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m8 NATIONAL FIRE ALARM AND SIGNALIN ted to the system with 4 hours of capacity arranged in accordance with 10.6.10 10, Secondary circuits that provide power to the control unit and are not integral to dhe unit shall be protected aginst physical damage. Secondary Power Supply for Supervising Station Facilities. The secondary power supply shall consist of one of the following: (1) Storage batteries dedicated to the supervising station ‘equipment arranged in accordance with 10.6.10 (2) Avbranch circuit of an automatiestarting, engine-driven, generator arranged in accordance with 10.5.1132.1 and, and storage bateries dedicated to the supervising station equipment with 4 hours of capacity arranged in accordance with 10.6.10 (8) A branch circuit of multiple enginedriven generators, at least one of which is arranged for automatic starting in accordance with and Where a secondary power supply for supervising station facilities in accordanee with 10,67:4.1(8) is Wed, the following shall apply: (1) Each generator shall he capable of supplying the energy required. (2) Generators that are started manually shall be arranged in accordance with 10.11.32, (3) When manualstart generators are employed, a person trained in the procedure of starting the generator shall be on duty atall times 10.6.8 Power Supply for Remotely Located Control Equip- ment." Additional power supplies required for system oper ation shall comply with 10.6.1 dhrough 10.6.6 and with 10.6.9. 106.82 The location of remotely located power supplies shall bo identified atthe master eontzol uni 10,6.8.8 The master contol unit display shall be permitted to satisfy the requirement of 10.8.2 10.684 The location of remotely located power supplies shall, be identified on the record drawings. 106.85 An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) listed to the requirements of an applicable standard such as ULS64, Control {Units and Accessories for Bre Alarm Stems, shall be permitted to supply power to remotely located control equipment. 10.6.9 Monitoring Integrity of Power Supplies. Unless otherwise permitted or required by and 10,, all primaty and secondary power supplies shall hhe monitored for the presence of voltage at the point of connection to the system, Failure of either the primary oF secondary power ipply shall result in a trouble signal in accordance with Section 10. Power faire indication for a digital alarm commu nicator ransmitter (DACT) powered from a protected prem- ises fire alarm system control unit shall be in accordance with 106.91. 2022 Eston Monitoring shall not he required fora power supply for supplementary equipment 10.69.14 Monitoring shall not be required for the neutral of three. four, or Fiveswire ae oF de supply source, Monitoring shall not be required for the main power supply in a supervising station if its failure is otherwise indicated and obsious to the operator on du. Monitoring shall not be required for the ourput of aan engine-driven generator that is part of the secondary power Suppl, provided the generator is tested weekly in accordance with Chapter 1, 10..9.2¢ Power supply sources and electrical supervision for digital alarm communications systems shall be in accordance with Section 10.6, 10.68), Section 10.19, and Section 12.6. 106.93 Supers y to delay transmission of primary power Failure 6) minutes to 180 minutes unless a delay is not permitted by he authority having jurisdiction, Power supervisory devices sed to monitor the integ- rity of power supplies shall not impair the receipt of fire alarm ‘or supervisory signals 106.10° Storage Batteries. 106.10.1 Marking. Batteries shall be marked with the month and year of manufacture using the month/year format. Where the battery is not marked with the month/ year hy the manufacturer, the installer shall obtain the date- ode and mark the battery with the month/year of battery° Effective January 1 rechargeable batteries for the secondary power supply used in control units, devices, and accessories shall be listed or component recognized by a nationally recognized testing laboratory Arrangement. Storage batteries shall comply with the require- iments of Article 480 of NEPA 70 Storage batteries shall be located so that the equip rent, including overcurrent devices, is not adversely affetedt by batery gases. Batteries shall he insulated against ground! faults Batteries shall be insulated to prevent short sireuits herween muliple cells. Batteries shall be protected from physical damage. Batcery racks shall he protected against corrosion, If not located in or adjacent to the control unit, the hatieties and their charger location shall be permanent identified atthe contro! un 106.10.8 Battery Charging. Bauery charging equipment shall be provided to keep the battery fully changed under normal conditions, FUNDAMENTALS, m9 10,6,10.3.2. Bauwery charging equipment shall be provided to recharge batteries wilun 48 hours after fully charged batteries Ihave been subject to 2 single discharge cele as specified in 106.72. 10.10.33 The battery charging equipment operation shall not damage the battery 10, Batteries shall be charged hy listed means, Provisions for repair or replacement of failed batery charger equipment shall be maintained at supervising slations and used to restore operation prior to depletion of ‘one-half of the battery capacity 10,6,104 Overcurrent Protection. Overcurrent devices shall be provided to protect the hatteries from excesive load 10,6.10.5 Metering, The buttery charging equipment shall inchide integral meters or readily accessible tetminals so that porable meters can be used to determine battery voltage and ‘charging current," Monitoring Integrity of Battery Charging Equip- 10, Means shall he provided to detect the failure of Dawery charger 10, Failure of the battery charger shall result in a trou ble sigial in accordance with Section 10.15, 10.6.1 Engine-Driven Generators. 106,11.1 Application and Installation. The application and installation Of enginedriven generators shall he as specified in 10.6.11,2 through, Primary Power Supply. Enginedriven generators arranged as the primary supply shall be designed in an approved manner 10.11.22. Enginedriven generators arranged! as the primary supply shall be installed in an approved manner: 10,6,11.3 Secondary Power Supplies. 10.6,11.3.1 Protected Premises. 10611..1.1 Engine-triven generators used to provide secon dary power for a protected premises fire alarm system or an emergency communications stem shall comply with NFPA'110 Chapter 4, requirements for a Type 10, Class 24, Level I ster. 106, Installation of enginedriven generators used (0 provide secondary power for a protected premises fire alarm system or an emergency communications system shall be in accordance with NEPA 7/, Acticle 700, 106,118.18 Where pathway survivability is required by another section of the Code, equal protection shall be provi ‘ded for power supply circuits Supervising Station. 106,113.21 Automatiestarting, enginedriven generators used to provide secondary power for a supervising station shall ‘comply with NEPA 110 Chapter 4, requirements for a Type 60, ‘Chass 24, Level 2 sistem, Installation of automatiestarting, enginedriven generators used to provide secondary power for a supervising Station shall be in accordance with NEPA 70Anticle 701 Manualstarting, enginedriven generators used to provide secondary power for a supervising station shall ‘comply with NFPA 110 Chapter 10, requirements for a Type M, ‘Chass 24, Level 2 stem, Installation of manualstarting, enginedriven generators used {0 provide secondary power for a supervising Station shall be in accordance with MFPA 70, Asticle 702 106.114 Performance, Operation, Testing, and Maintenance. The requirements for performance, operation, testing, and maintenance of engincdriven generators shall conform to the applicable prexisions of NFPA 110, Capacity. The unit shall be ofa eapacity that is sth Gent to operte the system under the maximum normal load conditions in addition to all other demands placed upon the Fuel. Unless otherwise required or permitted in 10.611.6.1 through 10.6,11,6.3, fuel shall be available in stor- age sufficient for 6 months of testing phis the capacity specified in 1067, For public emergency alarm reporting ystems, the requirements of Chapter 27 shall apply. If 2 reliable source of supply is available at any time on a Zhour notice, it shall be permitted to have fuel in stonige sufficient for 12 hours of operation at full load, 10.11.63. Fuel systems using natural or manufacuired gas supplied through reliable utility mains shall nor be required to have fuel storage tanks unless the structure isa seismic design, ‘category C, D, E, or F as defined in ASCE/SEL 7, Minimum Design Locals and Assriated Criteria for Buildings and Other Struc Battery and Charger. A separate storage battery and separate automatic ‘charger shall be provided for starting the enginedlriven genera- tor and shall not he used for any other purpose. ‘The battery shall be sized in accordance with 5.64 oF NFPA 110, 10.7 Signal Priority. The priority of signals shall he in accord- ance with this section, 10.7.1 ECS priority signals when evaluated by stakeholders through a risk analysis in accordance with 24,8.12 shall be permitted to take precedence overall other signals. 10.72 Fire alarm signals shall tke precedence over all other signals, exceptas permitted by 10.7.1 or 10.73. 10.7.8" Emergency mass notification signals and: messages shall he permitted to have priority over fire alarm notification signals in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 24. 10.74 Emergency mass notification signals and messages shall have priority over supervisory and trouble signals in accord. ance with the requirements of Chapter 24. 10.75 Carbon monoxide signals shall be permitted to take precedence over supervisory and trouble signals 2022 Eton 7.80 NATIONAL FIRE ALARM AND SIGNALING CODES 10.7.6 Prealarm signals shall take precedence over superv- sory and trouble signals 10.7.7 Supervisory signals shall take precedence over trouble signals. 10.7.8 Holdup alarms or other life-threatening signals shall be permitted to take precedence aver supervisory and «rouble signals where acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction 10.7.9 Where separate systems are installed, they shall be permitted to achieve the priority of signals in accordance with Section 107 10.7.10 Combination systems shall comply wi 10.8 Detection and Signaling of Conditions. 10.8.1 Abnormal Condition Detection. Where required by this Gode, the system shall be provided with means to detect and signal abnormal conditions. 10.82 Alarm Condition Detection. Where requived by this Code, the system shall be provided with means to deweet and signal alarm conditions, 1082.1 PreAlarm Condition Detection. Where required by this Code, the system shall be provided with means to detect and signal prealarm conditions. 10,82.2 Supervisory Condition Detection. Where required by this Cade, the system shall be provided with means to detect ‘and signal supervisory conditions, 1082.8 Trouble Condition Detection. Where required by this, Code, the system shall be provided with means to deieet and signal trouble conditions. 10.824 Normal Condition Detection. Where required by this, Codle, the system shall generate a restoration signal when the device or signaling system returns to normal Av. 10.9 Responses. 10.9.1 Alarm. The response to an accordance with this Code, farm signal shall be in 10.9.2 Pre-Alarm. ‘The response to a pre-alarm signal shall be in accordance with this Code. 10.9.3 Supervisory. The response to a supervisory signal shal, be in accordance with this Code. 10.9.4 Trouble. The response to touble signal shall be in accordance with this Code. 10.10 Distinctive Signals. 1010.1 Priority alarm signals, fire alarm signals, carbon monoxide alarm signals, supervisory signals, prealarm signals, and trouble signaly shall he distinctively’ and. descriptively fannuneiated, 10.10.2. Audible alarm notification appliances for a fire alarm system shall produce signals that are distinctive from other lar appliances used for other purposes in the same area that are not part of the fire alarm or emergency communica- 10.10.3 Audible alarm notifiation appliances for a carbon ‘monoxide alarm system shall produce signals that are distine- tive from other similar appliances used for other purposes in 2022 Eston the same area that are not part of the eathon monoxide, fire alarm, or emergency communications system. 10.10.4° An audible notification appliance on a control unit, ‘on muliple control units that are interconnected to form. a system, oF at a remote location, shall be permitted to have the same audible characteristic forall alerting functions including, but not limited to, alarm, wouble, and supervisory, provided that the distinction beaween signals shall be by other means, 10,10.5 Supervisory signals shall be distinctive in sound from other signals, and their sound shall not be used for any other purpose except as permitted in 10.104. 10.106. Trouble signals required 1o indieate at the protected, premises shall he indicated by distinctive audible signals, which Shall he distinetive from alarm signals except as permitted in 10.1044 10.10.7 Alarm evacuation signals shall be distinetive in sound from other signals, shall comply with the requitements of 18.42, and their sound shall not be used for any other purpose, 10.108. Prealarm signals shall be distinetive in sound from, other signals, and their sound shall not be used for any other purpose except as permitted in 10.104. 1010.9 Carbon monoxide alarm signals shall comply with 1843. 10.11 Alarm Signals. 10.11.4 Actuation of alarm notification appliances or emer gency voice communications, emergency control function Interface devices, and annunciation at the protected prem shall oceur within 10 seconds after the activation of an initiate ing device. 1011.2 Visual notification appliances, textual visual notiiea- tion appliances, and loudspeaker notification appliances loca ted in the same area shall he activated and deactivated as 2 group unless otherwise required by an ECS emergency response plan. (SIGECS) 10.11.38. Visual alarm notification appliances shall not be aeti- vated when loudspeaker notification appliances are used as permitted by 243.5 for noremergency paging. (SIGECS) 10.11.4% A coded alarm signal shall consist of not less than three complete rounds of the number transmitted, 10.11.5 Each round of a coded alarm signal shall consist of ‘not less than three impulkes, 10.11.6* Resetting of alarm signals shall comply with 288,22. 10.11.7 ‘The subsequent oceurrence of a fault on an initiating device circuit ora signaling line circuit used for other than the interconnection of control units shall not affect previously transmitted sntacknovwledged alarm signals, 10.118 An alarm signal that has been deactivated at the protected premises shall comply with 10,11.8.L and 10.11.82. 10,11.8.1 The audible and visible alarm signal at the control unit only shall automatically reactivate every 24 hours oF less ‘until alarm signal conditions are restored to normal 10.11.82 The audible and visible alarm signal shall operate until i is manually silenced or acknowledged. FUNDAMENTALS, mat 10.12* Fire Alarm Notification Appliance Deactivation. 1012.1 A means for wining off activated alarm notification appliance(s) shall be permitted, 10,12.2* When an occupant notification alarm signal deactiva- tion means is actuated, both audible and visual notiheation appliauices shall be simultaneously deactivated. 10,12.3 The fire alarm notification deactivation means shall be key-operated or located within a locked cabinet, or arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use 10.124 The means shall comply with the requirements of 101s 10,12.5 Subsequent Activation of Initiating Devices. 10,12.5.1. Subsequent activation of nonaddvessable initiating devices on other initiating device circuits shall cause the notify ‘ation appliances to reactivate. Subsequent activation of addressable alarm initiat ing devices of a different sype in the same root or addressable alarm initiating devices in a different room on signaling Tine ‘Grcuits shall cause the notification appliances to reactivate 1012.6 A fire alarm notification deactivation means that remains in the deactivated position when there is no. alarm Condition shall operate an audible trouble notification appli ance until the means is restored to normal. 10.18 Carbon Monoxide Notification Appliance Deactivation. A-carhon monoxide initiating device with an integral sounder shall he permitted to he silenced locally if the carbon monax- ide alarm or supervisory status continues to be displayed at the ‘control unit. 10,14 Supervisory Signals. 10,14.1 SelfRestoring Supervisory Signal Indication. Visible and aulible indication of selErestoring supervisory signals and Yisible indication of their restoration to normal shall be auto- matically indicated within 90 second atthe following locations: (1) Fire alarm control unit for local fire alarm systems (2) Building fire command center for in-building fire emer- gency voice /alarm communications systems (3) Emergency command center for one oF more buildings where responsible authorities receive and. disseminate nformation (4) Supervising station location for systems installed in compliance with Chapter 26 10,14.2 Latehing Supervisory Signal Indication. 10,14.2.1. Visible and audible indication of latching supers: sory signals shall be indicated within 90 seconds at the loc lions specified in 10.141 10,14.2.2. Restoration of latehing supervisory signals shall be indicated within 90 seconds at the locations specified in 10.141 10,14.8 Coded Supervisory Signal. 10.143.1 A coded supervisory signal shall be permitted to consist of two rounds of the number transmitted to indicate a supervisory offnormal condition. A coded supervisory signal shall be permitted to consist of one round of the number transmitted to indicate the restoration of the supervisory condition to normal 10.144 Combined Coded Alarm and Supervisory Signal Gireuits. Where both coded sprinkler supervisory signals and coded fire or waterflow alarm signals are transmitted over the same sigialing line circuit, provision shall be made to obtain either alarm signal precedence or sufficient repetition of the alarm signal to prevent the loss ofan alarm signal 10.14.5 Supervisory Notification Appliance Location. The audible supervisory notification appliances shall be located in an area where they are 10 be heard. 10.14.6 Supervisory Sigaal Reactivation. A supervisory signal that has been deactivated at the protected. premises. shall comply with and 10.14.62 The audible and visible supervisory signal at the ‘control unit only shall automatically reactivate every 24 hours for less until supervisory signal conditions are restored. to normal 10,14.6.2. The audible and visible supervisory signal shall oper- ate antl itis manually silenced oF acknowledged. 10.14.7 Supervisory Notification Appliance Deactivation. A means for deactivating supervisory notification appliances shall be permitted. The means shall be key-operated or located within a locked ‘cabinet, or arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use, 10.14.73 ‘The means for deactivating supervisory notification appliances shall comply with the requirements of 10.18, Subsequent activation of supervisory initaging devi ces in other building zones shall cause supervisory notification appliances to activate as required by the system input/output A means for deactivating supervisory notification appliances that remains in the deactivated position when there is ho supervisory condition shall operate an audible trouble notification appliance until the means isrestored to normal 10.15 Trouble Signals 10.15.1 Trouble signals and their restoration to normal shall be indicated within 200 seconds at the locations identifica in 10.15.7 and 10.158. 10.15.2. Indication of primary power failure rouble signals transmitted to a supervising station shall be in accordance with 10.693, 10.153 An audible wouble signal shall be permitted 0 be intermittent provided it sounds at least once every 10 second, with a minimum duration of second, 10.154 A single anclible trouble signal shall be permitted to annunciate multiple Fault conditions, 1015.5. The audible trouble notifieation appliances shall be located in an area where they are to he heard. 10.15.6 Activated notification appliances at the protected premises shall continue to operate unless they are ‘manually Silenced as permitted by 10.15.10.) 2022 Eton me NATIONAL FIRE ALARM AND SIGNALIN 10.15.7. Visible and audible trouble signals and visible indica- tion of their restoration to normal shall be indicated at the following locations: (1) Fire alarm control unit for protected premises alarm (2) Building fire command center for in-building fire emer- ‘gency voiee/alarm communications systems (8) Emergency command center for one or more buildings where responsible authorities receive and. disseminate information (4) Central station or remote station location For systems installed in compliance with Chapter 26 10.5.8 Trouble signals and their restoration to normal shall be visibly and audibly indicated at the proprietary supervising station for systems installed in compliance with Chapter 26, 10.15.9° A trouble signal that has been deactivated at the protected premises shall comply with 10,15..1 and 10.1 10.15.91. ‘The audible and visible wouble signal shall automac- ally reactivate at the control unit every 24 hours or less until trouble signal conditions are restored to normal ‘The audible and visible wouble signal associated with signaling the depletion or faihure of the primary battery of A witeless system as required by 25.1621 and 23,1622 shall automaticaly resound every 4 houts or less until the depletion Signal is restored to normal 10.15.10 Trouble Notification Appliance Deactivation. A means for deactivating wouble notification appli ances shall be permitted, The means shall be key-operated of located within. locked cabinet, of arranged to provide equivalent protection against unauthorized use The means for deaetiating wouble notification appliances shall comply with the requirements of 10.18.2 10.15.10. If an audible trouble notification appliance is also used "to indicate a supervisory condition, as permitted by 10.104, a trouble notification appliance deactivation means shall mot present subsequent actuation of supervisory notiiea- tion appliances. Subsequent trouble signals shall cause trouble noti- fication appliances to activate as requited by the system input/ cust matrix. A means for deactivating trouble notification appli- ances that remains in the deactivated position when there ino trouble condition shall operate an auclible trouble 1 appliance until the means is restored to norm* Unless otherwise permitted by the authority having jurisdiction, trouble notification appliances at the prover. premises of a supervising station fie alarm stem arranged in accordance with Chapter 26, that have been Silenced at the protected premises shall automatically reactivate every 24 hours or less until fault conditions are restored to normal. 10.16 Emergency Control Funetion Status Indicators. 10.16.1_ All contvols provided specifically for the purpose of ‘manually overriding any automatic emergency control function 2022 Eston shall provide visible indication of the status of the associated control circuits, 10.16.2° Where status indicators are provided for emergency equipment of control funetions, they shall be arranged to reflect the actual status of the associated equipment oF func- 10.17 Notification Appliance Circuits and Supervised Notifien- tion Appliance Control Circuits. 10.7.1 An open, groundfault, or short-circuit fault on the nstallation conductors of one alarm notification appliance circuit shall not affect the operation of any other alarm ott cation appliance eixenit for more than 200 seconds regardless of whether the shortcircuit fault is present during the normal for activated cirenit state, 10.17.2. Supervised notification appliance control cireuits shall ‘comply with all of the following (1). A supervised notification appliance control eirenit shall not serve more than one notification zone. 2) The supervised notification appliance contro! circuit shal, be monitored for integrity in accordance with Seotion 126 (3) A fault in the supervised notification appliance control ‘ircuit installation conductors shall result in a trouble signal in accordance with Section 10.15, 10.18 Annunciation and Annunciation Zoning. 10.8.1 Alarm Annunciation. Where required by other governing laws, codes, or standards, the location of a oper= ated initiating device shall be annunciated by visible means, 10,18.1.1. Visible annunciation of the location of an operated iniiating device shall be by at indicator lamp, alphanumeric Aisplay, printout, or other approved means.* ‘The visible annuneiation of the location of oper ated initiating devices shall not be canceled by the means used odeactivate alarm notification appliances, 10.182 Supervisory and Trouble Annunciation. Where required by other governing laws, codes, or standards, supers sory of trouble conditions shall be annunciated by. visible Visible annunciation shall be by an indicator lamp, aan alphanumeric displ, a printout, or other means. 10,18.2.2 The visible annunciation of supervisory oF trouble conditions shall not he canceled by the means used to deacti- sate supervisory or trouble notification appliances, 10.183 Anmunciator Access and Location. All required annunciation means shall b accessible to responding personnel All required annunciation means shall be located as required by the authority having jurisdiction wo facilitate an cfficient response tothe situation 10,184 Alarm Annunciation Display. Visible annunciators shall be capable of displaying all zones in alarm, If all zones in alarm are not displayed simuliane- ‘ously, the zone of origin shall be displayed. readily CARCUTS AND PATHWAYS mas 10,18.4.2. IF all zones in alarm are not displayed simutiane- ously there shall he an indication that other zones are in alum, 10,18.5* Annunciation Zoning. 10,18.5.1_ For the purpose of alarm annunciation, each Moor ‘of the building shall be considered as separate zone. For the purposes of alarm annunciation, ifa floor of the building is subdivided into multiple zones by fire or smoke barriers and the fire plan for the protected premises allows relocation of occupants from the 2one of origin to another zone on the same floor, each zone on the floor shall be ansiin- ‘Gated separately 10,18.5.3 Where the sjstem serves more than one building, ‘each building shall he annunelated separately 10.18.6* Emergency Services Interfaces. Where required by the enforcing authori; governing laws, codes, of standards: ot other pars of this Code, annunciators, information display ‘stems, and controls for portions of a syntem provided for use by emergeney service personnel shall be designed, arranged, and located in accordance with the requirements of the organ zations intended to use the equipment. 10,19 Monitoring Integrity of InBuilding Fire Emergency Voice/Alarm Communications Systems. 10,19.1% Audio Amplifier and Tone-Generating Equipment. If loudspeakers are used to produce audible fire alarm signals, the required touble signal for 10,19.1.1 through 10,19.1.3 shall be in aecordance with Section 10.15 When primary power is available, failure of any ‘audio amplifier shall result ina trouble signal When an alarm is present and primary power is not available (ie., system is operating from the secondary power source), failure of any audio amplifier shall result in a trouble signal 10,19.1.3* Failure of any tone-generating equipment shall result in a trouble signal, unless the tone-generating and ampli- fying equipment are enclosed as integral parts and serve only a single, listed loudspeaker: 10.19.2 Two Way Telephone Communications Circuits. 10.19.21 Twornay telephone communications eireuit install lion conductors shall be monitored for open circuit fault conditions that would cause the telephone communi ‘Geuit to become fully or partially inoperative, Tworway telephone communications eixeuit install tion conductors shall he monitored for short circuit fault conditions that would cause the telephone communications ‘drcuit to become fully or partially inoperative. 10.19.23 Two-way telephone communications cireuit fault conditions shall result in a trouble signal in accordance sith Section 10.15. 10.20 Documentation and Notification. 10.20.1 Documentation shall be in accordance with Chap- tee 7, 10,20.2 The authority having jurisdiction shall be notified prior to installation or alteration of equipment or wiring. 10.21* Impairments. 10.21.1. The system owner or the owner's designated represen: tative shall be notified when a system or part thereof is impaired. Impairments to systems shall include outotservice 10.21.2 A record of the impairments shall be maintained by the system over or the owner's designated representative for 8 petiod of I year from the date the impairment is corrected. 10.21.38 The supervising station shall report to the authority having juriaicsion any system for which required monitoring has been terminated, 10.21.4* ‘The service provider shall report to the authority having jurisdiction any’sjstem that is out of service for more than 8 hours, 10.21.5* Where required by the authority having jurisdiction, mitigating measures shall be implemented for the period that the system is impaired. 1021.6. The system owner of the owner's designated represen- {ative and the anthority having jurisdiction shall be notified ‘when an impairment petiod ends. 10.22 Unwanted Alarms. For the purpose of reporting, alarm signals that are not the result of hazardous conditions shall be classified as Unwanted atid subclasified as one of the following: (1) Malicious alarm, (2) Nuisance alarm @)_ Unintentional alarm @) Coknown alarm Chapter 11 Cybersecurity 111% Cybersecurity. Where required by governing laws, codes, oF standards, or other parts of this Code, eybersecurity shall be provided for equipment, software, firmware, tool, installation methods, physical security of and access to equip ‘ment, data pathways, testing, and maintenance. Chapter 12 Ci and Pathways 121 Application, 12.L.1 Pathymays (interconnections) shall be designated based ‘on the performance characteristics defined in this chapter 12.1.2 The requitements of Chapters 11 and 14 shall apply 122 General. 12.2.1¢ Performance and survivability of signaling: pathways (interconnections) shall comply with the defined designations of this chapter 12.22 A pathway (interconnection) chss designation shall be dependent on the pathway (interconnection) capability 10 ‘continute to operate during abnormal conditions 12.2.8 The installation of all pathway wiring, cable, and equip- ment shall be in accordance with NFPA 70:and the applicable requirements of 12.2.3] theough 122.34. Optical ber cables installed as part of the fire alarm, system shall meet the requirements of NFPA 70 Article 770, and 2022 Eton me NATIONAL FIRE ALARM AND SIGNALING CODES be protected against physical damage in accordance with NEPA TOAxticle 700, 12.232 Optical fiber cables entering from outside the baie: ing or structure shall also comply with NFPA 70 Article 840. 12.23.8° Fire alarm gstem wiring and equipment, including all circuts controlled and powered by the fire alarm system, Shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of this Corde and of NFPA 70 Article 760, 12.23.4° Wiring methods permitted by other sections oft Code to resist attack by fire shall be installed in accordance with manufietirer’s published instructions and the require- ‘ments of NEPA 70 Article 76 and Article 7 12.2.5 Where operational capability is required to be main- tained or continued during the application of a fault, the ‘operational capability required in 10,111 shall be restored ‘within 200 seconds from the time the fault is introduced, 12.24 Ground Connections. 1224.1 Unless otherwise permitted by 12.2-42, all fire alarm, systems shall test free of grounds 1224.2 The requirements of 122.4.1 shall not be requited where pars of circuits or equipment ate intentionally and permanently grounded in order t proside ground fault devec- tion, noise suppression, emergency ground signals, and circuit protection grounding, 12.24.3* On conductive pathways, operational capability shall, be maintained dusing the application of a single ground 12.3¢ Pathway Class Designations. Pathymays shall be designa- ted ay Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class E, Class Ny or Class X, depending on their performance. 12.3.1° Class AL A pathway shall be designated as Class A when it perform as follows: (1) Ieincludes a redundant path (2) Operational capability continues pasta single open, and the single open fant results in the annnunciation of a trot ble signal. (8) Conditions that affect the intended operation of the path are annneiated asa trouble signal (4) Operational capability on metallic conductors is main- tained dusing the application of a single ground fault (6) Asingle ground condition on mesallie conductors results, in the annunciation of a trouble signal 12.8.2 Class B. A pathway shall be designated as Class B when it performs as follows: (1) Idoes not inelude a redundant path, (2) Operational capability stops ata single open. (8) Conditions that affect the intended operation of the path fare annunciated asa trouble signal (A) Operational capability on metallic conductors is main- tained during the application of a single ground fault A single ground condition on metallic conductors results in the anniinciation of a trouble signal 12.3.3° Class C. A pathway shall be designated as Class C when it performs as follows: 2022 Eston (1) ILineludes one or more pathways where operational eapa- bility is verified via enc-toend commun integrity of individual path (2) Alos of endioend communication is annus twouble signal 12.8.4 Glass D. A pathway’ shall be designated as Class D. when it has failsafe operation, where no fault is annunciated, but the intended operation is performed in the event of a path 12.3.5* Glass EA pathway shall be designated as Class E when itis not monitored for integrity. el as a 12.3.6 Glass N, A pathway shall be designated as Cass N when it performs as follows (1)# Teincludes two oF more pathways where operat bility ofthe primary pathway and a redundant each desice shall be Verified through end-to-end comma Excaption: When only one device is served, any one pataoay shal be nguined. (2) Atos of intended communications between endpoints shall he annunciated as-a trouble signal (8) Assingle open, ground, short, or combination of fauls on. ‘one pathway shall not affect anyother pathway (4)® Conditions that affect the operation of the primary pa way(s) and redundant pathvay(s) shall be anmunciated ay A trouble signal when the system's minimal operational requirements cannot be met. (5)* Primary and redundant pathways shall not be permitted, to share traffie over the same physical segment 12.3.7 Clase X. A pathway shall be designated as Class X whet it performs as follows (1) Teincludes a redundant path. (2) Operational capability continues pasta single open, and the single open fault resuks in the annunciation ofa tot bie signal (8) Operational capability on metallic conductors continues, pasta single shoreeircuit, and the single shortireuit fault results in the annunciation ofa trouble signal (4) Operational capability on metallic conductors continues, pista combination open fault and ground fault. (5) Conditions that affect the intended operation oF the path are annunciated asa trouble signal (6) Operational capabifiy on, metallic conductors is main- tnined during the application of a single ground fauk, (7) Asingle ground condlition on metallic conductors resulis in the annunciation of a trouble signal 12.8.8° Class A, Class N, and Class X Pathway Separation. ‘Cliss A, Class N, and Class X eitcuits using physical pathways shall be installed so that the primary and redundant, or ontgor ing and retuen, conductors exiting from and returning (0 the control unt, respectively are routed separately 12381 The ougoing and retum (redundant) ci ‘conductors shall be permitied in the same eable assembly (i, ‘multiconductor cable), enclosure, oF raceway only under the following conditions: (1) For a distance not to exceed 10 f (30 m) where the ‘outgoing and retum conductors enter oF exit the iniiat- ing device, notification appliance, or control unit enclo- CARCUTTS AND PATHWAYS 785 (2) Single drops installed in the raceway to individual devices ‘orappliances i (3)* In asingle room not exceeding 1000 f€ (93 m?) in area, a drop installed in the raceway to multiple devices or appli ances that does not include any emergency control func. tion devices 12.4% Pathway Survivabiliy. All pathways shall comply with NFPA 70, 124.1 Pathway Survivability Level 0, Level 0 pathways shall not he required to have any provisions for pathway survivabil 124.2 Pathway Survivability Level 1. Pathay survivability Level 1 shall consist of pathways in buildings that are fally protected by an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with NFPA 13 with any interconnecting conductors, cables, or other physical pathways protected by metal riceways or metal armored cables, 124.3% Pathway Survivability Level 2. Pathway survivability Level 2 shall consist of one of more of the following: (1) 2hour firerated creuit integrity (CI) oF reressive cable (2) 2hous frerated eable system [electrical civeut provetve system(s] (8), Zhou fireated enclosure or protected area (4) Performance alternatives approved by the authority having jurisdiction 124.4% Pathway Survivability Level 3. Pathway: survivability Level 3 shall consist of pathways in buildings that are fully protected by an automatic sprinkler sytem in accordance with NFPA 13 and one or more of the following (1) hour firexated circu cable (2) Mhour fire-rated cable system (electrical cireut protective systern(s)] (8). 2hour frerated enclosure or protected area (4)* Performance alternatives approved by the authority having jurisdiction, 124.5% Pathway Survivability Level 4. Pathway survival Level 4 shall consist of one of more of the following: integrity (Cl) or fire-resistive ty (1) Phour firerated circuit integrity (CI) or fireresistive cable (2) Phour fire-rated cable system [electrical eixeit protective system(s) ] (3) Phour frerated enclosure or protected asea (4) Performance alternatives approved by the authority having jurisdiction 12.5% Shared Pathway Designations. Shaved pathways shall be designated as Level , Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3, depending ‘on their performance, 12.5.1 Shared Pathway Level 0. Level 0 pathways shall not be required to segregate o prioritize life safety data from non-life ssfety data 125.2% Shared Pathway Level 1. Level 1 pathways shall not be required to segregate life safety data from non-life safety data, Dut shall prioritize all life safety data over non-tife safety data. 12.5.3 Shared Pathway Level 2. Level 2 pathways shall segre- gate all life safety data from non-life safety data 12.54% Shared Pathway Level 3. Level pathways shall use equipment that is dedicated to the life safety system, 12.6% Monitoring Integrity and Gircuit Performance of Insta lation Conductors and Other Signaling Channels. 126.1 Unless otherwise permited or required by 123.1 through 123.7 and 12.6.8 through 126.13, all means of inter connecting equipment, devices, and appliances and wiring connections shall be monitored for the integrity of the inter- connecting conductors or equivalent path so that the occur Fence of a single open or a single grouncfault condition in the instalation conductors or other signaling channels is automat cally indicated within 200 seconds. 1262 Unless otherwise permitted or required by 123.1 through 123.7 and 126.8 through 126.13, all means of inter connecting equipment, devices, and appliances and wiring connections shall be monitored for the integrity of the inter ‘connecting conductors or equivalent path so that the restora- tion to normal of a single open or a single groundaul condition in the instalation conductors or other signaling channels is tutomatically indicated within 200 seconds, Shorts between conductors shall not be requited 10 be less required by 126. 6.16, 1264 Monitoring for integrity shall not be required for a noninterfering shunt circuit, provided that a fault circuit condition on the shunt circuit wiring results only in the Toss of the noninterfering feature of operation, 12.6.5 Monitoring for integrity shall not be required for connections 10 and herween supplementary system compo- nents, provided that a single open, groundfaull, of short conditions of the supplementary equipment or cting means, or both, do not affect the requited ‘operation of the fire alarm and/or signaling system, 12.6.6 Monitoring for integrity shall not be required for the Greuit oF an alarm notification appliance installed in the same room with the control equipment, provided that the notifies tion appliance circuit conductors are installed in conduit or are ‘equivalently protected against mechanical injury. 12.6.7 Monitoring for integrity shall not be required for a lwouble notification appliance circu 12.68% Monitoting for integrity shall not be required for the interconnection between listed equipment within a common enclosure. 12.6.9 Monitoring for integrity shall not be required for the interconnection between enclosures containing control equip ‘ment located within 20. (6 m) of each other where the conductors ate installed in conduit or equivalently protected ‘against mechanical injury 126.10 Monitoring for integrity shall not be required for the conductors for groundfault detection where a single ground- fault does not prevent the required normal operation of the 126.11 Monitoring for integrity shall not be required for pnetimatic rateofrise sstems of the continuous line wype in ‘which the witing terminals of such devices are connected in multiple aevosselectically supervised circuits. 2022 Eton 72.86 NATIONAL FIRE ALARM AND SIGNALING CODES 126.12 Monitoring for integrity shall not be required for the interconnecting wiring of a stationary computer and the computer's keyboard, video monitor, mouse-lype device, or touch screen, as long as the interconnecting wiring does not exceed 8 1. m) in lengthy is a listed computer/data processing cable as permitted by NFPA 70; and failure of eable does not cause the failure of the required system Funetions not ited from the keyboard, mouse, or touch sereen, 126.13 Monitoring for integrity of the installation conductors for groundfault condition shall not be requited for the ‘communications and transmission channels extending from supervising station to a subsidiary starion(s) or protected prem- Jses, or both, shat comply with the requirements of Chapter 26 and are electrically isolated from the fire alarm system (or ‘ircults) by a transmiter(s) 126.14 Interconnection means shall be arranged so that a ngle break or single ground-fault does not cause at alarm, gna, 1.6.15 A wireto-wire short-circuit fault on any alarm notifica- sion appliance circuit shall result in a trouble signal in accord- ance with Section 10.15, except as permitted by 126.5, 126.6, or 26.11 126.16 Where «wo or more sjstems are interconnected, the systems shall be connected using Class A, B, N, or X ezeuits as described in Section 123 12.7% Nomenclature, The following nomenclature shall be used to identify the required properties of the system(s) intes- connections and pathway survivability: (1) Systems) interconnections (2) Pathway survivability levels (not required if Level 0) (8) Shared pathway levels (noc required if Level 0) (A) Pathway class designation Chapter 18. Reserved Guapter 14. Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance 14.1 Application, 14.1.1 The inspection, testing; and maintenance of systems, their initiating’ devices, and’ notification appliances. shall comply with the requirements of this chapter 14.1.2 The inspection, testing, and maintenance of single-and, muliiplestaion alarms and household alarm systems shall comply with 14.4.5 and 114.6. (SIGHOU) 14.1.8 Procedures that are required by other parties and that exceed the requirements ofthis chapter shall be permitted. 14.14 The requirements of shis chapter shall apply to both, new and existing systems, 14.15 The requirements of Chapter 7 shall apply where refer: enced in Chapter 14. 14.2 General. 14.2.1 Purpose. 14.21.18 The purpose for initial and reacceptance inspee- tions shall be to ensure compliance with approved design doc 2022 Eston ‘ments and 10 ensure installation in accordance with this Code ‘and other required installation standard, 142.1.2% The purpose for inital and reacceptance tests of fire alarm and signaling systems shall be w ensure system operation in accordance with the design documents, 142.1.8° The purpose for periodic inspections shall be to assure that abyious damages or changes that might affect the system operability are visually identified, ‘The purpose for periodic testing shall be to statisti- cally assure operational reliability 14.2.2 Performance. Performance Verification. To ensure operational integrity, the system shall have an inspection, esting, and main- tenance program, M422.1.1 Inspection, testing, and maintenance programs shall satisty the requirements of this Code and conform to dhe ‘equipment manufacturer's published instructions* Inspection, testing, and maintenance programs shall verify eorreet operation of the system, 142.22 Impairments. Where an automatic function of a fire alarm oF signaling sjstem is taken out of service for testing and ‘manual means or other compensatory measures are wnavail- bie, the stem or portion thereof is impaited and shall comply with the requirements of Section 10.21 until the automatic function is restored Deficiencies. System deficiencies shall be corrected, Ifa deficiency is not corrected at the conclusion of system inspection, testing, or maintenance, the ystem owner or the owner's designated representative shall be informed of the deficiency in writing within 24 hours, 1422.88 In the event that any equipment is observed to be part of a recall program, the system owner or the system ‘owner's designated representative shal he notified in writing, 42.2.4 Observations. Ifobservations are noted, they shall be permitted t0 bbe communicated to the system owner 142.242 The stem owner shall not be required to address such observations unless the observations become an impair. ‘ment oF deficiency 14.23 Responsibilities. 1423.1 The propery or building or system owner or the ‘owner's designated representative shall he responsible for inspection, testing, and maintenance of the system and for alterations oF additions to this system, 1423.2 Where the propemy owner is not the occupant, the property owner shall be permitted 10 delegate the authority and responsibilty for inspecting, testing, and maintaining the fire protection systems to the occupant, management firm, or managing individual ihrough specific provisions in the lease, written use agreement, or management contract. 1423.3 Inspection, testing, or maintenance shall be permit- ted to be done by the building of sistem owner or a person or INSPECTION. TESTI IND MAINTENANCE, mer ‘organization other than the building or system owner if ‘conducted under a writen conta 142.34 Where the building or ystem owner hus delegated any responsibilities for inspection, testing, oF maintenance, copy of the written delegation required by 14.233 shall be provided to the authority having jurisdiction upon request. 14.235 Testing and maintenance of central station service systems shall be performed under the contractual arrange ments specified in 26.83,° Service Personnel Qualifications and Experience. Service personnel shall be qualified and experienced in accord- ance with the requirements of 10. M24 Notification. 14.241 Before proceeding with any testing, all persons and facilities receiving alarm, supervisory, or trouble signals and all building occupants shall be notified of the testing to prevent unnecessary response, 142.42 Av the conclusion of testing, those previously notified {and others, as necessary) shall be notified that testing. as been concluded 1424.3 The owner or the owner's designated representative and service personnel shall coordinate system. testing 10 prevent intermuption of crtieal building systems or equipment, 14.2.5 System Documentation. Prior to system maintenance for testing, the recont of completion and any information required by Chapter 7 regarding the system and system altera- tions, including specifications, wiring diagrams, and Moor plans, shall be provided by the owner or a designated represen Iative to the service personnel upon request 142.51 The provided documentation shall include the ‘current revisions of all fre alarm software and the revisions of software of any systems with which the fire alarm software inter faces. The revisions of fire alarm software, and the revisions of the software in the systems with which the fire alarm software interfaces, shall be verified for compatibility in accordance with the requirements of 14.26 Releasing Systems. Requirements pertinent to testing the fire alarm sjstems initiating fire suppression system releas- ing functions shall be covered by through 14.2.6. 14.2.1 Testing personnel shall be qualified and experienced in the specific arrangement and operation of a suppression system(s) and a releasing function(s) and shall be cognizant of the hazards asociated with inadvertent system discharge, 1426.2. Occupant notification shall be required whenever a fire alarm system configured for releasing service is being sere iced of tested, Discharge testing of suppression systems shall not be required by this Code, 14.264 Suppression systems shall be secured from inadver- tent actuation, including disconnection of releasing solenoids fo electric actuators, closing of valves, ather actions, or combi- rations thereof, for the specific ystem, for the duration of the fire alarn system testing 14.2.6. Testing shall include verification that the releasing circuits and components energized or actuated by the fire alarm system are electrically monitored for integrity and oper- ate as intended on alarm, Suppression stems and releasing components shall be returned 10 their functional operating condition upon completion of sytern testing, 14.2.7 Interface Equipment and Emergency Control Functions. 142.7. Testing personnel shall be qualified and experi enced in the arrangement and operation of interface equip- rmentand emergency control funcuons, 142.72 Testing shall be accomplished in accordance with Table 144.82, 14.2.8 Automated Testing. Automated testing arrangements that provide equiva- lent means of testing devices to those specified in Table 14.43.2 at a Frequency at least equivalent to those specified in Table 144.32 shall be permitted to be used to comply with the requirements ofthis chapter. 4.282 Failure of a device on an automated ces shall result ian audible and visual trouble signal, 14.2.9 Performance-Based Inspection and Testing. As an alternate means of compliance, subject to the authority having Jjurisdicion, components and stems shall be permitted to be nspected and tested under a performance-based program, 142.10" Test Plan, A test plan shall be developed to clearly establish the scope af the testing for the fire alarm ar signaling system, ‘The test plan and resus shall be documented with the testing records 14.3 Inspection. 143.1% Unless otherwise permitted by 14.32, visual inspee- tions shall be performed in accordance with the schedules in ‘Table 14.3.1 oF more ofien if required by the authority having jtisdietion. 1.32% Devices of equipment that is inaccessible for sety considerations (e., continuous process operations, energized electrical equipment, radiation, and excessive height) shall be permitted to he inspected during scheduled shutdowns if approved by dhe authority having jurisdiction 4.3.8 Extended intervals shall not exceed 18 months. 14.34 Initial and reacceptance inspections shall be made to censure compliance with approved design documents and to fensure installation in accordance with this Code and other required installation standards, 143.5 Periodic visual inspections in accordance with Table 14531 shall be made to assure that there axe no changes that affect equipment performance 144 Testing. 144.1 Initial Acceptance Testing. HA.L.1 AML new systems shall he inspected and tested in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 14. 2022 Eton

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