Chegg Grading Default Sample 2

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Page 1

Expert feedback

November 26, 2022


I read your paper on your review of ‘We Have This Ministry’. Below is a brief critique
of the assignment.

Nice work,
Your Chegg Expert

Overall score: 4.4/5

Ideas and Content 5/5

Organization 4/5

Voice 4/5

Word Choice 3/5

Sentence Fluency 3/5

Grammar and spelling 3/5

Please note that the score provided above only represents the Expert’s judgment of your writing and in no
way makes any promises or assurances concerning your actual grade.
Page 2

Ideas and content

You presented the main idea of your dissertation clearly and persuasively. Further,
the corresponding content is relevant to the main idea, which lends efficacy to the
engagement factor of the essay. For instance, “The desire to understand the history of
the Church and the important mechanism of a calling can positively impact your
members, communities, and societies”. In addition, the corresponding content is
relevant to the main idea, giving efficacy to the test engagement factor. Well done!


The essay is fairly organized. Most statements stand in conjunction with the others,
and there has been an attempt to draw clear links among the ideas. It is good to see
that you have made use of the ‘introduction-body-conclusion’ format to give proper
structure to your paper. Further, the introduction is well-written, as it gives an
overview of the essay. Your conclusion gives a fine summary of your paper while
reinforcing the main idea. It is good to see that you used short and distinct paragraphs
to address separate areas of discussion. Having said that, the third paragraph could
have been split into smaller sub-paragraphs for better readability.
Page 3


The paper builds sufficient audience awareness about the content. The paper is
written in a formal and analytical tone. It helps to put your point across to the readers.
The progression of ideas firmly holds the attention of the reader. Keep it up! Details
like “While Proctor and Taylor do a wonderful job of letting us readers know about
the positive and negative aspects of humanity and what to do as a pastor to better
help our brothers and sisters in the world, it misses the important aspect of self-
care…” support the main ideas and enhance the content quality of the paper. However,
avoid the use of passive voice “ identifies how the role of teachers is mirrored in the
book through pastors acting…”, “what to do for families in crisis is punctuated by the
authors in chapter six when…”, et cetera.

Word Choice

The word choice is appropriate and easy to understand. You have made good use of
vocabulary in the paper such as ‘congregations’, ‘complexities’, ‘intercessors’,
‘ministerial’ et cetera. However, for better precision, consider rephrasing “initiative of
endless love and renewal in the midst of [amid] sin and self-doubt, and how best to
deal with….”, “It is helpful in explaining [helps explain] the relevance of a gracious
perspective of the authenticity of everyone…”, et cetera.
Page 4

Sentence Fluency

Most of the sentences are properly framed and are connected with each other. The
ideas progress with linearity, and most of the sentences maintain a smooth continuity
among the various ideas. Further, most sentences exhibit good clarity, structure, and
rhythm. However, you can make the sentence more fluent by using some transitional
words such as “moreover,” “therefore,” “hence,” “thus,” “thereby,” “further,” etc. to
switch from one idea to another smoothly. Moreover, you can consider rephrasing
these sentences to remove redundancy such as “most personal beneficial impact on
my own [remove own] understanding of a Pastor's role…”, “of sorts moving forward
in my own [remove own] ministry…”, et cetera.

Grammar and spelling

Your paper reads well. However, avoid grammatical mistakes like “love from God, the
need for clergy being [to be] disciplined in our own lives is to example Christ
ourselves…”, “others astray from their eternal focus, how rekindling of [remove of]
others' spirituality whilst exhausted and…”, “understanding the important role of
politics, being present, and [being] fully aware of the spiritual and…”, “oneself on Jesus
is what helps others find [the] truth about dealing with church, community, family…”,
“Now, I will underline the [remove the] how the book could negatively impact my
ministry…”, et cetera. You can also run a grammar check by reviewing your grammar
cards in the writing editor.
Page 5

Next Steps
Fix what you agree with, ignore what you don't, and then resubmit to get another
expert check! The best way to improve your paper is to keep writing, revising,
and considering outside feedback.

Resubmit my paper

After you’ve got your paper reading just right, submit it for a Plagiarism and
Grammar check to add that final polish and catch any remaining issues!

Check Plagiarism and Grammar

Page 6

Your paper
When reading the book “We Have This Ministry,” by Samuel D. Proctor and Gardner C. Taylor, I
learned a lot about Pastoral Leadership. In this review, I will first discuss the basic tenets of the
book through personalized descriptions. Next, I will highlight the areas found in the book
having the most personal beneficial impact on my own understanding of a Pastor's role.
Immediately following, I will underline the parts of the book, whichthat I see adversely
impacting ministry too. Finally, I will mention how the book helped me to better understand
the challenges pastors face in the church.
When it comes to pastoring a church, there are many questions. The reflections found in
chapters 1-4 of this book are beneficial because they offer helpful examples of the tasks faced
in the ministry. The act of being “called” is referenced in chapter one and aids us in
understanding how each call is unique, states the importance of properly preparing through
Theological training, and how having a character is not necessarily living out our sermons in
real life, but helping others to better understand how passions can be unfulfilling if acted out
destructively and should be prioritized by leaders accordingly. Chapter two identifies how the
role of teachers is mirrored in the book through pastors acting as resources for their
congregations, portraying how the Bible is a tool for understanding the complexities in
relationships with God and its people, reflects how theology should be lived out in real life with
the church and community, and helps educate the pastors and members about the history of
Church to equally prepare both for understanding the needs of their community. The third
chapter explores the necessity of serving congregants on their spiritual journeys by acting as
intercessors and guides into a closer relationship with God and each other. The pastor and the
seeker have a complex relationship with sin which gets engulfed in grace and awesome love
from God, the need for clergy being disciplined in our own lives is to example Christ ourselves,
how we should persuade others to live a “new” life with God, the relevance of proclaiming
God’s initiative of endless love and renewal in the midst of sin and self-doubt, and how best to
deal with matters of the spirit. In Chapter 4, it reviews our need to act as an administrator by
helping the church balance secular strategies in the church, the balance of being a pastor,
preacher, administrator, and counselor, understanding that being a leader is working with your
church as a team, how harvesting the right mix of tolerance with discipline matters, the art of
gaining good pay, being a good steward by meeting people where they are in life(like Jesus)
makes a difference, what dealing with the congregation looks like, and how handling stress by
not taking ourselves to seriously can be helpful. In summation, the first four chapters offer
helpful insight in dealing with a Pastor’s Commission, as Teacher, as Intercessor, and as
The second half of this book, chapters five through 8, address several other integral parts
of the ministry. When it comes to the pastor as a counselor, the book explains the ministerial
role as the counselor versus the professional therapist, the difference making encounters, the
role guilt and shame play in leading others astray from their eternal focus, how rekindling of
others' spirituality whilst exhausted and in a drought is key, how best to deal with difficult and
wounded people, and to help guide others in God’s values. Realizing what to do for families in
crisis is punctuated by the authors in chapter six when they share how to celebrate and guide
people, how to see what is sacred about the nuclear family while being gracious enough to
realize and appreciate those outside of the norm, the need to create the right atmospheres for
marriage to succeed, the basic values for a family, and the place of relational
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fairness/patience/compassion/hope/fidelity/sacrifice/forgiveness/Love/Courage for a family to

function. Chapter seven accentuates the pastoral role of understanding why and how diversity
matters, the benefits of a “can-do” attitude, how to be mindful of the marginalized, to speak
up on issues in society, to advocate for economic and educational opportunities for the
impoverished, and how speaking truth in the pulpit and to society in the face of adversity is
good. The last chapter paints the Pastor as one who should advocate for governmental policies
and procedures that directly impact the lives of those in her and his communities while better
understanding the important role of politics, being present, and fully aware of the spiritual and
economic needs in the community. They must also understand the role greediness plays in
local economies and pastors must reveal hope when others find themselves alone in a
deserted space.
Now that we have explored the basic tenets of the book, “We Have This Ministry,” we
will discuss those areas which I found most beneficial. First and foremost, Dr. Proctor and
Taylors emphasis on education affirmed why seminary and divinity schools are so extremely
beneficial and relevant for proper Pastorship. The desire to understand the history of the
Church and the important mechanism of a calling can positively impact your members,
communities, and societies. That our role is as big as lawyers, doctors, engineers, and
politicians. What we do matters to others and can make a difference in the day to day lives of
everyone around us. How we are not only preachers, but we are Sojourner leaders to others in
life. It also aided in mapping out my pastoral role as a teacher and intercessor for others in
their voyage to a healthy relationship with God and one another. I better understand that we
are the people who can show others they're person “how to” be in a relationship with God,
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The book helped me to tie together centering oneself on Jesus is
what helps others find truth about dealing with church, community, family, diversity,
economics, and politics. It is helpful in explaining the relevance of a gracious perspective of the
authenticity of everyone as an individual and an interconnected family. The book reveals the
idealistic values of what it means to be a Christian while balancing the reality of messiness in
Now, I will underline the how the book could negatively impact my ministry. While
Proctor and Taylor do a wonderful job of letting us readers know about the positive and
negative aspects of humanity and what to do as a pastor to better help our brothers and sisters
in the world, it misses the important aspect of self-care. It is a helpful tool for serving and
managing the lives of others but falls slightly short on setting personal and work-related
boundaries. For example, it talks about helping members with careers and counseling, but
misses aspects of self-care that are important to reenergizing the spiritual batteries.
Finally, this book will serve as a “manual” of sorts moving forward in my own ministry.
Understanding the expected challenges as a pastor in teaching, administration, the counseling
of others as individuals and families, and the organizing of communities to address economic
and social issues will help me have a better framework to operate efficiently as a vessel for God
and the Kingdom. Dr. Proctor and Dr. Taylors book is a useful tool for my toolbelt that has
brought me comfort and confidence that “I” HAVE THIS MINISTRY! AMEN!

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