P6 SCIENCE Combined Prelims 2013 SHHK

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MRS A TER DAR SR Sa Rl 2H. BGT . ee ‘SINGAPORE HOKKIEN HUAY KUAN, 5-SCHOOL COMBINED PRIMARY 6 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS TAO NAN « AITONG * CHONGFU + NAN CHIAU » KONG HWA. 2013 B= SCIENCE BOOKLET A Date : 27 August 2013 Total Time for Booklets A and B: 1 h 45 min INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1 Wie your shoots namo, ram, register number and clas, Do nol open this bootet unl you are tol to do so. Follow allinstructions careful. 4 Answer questions. *Y Shade your answers in the Optical Answer Sheet (OAS) provided, “This booklet consiets of 24 printed pages, School: _ - Name :_ ) | TOTAL Class _ ey Soction A (30 x 2-marks) For each question from 1 to 30, four options dre given. One of them is the cortect, answer. Make your choice (I, 2, 3 4). Shade the correct oval (1, 2, 3.0F 4) on tho Optical Answer Shoet. 4. Anne drew the diagram below to show how sugar and water are Wansported to and from different parts ofa plant, represented by arrows L, M, N and P. Leaves Roots ‘Which of the folowing are transported by the arrows? i a () [Water Water @ Water Sugar =] @ (Sige ‘Water 7 ® “Sugar___[-_Sugar Bly observed grass growing everywhere on a patch of feld except under a tree as shown inthe picture below. tallies Which ofthe following explains the absence of grass under ths tree? (2) The geass cannot grow well in the soil at thse 2) The leaves ofthe tee block rainwater from reaching the grass, {@) The short roots of the grass cannot absorb enough mineral salts. (@) The tree blocks sunlicht from reaching the ground directly under i: 3. Four blood samples, A,B, C and D, were taken from diferent blood vessels in ‘forent parts of the hurman body. ‘The graph below shows the amount of carbon dioxide found i each ofthe blood samples. ‘Amount of carbon dioxide (on?) a 8 fy Blood samples Which blood sample was most likely taken from the blood vessel canrying blood from the lungsto the heart? he @ 8 @ @ © 4. Which of the folowing shows the fe cycle of a buttetiy? o ‘Adit @ ae YX “ON. Adult Pura Nymph —+ Egg Lava ® o Z 5m \ Papa Auk Nn wl Se \ pw Nf 5. Fred placed a dry red bean seed jlo each of the four beakers as shown below. Which ofthe seeds wil germinate? Paced ina dark cupsoard Placed at an open field ¥ rubber TE ssver cap cap 7 water dry 77] ferteer o os Placod ina refrigerator Placed beside an open wintow uber ~LLILE ivver cap cp il ———— @ 6. ‘Wendy wanted to find out the amount of moisture affects the amount of mould “growing on bread, She lot two simlar pieces of bread, bread A and bread B, in {wo identical jare as shown below. aietight cap, ICE bread A broad B ‘A fow drops of water siete added to bread B only. Then both jars were capped. ‘After a fow days, Wendy removed broad A and bread from the jars and placed them site by side, Which of the folowing would be the most Healy ‘bservaton made? mould ‘read A ‘bead & bread A bread & 0 @ ‘mould bead B bread A ® a 7. _Aresearcher mapped the locaton of Pant A, Plant B and Plant Cin an area as, shown below. L} a @ Land B ky bee oS (O Plant A, A Plant 8 Bt Plant ‘The researcher found the following fits in the same Which ofthe following matches th fruits tothe parent plats? Fruit X Fruity Fruit Z I pod wing-ike structure afibrous husk Fruit X Fruit Fruit a Plant A Plant 8 Plant C @ Plant A Plant C. Piant ®) Plant 8 Plant PlantA @ Plant C Plant 8. Planta 8. Emily studies the leaves of Plant X as shown Below. How do the needle te leaves help plant X survive ints habitat? (1) Theyhelp to increase the rae of photosynthesis, (2) —_Theyhelp to reduce heat los to the surroundings. (2) _Thoyhelp to reduce water loss fo the surroundings. @) —_Theyhelp to hold the plant upright to obtaln sunlight ®. 10, Four boys competed in a 100-meiro race. The table below ‘shows theic breathing rates before and immodiatoly ater the rac. [Name ~~ Breating vato (number of beats par minuto — Beforethe race | Immediately ater tho Maiooin_—_——~|— a ca Ntzon 7 20 zr [fiver ——— zi 28 atic ie 24 ‘Based on the table, which of the following ie dafritely tuo? (1) Matoolmis the fitestboy because his breathing rate aller the race ie kowest (2) ‘The older boys’ brezthing rates increased more than that ofthe younger boys? (8) The increase in the number of breathe pet minute fs the same for Olver ad Pate (Nelson is the fastost runner beoaitse-his breathing rate afer the race is highest. The disgram below shows tho underside ofa leaf, tiny openings. Which ofthe following are the functions ofthe iy openings? ‘A. Take in suniighit to mate food Allow the piant to remove excose water as water vapour © Allow the plant to exchange gases with its suroundings Transport food mati in the leaves tothe rest ofthe plant () Band C only @ — Cand Doniy @ — ABand Dont. @ —-ACand Donly 14. Acciontst wanted to Investigate how digestion takes place’ the boty. He took samples of food as i passed through five parts, A, B, C, D and, of the digestive systom as chown below. part B part He plotted the amount of undigested food atthe five parts on a graph below. ‘Which ine best represents the relative amount of undigested food in the various parts ofthe human digestive system? ‘Amount of undigested food Path Pal PatG PatO Pat& 12, Study the food web botew. SNS ao *s ‘When animal T migrated out of the habitat, the numberof arial @ remains the ‘Which ofthe folowing graphs shows how the populations of R, S and U are most ikely to be affecioe? ay co} 2 5 8 & % 3 2 2 Tine ey 4) 2 é - as < 5 u g B S 3 g 2 10 413, As camels vein areas with low Taina there i a lack of food so they feed on dried leaves, thorny twigs and cact Which of th folowing isa structural adaptation that helps the camel feed on its food? Haid hooves to move on desert vegetation, ‘Anum to store ft so that it naed not feed so often ‘Bending its necx down 0 feed on desert plants. “Thick, leathery fps which prevent fs mouth from being plerced or cut casi un 14. A scientist was studying a healthy population of deor ina forest over time. Ho noticed a sudden change in the population sizeof decrafer tho 10" day, Popatation ‘size of deer 1000 Time (ays) Which of the fllowing explains the change inthe population size of deer ater the 10 day? (1) A tiger entered the forest and started to hunt the decr. @) ‘A forest fre startodby farmers clearing the forest spread out of control, @) A disease started to spread among the forest plants frm Day 10 onwards (A species which competes wit the deer for food wes introduced on Day 10. 2 15. The food web below shows the relationship between 7 organisms, A, B,C, D, F and G, in a habitat ISAS. A Based on the food web, which ofthe fllowing shows the correct classification ofthe organisms? Producer) Predators) Prey ) [Boniy ‘C.D and G only [A and E only @) [Band Eni ‘0, and G only [A, C, O and F only @) [Band E only C.D, and G only |... and G ont (4) [B,Eand oniy ‘C,Dand G ony ‘CyFand G only B 16. ‘The diagram below shows four objects, A, 8, C and D, ina container of water. ‘They are made of diferent materiale, a 8 Based on the above dagram, which of the folbwing classification tables correctly represents howthe objets, A, 8, Cand D, are classified’? ~ aie ‘Objects Diss not allow] Awe moet Floaton water] Sink a watar any ight to pass | ight to pass through ‘rough . 8 [Mew ae oo] Table Ww Table X [Bie aoc ‘With painted [Ro parte ard Sere edges edges ABS o ob xe] J Table ¥ Table 2 () Table and Table x only @)—TableX and Table ¥ only (@) Table W, Table X and Table Y only @) Table W, Table ¥ and Table Z only 4 17. Diagram K shoive some crushed Ico being heated i atest tube. After all the ioe had melted, the water was heated to'60°C. Then the flame wias removed and the water was allowed to cool as shown in diagram L, camp festtube FL water crushed ioe ~ : Diagram Diagram L ‘The temperature of the meting ice and heated water over a period of tine was Plotted in a graph shown below. A Temperature i) 8 ° Time (in) Which ofthe folowing represents A, B and C? x ee (1) | Room temperature | ling point ofiee_ | Water af 6°. @ Boling point of ~ | Room temperature | Freezing point of water | water @ ‘Water at 60° | Room temperaiuie | Weling point offee @ Waier at 60°C | Meling point of ico_|- Room temperature a5 18. Aman standing on a fat ground noticed his shadow cast infront of him, ‘Atwhich postion, W, X, Yor, isthe Sun mast tkaly ta be found af? o @ @ ® Nex 19. Four thumbiacks, A, 8G and 0, were attached fo a metal rod with somo wax. ‘When the metal rod was heated ata certain postion with a candle ame, the thumbtacks stated to drop in the order of B, C, A and D. metal rod RIT? Position Y Postion Z Avwhich postion i the terme mos! kay to be? (i) Postion we @) Position x Position ¥ (@)_ Position Z 16 20. The diagrath bolow shows a eicuit card wees onl the card. {A cout tater is connsctod to two of tho paber cps at a timo. The results are recorded below. Paper clips tested Bulb of eculttostar Rand Does not int up “Rand Tihs wp Bande ‘oes net ght UB Band ‘Boas nal ight up ‘Cando ‘Boas nat gt up Which ofthe paper cips flare defritely made of plastic? () Bonty @ Doniy (8) AandCenly (® A.Cand D éaly 7 Fur paper clips are used to secure 21, The diagram below shows 6 bulbs connscted together in a circuit -@4+—®- 82 st 83 4 —| @ Which of the switches, $1, $2, $3 and 84, must be closed for all the bulbs to Tight we? (Stand $4 only @ s2anassonly ©) $3 and $4 only (4) S2and $3 only 18 22. dian dropped a baskotal rom a certain height. The ball bounced to a lower height each time it hits the ground as shown in the diagram below. + basketball Which ofthe fotoning descves the change in kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy from point A to point Band from point 8 to point C? o e 0 Pout At Paint Point to Point © 19 Gravitational | Kinetic | Gravitational ‘Gnete eney) sotential energy | energy | potential energy ‘Tecroases | —aveases | ~ decreases ingrwases | docreases | — increasos ‘decreases | decreases | _inereasas —inereasss: ‘decreases | 23. Amy set up an experiment using a balinoe and three magnets; J, K and L. Alt tives magnets have the same mase and size. —— balance magnets —| EE weiote — i) — Diagram 1 =e —— balance weight magnet J —| magnet —| Diagram 2 ‘When magnet Kis placed below magnet J as shown in Diagram 2, the distance between the two magnets is $ cm. When magnet K is then replaced by magnet | the distance betwaen magnet J and magnet Li 2 em. Which ofthe fotowing statements islare is? A There isa fores of repulsion between magnet and magnet K. B Magnet L can attract more steet paper cps thaiy magnet K ffom the same distance © When magnet K is tured around such that the opposite end faces ‘upward, the balance wal tit dawmvard at the weight (1) Bony @) Aand Conty (® Band Conty () ABandc 20 24. ALhand pump was used to pump more ai into an inflated basket basketball hand purnp Which of the folowing oxplains why the size of the basketball remained the same? (1) Ait oscupies space. 2) Solids have a definite shape. (8) Gases have no definite volume, (4) The mass ofthe basketbalremains the same, 25, Irfan noticed a worker using a toa to clean a glass window. He observed that the rubber stip ofthe too! dd not make any scratches on the window. rubber stip A 1 -metalbody lass window Which of the following conclusion can fan most likely make? (1) Glass is harder than rubber. 2) Glassis stronger than rubber. (2) The glase window is smoother than the rubber stp (4) There's no ficion between the glass window and the rubber strip, a 28, “Three pupils each mace a statement about the beneft of using paper bags ‘compared to the disadvantage of using plastic bag in toxms of thelr impact on the environment as shown below: ‘Thomas: Paper bags can be roused while plastic bags cant be rts. ‘Aisha: - Paper bags are biodegradable while most plastic bags are not biodegradable Xing Ruis Paper bags ere, man-made while plas bags are made fori natural ‘Which ofthe folowing pupils has/have mad a correct statement? (Aisha only 2) Thomas only @) ——Aishaand Xing Rui only (@) Thomas ‘and Xing Rui only 27. “The picture below shows a car which was parked inthe open on a sunny day. metal body “The temperature ofthe ar inside the car ang outside the car was measured at 17100 a.m. ad 3.00 p.m, Tine TTeniperatare of air inside | Temperature of alr _ tho ear (°C) outside the ear (°C) _| Ti.o0am: 40 3 3.00pm, 60 33 ‘Which ofthe following explains the above observations? (1) More heat was rapped inthe car due Io the greenhouse effect. (@) The metal body conducted more heat than the glass windscreen. (@) There was mors carbon dioxide insce the car than outside the car. (4) There was an inerease in the amount of groenhouse gases in the car. 2 28. The diagram below shows a celing fan. Which of th following coracly shows tho energy conversion when the fan és In operation? (1) Blectcal energy —> kinetic energy + sound energy (2) Bletical energy —> kinetic eneigy —> sound energy {@)_ Chemical potential enerey —-> kinetic energy + sound energy (4) Chemical potential energy —> kinetic energy —> sound eneray 29, Mani filed 2 250 om® messing cylinder with water. He fled another 250 em? measuring cylinder with only small marbles as shown below. Next, he \ransferted both the water and the marbles into a 1000 em? messtiring ‘ytd, marbie water measuring oyinder What was the most fkely volume occupied-by the water and the marbles in ‘the 1000 en? cylinder? (1) 280em" 2) 4800n" @) 00cm 4) 1000 cn 30. Matthew wanted to find out how a change In the téniperature of water would affect the amount of salt dissolved in water over a fixed period of timo. He recorded his findings ina table shown below. —Fomperature ofwalor CC) ‘Armount of saik dissolved (a) —] Eo 7 480 2 eg a 360, 240 Which ofthe following graphs shows the cortet reults? Amountof Amount Sah dsshed a sat sohed @ ® NN Temperature of water (©) “Temperature of water (°0) o @ Terporaturo Temperate ‘fwaierC) ofvater 6) \—_____+ ‘Aanountot ‘oun of Salt sated () Sakensohed (6) ® a End of Booklet A 24 FMAMBA AR FERDAR—BR SPH» Rl» Sei + GF - EAE SINGAPORE HOKKIEN HUAY KUAN 5-SCHOOL COMBINED PRIMARY 6 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS TAO NAN + ALTONG « CHONGFU + NAN CHIAU + KONG HWA. 2013 #2 SCIENCE BOOKLET B Date : 27 August 2013 Total Time for BookletsA and B: 1h 45 min INSTRUCTIONS To CANDIDATES 1 Wio your schoots ari name, register number and class. ‘Do not epen this booklet Unt you are told to do so, 1 Foliow all instructions carctlly. Answer all questions. “This booklet conslete of 19 pent pages. School: Name _) | TOTAL Class 40 ‘Soction 8 (40 marke) ‘Write your answers to the questions, from 31 to 4, in the spaces provided. 81, Simon mace a model othe human respiratory system with four main pats, A, 8, Cand, _— ole in cap opening open base: Aballoon, Br plastic bottle —— sting rubber shoot D holow glass tube 0) ‘Match the parts, A, B, C and D, to the parts of the respiratory System in the table below. Part, has been matched tothe daptragm for you. [1], [Paris of the respiratory oyetem ry diaphragm c Wind ips = age VA ©) Simon completed constnscting the lung model with te parts, A, B, Cand D, as shown below. Dihotiow glass tube! | A: baloon }—B: plastic bottle Cnbber sheet Simon's toachar showed him tho following picture of a human respiratory ‘system and euggested that Simon improve on his curent model ‘Ways to improve the lung model , VA 82. Daniel cated out an experiment. He placed a ine grasshopper into a sealed box as shorm below. 98 sensor. | — seated boxe \yoeite — Lasser Dataosoe He then used a datalogger and gas. Sensor to record the amount of nitogen ‘and oxygen inthe box over a period of 12 ou, (@) The graph below shows the amount ef nlrogen and oxygen inthe box at the sar ofthe experiment. Complete the graph by showing the amount of rirogen and oxygen atthe end ofthe exparimant ator 12 hor. 2 Nitrogen Narogen Onygen Oxygen an) (end) (tan) (ena) (Ea chaneinte ana cf ngs ste ond ofa epatnat 38. Séeds W are depersee by animals, (@) Based on the prtue above, describe the adaptation those seeds have that blp them in tol clspersal by armas tl {b) Label on the digram, the adaptation in) m (0 Explain how he aceptation menfoned a (a) halps inthe faut lepersal. {1} @ ® ‘Tho diagram belowshows a plant cel. Which parti, P, 0, R, S andlor T, kare not found inant animal eek?) ‘The plant cot was soaked in a liquid containing substance X. The coll does not allow substanesX to enter. When pat Q wae removed, substance X sil could not enter the cel. Give a reason fer this observation, m " | 35, Abin wanted to find out if iforent leat slzes produce different amounts of ‘oxygen during photosynthesis. He sot up the experiment below using an aquatic plant with small eaves. ey tate beaker inverted funnel water aquatic plant ‘He did not have a ga sensor to measure the amount of dkygen reloasad by the leaves. (@ Suggest how he could measure the amount of oxygen released by the plant without addtinal apparatus. mm (©) Alan conducted the experiment with another aquatic plant that had the: ‘same number of leaves which were larger. He presented his resus in the graph shown below. Amount of oxygen released (unis) al Pian wih Plant with ‘smal leaves larger leaves Based on the’ graph, what is the relaioship between the amount of coxygon released ard the size of the leaves i ‘ VA (© Gea reason for yeur answer n(), 0 3t 3, “The graph below. shows the average ambunt of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere fem 1980 ~ 2010. Average mount of abon ‘sade (ents) 960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year The graph below shows the average global temperature readings” fom +1960 — 2010 Averane ‘global temperate cc) 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Yoar (8) What isthe rolatonstip between the amount of carbon dioxide in the almoephere and the average global tomperature? fo) (©) Explain how reforestation (massive planting of trees) could reduce the average global temperature over me 32 iM a. ‘The diagrem below shows Carine'sfaily tree, gO 7-O O bd Carokne key Malovitoatacredeastes, (>) Fenslewihou aad eos FB veto win attache catotes @® Feraie with attached eartebes For each ofthe following statement, put tek (x) nthe corract bax, based on the farnily 22 provided. ey ‘Siatonients Truo | Faizo | Notpossibe ‘otell TB) Bath Caroline grandfathers have attached earlobes. (©) Carol's cid would Rave no = attached earlobes. () Garvin sister itera te ‘caleba from hor father ached (@ Caron has one wnle 38, James poured some hol soa water into a glass jr. He placed the jar into a basin ‘confining tap water at 30°C and covered with a dry lid as shown in the set-up below, Fooin temperature = 30°C ——— glass far (2) Which figuid, 20a water er tap water, would show decrease in tomperatura afer 15 minutes? Explain your answer. el {(b) James removed the Bd ard collected 10m of water which was found under the id. Next, James repeated the experiment by replacing the tap water with ice watoe at 2°. With tis change, would the amount of water found under the tid ‘bemote than 10ml or less than 10m? Give a reason for your answer. va . LI 39. Kay: Wen consinicted-s homemade fan using wooden stick inserted into a straw. A tread with-a 100g block attached to twas wound around one end of the trav as shown below. The fan spun freely when the 100g block Was released. ‘Kay Wen counted the nunber of turns mado by the blade ofthe fan in 10 secon, wood atic straw ‘tveas | [1009 sok ‘Alunljum bia (2) Whioin the boxes provided, the energy change and enecytansfer invohed when the enemy (in the bak) block was released, i - | _ |__enersy (i the fating block) {inthe rotating blade) Kay Wen repeated the activty with blocks of citferent masses, blades of diferent materials and a diffrent. number of blades. She recordod her results in tho table bolo. ‘Setup | Maes of | —ateratofbtade | Number of — Number of block (g) blades: tums made int0 seconds a [00 Rao —t =| 8 [200 atin [: r c 300 Aluiniun D “001 Copper e 200 —| Copper E 500 — [Copper (©) —_ Whatis the relationship between the mass of the block and the number of © tums made in 10 seconds? tH] ‘Which two set-ups shouid Kay Wen choose to ind out if blades of ferent ‘material affect the rumber of turns made in 10 seconds? 1) 40. The setup below consis of two ring magnets, X andY. oth south (@) Explain wh ring magnet x is foaing above ring magnet: tf amp ‘magnet Y Co (©) Aplastic disc's held in place between ing magnet X and fing magnet. ‘The distanco, 6 romsined the same. (0 Based on your observation, name one propertyofthe plastic disc. 1), (Explain why the distance, 4 emained the same, oT , 4 41. Solvam placed a plank or a brick and measured the angle of inciation. He thon ‘sod a. Spring balance te pull a {kg wooden bloc along the plank es shown, below. He measured the force needed fo pull the block up the plank and recorded the readings. spring balendo yr pal Wooden block: ~ brek (@) Using some povede:, desctibe: how he could repeat his exporiment if he wanted to find out F adding powder would make the surface of the plank ‘smoother. The steps, 2 and 4, had been wren for you. 2 Step Place the same 1-kg wooden block on the plank 7 Resse and record the amount of Toree needed fo move the ‘wooden block 38 [— 42... Josl conducted ‘an expatinent to find out how diferent materials, A, B aid co, affect the amount of ight refectedal diferent distances botwoon tho material and the tight soures (den): The-set- ap is shown inBiagram ~ tergestox — ‘ore ay materittested fight sensor coniected toameter: Diagram 4 First, he placed material A atdiferent distances away trom the light source and each time, he used a ight sensor to measur the amount of light that as ‘oflected, He repested this activity with material B fllowed by material C. He recorded the results and potid the graph bolow. ott Distance, d (em) (2) Draw on Diagram 4, a ray of ight to show how light from tho torch is tected bythe ight Sansa. ic) ‘ VA How does the raised pattem hep to prevent people from slipping? a Joet should conduct his fn. enx ©) ain why oel hold conduct his enerient inn oie, dsb © @ te afar test Put a ticks in the boxes fo indicate the variables that should rémiain the sane to ensure afatost. i [matt toe Position ofthe ight sensor Crit ai sot cece The picture below shows a worker repairing the ground next to a pavement at night sgh aA ‘slver Yards Sased.on the resuits of Joe's experiment, whicn material would be most Suitable for making siver bands on tafic cones to wam motorists Who Navel at night? Explain your answer. 0 a 48. tts Tey poured the same-amount of het tea nto singletayer glass cup anid @ ‘double-layer glass cup as shown below, single-layer dass cup doubletayer glass cup, When holding the cup vith her hands, Mrs Tey noticod that the double-layer cup {alt cooler than the sngl-tayer cup. Explain hor observation, el 2 “4 Kinetic energy >Kinetic energy The greater the mass Of the block, the greater the number of tums made by the blade in 10 seconds. Set-up Cand F. age? 40)a)The tike poles of both ring magnets, X and Y are facing each other so they repeteach other and:that kept X suspended above ¥. ')i)The plastic disc is mace of non-magnetic material ii)The plastic-disc allows magnetism to pass through and did not a affect ‘the magnetic strength of the magnets, X and Y, sod remains the same. 41)a)1)Add powder on the entire surface of the plank. '3)Use the spring balance to pull the wooden block up the plank. b)The surface of the metal cover will become rougher and friction between the shoes and the metal;cover will increase to prevent people from slipping. 2a) ')So that light from the surroundings will not interfere with the experiment and-cause the readings to be wrong. ov ’ d ‘Material C. Ttis able to reflect the most amount of light compared with the other materials so silver bands from far away. 43)Air is @ bad conductor of heat. A single-layer glass cup has no air soit conducts heat from the:hot tea to the her hands faster than the double-layer lass cup. 44) Pages

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