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Becoming a Learner chaPTER 3 Distracting Conversations In order co take fll advantage of the opportunity ofa col lege education, we must recognize the kinds of conversations that distace us fom Focusing on becoming a broadly educated, capa- be lamer, Conversations tha siderak us from this purpose are founded in some of our most commonsense assumptions about the objectives of a college education. We can heat these conver- sations in lasscooms, homes, the media, and from government leaders Yee when evaluated caeflly,chese assumptions largely ignore the importance of who we are becoming a a result of our learning and the role ofa broad-based education in personal and profesional succes, Please caeflly consider these conversations and think about how much they influence your own assumptions and attudes about college and learning. “rm going to college so I can get a good job” “Theres no question that caring a college degree significandy increases your potential to find a bette job than you could get without one. Research clearly shows that over lifeime, college szaduates have access to becter-paying jobs and on average make rignfiandly more money than those without degree» Tere are notable exceptions, but fr every exception there are thousands of cxamples that support dis esearch Becoming a Learner Although we know that college graduates generally find higher paying jobs and havea lower rate of unemployment is important to remember what | explained before: Do not mistake a college ed ‘ation for job training. When college is viewed simply as profssion- al teaining and obtaining immediately applicable job skills, much of the requited general education coursework, assignments, and research becomes frustrating and doesit make sense. This in turn generates icone sosumpcions thar cause you to overlook some of your most Important lerning experiance, Again, the primary purpose of higher education in the United Sates has never been to simply develop workers and teach them job sls but rather to help them mature into capable and contributing ‘members ofzociery who ean govern thssscles and contribute tothe ‘common good through entrepreneurship, grinfl employment, and ‘community engagement. In other words, the primary purpose of d- cation is ro develop capable, contributing citizens. ‘his is noc wo sy thar colleges and universities should be inter sted in the sueesfulemploymene of graduates. They are inverted. ‘Thais why a college eduction is designed a itis. The reason college graduates obtain higher paying obs and have lower unemployment i ‘ot metly because students lear sil specific ro certain jobs. Most ‘vocational skills roan can do thar n a matter of months. Rather, a8 means of developing the capacities of citizens, college develops the kinds of people who willbe able to be suocesfl in whatever fd of ‘employment they choose. This broad focus i not as concemed with what graduates know how to do as with how they chink and parii- pate inthe world That ie why 4 general education curiulum exist “That is why writing is stessed across disciplines. Tha is why univeri- ties require broad learning actos ll elds of study n addition ro deep learning in a specific major. FERRE ae eee eee ee eee eee eee Chapter3_ Distracting Conversations In contra, job trainings signifcanely narrower Focus primatily develops sil sts in shorter periods of time that are largely external you—job skills thar are mainly developed through pratie and routine, Knowledge specifically related to professional kills sed to particular industri and technologies that continually evolve, often aking some of ely sills hanes Bar eee wel Sill, vocational taining programs provide many exellent op- portunities for post-secondary taining in important fields Such pro- {grams are very good avenues for building a career. And not everyone has co goto college wo get a good job or curm a good wage, though ew ceryone needs some education of training ater high schol, My point. rather, i chat for those who choose ro attend college itis essential to understand tha the purpose of college education i significantly lect ta dst of job ening sewer Ron » prewar focus on job teining wont hin- dee your abil to develop professional knowledge and succesfully compete for employment after college graduation. Ifyou decide ro embrace colleges approach to developing broadly educaed, capable lezen do you have any reaon ro assume that you wouldnt be a ac csfl job candidate? Becoming a learner and obtaining profesional skills are nor mutually exchsve choices. You dant choose one othe ‘other. You simply need tole your preparation o become a contribu ing cen give meaning and purpose ro your leaning so you can take fall advantage of your education “Ihave to go to college if | want to have a good life.” ‘Asa college student you are undoubeeily conesmed about the impact of your education on your future social and economic wel. being eis true chat if you don complete a degre, you will noe have the same aces to many of the higher-paying jobs available to colle graduates. Therefore, you may have fewer opportunites for 2 Becoming a Leamer socio-economic progres. Certainly with les income over a life, this may be the ease “The probiem with this converstion is tha ie can turn education ineo an obligation instend ofan opportunity In uiles words, you hese ‘0 go 10 college to reach your goals. Regardlest of whether ar not you fee that you have ro goto college, there are signifcane problems with approaching your education as an obligation. College i no cime to ake for grated. The opportunities pre- seed to you in college wll open up path in ie shat you could not have had otherwise. Your years in college will come and go. Whether you view ths relatively shor season of your life as an obligation or as 4 opportuni wil have « sguicane influence on what you choose to do and who you become, ‘Talking about college and leening as an obligation can lad you ‘view your opportunity for education with indifference, causing you ‘o ec frustrated by the amount of time and efor requited foe some- thing that doesnt som 1 have muh inicio penne wane Aro result, your college education becomes an obstacle—something to get through and get over with In short, you begin to lose ownership over you arming, and everything about your education chat contibutes tm yr personal dovelepment i seen a «bus Indifference can make doing the least amount of work ar minimal ‘quality and with le effort seem like a good idea. Thus, viewing ed uweatlon a an obligation can create habits and attitudes that can exuse ott become let of a learner a che end of walle than you were ‘when you stared (On the other hand, talking about college and learning a an op- oreunity—regardless ofthe level of obligation you may feel—opens you 1 a level of learning that significantly influences who you be- ‘come. You approach your education with a gratitude chat recognizes the value and pose of learning, Thi perspective generates the ™ eM eee eer a ‘chapter bistacting Conversations ‘energy you need to do che best wore posible in onder co masimize ‘your personal development. ‘When you stop viewing college as an obstacle, you are ready to learn. And that laring then becomes a journey in which you have ‘ownership In this journey the proces chat airs ant, ud the ulate and mast importane autenme i yon. These. yr will work to overcome obstacles, seek challenges, and make up forthe shortcomings of your circumstance, paying for this, so it better be goo. “The qualieyof your education is extremely important. Gv dhe easing cos of tuition, the extremely high prices of textbooks, and the overal expense ofa college education, you have every right to expect that college bea valuable and worthwhile experience. You ‘want o gets much as you can for che significane amount of money and time you are investing. However, itis important that you rcognize exactly what you are pprchasing Yes, in college you wil pay tution and fes, and yo will purchase texubooks and supple, But what you are acrully paying foe is aroranl appartment noe pare similar purchasing membership roa gym. You are not a consumer of fitness and strength. You purchase acces to the gym equipment and w people who can help you reach those goal fyou do your pat ikewiee, youre nota consumer of higher education. Many people speak about making sure chat you get a good "return on investment” ‘when you goto college. Bur what dos that mean? Most often ill ced about in cerms of money spent. Your investment, however, ally money at least paying for college wont get you anything because you are only paying for access and opportuni. Just ike paying Fora ym membership and buying che appropriate workout clothes wort make you stronger or healthier. Your real investment is time, energy, ingan education, We Cee eee Becoming a Learner Cchapter3_ Distracting Conversations Ee effort, and hard work. Thats what gives you a return on your Financial lnvestment, and that return is largely dependent on you. Therefore, I {encourage you to think of yourself san apprentce—somcone whos learning co learn under th guidance of wther, Approaching college and learning at something youre purchasing will significantly decrease your ability to become a eamet. Those who view college fiom a consumer standpoint se teaching asa delivery method that doc necesuily requie personal commitment and responsibiley on the par she lernar. They expect tuchers cb ‘entersiners and believe that leaning is always supposed to be fun > Inaddition, consumers tend tobe impatient; they want tobe satisfied ‘yeh. And hey place che responsiblity tor quality on ocher Approaching college and learing at an apprenticeship, on the ‘other hand, enables you to recognize chat becoming isa steady pro- ‘es that takes rime. When you see yourself as an apprentice, you will ognize your lack of knowledge and ability and, as a role take the rsponsibily co sacrifice, seudy ha, and develop new ca. pacts, Yul recognize cha you need mentors and understand that learning includes developing relationships thar require your peson- alcommitment. ‘Too many students dont have the mindset of an apprentice. In- stead, chey sitback and expect tobe taught. And some college profer- sors may even reinforce tis view Sil, you make college valuable ex Perience when you realize thatthe quality of your education depends ‘on recognizing and aking responsibly for your steady development asa lamer. You ate not in college co buy something: you are cher to ‘become something “just n 1d to get that piece of paper” “The diploma you seecive whe you geass fi elope by portant, [tsa valuable credential chat enables you to be consdened for vatiouskinds of employment or graduate-level study and tining. Because ofthis, people often say things like, “I just need to get that piece of paper” when chey alk aboue persisting to graduation, Or Somedies when they are frustrated or dsllusioned with college dey will sy, “I can-beieve Thave todo all his work for a piece of paper” “Talking lke this might seem ro make sense because the diploma Is che tangible evidence that you receive to certify that you completed your degre. Bue llng his way aon malo i com iF your ple ‘ma has some value in and of isl that is independent of you. Teisa piece of paper. And ith an imporeant piece of paper, Buti |s simply not rue thar everyone who has a diploma is somehow the same, with similar dilly bile, knowledgs, undertanding,char- cet, and work ethic. A diploma only certifies that you have met the ‘minimum requirements fr earning. a bachelors degree. Ie says noth- ing about the kind of learner you ae, what your potential is and what your abies ars, ‘Thinking tha you just need "apiece of paper” will keep yu frm, fcusing on your persona development and your abil to learn. In stead | suggest you focus on what a diploma is actually supposed ro sll unin That you lute beanie « boa elveated person. Your Aliploma signals to other that yo know how learn and ate capable of thinking carefully abou the complexities of che world and solving Alifiale problems. If you just focus on geting tha piece of pape, youl ikely end up siving for minimum requirements, doing the las amoune of ‘work posible, and missing the opportunity ro become an educated person. In job interview, isnot your diploma that does the talking, Pee ee ee ee eee eee eee eee ea ‘Becoming a Learner sou. You're being evaluated as an educated person how you think, ‘communicate, and work. When youre an the job or working in your ‘ommuniy, your diploma doesn do anything. You do fs your work and your education that informs what you do, ‘Therefore, the excitement and energy at your graduation will not bbe because you have "apiece paper” that tlle che world you graduated fiom college. The enthusiasm of those who will be cheering for you as you walk across the stage to gee your diploma will be because your ‘education las hopefully made you a more capable, competent, and cencaed person than when you sated, Who you ee will nflance ‘what you can do, not the diploma “In the real world...” ‘We often talk about what we do outside the university or what we are going to do ater graduation as what we will do “inthe real world.” You have probubly used chat phrase yourself. The problem Js that when we assume ther ie “ral wel wr se len aecuming there is fake world, CCerainly your future work, hobbies, and other activites will not ook ikea university campus or college classtoom. Unless you become 8 profecon life afer graduation will pla you in Gisunotae are very different chan what you experience in college. However the assumption that whatever awaits you out there isthe “tel world” can lead co a perception that what you do in college doesn matte. IF ‘leg: he rel word, then why should you cate about what you Aner how you doi? ts imporeane to be excited shout the prospect of graduation and moving on ro diferent kinds of work and activities that may be ‘more appealing to you. Looking forward to those opportunities and 28 Chapter 3. Distracting Conversations ceaperiences wil help heep you moxivated dang difficule and chal lenging dimes However efering to life ouside of college asthe real world ig: ores the realty that you need to become a learner and a person of characce as a result of your education. And you need to work on becoming that parton nom I knew many profane who understnd how important i isto develop these qualities. So, for instance, they will not accep late asignments because a furure employer certainly ‘woulda’ accep Ite work When studenss protest this policy, they ‘often say, "Wel. in the real word, my work wouldnt be late. Td turn Graduation will not suddenly tur you into a responsible person who knows hove to organize im, jugle competing priorities, and prepare quality work in ime to meet deadlines. In addition, if you suid your poofsons eid dmcincey ser whl Singeemcnts or srking 9 develop any kind of working relationship with them, you cant expect chat “in the real world” youl be able to directly ad- res conflics wit your bos or be able to work well with colleagues, neighbors, or even fumsly members, You mast learn how to internalize thea qualities now. This the kind of propa your character and who yu will ecome “Therefore, you must recognize tha college i the rel word. Ie swonit be your word forever, but Fr afew years ita real as anything you wil ver experience. Tn foes f there i hing fle shout ellgs lif i chat it much safer place to make mistakes. Here, the consequences for mis- takes are minor; yu can lean from chem and move on. Fer example, ieesaferto learn how ro del with conflict and differences with profes sore and pect here than i st lar chose skills when you are in your fis job with oss and coworkers, Learning to sck feedback in onder ‘improve the quality of your work and to increase you learning ean on cha wil descrmine » Sete Tee Becoming a Learner be done with minimal rs compare tm developing this abilcy on your First big project afer college. You can use every day in college to build your character and suymene your capacity co lean independently. What you do and how you do it mattes—ie ie sel, and ie has rel consequences for who you become. "When I'm done with school.” For obvious reasons i¢s easy to se graduation as an end and a ‘moment when your education is complete I certainly thought of it shoe way when Twas a wienguate, Before I eve stepped fot on campusas freshman, had my education planned out: Twa com: plete bachelor's and master's degrees. was sure that when {reached ‘ha point every company would want to hire me because of my eut- ‘ingredge kuowlege and skis. The problem wasnt my excitement and confidence; che problem was with hove I sew myc hes I Gat ished college—complete, I somehow thought that when I graduated 1 ‘would have everything | needed tobe independently successful in my carer. I vas nave Upon graduating, ent your huvmbel ual make you valuable. In fact, you wil very key he the leer qld and expe tienced person when you start your first job. I a lesson thac every college graduate quickly learns. Therefor, your greatest valu lies in your potential, your chase, sl knowing how to learn, Yes. erduatian ican ending point, but it ie only the end of for ‘mal, classoom education. Graduation is also new stat, Infact the _graduation ceemony is called "commencement," which means a be- ising. When you graduate you begin & new season of lite where Trnoing how to lam becomes your greatit at an! dhe piay means by which you will achieve succes. In mos ces he ph and intensity of your leaning will increase significantly ar graduation. - Cchapter3_ Distracting Conversations Secing yourself as complete vt iaeperdennly succes upon graduation makes earning seem ike eomething yt nod rad in or der to get 0 your intended goal rather than the vehicle cat will cary you through all of is endeavors, Is good ra dream about finishing ‘college and to imagine your succes. Bu rather than dreaming about ‘wha you wil know when you ave Fished with culls, piste wl you will become as the result of your ques for learning. So the question is his: Will you become a capable leaner by the time you graduare?Or will you sil hae to figure that out in personal, nes where poople will expect professional, and eon you tn lea he ne? Faulty Perspectives Can you se how the conversations described above dita ou, limiting your ably to understand the full posits of college ceucation Embracing these fly perspectives in your everyday con seravone will preven you fiom becoming leer and racing your potent Te wll hinder your ability to take fll advantage of the opportunites for personal growth and development ha college ators I you nd yours aking eis way change our convention to Fs ne Fly os you Teng il wl yo ae Leng you se others making decisions based on thee Faulty sumptions, Kindly help them sce the halts in eee peaspetve chat ini thee earning. In dhe new chapter 1 suggest asco principe that wl ip you level thesis and chaser of learner:

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