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CHIJ ST. NICHOLAS GIRLS’ SCHOOL Primary 6 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION ~ 2014 SCIENCE BOOKLET A 24 August 2014 CLASS: Primary 6__ ‘otal Time for Booklets A and B: 1 hour 45 minutes ‘30 questions 0 marks Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Follow all nstructione carefully Answer all questions. This booklet consists of 21 _ printed pages. 1 ‘Section A (80x 2 marks = 61 marks) For each question from 11020, four options are given. One ofthem is the correct anewer: Nake your chokee (1,2, 3 or4). Shade the correct oval (1, 2, 3 or 4) on the Optical ‘Answer Sheet provided. 4. The graph below shows how the strength of wind affects the dispersal of fruits of plants Dand-E . js No.of seed dispersed ° —e Song wind “Which ene ofthe fotoning shows what the tris of plant E probably fo tke? a @ ® Ye . 2. Which ofthe following statements about a spore and a pollen gain is/are true? A Both ae requited for reproduction. B_Botheanbe dispersed by wind only © Botha produced by lowering plants. 1B Bothfsewith the ovule dring ()— Acnly @ Bony @ and Cony @) Band Dony 3. “The diagram below shows the cross-section ofa flower. Based on the diagram above, which one ofthe folowing statements is definitely nue? o @ @ @ The flower wil develop into a bunch of frit. “The presence of paris A and C attract ineects tothe lower. Many seeds can be found in the fruit that wil develop ator fetitsaton, ‘The flower is wind-polinated because part B is sticking out from the flower. Which of the folowing statoment(e) about the process of human fertilisation Fnlare we? ‘A The fixed egg dovelops in the uterus ofthe female reproductive ‘ate: B Al the eggs produced by the ovaries will eventually develop into young organisms © Usually more than one sperm wil enter the egg to increase the chances of terization. D_Fertsation starts when the coll membrane of the sperm fuses with the cellmembrane ofthe egg. (1) Aonty 2) Deny @) AandC only (4) BandD only Mes Potts wanted fo grow some potied plants in a two- tered wooden cupboard Te dhown below. Certain pars of the cupboard wee made of glass as indicated. The cupboard was located directly under a fluorescent tamp. She Dought some plants to put on the top tier of the glass cupboard 2s shown If ste wants to pat another row of plants at the bottom tier of the glass cupboard, which one of the follovting type of plans wil be able to grow most hrelthily when placed at the bottom tor? o ® @ Harte caried out an experiment fo find out the effects of lot intensity, amount ‘of carbon dioxide dnd temperature onthe rate of photosynthesis. She obtained ‘the following results. i — ticaten esas =e (0.19% carbon dioxide t 30°C z $ cork dois i tev orem dota? e Tightiniensiy ‘Which one of the folowing statements about the effects of external Factors on the rate of photosynthesis is false? 0 ® ° o Rate of phctosythesis increases with increasing light intensity untl iis limited by ofr actors. ‘Temporature wil bs a factor affecting the rate of photosynthesis in an ‘environmen ic in carbon dioxide, Al the same temperature, the rate of photosynthesis isnot affected by the ‘amount of cabon dioxide present. At the same fight intensity, the rate of photosynihesis sles affected by a ‘change in temperature than a diferencb in the amourt of earbon dioxide present. 7, Organism M fves in the coastal region It produces a glue-ke substance to ‘tach itselfto rocks so that t does not get washed off easily by strong waves. {K ectettst conducted an experiment to find out how temperature affects the efiecveness of the glueke substance that helps erganism M attach to the rocks: His resuls are shown inthe graph below. No.of ‘organism Mt sttachedto yo 2 30 40 “Temperatura ct water °C) “The table below shows the temperature ange of fou different coastal regions, WX. YandZ. Zz Tocation_[—W x ¥ Temperature | ioc 20% | 21% tn 26% | #01 °C 28°C 10 38°C Which one ofthe above coastal regions would the most number of organism Mt ely be found? x NXE 8. The diagram below shows the cuss-sedtion of a pond. Organisms Y and Z feed on orgarsri X only. PSC park H organism. “The graph below shows how theumber of plant H changes over S months plant H Based on the graph above, which ono of the following eatements is mst Skely the cause forthe change in the number of plant H? (1) The Bopuaton of plant K hat creased. (2) The popuaton of organism Y has increased, @) The popuaton of organism Z has increased, (4) The poputaton of organism X has Increased. 8. The diagram below shows a food web. Bazed on the foed eb above, which ene of the following is correct? Both a preyand a predator | Predator only O = HO.0 KLNP. 2) tM = ° ‘@) Tao ENP 4) —— eo 10. ‘Siva placed the same mass of dried apple slices into 3 sinlar glass jars a5 shawn in the table below. ‘The 3 jars were then sealed and placed in the ‘apboard. dart er =| "Row drops dwar |X padi fac at | Contains oly the ‘wore addedbie | was added tothe | died ape cos ‘Sod apple sce. .| dred apple ves. ‘Ao days later, Sua observed thatthe were green palches on the apple ses in Jar 1. Afer2 weeks, similar green patches were also observed on the apple sices in Jar3. The apple slcesin Jar 2 sill looked the same as before alter 2 weeks, ‘ised on her resus, what conclusion) can she make? A Food tatis moist decompose faster B_ Food emonly decompose inthe dark. C_Decorosers prefer to ive in warm places. D Silica gd absorbs most of the moisture in the jar. (1) Acniy @) Band Conly @) Aand D only @ A.B,CandD 14. Organsim G es in the desert. The two line graphs below show the relationship belween the behavioural nattoms of the Organism G and the ‘temperature changes af the desert in aay. 0 on 600 2008 80mm S36oH Based on the graph zbove; what conclusions can you make about organism G? ‘A tis tmctrally adapted to survive inthe hot desert. 8 Isacivay vel increases when the temperature Is lower. CIs behavicural adaptation helps ito survvein the hot desert Dis sucturally adapted fo survive through lng periods of drought (1) and 8 ony @) Band Cony @) Cand Doay (@) ABandDonly 2 ‘The diagram below shows a foot belonging to bird P. Which one of the following statements best describes the function of bird P's foot? (1) Bird P uses its feet for tearing food to eat. (@) Bird P uses is fect to.swim qucky in water. @) Bird P uses is feet to run very quickly on land. (8) Bird P Uses is feet to catch and hold on to its prey. 13. The diagram below shows a see organism. It has a swim bladder that ‘expands when tis being threatened. Ithas bright calous to indicate the Farge quantity of toxinit is capable of producing, wen teatened Based on the above diagram, vlich one of the folowing is not a struc adaptation ofthe organism to avoidbeingeaten by predator? (1) Spikes on its body. (2) Special swim bladder. {@)_ Bright colours of the skin, (4) Body able to expand and increase in size quicky. wv 14. Which one of the fofowing graphs shows the correct relationship between e (1) Aandcenly @) B,CandEonly @ —B.DandE cay @ —A.B,Cand E only 6 23. Thedfagram below shows a bar magnet anda nail suspended on a support. 24, ‘Based on the observation above, what wer the forces acing on the magnet and thea? A gravitational force Blasi eprng force magnetic force of attraction D magnetic fore of repulsion () Doaly @) Rand Doty @) Band C ony © A.Band Dont Five magnets withthe nds marked AJ a joined together a shown, fa Bic} e 7 FL CI \Which one of the folowing diagrams is a possible arrangement of tices of the magnets? 0 | =e [2] a rg a2 28. ‘A binjetaic stip coneists of two metals attached fimly to” each other. In the bimetalicstip below, metal X expands at a faster rate than metal W when it fs ‘imetalic stip ‘Ken wanted to use the same fype of bimetallic strip to construct a fire alarm system, {or hi, scence project shown below. a bimelato strip bimetalic strip, | i" CN holier heat from fre When the binetalic strip gets heated up by the fir, iwi bend and the two contact ‘Points wil fouch and the cet wil be closed. This will cause the bell to ing, Flowever, Kens teacher commented that there was a mistake in his set-up. What ‘was his mistake? (1) Metal should be thicker than metal W. (@)_ NetalW should be shorer than metal X. G) The stip should be made of metal X oniy. () The bimotalic strip shouldbe reversed with metal W on top. 18 26. Ablock of wood was piled across 3 diferent surfaces, EF and G, as shown inthe slagram below. The force needed to pul he block on each suface was measured. wonton block sping balanco: force surface ‘The results are shown in the table below, ‘Surface Tested | Fores neoded (Newton) Which one ofthe folowing best represenis E, F and G respectively? “sures Suilace F | —surace 6 Cl | ——earboard ass | sandpaper @) ‘sandpaper ‘cardboard | glass @) | ___ oss fardboard Sandpaper @ 95s sandpaper cardboard 9 27: Ben constructed four model planes, A, B, Cand D, using penss and construction ‘paper. The diagram below shows the top views of his model planes. wing surface A 8 He took tums to threw each plane withthe same force from the same position to fre ei the greatest distance ft could travel Which model planes must he compare I he wanted to find out he effect of the wingspan on the distance the planes traveled? (1) Aand D only Band C only @) Cand Deny (@) -ACand Dory 28, Mengl set up the experiment with two Hentcal metal cans as shown in diagram 1 bolow Both cane were file! with the same amount of hot water. She plotied the ‘raph to show the changes hn temperatuie ofthe water in café and Y. —— N 2 ‘i “Temperate (*0) ‘What was the aim of her experiment? (1) Toshow that can X retains heat bete than can Y. @)_Tofind out which canis a better conducor of heat. (G)_Toshow thal coton wool can affect tie ime taken for ater to cool down, (8) Tomeasure the fime it takes for water to cool when wrapped in cotton wool 20 29, Four studenfs, Jc; Ben, Wan and Ken, were each given a beaker containing the: ‘Same amount of water at diferent temperatures to observe the formation of water ‘droplets. They presented thei observations in the diagrams below. water (60) ‘John Ben dass covers Whose observations are cored? o @ @ @ Ben and han ony Joti and Ken only ‘loa and Ben ony ‘wanand Ken only water (60°C) water droplets water (50°C) water (10°C) wan Ken Figure 4 below shows a flack witha thin glass tube. The flask i filed wih tap wate. ‘thin glass tute — Figure 1 ate fevel foe-cold water Figure 2 Which one.f te following explains comely shat will happen when the faskis lowered into totgh of ice-cold water as shown in Figure 2? ‘Observation Of water iovel inthe glass tube w drops ramodiately “The water in te Mask loses heat ard contracts @ ‘diope meately ‘The flask loses eat and contracts || ‘drops stand then Fees ‘ieee fend thon drops “Tho ask ses Test and contac while the ‘water in the ask gains heat andeqiands, | The CHIJ ST NICHOLAS GIRLS’ SCHOOL Primary 6 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION — 2014 ‘SCIENCE BOOKLET B 24 August 2014 NAME: CLASS: Primary 6 ‘Total Time for Booklets A and B: 1 hour 45 minutes tA questions 40 marks ‘Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Followall instructions carefully. ‘Answer all questions. ‘This paper consists of 14 printed pages. ‘Section B (40 marks) For questions 31 to 44, write your answérs in this booklet. “The number of marks available fe shown tt the brackets at the end of each question or part question. 31. he dara Balow chow ae M and ho fen eb wm, ower female reproductive system (@)_ Inthe above dlgram of th tower, identy te part that ha asiilar function to pat Gof the female reproductive system andlabel as i (©) Organism B car be found visting lower M vey often. siganism 8 Yow doos fewer M and ogarism beret fem this elatonstip? a (Benefit for ower Mt (9 Benefit for organism B 132. The diagram below shows a portion ofa plant. Rings of different thickness ‘were removed fom two diferent parts ofthe stam as shown below. dear plastic Both water-canying ata Toox-canying Loaf ‘tubes removed Leaf A 1 oa eae back paper St “The plant was Kept in te dark for 2 day and watered daly before leaves, A ‘and, were covered on oth sides wih clear pisstic and black papor fespedively as. shown above. The plant was then placed under brsht sunlight for a day. ‘Both leaves were then testd forthe presence of starch, (@) On the leaves below, shade fully the parts to show where iodine solution would turn dark bie. fi (@) Explain your answer forthe shading on leaf A above. 169 Hidssan conducted an experimenttolivestigate the typeof food ants prefer He pliced four diferent types offrod, A, B, C and D, atthe four comers oF the box befor releasing 20 ants atthe centre. He observed the set-up for 145 minutes ard recorded his observations. A diagram of his set-up is show below. od_fom alto foodA | food B we} GED ama ait = 8 (2) He observed that more ants moved to food D and concluded that ants prefer feodD to the rest. Do you agree with hie? Why/? tH (©) Hassan conducted another experiment to investigate which one of the substances, Q. R, S of T, was most effective in keeping ants away fom ‘ood. He sal up the experiment as shown bolow withthe same amount of food and sitelance Q. He repeated the experiment using substances R, ‘SandT- ting ot food jcubstance @ “The graph below shows the mass ofthe food remaining at the ond of the MeL ars 7 type o'substance used to Keep ants away mace of food renaining (9) Based on Hassan’s resuits, which substance, Q, 8, S or T, was the most ‘effective inkeeping the ants avay from the food? Give a reason for your answer, a 34, Farmer Thomas used a chemical substance, X, to kil the calepilars that were ating the cabbage he was growing.’ Afier a few days, he found ‘several binds which are natural predators of catorpllars dead in his farm. (@)- Using the above information, complete the food chain below: = [t] (©) Farmer Thomas dd not want to har the birds and docided to spray a natural substance, Y, on his cabbage to keep butterflies avay from ‘hem instead Why did Famer Thomas want tokeep the butterties away? [1] (2) More and more farmers. are using natural substances rather than harmful chemicals fo control and keep pests away from their farms. State one advantage of such a decision, m1 3. Farah dipped feathers, A, 8, C and D, fom four different birds info a tub of water for 10 seconds’ She then took them out and hung thern 25 shown below to dry. pote “The tne takon forthe feathers to dry areas thown below. [ Feather. A Ba |e 3 [CTime taken to dry | —2min__[ —Smin [208 505 Based on the above resis, which one ofthe feathers, A,B, Cor D most likely belong to a bie that is well-adapted to hunting for food in the water? Explain your answer. fc 36. ‘The Carfbean Flamingos are found in water bodies of high éalt content where few organisms can suvive. They food onthe brine shrimps and brine fice that manage to fve in euch water bodies, Famingos also have very ‘ough akin on their loge and an organ to renee any excess salt from their ‘bodies. They can also stand on one feg in the cold waters. ‘betavioural adaptafon that allows’ the fariingo to survve in that ‘envionment. 2 () Stet adaptation: (8 Behavioural adaptation: (0) pin how the, boarl adaptation pat (a) lps the faningo to _sunive in the cold wales. (©) Predators ofthe flamingos do not have tough skin on their lags that withstand the corrosive acon ofthe sally waters ike the flamingos. ‘Suggest why it is an advantage for the flaingos tobe able to stayin say wales. fo) @ cy) ‘Every year, lia ionnes of rubbish are being disposed in andl sites: Much of ‘this waste comes from plastic which takes'a long te to break up. Recenty, a ‘scientist inverted a machine that can met plastic wasle and convert the toxic gas ‘produced ino usefl ol that can be futher processed make petrol, diesel and Kerosene. What effect nil the machine have onthe limited natural sources avalable? [1] ‘Suggest two other benefits to the environment i the scientist's invention was Widely put tose. ic 0 @ 38. Davidisot up an experiment using two identical bar magnets as showin the diagram below; Magnets A ard B have amass of 50g each. (@) What would be the readings for the two magnets on the weighing scale and ‘the spring balance respectively? [oF (©) How will the reading on the soring balance be affected if the thin sheet of copper is replaced by atin sheet of Fon? Explain your answer. a 120,” Study the setp below. Shawn cared out an imestigation in a dark room to study the shadows formed ky four diferent materials, A,B, C and D, 3s shown in the ‘diagram below, The materials ae of the same siz and thickness. forch materia He recorded his observations in the table below. ‘Shadow omed | Fal Wary dat ‘ery fant Dak ‘Shawn repeated his Investigation by replacing the seren with a fight sensor. The resulls are shown inthe bar graph below. 388 o888 ooo = (@) Based on Shawn's observations of the shadows cast on the sereen, fil in the bores above with A, 8, Cand D. 2 ‘Amount of ght detocted (Lux) “The diagram below shows a tie garden with plants that thrive ina sinny and warm crate (b) Which materiel, A,B, Cor D, would be the mos suitable for making the container? Exolain your answer. a se 40. The giaph below show how the lengihs of diferent springs, A B, Cand D, in diferent weighing scales change when the same weight is addod te each spring, gE 240 a Soo Length of spring ie with no weight Eo : ween F dl pu inch cente vata woott ne wed (©) Based on infomation from the above graph, what can you observe about Spting C7 oy (©) Give a eason or the observation sated in (a). a (©The diagram boiow shows a kithen scale. Figure 2 shows the spring inside the kitchen scale scale pan <> @® “ Figure + Figure 2 (Which spring above, A, B, CorD, is most likely used in the scale? [1] (® Explain your answer in (i) above, " 0 41. Simeetup an experiment as shown below. ‘He observed that the paper spiral started to spin when the cand was It. (@) Explain why the paper epral started to spin when the candle was it. (2) (0) State the comersion of energy, beginning with the candle that caused the paper spiral te spin nm u 42. The bills and batteries in the circuit below are dential Gomplte the table below by wring the lettor representing each ofthe bbs that will light up when the stated switches are closed, ‘Switches that are closed |__Blulb(s) that light up S884 SESS DES ESA 2 a 43. Usha wanted {6 find ott how the exposed surface area of water affects the rate of ‘evapuraon, She filed the folowing containers with the same amount of water to cay outer experimert. ‘Container Container Container © (0) Explain whiy Cotlainer A is rot suitable forthe experiment? n 0) Besides the exposed surface area of water, state two ater factors that affect the rate of evaporation. i 2 M4 ‘Two identical beakers containing equal amount of oe cubes were heated as shown inthe diagram below. i= fi Se-up t ‘Setup “The graph below shows the changes in temperature of foe cubes in setup 2, over a period of 6 minutos. @ ® Temperature (°C) Ling the sae tate, draw acter tne raph to show be changes in terporstueal eke ces Wackup hea potad st Smindss Ts) Stato two sinilarties betwoen the two processes ds shown in AB and CD of the graph. mM 0 - - Om End of paper— : O Exam Paper 2014 Answer Sheet School: GHIJ ST NICHOLAS GIRLS’ SCHOOL ‘Subject: PRIMARY 6 SCIENCE “Term: PRELIM ee a1 (yt 4 [it [2 2 ]2n 2 3 3 8) 7 4/78) 2 23) 2 | 4) 7 9) 2 Tay 4 2a) 4 29) 3 [3 [tos [22 [25-4 |30) «| 31.6) a ABC (0) i Organism B helps to pollinate the ower when stepping on the stigma while sucking nectar. Ti Flower M provides nectar for organism B to feed on, ‘32. (a) Sunlight was no ele to reach the part ofthe leaf covered by the black paper, ‘s0 cannot make food ard hence starch is absent for that part. (b) As only the food canrying tube is removed, leaf A sill has enough water to photosynthesis, but part af it was. covered with black paper, so that part of the leaf to photosynthesis and produce glucose which wil then convert '83. (a) No. He did not use the same amount of food for each container. There are ‘more than 1 variable changed in the setup. (©) Substance R.Ithad the most food let at substance R, which mean that nat ‘many ants had come to eat it 34, (@) cabbage > cateilar > birds (©) So that the butieries would not lay eggs on the cabbage and the caterpilars ‘would not hatch from itand feed on the cabbage. (Then tances may not cause pollution or harm to other organisms. 35. Feather C. C died the fastest showing that itis the most waterproof. Thus, the bird can keep itself wars i 20 fy away from the water the fastest. ‘38. (a) The flamingos have very tough skin oo their legs, {i They stand on one leg in the cold waters. (0) By standing on one lg, lesser surface area is exposed an in contac withthe col waters, so lesser heat wil be los, Keaping the warm enough to survive. (©) 80 they can stay safe from predators. 37.) tcan help to conserve the amount of natural resources available. (i Lesser lanl sites wil bo used a plastic will be burt inetoad of buried. TL No air pollution from burning plastics to got rid of them. = 38. (a) A- Less than 50g. 3 More than $09 {t) The reading ofthe spring balance becomes more than 50g. As ion is a magic material the repulsion force betwoen the two tlagnets cannot pass trough but instead, magnet A would be atracted {othe fon, thus pling the sping balance down, making it show more than 509, 39.) ADC {0) Material C. It atows the most ight to passthrough so the plants wil be able to receive most sunlight to carry out photosynthesis. 40: (a) The length of spring C does not change even with a weight. {0} The weight atlached is not strong enough to stretch the spring. (i. Spring B ‘i When a weights added the scale pan will move downward. This means that the spring wit get shorter. The graph shows that spring 8 get shorter when a weight is attached, it must be the one used in the Kitchen scale. 41. (2) When the candle wait, it produced heat, causing the surrounding ac to gain heat, thus the warmer air rises, pushing the sting, making it move. (0) Chemical potential energy of the candle > heat energy (ait) > kinetic energy (hot ai) > Kinetic energy (sting) 42, None; C and D; none; A, B, E and P 43. (a) The exposed surface area keeps changing as the water evaporates. (b) The temperature and the amount ofwind present. vee ty bart catre na adggt ine aa (©)i. They both require heat energy. i, Thelr temperature remains constant during the process. 44:10)

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