Bpts Basic Productivity Tools Lesson Idea Template

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Basic Productivity Presentation Tool

Lesson Idea

Lesson Idea Name: Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Grade Level/Content Area: Grade 2/Life Science
Content Standard Addressed: S2L1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information about
the life cycles of different living organisms.
ISTE Technology Standard Addressed: What would you like students to know and
Knowledge Constructor – Element 1.3.c. be able to do by the end of this lesson:
Students curate information from digital Students should be able to create their own
resources using a variety of tools and Digital Learning Story about an organism of
methods to create collections of artifacts that their choice, demonstrating meaningful
demonstrate meaningful connections or connections and conclusions. They should
conclusions. develop a firm understanding of how to use
the digital resources provided, and effectively
and efficiently use the technology.
What is the student learning goal for this lesson idea?
Students will create a Digital Learning Story about the life cycle of an organism (i.e., cat, dog,
chicken, frog, bee, etc.) They will gather information about their chosen organism, and use
the resources and technology provided to create a video demonstrating what they have
Selected Basic Productivity Tool: Microsoft PowerPoint
URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Level(s):

X Remembering X Understanding X Applying X Analyzing X Evaluating X Creating

How will this lesson be implemented? Check all that apply.

☐ Teacher-directed: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by the
teacher's direction and expectations.

X Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic for
presentation and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. Products of
learning will be uniquely designed. Teacher simply facilitates the learning in a lesson like this.

X Project-based and/or Publishable: Students are completing projects to demonstrate their learning
and the projects can be shared outside of the classroom. This objective could be reached by
displaying the project on the school’s morning newscast, posting the project to the classroom
blog, presenting it to another class, or publishing it via an outside source.
Basic Productivity Presentation Tool
Lesson Idea

Lesson idea implementation:

I will begin by showing my students my personal Digital Learning Story about the life cycle
of a butterfly. From there, I will introduce the activity to my students. I will explain the
student learning goal and introduce the technological resource they will utilize to create
their personal learning story (Microsoft PowerPoint.) I will demonstrate how to use
PowerPoint and guide them through the process of making their video. Then I will ask my
students if they have any questions about how to use Microsoft PowerPoint. Students will
be told to initially write their ideas for their video and plan how to carry them out on paper
(this is called a storyboard.) From there, they will bring me their rough draft for me to sign
off on their idea and information. Once I approve their draft, they can begin creating their
Digital Learning Story on their devices. I will dismiss my students to start working and
inform them that I will walk around if anyone needs help.
Managing the technology/engagement: Describe a way to use this technology in a way that
gets students actively involved in authentic tasks and contexts? How will you manage the
classroom behaviors on the technology:
Students will be provided information on how to utilize Microsoft PowerPoint prior to
completing their lesson. I will also inform them that there will be a time limit for creating
their Digital Learning Story, encouraging them to use their time wisely and diligently work.
The timer I will use for their time to work will be projected on the board so my students will
always know how much time they have left. I will also require my students to create a
storyboard before creating their video, which I must approve first. This will hold my students
accountable and encourage them to do their best; if they do not, they cannot begin to make
their video. Students will be encouraged to ask their peers for help before they ask me;
however, I understand that this is a new learning tool they are learning to navigate and might
require additional support from me.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL):
The tools and activities I chose for my lesson will support multiple means of engagement.
Students will be provided the opportunity to explore Microsoft PowerPoint on their own,
which will instill a sense of independence. Additionally, allowing my students to choose their
own organism to create their Digital Learning Story will give them a voice and choice in their
learning. This will motivate my students to want to learn since they are getting to choose
what to learn about, thus increasing student engagement!

Reflecting on enhanced learning:

This lesson will enhance student learning by encouraging students to use what they have
learned to create something of their own. They will have the opportunity to explore new
resources and further their knowledge on specific topics. I am looking forward to seeing what
my students choose as their organism and their final product!

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