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Prepared By: ID

1, Belayneh Abraham ………………………………. 0839

2, Abenezer Bekele …………………................... 004609

3, Aregahegn Habtamu …………………………….. 004072

4, Derartum Mekonnen ……………………………….. 003908

Submitted To: Dr. Abdullah

Submitted Date: 26.04.2023 G.C


Technology is an important part of every day’s life. Our project is aims to deliver daily notices, and result
of students to respective student and all the teachers at tip of their fingers.
College management is when a group of people and resources work together to plan, organize,
strategize, add put in place structures to run an education system. The college management
system oversees course assigning, attendance, scheduling, assignments and other activities. The
college management system is designed to automat all the process included. It generates
automatic report on all elements for data-driven decision-making. The college management
system ,in general helps education institutions by automating regular administrative tasks.

List of figure........................................................................................................................................iii
List of Table.........................................................................................................................................iv
CHAPTER ONE....................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of The project................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of Problem........................................................................................................................1
1.3 Objectives of the project....................................................................................................................1
1.3.1 General Objectives of the projects.............................................................................................1
1.3.2 Specific Objective........................................................................................................................2
1.4 Scope of the project...........................................................................................................................2
1.5 Significance of the project.................................................................................................................2
1.6 Limitation of the project....................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER TWO...................................................................................................................................3
Literature Review....................................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER THREE..............................................................................................................................4
3.1 Data Gathering..................................................................................................................................4
3.2.1 Data Flow Diagram.....................................................................................................................4
3.3 Procedures.........................................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER FOUR.................................................................................................................................6
4.1 Activity Diagram...............................................................................................................................6
4.2 Budget Schedule................................................................................................................................7

List of figure

Figure 3.1 Zero level data flow diagram 1...................................................................................................4

Figure 3.1 2nd level data flow diagram 1.....................................................................................................5

List of Table

Table 4.1 Time schedule 1..........................................................................................................................6

Table 4.1 Budget schedule 2.......................................................................................................................7


1.1 Background of The project

This project is online website to manage the activities of the college. It provide very good
interface between college administration with students. On implementing this project students
can get all t h e information they want easily. This project can make the tedious & mistake-
prone job easier and faster. It can be used both in top-level and bottom-level management for
daily operation. All the facilities for retrieving like student information, teacher’s information,
courses will be added, deleted, updated and saved in the project .The student will get the
information related to course ,teacher’s or non-teaching staff information,etc.The application will
be scalable and easily maintained. It could be easily changeable to the changing needs of users.
With this student can login easily. The same also can be implemented for attendance, so there is
no need of taking the attendance by the lecturer.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Manual systems requires a lot of time ,man power and other resources.Educatonal establishments
especially the tertiary education needs innovation to improve college management.The issues
that should be addressed in manual college management includes securing of faculity and staff
information,attending student, attending staffs and scheduling.As an educational inistitution , a
college management system can help with things like data storage and student profiles.This
project will be deployed in college for every day use. Result of student will be available with
teachers and staffs. Data will be accessible to all the people all the time at a single place.
Important notices can be posted on the common noticeboards through which the message can be
delivered to all the students at once. To keep track of every student, teachers can use this system
to view semester wise report of student at one place. Ease in managing the data of passed out
student..Basically this system can be deployed in every college or similar type of program can be
used in other organizations which have admin and employee hierarcy.

1.3 Objectives of the project

1.3.1 General Objectives of the projects

The objective of this project is to design and develop an automated system which used to
computerize an college management process and solve the problems with manual works and
save the time to be taken manually, early study of basic problems and their solutions, timely

detection of weakness in a university college regarding to college management process and
achieve the goals of company to create competitive capacity and technology-based service.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

In order to achieve the main objective, we have the following specific objectives:
 Developing user friendly interface for the users of the company
to optimize the Internship management process.
 To Minimize work time from day to hour or to minute.
 To keep the records associated with coarse and students
 To help the management in systematic planning and in controlling
the operation of the university

1.4 Scope of the project

Student attendance status: It will gives the attendance status of students. The Hod will update the
attendance periodically and can be seen by students
Events: It will give information about different events that will be conducted by college time to
time. Information about these events will be updated by administrator.
Information about staff: It will help in maintaining complete information about college faculty
members such as their department, cadre, date of joining. Administrator will register new
faculties and remove their account when they leave the college.

1.5 Significance of the project

Any project aim is to solve a problem and find the way to simplifies people’s life.
Similarly,design of college management system simplifies the way that the university journey
from students admission to their graduation and also simplifies the work process of the staff
members. Not only that we got many experience and knowledge while doing the project. Surely
speaking it gives us hope and Confidence in our field of specialization. This is an automated and
data-driven solution to manage the complete student and staff life cycle int the university

1.6 Limitation of the project

Even though this project is much application, it has also some drawback listed as follow:
 It unable to limit the registering number of user and any user can register
 The platform does not provided grading and result view system


Literature Review
Wachemo university has a website in which the overall activity and information of campus has included.
And also there is a link that the student access their courses and view their grade by the providing email.
In this platform the Department or the admin that assign for this website provide password user name for
each student and then after the students can login to the system by provided username and password and
update the given password and username.In addition the previous website has no any attendance
management system and staff management link. As we notice , this platform is very time consuming as
that the department must provided username and password for all students for the reason of the students
can access the website.So in order to reduce the efforts of staff we are introducing our system. College
management system can provided a registration link and the user(staff, student) can access the website by
registering themselves The system provides guidance to the admin to keep track of each student. The
admin have the access to the database of system .In an educational institute management is crucial
thing.The system comes on with much functionality like voting event details, feedback, news line etc. It
provides a additional feature newlines that helps the student to get department newlines and reports
(achievements, toppers).It also provide the course and session feature so that manual work is reduced.
This system is paperless system. System provides functionality for student to application where in admin
can manage ,student can access uploaded course details. Student will get the event details through CMS.
Overall manpower and reduces the time required. Use of the college management system has become
nearly ubiquitous in the modern college experience and essential elements of the modern college
experience. Whether distance or traditional student, residential or commuter campus, undergraduate or
graduate, these systems have rapidly been accepted throughout higher education. In the past ten years,
online course management systems have replaced other alternative means to deliver class contents such as
live satellite or closed circuit television. The introduction of learning management systems, along with
increased computer use in the home and in business has brought an increasing number of students and
teachers to the online learning environment


3.1 Data Gathering

A. Interview: Before we get dive int to the project we have to gather data. In order to this we
gathered some data and information by asking the management staff of the university how the
previous system is working and what is it’s problem.
B. Observation: We gather some information by observe our surroundings. Through our journey
in this campus we have been noticed some issues related to this online platform

3.2 Context Diagram

A System Context Diagram in software engineering and systems engineering is a diagram that
represents the actors outside a system that could interact with that system. This diagram is the
highest level view of a system. It is similar to a Block diagram. SCDs show a system, often
software-based, as a whole and its inputs and outputs from/to external factors. System Context
Diagrams are diagrams used in systems design to represent the more important external factors
that interact with the system at hand.

3.2.1 Data Flow Diagram

A Dataflow Diagram also known as “Bubble Chart” is used to clarify System requirements and
identifying major transformations that all become programs in System Design.



Figure 3.1 Zero level data flow diagram 1

Login to
Hod Manage
the Manage Staffs
system modules

Manage students


Manage courses Manage sessions

Figure 3.1 2nd level data flow diagram 1

3.3 Procedures
Project Category: Web Application

This is online site, works globally. So student and lecturers can access the web wherever they
Hardware and Software requirement

Hardware Requirement
Processor: Intel Core Duo 2.0 GHz or more
RAM: 1 GB or More
Harddisk:80GB or more
Software Requirement
Front End : Visual Studio Code and
language: Django python frame work
Back End: SQLite
Operating System: Window 10
Browser: Firefox and Google Chrome

4.1 Activity Diagram
To accomplish this project within the allocated time frame, the following activity schedule
shown in the table below will be used. By giving high consideration for the given time, we will
try to finish this project within a short time as much as possible.

Activate Week Week two Week Week Week Week Week

one three four five six seven
Prepare proposal

Presentation of
Data collection
Running the

Table 4.1 Time schedule 1

4.2 Budget Schedule

Here we are going to estimate the cost of each component that will be used for accomplishing
this proposed work. The cost is based on the current price of components in Ethiopia.

NO Component Quantity Unit price (birr) Total price (birr)

1 Paper for 250 250
2 card 200 300

Table 4.1 Budget schedule 1


[1] WCU official website



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