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1 ##Chapter 61 Come to My Room

2 During the holiday, teachers in Ferlen Middle School took the students of the competition
group to Sal City.
3 Carolyn was the volunteer and she followed Ronald to Sal.
4 They arrived at night. After registration in the hotel, all the students were in the teacher's room
and prepared for the competition
5 Carolyn and a girl went to the hotel's front desk to ask for snacks and drinks.
6 At the hall, they encountered their high school junior dean Peder Mosey.
7 "Hi, Carolyn."
8 Carolyn nodded, "Hello, Mr. Mosey."
9 Peder appreciated Carolyn for her good grades and low key.
10 Carolyn's teachers all thought highly of her, including the strictest teacher Annika.
11 "What are you doing here? The students are all preparing for the competition, right?"
12 Carolyn held up the plate in her hand and said, "I'm the volunteer. I'm just doing some
supporting work."
13 Peder felt strange and asked, "You are good enough to compete. Why didn't you sign up for it?"
14 "Thanks, Mr. Mosey. I prefer the humanities. Science is not my thing."
15 Peder didn't expect that Carolyn was not a competitor.
16 "Since you are here, then fill in for one of our students in the biology competition tomorrow.
He had a fever and can't make it."
17 Carolyn widened her eyes and couldn't believe it. "Is that okay?"
18 Peder waved his hands, "Sure. Tomorrow is the first-round qualifications. The semi-finals and
the finals are the points."
19 It was the first competition for the Ferlen Middle School in almost two years. It was an
important chance.
20 Carolyn was doing good at her grades and the qualifications couldn't be a problem.
21 In less than five minutes. Carolyn had become one of the competitors of the Intellectual
Assessment Test.
22 Peder then told the leading teacher of the team and they all felt it was a good idea.
23 Ronald was reading literature in the room. He looked up at Carolyn and then handed a tablet to
24 "Materials of biology competition are in it. You can check them tonight."
25 "Thanks."
26 Carolyn took the tablet. It was fortunate that she took all her identification papers with her.
27 Otherwise, she could just refuse Peder.
28 Intellectual Assessment Test was well known even around the world. If she could get a silver
medal, she could get offers from schools all over the province.
29 Actually, when Ronald took part in the competing group, Arthur had a talk with Carolyn.
30 Carolyn was gifted. But her ability to study was the reason that Arthur didn't let her get into the
31 Carolyn was excellent in every subject. Her teachers all believed that she could be at the top
even when she entered her senior year.
32 Ferlen Middle School was thirsting for a top scorer in the College Entrance Test. Teachers all
bet on Carolyn this time.
33 At ten pm, the leading teacher asked the students to go back to their rooms. They need to rest
and compete with the best spirit.
34 When the teacher left, the students began to chat.
35 Oliver smiled mischievously at Carolyn, "Hi, our new competitor."
36 Carolyn shrugged, "I just go for the ride. No pressure on me."
37 Oliver sneered, "At least take it seriously, okay? Don't show us up."
38 It was not easy for the school to train a competitor. Kennva High School's leading teacher was
determined to win and they all knew it from his terrible expression.
39 Kelly Scott was one of the seeds of Kennva, but after the summer holiday, she transferred to
40 Carolyn became nervous when hearing that. She held the tablet and was ready to work through
the night.
41 Ronald patted Carolyn's shoulder. "Don't worry. The qualifications don't add to the school
42 Carolyn looked at Ronald's pure eyes. She could even see herself.
43 "Go to bed now. You've been tired lately."
44 Ronald liked to sleep alone, so Holly asked the leading teacher to arrange a single room for
45 When they were in school, Hall would look for Ronald every day. He failed to see Ronald most
of the time, but this annoying guy just didn't give it up.
46 Holly had told the school leaders and Arthur to pay attention. Hall couldn't take Ronald out of
school without permission.
47 Ronald and Carolyn left the teacher's room. Oliver was exhausted and went back to sleep.
48 Only two of them were in the corridor now.
49 "Go back to your room now. Time to rest."
50 Carolyn was about to leave, but the next second, Ronald grabbed her wrist.
51 "Come to my room."
52 "What?"
53 Carolyn felt wide awake instantly.
54 Ronald's room? This late? What would her classmates and teachers think about this?
55 "Stop joking. Just go back to your room."
56 Ronald didn't answer. He just wouldn't let go of Carolyn and stared at her. Carolyn was a little
57 "What are you looking at? It's not working."
58 Ronald blinked and grumbled, "I can't sleep."
59 Carolyn was out of patience.
60 "No way!"
61 "Just come."
62 Ronald lowered his voice and was playing cute.
63 "No more discussion."
64 Carolyn turned away her head. She didn't buy it.
65 "Carol..."
66 Carolyn didn't know where he learned this.
67 He should be inarticulate and rather shy, right?
68 Then what was it now?
69 When Ronald badgered her, Kelly came with books in her arms.
70 "Ronald? Carolyn? What are you doing here?"
71 Carolyn shook off Ronald's hand and explained, "Ronald doesn't remember where is his room.
I'm helping him..."
72 Ronald murmured, "Hell no..."
73 Carolyn finally exploded, "Stop it!"

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