Overview of ww1 Student Questions

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Overview of WW1 Name:Bubba

Who were the main groups?

Triple Entente:

France, Britain, Russia

Triple Alliance:

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

How did it get started?

France wanted to take back land that germany had taken from it, Germany wanted to take more of
everyones stuff. Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand goes to Bosnia (a country that wanted to leave Austria
Hungary) and gets assassinated. Austria-Hungary sends impossible demands to Serbia (because they
were funding the terrorists that killed Franz.) and when Serbia declines Austria-Hungary declares war,
Austria-Hungary and Germany are friends, Serbia is friends with Russia whos friends with France, And
they all declare war on each other, Germany's plan was called the Schlieffen plan, Britain is pissed that
Germany is invading neutral countries.When Germany invaded Belgium Britain declared war on

Mostly. Britain was also feeling threatened as the Super Power by Germany because Germany is building
a bigger and better economy and navy.

What fronts were there initially? Why did they expand to include other countries?

There were two fronts in ww1,

The Western Front and the Eastern Front

Why did Trench warfare start?

The Germans were digging trenches to be in defensive positions, They were much safer from machine
guns, They also stretched across France because each side didn’t want the other to outflank them AND
they wanted to be the first to reach the sea so they could set up naval blockade so that the other side
could not resupply.

What made Italy change sides and join the Entente?

France and Britain promised Italy some of Austria-Hungary's land.

What finally made the US join the Entente? Did it make a difference?

Germany sent a message to Mexico telling them to attack America, Britain intercepted the message and
showed it to the Americans and then America joined the Entente. America helped win the war.

What were some reasons for it ending? List several reasons.

1. Germany couldn't import food.

2. Germany didn’t have colonies for more men.
3. Everyone was already exhausted.
4. French troops didn’t want to fight anymore.

What was the aftermath? List several outcomes/consequences.

The treaty of Versailles, The Germans had to reduce its military, Germany had to accept war guilt and
Germany had to pay all countries that were involved in the war. There were 17 million dead and 20
million wounded.

Helpful videos links:

https://youtu.be/dHSQAEam2yc WW1 Oversimplified Part 1

https://youtu.be/Mun1dKkc_As WW1 Oversimplified Part 2

https://youtu.be/fi1OyVB2laY World War One (ALL PARTS) Use only 0-10:30sec. The middle of the video
is long and just discusses battle after battle. Jump to 38 minutes and go to end.

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