Bernice A. King Letter Re: Troy Davis To GA Board of Pardons

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September 17, 2011 Chairman James E. Donald Vice Chairman Albert Murray Mr. Robert E. Keller Ms. L. Gale Buckner Mr. Terry Barnard Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles Two Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SE Suite 458, Balcony Level, East Tower Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Re: Troy Anthony Davis Dear Chairman Donald and Members of the Board: My Father, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. What affects one directly affects all indirectly. There is no truer a sentiment to express the threat to justice now presented to you, as the arbiters of Troy Anthony Davis fate. It is with this in mind that I echo the cries of hundreds of thousands of others in asking your distinguished body to grant Troy Anthony Davis clemency and commute his sentence of death. As daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Coretta Scott King, my family is well acquainted with the suffering and agony of losing a loved one to murder and the desire to see truth and justice prevail; as is the tragic case of slain police officer Mark Allen MacPhail. We believe, as my Father taught, The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice. In our quest for justice, we must embrace the truth of Americas promise; we must hold America to its word. As we seek solace and justice, we must be careful not to perpetuate the chain of violence for the sake of expedience. The law must seek justice knowing that the two are not always synonymous. In the case of Troy Davis, it falls to each of you to make it so. Something has gone fundamentally wrong in our judicial system when overwhelming evidence suggesting innocence is set aside by the courts. At a minimum, between new evidence and recanted testimonies, there is at least enough reasonable doubt to stop an act of state so final that it denies a potentially innocent man his life. By Judge W.T. Moores own admission, the States case may not be ironclad. Further, in your own 2007 ruling, you stated that the Board "will not allow an execution to proceed in this State unless and until its members are convinced that there is no doubt as to the guilt of the accused." In this case, doubt abounds. Under these conditions, the responsible, humane action is to ensure Mr. Davis receives an evidentiary hearing or a new trial. Short of this just action, clemency is certainly in order. As my Father said, There comes a time when silence is betrayal. It is my solemn prayer that as you deliberate, your conscience does not silently betray both self and society. Please use your power of executive clemency to restore faith in the judicial system and place justice and the rule of law in proper order. I implore you to right this wrong and land on the right side of history.

Even from his grave, Dr. King reminds us, Truth crushed to earth shall rise again. It is my fervent prayer that truth rises again under your watch. We must always remember that law free of conscience is injustice run awry. As you deliberate on whether to deprive Troy Davis of his life, please consider what my Father said four days before his assassination: On some positions, Cowardice asks the question, "Is it safe?" Expediency asks the question, "Is it politic?" And Vanity comes along and asks the question, "Is it popular?" But Conscience asks the question "Is it right?" And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right. My prayers are with you as you decide not only the fate of Troy Anthony Davis, but the conscience of humanity and the judicial system in the State of Georgia and America. The country and world are watching. We await your decision. Thank you for your audience. I am Bernice Albertine King. I am Troy Anthony Davis. We are all Troy Anthony Davis. On Assignment for the Kingdom of God,

Bernice A. King cc: President Barack Obama, Troy Anthony Davis, Martin Luther King, III, Christine King Farris, Ambassador Andrew J. Young, The Honorable John Lewis, Governor Nathan Deal, The Honorable Eric Holder, the general public

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