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Internship management system for


Group members
1. Helina Girma
2. Metages Amanuel
3. Gashahun Geremew
4. Kebede Dule
5. Samuel Yohannes
6. Feven Gulma

We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our supervisor and co-internship
student, and Mr. Asamnew who works in SNNPR science and information technology bureau, all who
has encouraged us and help us giving any sort of suggestions to engage in an embedded design project
and also provide the guideline and tips along the way developing this project.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE:........................................................................................................................................1
1 INTRODUCTION:...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 BACKGROUND.....................................................................................................................2
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM:......................................................................................3
1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT:...........................................................................................4
1.4 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS.......................................................................................................4
1.5 METHODOLOGY TECHINQUE:................................................................................................5
What is Iterative Model?.............................................................................................................................5
Benefit of using Iterative Model..................................................................................................................6
1.6 PLAN:...........................................................................................................................................7
1.6.1Time Schedule of the Project.......................................................................................................7
1.6.1Time Schedule of the Project.......................................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO:........................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Problem of the Existing System.........................................................................................................8
2.2 The Proposed System........................................................................................................................9
2.3 SWOT Analysis.................................................................................................................................9
2.3.1 Strength..........................................................................................................................................9
2.3.2 Weakness........................................................................................................................................9
2.3.3 Opportunities...........................................................................................................................9
2.3.4. Threats.........................................................................................................................................10
CHAPTER THREE:..................................................................................................................................11
3.1 System Overview.............................................................................................................................11
3.2 Functional Requirement...................................................................................................................11
3.3 Non-Functional Requirement...........................................................................................................12
CHAPTER FOUR:....................................................................................................................................14
4.1 Use case model................................................................................................................................14
4.1.1 Actor Identification.......................................................................................................................14
4.1.2 Use case Identification..................................................................................................................14
4.1.3 Use case Diagram.........................................................................................................................14
4.1.4 Use case modules..........................................................................................................................16

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5.1. UI design (screenshots)...................................................................................................................31
5.2. Database design..............................................................................................................................31
5.2.1. ERD design..............................................................................................................................31
5.2.2. Logical design..........................................................................................................................32
5.3. Architectural Design Patterns(MVC)..............................................................................................35

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Manual process need to be done for this system, manual process means, the student or intern's candidate
need to fill a paper form, and also need to submit it by hand to the office. During the training, candidates
need to keep update in the logbook about their daily routine of the training by writing it and paste any
attachment in the logbook. Finally, progress of the training in the logbook will be examined by supervisor
in company every week, and by university supervisor at the end of the training by write it in the logbook.
Internship Management System is a management system that handles the process of the industrial training
by computerize and online. Process focus in the system is selection of company, updating their log, and
registers the company supervisor in the system.

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Internships are the way to explore or expand the related knowledge and skills required in a real world
situation and experience to enter into a particular career field. Internship Management System (IMS) is a
comprehensive tool for coordinating an internship class with the goal of facilitating continuous
communication between the Director, supervisor, advisor, the system admin and the internship
students.By using IMS, internship students save a lot of time as they can communicate electronically with
the organization workers.A student wishing to take an internship class can access the system for getting
information on companies having internship programs.The system also allows students to electronically
submit a proposal to the supervisor of their choice.The system admin has the ability to add and modify
company information as well as view all the internship students they are advising for the
internship.Supervisors are also notified when a new internship student submits a proposal and the
instructor has a choice of accepting or rejecting it.The supervisor can update the progress of a student and
students after successfully signing into the system,They can view their progress and email the supervisor
should any questions arise.The administrator would be a caretaker of the entire system responsible for
important tasks of backing up the database and restoring an archived database if needed.Administrator is
the only one who can add faculty members to the system. All users of the system can update their
personal information like password, email address and phone number.


The sector has been in operation as a group since 1996, then at the departmental level in 1998 and since
July 2000. Subsequently, it was established as an ECOTE Development Agency under the Capacity
Building Bureau in accordance with the Re-Proclamation No. 127/2002 to organize and determine the
powers and functions of the executive offices of the region. It is established as an agency accountable to
the administration.
The Southern Nations, Nationalities and People's Region (SNNPR) government has recognized the need
to examine the organization, powers and functions of the executive bodies in order to make the country's
transformation effective, sustainable and institutional, and to fulfill its regional mission in accordance
with the level of development. The two institutions, the Institute and the Communication and Information
Technology Agency, have merged to form a new science and information technology bureau. The
Regional Council of the Southern Nations, Nationalities and People's Region (SNNPR) held a meeting on
08/02/2012. It is known that the Proclamation No. 180/2012 has been approved
Therefore, in the past, the two institutions have been implementing scientific information technology,
which is accountable to different sectors and fulfilling their own regional missions.
Based on the experience gained in the federal and some regions of our country, the successful
establishment of the two institutions at the bureau level and the establishment of the Bureau of Science
and Information Technology will create better capacity and favour to carry out effective activities in the
Instead, it is expected that we will be able to use our limited resources and work in partnership with our
stakeholders in the best possible way, realizing that it is more responsible and requires better service and
quality of service than ever before.
Therefore, the bureau should provide services in state institutions from the state to the kebele with
modern technology and to ensure good governance and reduce waste of resources by making the service
modern and efficient.
In addition, by expanding and expanding modern information technology in the society, our society will
be able to access the information about agriculture, market, health, education and other information
nearby. At the same time, it is important to consider the role of the private sector in the development of
technology to ensure rapid growth.
The first ten-year development plan of the Bureau of Science and Information Technology will be
implemented by the objectives and public directorates of the Science and Information Technology Bureau
at all levels during the strategic planning period of 2013-2022. The plan document includes a strategic
focus area, strategic goals, metrics, targets and strategic measures, a data collection system, a monitoring
and evaluation system.


The performance and effectiveness is dependent on an efficient system of information compilation,

records and transfer; i.e. an efficient information management and co-ordination system. The process of
collating, recording, disseminating and managing internship student information is carried out

disorganized and very often subject to the personal tendencies and circumstances of individual officers
and Directors. Thus, Internship Management System (IMS) seek to address the following issues:

 Lack of proper, accurate and concise information about the internship, poor performance of the
system during information retrieval due to inefficient storage of data, lack of proper and accurate
record keeping of stored information and finally lack of review process.
 Actual communication is time-consuming and improper since the way of communication is not a
centralized system, business-oriented and student-oriented.
 The lack of an IMS has many disadvantages; as a result, the businesses/companies use different
sources to find an intern. Educational institutions do not have any system to ease the processes of
internship application and attendance.

 The office has no predefined schedule of training and sometimes accept trainee beyond capacity.
 Evaluation result paper is given to student so, it become difficult to assure whether the university
got paper or not.



The goal of the system is to enable online interaction withapplicants and their supervisors and automate
the entire process; thereby eliminating a huge amountof paperwork and manual tasks.


To specifically mention the objective of the project internship management system, we can
specify them like the following:

 To provide a reliable security access in order to avoid tempering with stored data.
 Help students in creating personal enterprise, start and run their own business
 The system is to enable online interaction with applicants and their supervisor and
automate the entire process ; thereby eliminating a huge amount of paperwork and
manual task.

 To keep the record of the Internship students.
 To reduce manual work and redundant information.
 To improve the system performance and efficiency.


1.4.1 SCOPE

The impact of using computer applications to the teaching and learning processes is becoming important
issues and this project attempts to provide a solution to these issue Thus we aim to develop an online
internship management system that works by allowing the SNNPR information technology bureau to
deploy a web based system, to collect applicants data, review that data, make a decision and then continue
to interact with applicants and reviewers. The goal of the system is to enable online interaction with
applicants and their supervisors and automate the entire process; thereby eliminating a huge amount of
paperwork and manual tasks.

Theproposed system is limited on recording, storing, updating and retrieving internship student
information. The project initially implemented to SNNPR information technology bureau only. The
system runs through internet connection that is the main limitation that the system not runs in any other
medium. And some other limitations are the following.
- Attendance system will not be automated
- Internship agreements will not be automated
- Does not apply to university with no partnership agreement
- Doesn’t allow advisers to communicate with their Internship students


In order to achieve the goal and objective of this project, the methodology of this research is summarized
under the following headings;


 Personal Observations

The direct approaches of interviewing and questionnaires provide valuable user feedback based on the
questions asked of them; however, there are times when direct observation may be better suited in
requirement gathering. To get a better understanding of a user in their in current work environment our
team tried observe the user themselves on their daily work routine.


A System development methodology refers to the framework that is used to structure,plane, and control
the process of developing an information system. A wide variety of such frameworks have evolved over

the years, each with its own recognized strengths and weaknesses. One system development methodology
is not necessarily suitable for use by all projects. Each of the methodologies is best suited to specific
kinds of projects, based on various technical, organizational project and team consideration. There are
many types of system development methodologies from these we use here is Iterative methodologies.

What is Iterative Model?

The iterative model is a particular implementation of a software development life cycle (SDLC) that
focuses on an initial, simplified implementation, which then progressively gains more complexity and a
broader feature set until the final system is complete.

Benefit of using Iterative Model

 Some working functionality can be developed quickly and early in the life cycle.
 Results are obtained early and periodically.
 Parallel development can be planned.
 Progress can be measured.
 Less costly to change the scope/requirements.
 Testing and debugging during smaller iteration is easy.
 Risks are identified and resolved during iteration; and each iteration is an easily managed
 Easier to manage risk - High risk part is done first.
 With every increment, operational product is delivered.
 Issues, challenges and risks identified from each increment can be utilized/applied to the next
 Risk analysis is better.
 It supports changing requirements.
 Initial Operating time is less.
 Better suited for large and mission-critical projects.

 During the life cycle, software is produced early which facilitates customer evaluation and

1.6 PLAN:
1.6.1Time Schedule of the Project

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Chapter one and two

Chapter three

Chapter four

Chapter five


1.6.1Time Schedule of the Project

Project expenditure Quantity Unit price in The day total Total price in 45
birr price day
Transportation - 15 90 4050
Miscellaneous(photocopy ,cost, - - 200 200
paper, binder,pen)
Total - 15 290 4250

2.1 Problem of the Existing System
 Time limitations - sometimes completing aims, achieving learning outcomes, and gaining
proficiencies can take time, but unfortunately, the duration of the internship is limited to the
volume prescribed by the curriculum. An increase in the amount of time spent can happen due to
the learner (slow learner, earlier gaps in study process, psychological obstacles, etc.), supervisor
(tiredness, overloaded with main work, motivational problems, etc.), the educational institution
(unclear learning outcomes and/or purposes, not enough cooperation with the university) p
 Competing demands - the interests of internship base (especially if these are in contrast to the
needs of the trainee), administrative interests. In case of different expectations and demands, the
internship provider for mostly chooses their main function and the interests and needs of the
learner are left behind.
 When supervising, the companies originate from conditions and not from learning outcomes - this
makes finding an aim and planning the internship more difficult. On the condition that the choice
for traineeship base has been suitable when creating the learning situation, the supervisor must
take into account the possibilities of internship provider and propose corresponding aims, which
will assure learning outcomes are achieved.
 A large number of students - this puts extra workload on the internship places, lowers motivation,
tires supervisors and this in turn decreases the quality of practical study.
 The inability of internship places to offer a training that is diverse enough - internship places may
not be able to offer a multifaceted practical learning - there are definitely learning outcomes that
you can achieve in those, but often study remains rather shallow because the company does not
use the techniques, procedures, and processes that the learner should acquire in their daily
 Not enough resources - lack of suitable internship places, trained supervisors, and additional
resources (for example not enough tools, traineeship is unpaid, etc.).
 The internship environment is not study/teaching friendly, everyday work takes place at the same
time - completing the daily main functions of the internship place takes its toll on the supervisor’s
time and energy resources and often Being overloaded with workdue to the trainee in turn causes
frustration, and this is sometimes taken out on the trainee.
After evaluating the current system, we can conclude that the system is:
Monotonous of its operation

 Inconsistent
 Incapacitated

 Unreliable
 Unproductive
 Substandard
 Redundant

Having considered all these, it becomes obvious that a new online computerized system is needed for
internship management system in Ethiopia.

2.2 The Proposed System

The proposed online system had been fully equipped with contemporary security, Since the system to be
implemented is already predefined, it is assumed that based on the problems actualized in the existing
system, the new system is technically, operationally and economically feasible. The significance of this
study is to serve better than the existing system, enhance database and improve effectiveness, efficiency
and security of the system. Also to give appropriate attention and quick access to prospective application.
It is also intended that the study will assist in the development of a new and hopefully better computer
aided system. The Proposed system is more accurate than the existing system and its performance is also
very good. It is available.
2.3 SWOT Analysis
2.3.1 Strength
 It is more secure, that means the manual system is not exposed for hackers like the computerized
 It can work without internet and electricity so missing of electricity or internet has no effect on
the manual process.
 To use the manual system it does not require computer knowledge so there is more users are there
than computerized one.
 It is flexible.
2.3.2 Weakness
• Lack of accurate and concise information, due to this there is lack trust.
• Time consuming, to process the manual system we wait to get the access.
• Lack of data about internship student that take training before this time.

• There is no time schedule, due to this different internship student come in different time.
2.3.3 Opportunities
 New market:- developers of the system get chances of market to develop another software
 New technology:- company must have to make sure that it keeps on upgrading its technology.
Make possible that their internet connections were available at every time. They start providing
terminals even client needs it or not. It also creates an impact and increase their reputation in the
mind of clients.
2.3.4. Threats

•Cost of service is high

•Increased number of competitors
•Speed of Internet connection

3.1 System Overview
As previously mentioned in statement of the problem, there are a lot of problems associated with the
existing system of the Internship Management System. The main aim of the proposed system is to
implement Internship Management System which allows users to use in simple way, check the
availability of Internship records and overcome to those problems. The proposed system accompanied on
the simple application of Internship management and database control mechanisms. The system addresses
problems which were incorporated in the existing system.
3.2 Functional Requirement
Functional requirement explains and describes what things are performed by the system. Describe user
tasks that the system needs to support. Generally it’s the interaction between the system and the users or
functionality we are going to get from this system. Functional requirements also capture the intended
behavior of the system. This behavior may be expressed as services. The following are some functionality
of new system:-

Login: - enables users to login in to system.

Manage company information: - system admin uses to manage company information.
Manage users: - users of the system are managed by administrator.
Register: - users except student can register to the system by inserting their accurate information
in the form provided.
Manage directorate: - directorate is managed by the zerf.
Approve internship request: - is used to approve the internship request by zerf.
Manage internship request: - managing internship request sent from ILO, achieved by
Manage student data: - enables directorate to manage student data.
Assign supervisor: - directorate assigns supervisors for the students of the internships with this
function of system.
Approve student result: - student result is approved by directorate before sending for
Send student result: - enables directorate to send approved student result for the department.
Manage report: - enables company supervisor to manage report from the student.
Send report: - this is used by student to send daily and final report for company supervisor and
for university supervisor.
View result: - enables student to view her/his result of internship.
Request for internship: - enables department to request of internship for ILO.
View internship response: - enables department and ILO to view response for their internship
Send partnership request: - enables ILO to send request for partnership with SNNPR SITB ICT
Company which is viewed by company directorate and approved by zerf in company.
Send student list: - enables university department to send list of students that needs internship.
Manage university supervisors: - university supervisors are managed and assigned by the

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Manage student result: - enables department to manage student result.
Confirminternship request from department: - enables ILO to confirm or give response for the
request sent from department.
Logout: - logs out the users from the system.

3.3 Non-Functional Requirement

This are most critical than the functional requirements of the system. In order to identify the non-
functional requirements of the proposed system the following categories are used as framework.

 Performance and Availability

o The system shall be available all time of the working day. The system shall respond in a
very minimal duration of response time.

 User interface

o The system is able to run on the operating system like UNIX, Linux, Windows and soon
because it is web based.
o The proposed system is easy to use for internship students and other users.

 Computer Security and Access

o The system will promote username and password to login into the system.
o It identify the users

 Backup and Recovery

o The system prevents damage of data from simultaneous change and system failure.
o The system shall restore the system to its last consistent state.

 Data
o The System shall store the data in the relation format
o The system will protect the data against unauthorized disclosure of information.

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4.1 Use case model
In this sub chapter we will identify the actors of the system, identify use case of the system, we design the
use case diagram and give description for our use case diagram.
4.1.1 Actor Identification
In our system we discuss that there are seven actors that are System Administrator, Zerf, c. supervisor,
Department, Directorate, Internship students and the ILO.
4.1.2 Use case Identification
The possible use cases for our system are listed below.
They are:
 Login
 Report
 Logout
 Manage
 Manage users
 Mange directorate
 Approve request
 View report
 Send report
 Assign supervisor
 Send student list
 Manage student result
 Request internship
 Approve student request
 Manage student list
 Manage c.supervisor
 Send student result
 Manage request
 send report
 View result
 Confirm department request
 Request partnership
 View response

4.1.3 Use case Diagram

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Fig 4.1. use case diagram 1

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Fig 2. Use-case diagram 2
4.1.4 Use case modules
User management module
This module describes all about user account management in internship management system. Most of the
time this is done by the system administrator. Under this module main account management tasks are
done such as managing company information (like adding company information, updating company
information and updating company profile), backup system database, managing users(this includes add
new users, activate user account, block users that are stopped working in company, in the case of
completion of internship and in the case of user withdrawal or may be other cases, update users
information when it is needed, change administrator password ); another function under this module is
that authorized users like supervisors, directorates, departments are able to register by themselves by
inserting their right kind of information but they can use their account only when the system administrator
had activated their account based on their information accuracy; this is useful for the security of the
system because unauthorized users are not able to register by themselves and get privilege to use the
system; in this case students cannot register themselves to the system because department generates
account for their legal students and students get their account information from department and needs to
login. To get in to the system every user is required to enter his/her accurate information and gets their
pages to access only based on their role. That means if the role of the user is “student” the system directs
to student page, if the role is “zerf” the user is directed to the zerf page and so on.
Internship control module
This module talks us about the control for the flow of work in the internship that is vital for the internship
activities to be accomplished. Under this main internship activities are carried such as managing
directorate, approving request sent from directorate, managing student data, assigning supervisors of the
company for students, managing internship requests sent from Industrial linkage office(ILO) of internship
requesting organizations, approving the final result of the students and sending it to the department. Major
functions under this module are performed by zerf and directorate of company.
Internship tasks and report module
In the time of internship for students there are tasks and reports that express the progress and performance
of those tasks. In this there are some activities including managing report(such as sending report from
student to supervisor and from supervisor to directorate, viewing those reports, and others about report),
sending student result for directorate, also students are enabled to send their daily report and final reports
to company supervisors(SNNPR SITB ICT) and for university supervisors, and students can view their
results, students get their account information from their departments. In this module company
supervisors, university supervisors and students have higher responsibility.
Request partnership and evaluation module
This module contains mainly the communication issues between requesting organizations for internship,
and organizations that are responsible for taking internship students and giving response for the request,
also contains evaluation of internship tasks for the students. This contains sending request sent from
department to industry linkage office(ILO), getting response from ILO, sending partnership request for
organizations from ILO, getting partnership response from company directorate, sending internship
students for organization, managing university supervisors, managing result of each students, and finally

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confirmation of request sent from department to ILO. In this module mainly department and industrial
linkage office have wider responsibility.

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Sequence Diagrams

Fig3 sequence diagram of ILO request for partnership

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Fig4 sequence diagram login

Fig5 sequence diagram of directorate to assign supervisor

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Fig6 sequence diagram of admin to manage user accounts

Fig7 Activity Diagram of department to register and give feedback

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Fig8 activity diagram for assigning supervisor by department

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Fig9. Activity diagram for sending request

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Fig10 Activity diagram for login

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Fig11 activity diagram for registration

Fig12 state chart diagram of login (below)

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Fig13 Activity diagram for assigning supervisors

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Fig14 state chart diagram for register

Fig15 activity diagram for manage account

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Fig16 state chart diagram for create account

Fig17 state chart diagram for update account

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Fig18 state chart diagram for delete account

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System design

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5.1. UI design (screenshots)

5.1.1. Home Page User Interface (screenshots)

5.1. Login User Interface (screenshots)

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5.1. Dashboard User Interface (screenshots)

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5.2. Database design

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5.2.1. ERD design

5.2.2. Logical design

Admin table
Attribute Type Size Constraint
Admin_ID varchar 20 Primary key

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Name varchar 100 Entry mandatory
Start date date - Entry mandatory
DOB date - Entry mandatory
Phone varchar 10 Entry mandatory
City varchar 30 Entry mandatory

Users table
Attribute Type Size Constraint
User_ID varchar 20 Primary key
Name varchar 100 Entry mandatory
Role_ID int - Entry mandatory
Org_ID varchar 10 Entry mandatory
Phone varchar 10 Entry mandatory
Status int 1 Entry mandatory
City varchar 30 Entry mandatory

Attribute Type Size Constraint
Org_ID varchar 10 Primary key
Org_Name varchar 100 Entry mandatory
Org_type varchar 50 Entry mandatory
Description text 1000 Entry mandatory
City varchar 30 Entry mandatory

Zerf table
Attribute Type Size Constraint
Zerf_ID int - Primary key
Zerf_Name varchar 50 Entry mandatory

Partnership table
Attribute Type Size Constraint
Partnership_ID varchar 30 Primary key
Org_ID varchar 10 Entry mandatory

34 | P a g e
Zerf_ID int - Entry mandatory
Directorate_ID int - Entry mandatory
Date_approved date - Entry mandatory
Requested_Date_ date - Entry mandatory
Description text 1000 Entry mandatory

Department table
Attribute Type Size Constraint
Dept_ID varchar 20 Primary key
Dept_Name varchar 50 Entry mandatory
Org_ID varchar 10 Entry mandatory

ILO table
Attribute Type Size Constraint
ILO_ID varchar 30 Primary key
Org_ID varchar 10 Entry mandatory

Directorate table
Attribute Type Size Constraint
Directorate_ID int - Primary key
Directorate_Name varchar 50 Entry mandatory

Report table
Attribute Type Size Constraint
Report_ID varchar 20 Primary key
User_ID varchar 20 Entry mandatory
Role_ID int - Entry mandatory
Description text 3000 Entry mandatory
Type varchar 30 Entry mandatory
Internship_ID int - Entry mandatory
Date date - Entry mandatory

Role table
Attribute Type Size Constraint
Role_ID int - Primary key
Role_Name varchar 30 Entry mandatory
Description varchar 100 Entry mandatory

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New partnership table

Attribute Type Size Constraint

Partnership_ID varchar 30 Primary key
Org_ID varchar 10 Entry mandatory
Requested_Date date - Entry mandatory
Description text 500 Entry mandatory

New internship table

Attribute Type Size Constraint

Internship_ID int - Primary key
Dept_ID varchar 20 Entry mandatory
Requested_Date date - Entry mandatory
Description text 500 Entry mandatory
No_of_interns int - Entry mandatory
Start_date date - Entry mandatory
End_date date - Entry mandatory
Org_ID varchar 10 Entry mandatory

Attribute Type Size Constraint
Internship_ID int - Primary key
Dept_ID varchar 20 Entry mandatory
Requested_Date date - Entry mandatory
Description text 500 Entry mandatory
No_of_interns int - Entry mandatory
Start_date date - Entry mandatory
End_date date - Entry mandatory
Org_ID varchar 10 Entry mandatory
User_ID varchar 20 Entry mandatory

Interns table

Attribute Type Size Constraint

Intern_ID int - Primary key
Name varchar 100 Entry mandatory
Dept_ID varchar 20 Entry mandatory
Internship_ID varchar 10 Entry mandatory
Status int 1 Entry mandatory
category varchar 30 Entry mandatory

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Result table

Attribute Type Size Constraint

Result_ID int - Primary key
Intern_ID int - Entry mandatory
Dept_ID varchar 20 Entry mandatory
Completed varchar 10 Entry mandatory
Company_name varchar 100 Entry mandatory
Personality_and_behavior int 2 Entry mandatory
Work_related_performance int 2 Entry mandatory
Other_rating text 200 Entry optional
University_evaluation int 2 Entry optional
Company_total int 2 Entry mandatory
Total int 3 Entry optional
User_ID varchar 20 Entry mandatory
5.3. Architectural Design Patterns(MVC)
Design patterns are a trend in software development. In this section, attractive papers have been included:
How design patterns can be used for data structures implementation is mainly analysed and the
advantages of design patterns are presented. The behavioural, structural and creational aspects of patterns
are presented. With the new perspective on design pattern, it can provide separation between concepts, re-
usability, storage, independence is highlighted, and others. In case of designing complex object-oriented
systems, it illustrates how the implementation is being relied on composite objects along with class-based
inheritance. Besides, the behavioural patterns are classified, one of many patterns, for better
communication and interaction, dynamic interfaces, object composition, and object dependency. Models
of data structures that apply the behavioural design patterns include Iterator, Template Method, Visitor,
Strategy, Comparator, and State. Structural patterns classify for the better composition of classes and
objects into larger structures. Models of data structures that apply the structural design patterns include
Flyweight, Bridge, Adapter, Decorator, and Composite. Creational patterns classify for better
instantiation, abstract behaviour, and hide instantiation and composition details. Models of data structures
that apply the creational design patterns include Abstract, Factory, Singleton, and Builder (Niculescu,
2012). Moreover, the study is extended by classifying patterns, giving challenges, addressing issues,
trends, and a new approach and directions on design patterns are given (Eskca et al., 2014; Hussain et al.,
2017; Manev & Maneva, 2014; Mouratidou et al., 2007; Pavlič et al., 2016; Rouhi & Zamani, 2016).
A very substantial comparison of design patterns and evaluation, in the context of usage, categories, and
key elements of design patters is. They consider that implementation of design patterns in web application
offers reusability, consistency and flexibility, and much more as speed, scalability, and security. The
comparison of categories of design patterns is grouped as creational, offering flexibility, structural,
offering inheritance and behavioural patterns, offering communication between objects. This study
elaborated well the circumstances of the selection of appropriate design patterns. Best practices of design
patterns are also a gainful topic, more precisely best practices of Creational Design Pattern, Behavioural
Design Pattern, and Structural Design Pattern. Besides, by comparing the best approach of design
patterns, between MVC, Factory and abstract, MVC is considered as the most popular approach in web-
based application development for its reusability, flexibility, easiness, and manageability (Hameed et al.,
Frameworks, Web Technologies in implementation of IMS
How the developing mode of Web application based on MVC pattern overcomes (or overcame), the
traditional development model is discussed. The current development status of IMS is analysed by
describing details of the user requirements and functional structure and the user-centred interaction design

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issues in the application. With the system proposed and implemented, it incorporates the practice
management process and the practice teaching system; the algorithm is described where it considers
performance optimization and convenience of using to the whole process. As for the tools and techniques,
in this system, Java as a programming language and SQL as Database has been used (Xue, 2015).
A web-based internship information system is designed by using the Design Science Research Method(s)
(DSRM), to collect data. PHP, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL database, and Apache web
server are technologies used to
develop this system. The results of the research assure that the system can be used as support for the
internship program. As for our research interest, internships as a program show the enhancement of the
relationship between school and workplaces, and internship information system results as a facilitator
guidance process between students, teachers, and coordinators (Yannuar et al., 2018).
A web-based dynamic platform is elaborated that digitized many processes for the students, lecturers, and
industry-based supervisors to find and attend an internship (work experience). Supervisors will assign
immediately the students to begin their industrial training and ease their monitoring in real-time. The
web-based platform enhances the manual tasks of activities such as registration, dissemination of
information, filling the logbook for students’ day-to-day activities and supervision/assessment by
lecturers and industry-based supervisors. PHP, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, MySQL database and Apache
web server are technologies used to develop this system (Adetiba et al., 2012).
In creating a web-based e-Portfolio is resulted, which facilitates students in documenting the results of
their work and aids supervisors in monitoring the process during the internship. The research instrument
used in this research is a questionnaire and showed that e-portfolio features can be used according to the
users’ needs. E-portfolio is recommended to be used to overcome the issues and its features are useful in
providing an effective means of consulting (Juhana et al., 2018).

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Internship management system provides a very good communication environment for the instructor,
supervisor, ILO, Department and the students who wish to register for an internship class. For the
instructor, IMS offers a very good environment to monitor a student's progress and avoid unnecessary
delays. For the students, IMS provides a good environment that all the students can look at the shared
information about companies. Students can read the internship guidelines online and understand all that it
takes to successfully complete an internship. The system is very easy to use and any additional
requirements can be easily added without affecting, the current information. This is what makes it so
convenient to use. The administrator of the system has the privilege to back up the entire system with a
click of a button. Only a faculty member has the privilege to modify a student's progress and at every
step, the automated email function sends out emails to students, faculty and administrator of any changes
pertaining to them. The session checked function on every page ensures that the user is authorized to view
the contents of that page and thus prevents any malicious activity with sensitive user data. IMS is
definitely a good tool that will help the instructor and the students have a better communication

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