Ni- Cu content, and Rct decreases as the Cu content reaches about
49Cu and Ni-27Cu coatings in stagnant naturally aerated 50 at%. This behavior is due to the surface roughness [37],
1 M KOH at a 25  C, according to the equivalent circuit of hydride formation [38] and the absorption of hydrogen.
Fig. 6 (inset).
Fig. 7 displays the EIS spectra measured to explain the ef-
Alloys Rs/U Rct/U cm2 Cdl/mF cm2 a fect of cathodic polarization on the behavior of the electro-
Ni-59Cu 2.5 3.6 3.5 0.99 plated Ni-49Cu alloy which were operated in stagnant
Ni-49Cu 2.5 2.5 8.1 0.99 naturally aerated 1.0 M KOH at different cathodic potentials. It
Ni-27Cu 2.7 3.1 2.6 0.94 is obvious that one-time constant response is obtained at all

Please cite this article in press as: Negem M, Nady H, Electroplated Ni-Cu nanocrystalline alloys and their electrocatalytic activity for
hydrogen generation using alkaline solutions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 1 9

Fig. 6 e Nyquist (a) and Bode plots (b&c) of electrodeposited Ni-Cu alloys at the open circuit potential in 1 M KOH solutions at
25  C.(d) Equivalent circuit used for fitting of the experimental impedance. Rs ¼ solution resistance, Cdl ¼ double layer
capacitance, Rct ¼ charge transfer resistance, Cp ¼ passive film capacitance and Rf ¼ passive film resistance.

potentials for electroplated Ni-49Cu alloy and the EIS data are leading to the increase of current density i.e. an increase in the
fitted to theoretical model as the equivalent circuit model rate of hydrogen evolution. The diameter of the semicircles
showed in Fig. 5 (inset). Table 5 present the Rct for the Ni-49Cu decreases with the cathodic overpotential as shown in Fig. 7,
alloy calculated at various potentials which decreased as the indicating that the two semicircles are due to the electrode
cathodic potential moved to more negative which means the kinetics [39,40].
increase of hydrogen evolution rate enhanced the electro- Moreover, as the overpotential increases, the decrease of
catalytic activity of the cathode material. As the Rct decreases semicircle obtained in the impedance plots is due to the
adsorption process facilitated and the charge transfer process
dominates the impedance response as the potential increases.
Rct presents the information about the rate of the electro-
Table 4 e Equivalent circuit parameters obtained by
chemical reaction such as hydrogen evolution reaction where
fitting the experimental EIS recorded at the open circuit
the smallest value of the Rct produces highest rate of the
potential on the investigated electrodeposited coatings in
stagnant naturally aerated 1 M KOH at a 25  C, according hydrogen evolution reaction. The Rct which is the ideal case
to the equivalent circuit of Fig. 7d. can be defined as semicircle diameter according to impedance
Alloys Rs/U Rct/U Cdl/mF a1 Rp/U Cp/mF a2 data [41]. It is known that the more negative value of the
cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 cathodic potential leads to decrease the calculated Cdl values
which can be explained by blocking the electrode surface by
Cu 3.0 7.1 446.6 0.99 136.1 11.7 0.99
Ni-94Cu 2.9 27.1 293.8 0.99 177.3 1.7 1.0
adsorbed hydrogen [42,43]. Besides, the hydrogen gas bubbles
Ni-86Cu 3.2 15.1 843.6 0.99 103.1 12.3 0.98 trap the active surface because of the excess hydrogen evo-
Ni-59Cu 3.2 27.1 926.4 0.96 104.2 15.3 0.99 lution at more negative potentials. The interfacial capacity
Ni-49Cu 2.4 161.9 621.2 0.98 499.1 3.19 0.99 has been obtained by all electroplated Ni-Cu cathodes which
Ni-27Cu 3.1 113.3 443.5 0.99 205.4 3.1 0.99 is regular for double layer capacitance. The value of capaci-
Ni-24Cu 3.5 129.2 123.1 0.96 217.3 1.8 0.98
tance was recorded for electroplated Ni-49Cu alloy is greatly

Please cite this article in press as: Negem M, Nady H, Electroplated Ni-Cu nanocrystalline alloys and their electrocatalytic activity for
hydrogen generation using alkaline solutions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),
10 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y x x x ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 e1 1

promising cathode for the hydrogen evolution reaction and

can be applied as cathode in industrial water electrolyzer.


The authors are grateful for Prof. M. El-Rabiei, Chemistry

Department, Faculty of Science, Fayoum University, for his
help in the Electrochemical measurements.


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Please cite this article in press as: Negem M, Nady H, Electroplated Ni-Cu nanocrystalline alloys and their electrocatalytic activity for
hydrogen generation using alkaline solutions, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017),

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