Micro Ficciones Diarias Inglés

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English Academy

Semana de las letras


Conor was taking time off his job in the city due to "burn-out." As he sat in the lounge on a
Tuesday afternoon, a novel experience, his eyes glanced on the bookcase. A tome about the
history of art met his gaze and whilst marvelling at the works of Dali and Rembrandt, and many
others, he experienced an epiphany.

Conor had always loved art and now he would reconnect, painting instead of creating invisible
capital in a stressful environment. He decided to hand in his notice the next day.

Author: Guy Fletcher


I am watching my son and daughter playing baseball in the backyard. They have grown overnight. I
haven’t seen them in almost a year; they are nine- and eleven-years-old now. The garden looks
wonderful. All the new plantings from last year have grown and the roses are blooming.

My daughter throws a pitch for my son to hit. He is paying no attention and the ball flies past his
head. I instinctively reach out to catch it, then throw it back. Both children freeze.

“I told you daddy was watching over us from heaven,” my son said.

Author: Janice Siderius


Crowning Glory
I am Donald Trump’s hair. I’m not a wig, a transplant or extensions. I’m the real deal, (if a bit thin
or sparse in places), but a true living comb-over mop as you can clearly see. I have my own level of
popularity, a favorite of political cartoonists. I should probably have my own Twitter account to
keep my fans interested and intrigued. It takes $70,000 to keep my appearance as perfect as it
should be for a winner, on whose head I rest, and I am worth every penny of it!

Author: Rod Drake


School prank
It had been Billy’s idea but I’d eagerly gone along with it. With a small piece of sodium metal
procured from the chemistry lab, we’d sneaked into the staff toilets, thrown it into the toilet bowl
and ran like the wind back to our classroom. The resounding boom confirmed our prank had been
a complete success. Judging by the state of the Professor’s wet clothes, his thinning hair plastered
to his forehead and beads of water dripping from his nose he must have been in the next cubicle
when the toilet exploded. There was only one thing to say – awesome!

Author: Bex Goding


Call the doctor

Look Lois, there’s Samantha. I haven’t seen her for ages. She looks terrible. Really tired.

Well Cynthia, you do know her husband has chronic valetudinarianism don’t you?

Oh no, poor Ralph! Poor Samantha! It must be terrible living with a serious illness. Do you know
exactly what it is? It there a cure? Is it… um, terminal?

Yes, I expect it is terminal. He’s had it all his life. And, there’s another name for it… hypochondria!

Author: Sandra James

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