Humanitarian Alert-Haram Ash Sharif

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5 APRIL 2023

1. Latest developments

In the early hours of 5 April 2023, large numbers of Israeli forces raided Al-Qibli mosque in the Haram
Ash Sharif/Temple Mount compound and arrested 440 Palestinians, including at least 65 children
below the age of 18 years old. 379 people were released while the remaining 61 are still in detention.

Before Ramadan, Al-Awqaf announced that the presence of worshipers in al-Aqsa overnight (for
i’tikaf) would be limited to Friday and Saturday nights and the last ten days of Ramadan. However,
calls were made by various Palestinian groups for worshipers to stay in al-Aqsa overnight in the days
preceding passover. As in previous years, far-right Israelis have called for the sacrafice of goats inside
the Haram Ash Sharif/Temple Mount compound on the eve of passover. On the night of the 5 April,
Palestinian worshipers refused to leave the al Qibli prayer hall.

Israeli forces entered the al-Qibli mosque through the adjacent health clinic, damaging and destroying
equipment supplies and the wall separating the clinic from the mosque. The clinic is no longer

After the entry of Israeli forces, confrontations broke out with Palestinians in the mosque, resulting in
several Palestinian injuries due to tear gas inhalation, rubber bullets and physical assault. PRCS
Emergency Medical Services were prevented from entering the Haram Ash Sharif/Temple Mount
compound to provide first aid to the wounded. One PRCS ambulance was fired at with a sound bomb
and attacked by Israeli forces with batons.

Confrontations spread to areas surrounding the al-Aqsa compound and PRCS treated 12 injuries in the
surrounding areas.

All of those arrested were transported by bus to Atarot and Issawiya police stations and most were
released in the morning of 5 April. PRCS was called by the lawyers of the detained to provide treatment
to people who were being released. Medical treatment was reportedly denied to those in detention.
Twenty-five people were treated by PRCS after their release from detention.

All of the detained have been banned from returning to al-Aqsa for the remainder of Ramadan.
Since the beginning of the year, the Israeli authorities issued eleven orders banning the entry of seven
Palestinians, including four women, to the Haram al Sharif/Temple Mount compound, for periods of
between one and two weeks.

In the early hours of 5 April, armed groups in Gaza fired at least 18 rockets into southern Israel, 12 of
which were reportedly intercepted by the Israeli iron dome system. One Israeli was reportedly injured
while running to a shelter. Some property damage to a factory in Sderot was reported. Israeli forces
responded by conducting a series of airstrikes and shelling military installations in Gaza. No injuries
were reported but there are reports of damage at the sites targeted. Later in the day, hundreds of
Palestinians protested near Israel’s perimeter fence east of Gaza city and east of Khan Younis. During
the protests, car tires were set on fire and protesters threw stones and other objects towards the
fence. No injuries were reported.

P. O. Box 38712 East Jerusalem 91386 l tel. +972 (0)2 582 9962 l fax +972 (0)2 582 5841 l l
In Gaza, the Ministry of Education reportedly suspended the school day for 11 public schools (morning
shift) located close or in the Access Restricted Area (ARA) and nearby the perimeter fence of Eastern
Gaza as a precautionary safety measure.

2. Background

During the month of Ramadan, the Israeli authorities eased access restrictions into East Jerusalem
from the rest of the West Bank for traditional Friday prayers. A total of around 40,000 and 70,000
Palestinians holding West Bank IDs entered East Jerusalem on the first and second Fridays of Ramadan
(24 and 31 March, respectively) through the three designated checkpoints along the Barrier, according
to official Israeli figures. According to the Waqf some 250,000 Muslim worshipers ascended on Friday
31 March to the Haram al-Sharif for Ramadan prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque

Similarly to previous years, the Israeli authorities have applied gender-based age criteria to regulate
access to East Jerusalem during Ramadan. This year, the Israeli authorities allowed from the West
Bank men above 55 years of age, women of all ages and children below 12 years of age to enter East
Jerusalem without permits. Over 1,730 Israeli-issued permits were to be approved for defined
categories of people from Gaza to exit to the West Bank and Jerusalem for religious purposes, during
Ramadan and Easter festivals.

Since the beginning of the month of Ramadan, Israeli forces have intensified their presence and
deployed several flying checkpoints in and around the Old City of Jerusalem, including outside
Damascus Gate, where Palestinians gather after breaking the fast. On an almost daily basis, Israeli
forces have entered the Haram Al Sharif/Temple Mount compound and used force to evacuate
Palestinians in order to secure the entry of Israelis into the compound. At least 18 Palestinians have
been arrested since 23 March from inside the Haram Al Sharif/Temple Mount compound.

During last Ramadan (2 April – 1 May 2022), Israeli forces also entered the Haram Al Sharif/Temple
Mount and used force to evacuate Palestinians in order to secure the entry of Israelis into the
compound. During the month of Ramadan, a total of 279 Palestinians, including 42 children and at
least four women were injured and 577 others were arrested. During one of the operations, on 15
April 2022, Israeli forces arrested 470 Palestinians, including 60 children, the majority of whom were
released later that day. Extensive damage to the al-Qibli mosque windows, doors and carpets were
also reported.

3. Humanitarian impact and response

During the night of 5 April 2023, access for first responders was prevented and treatment for the
injured was delayed, including while they were in detention. The clinic in the al-Qibli mosque is no
longer functional due to the severe damages sustained.

OCHA conducted an initial visit to the Haram Ash Sharif/Temple Mount compound in the morning of
5 April to meet with Al-Awqaf and to verify information about the events. The team visited the clinic
that was damaged, spoke with officials, worshipers, and health staff.

WHO led a follow up meeting with Al-Awqaf health manager to better understand what would be
required in order to re-establish the clinic. It was agreed that, if needed, a list of supplies would be
shared with WHO/Health cluster partners. Concerns were raised by senior Al-Awqaf officials that the
closure of the clinic in al-Qibli would place a strain on the one other clinic in the Haram Al
Sharif/Temple Mount compound. They also highlighted that coordination with Israeli authorities to

P. O. Box 38712 East Jerusalem 91386 l tel. +972 (0)2 582 9962 l fax +972 (0)2 582 5841 l l
bring in supplies and equipment is a major challenge. In a separate meeting, PRCS highlighted the
access and security challenges their medical teams faced whilst trying to reach the injured and how
they have not been able to staff their mobile clinic in the compound due to access restrictions.

Health Cluster partners are ready to support with additional medical capacity if the situation
deteriorates further.

The Protection Cluster is following up with partners regarding the treatment of detainees.

OCHA has raised concerns with the Israeli MFA regarding access of ambulances to the Haram Ash
Sharif/Temple Mount compound and has requested a focal point to engage with on this issue.

OCHA and partners remain on standby to further assess needs and coordinate appropriate
humanitarian responses if the situation escalates further.

4. Proposed actions by Member States

In addition to ongoing efforts from Member States to preserve the status quo:
• Member states should raise concerns regarding the denial of access for first responders to
the wounded and the delay in access to treatment for those detained.
• Member states should reinforce in their engagement with Israeli authorities their obligation
to respect and protect medical personnel, facilities and transport. Ambulances and medical
teams should not be hindered while conducting their duties.

P. O. Box 38712 East Jerusalem 91386 l tel. +972 (0)2 582 9962 l fax +972 (0)2 582 5841 l l

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