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Chapter 1
It was a cold winter’s day when everything went wrong. Far away, into the depths of the humid,
dense Amazon rainforests of Brazil, lived an embarrassment of pandas leisurely gnawing a pithy
piece of bamboo. BANG! Abruptly, a sudden crash of what seemed like a red laser promptly swung
its way into the panda’s diminutive lair and with a crash, everything was gone. Including the pandas.

Chapter 2
Simultaneously, in a pretentious manor, Spy Monkey and his faithful assistant, Olivia were having
dinner when precipitously, Spy Monkey’s wristwatch started beeping desperately. “ It looks like we’ll
have to ‘meat’ again in the distant future but now it’s time to fight crime.”

Sprinting out of the vast, monstrous, mountainous mansion, Spy Monkey and Olivia plummeted into
the colossal, immense Monkey Mobile.

Chapter 3
Once they had arrived, Spy monkey sprung out of the Monkey mobile and onto the grimy, littered
pavements. He looked up to see an immense, blimp object. Spy Monkey was intrigued. “ I guess
there’s no turning back now.” Said Spy Monkey as the the eerie, supernatural darkness fell upon

Chapter 4
As his eyes adjusted to the eerie darkness, Spy Monkey’s eardrums screamed in agony as a
bloodcurdling howl reverberated through the derelict heap of earth. “Spy Monkey!” They had her!
Franticly, Spy Monkey scanned the room then beckoned for assistance, alas, none was forthcoming.
His Mind, dancing with scenarios of the torture Olivia could be enduring, he got a grip of herself. “Spy
monkey focus!” He whispered through gritted teeth. Olivia started to cautiously pick the lock of her
shackles with her trusty, faithful safety pin. Then in the distance, she could hear the faint
murmurings of her captors

Chapter 5
With a delirious cackle, “ Haa Hee Hoo! I knew the weak, frail Spy monkey wouldn’t escape the
clutches of the great mighty Dr. Hyena!” Exclaimed a henchman. It was then that Dr. Hyena pounced
into the room. “No! I thought I had vanquished you!” Spy Monkeys eyes widened and exclaimed in

“Ha! No! I cannot be defeated. I am the mighty Dr. Hyena.

“Realised our plan have you?” Dr. Hyena smiled with his toothless grin. Holding himself back, Olivia
pretending to be shackled, waiting for the right moment to strike.

“It has been my destiny to make the pandas of Brazil die and go extinct. I will use my Dis-array to
vanquish all of the bamboo so that the pandas won’t have anything to indulge!” Exclaimed Dr. Hyena.
At that moment, Olivia broke free of the rusty, dusty shackles and declared, “Not today, Hyena!” “Ha
ha ha ha ha ha, don’t you forget, I have spy monkey.” Dr. Hyena gestured to the opposite side of the
cavern, where spy Monkey was hung upside down all tethered up over a vat of bubbling, scalding
panda stew. “You have a choice, you can either save spy monkey or your pandas. Make your choice.
And don’t forget, choose wisely.”

And with that Dr. Hyena whacked the button that fired the almighty dis-array. “Have that Pandas!”
The End…

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