Bi County Crime Lab Report 3-25-81

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BI-COUNTY CRIME LABORATORY LIMA, DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 19037 rang ‘T. Hazee, ‘Telephone: ‘Wonuanc HL. Lass Dinset Attorney 215-891-7381 Disitct Attorney Delaware County 4 ‘Chester County ‘Purse SruscxiEr, Director one Att. Homicide tan neronr 80-1647 neroar oare 3-25-81 wer Emily Leo susrecr Anthony Jones vice 3011 W. 11th St., Chester, Pa. pare” 11~11~-80 Hivetoewr no. 8O~1183 From Det. Craig Siti, Delco. CID eae 11-20-80 1, Piéce of rope taken from around victim's neck. 2. Piéce of rope taken from crime scene 9th & Harwick, Chester, 3. Piece of rope sample from clothes line at the rear of 3011 W. 11th St., Chester, Pa. - LAB REPORT: Same type of cotton rope in items 1, 2, and 3. 4, Avon candle holder taken from 3011 11th St..Jone's bedroom. 5. Pair of footies from victim. 6. Pace of jewelry. from-vietia. 7. Ring from victim. 8. Personal effects from the pocket book of Emily Leo taken from 3011 W. llth. St, kitchen, 9, Note-address and name Bddy Jones 3011 W. llth. St. taken from victim at hospital. 10., Set of keys from kitchen of 3011 W. llth st. 11. Bag of assorted Avon products from Jone's bedroom 3011 W. llth st. Pagel of 2 Bi-County Crime Lab Accused: Anthony Jones bab Report #: 80-1647 Incident #: 80-1183 : Date: 3-25-81 12, Avon products bag from kitchen of 3011 W. 11th St. Disposition of Evidence: Given to Evidence Custodian James W. Berry. anal nea ‘Toganz) Ph Ay Phomas Page2 of 2 | TAC . REPGHT é jee RECEIVED ea Fen Mow " ‘FEB 1 9. 1991 BAtORY a's (Bub, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 Te Mr. ‘thomas F. Gallagher February. 6, 1983 Chief of Detectives Director of Criminal Investigation Division PBIFILENO, — 95~240584 Court House Media, Pennsylvania 19063 LAB, NO, 01202007 8 UL Us Ror vs YOUR NO, ANTHONY JONES ~ SUSPECT; EMILY. INO -. VICTIM; *HOMICEDE ‘Examination requested by: Addressee “ Refsrenco: Letter dated November 17, 1980 Bxanination foqvened: Chemical Analyses ~ Microscopic Analyses Specitiens personally delivered by Detective Davidson on December. 2, 1960: | Qi Plastic trash bag (Q-1) ie Q2 Soil sample with unknown substance (Q-2) i 93 shoe . (Q-3) | 94 Piece of brick (Q-4) . 95 Trash can (Q~5) 96 Sheet (9-5) Q6n Sheet (Q-5) | Page i (over) | ‘This examination has been mude with tho underatanding that the ovidence {9 connected with an official Jnveattgation of a criminal matior at Unt the Leboeatory report will be uaed for officiel purposes only, related tothe tnvestigation o* « pubsequont criminal rosneation, Authorization onanct be graxted for the use of the Tnhoratory repor. in eoaneetion with 8 01vit procecding. Q7 Shoe (Q~: 8 Pocketbook (Q~6) 9 Jacket. (Q-7) Quo Pants (Q-8) QLi Panties (Q-9) gu2 Blouse _ (Q~10) g3 Brassiere (Q-11) gla Coat . (Q-12) gis-gié . vaginal smears (9-13) ~ ou7 pubic hair collection lifter (q+13) : gis Pubic hair combings from vickim (9-13) Quo. Fingernail cuttings from victim (Q-14) KL Blood sample from victim (x41) K2 Puble hair sample from victih (0-13) : Result of examination: Grouping tests conducted on the K1 blood sample disclgsed that the victim belonged to blood groups "0, Bh CDG,..RAP “BA, Hp. 2-1, PGM 1-17. EBSD 1+1,, ADA 1-1, aK 1-1." 4 @xoup "O" human blood was idéntifiedion.specimens.: Ql, 92, Q8-and Q10 through Q14. Grouping .tests ‘conducted on’ the “human blood identified on spectinens 94, Q5,.96 and, 7 Q6A.were inconclusive. Human blood, too Limited in amount we for conclusive grouping purposes was identified on specimens Q9 and Q19, No blood was found on specimens 93, 97, QU5 and Ql6. No semen was found on specimens 915 and O16, Page. 2 (over) 01202007 6 UL Black head hairs possessing Negroid characteristics wexe found on or in specimens Q5, Q6 and Ql8. ‘hese hairs axe suitable for future comparison purposes and have been mounted on glass microscope slides. No hairs of Negroid origin were found on or in specimens Ql through Q4, 6A, Q7, 98, Q10 through Q14, 917 and Ql9. No hairs of Caucasian origin were found on the 99 specimen. No apparent interchange of textile fibers was noted between the clothing of the suspect and the clothing of the victim. . The submitted items will, be returned under separate cover. hy registered mail. Page. 3 01202007 § UL pe ech Pher Beran? : of the PB FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, 8. C. 20535 to Me. Thomas F, Gallaghor April 17, 1961 Director REGISTERED Criminal Investigation Division ana Court House rorucno, 957240504 Media, Pennsylvania 19063 rae 20317044 s UT Ke: ANTHONY JONES AND 80-1203 LEROY EVANS ~ SUSPECRS; cee EMILY LEO ~ VICTIM) HOMICIDE Addressee Bxamination roquestad by: aie Letter dated March 10, 1981 Rofecence: aanination queen,“ MACFoscopic Analynes « Specimens: 3 Head balr sample from ANTHONY JONES (R1) RA Puble haix sample from ANTHONY JONES (K2) KS Head haiz sample from LEROY EVANS . {K3) | : | K6 Pubic haiy sample from LEROY EVANS {K4) | |. Bnalesures: (4) oe cape | Page 1 (over) ‘Thio examination has been tade wilh the understanding that the evidence ix connected with an official investigation of « eriminol malter and that the Licboratory report will be used for official purpoege only, tlated fo the invostigation or aubsaquont criminal proseuution, ‘Autherization casmot bo peanted for tho use of the ‘Labeeabory soport in connection with a civil peoeseding. 7 a Result of examination: e No hairs like those found in the K3 and KS. specimens WeroscOpe slides containing’ haire sore ate removed fron the 05, 6 and ole spacimang (Fay aboxatery.. Feport 01202007 § un.Ud dated February 67 1981) 2° 7 ah The subwitted items are being retumed to:your offtee a8 enclosures to this report. Page 2 20317044 § ug + cement SARE SSR ER CCS ROTI “perpen ReorpRrAREDRRHR eo . ' i . Pan eS CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY MEDIA, PENNSYLVANIA 19083, -\> at TA? yy wane nepont f IDENTIFICATION DIVISION LATENT FINGERPRINT SECTION : .FILENO. 80. PATENT CASE NOT HES . 3 Apral 61 YOUR CASE NO. 7 5 TO: Chief Thomas F, Gallagher c,1.D, i Media, PA ! Attr Det. John) Davidson baat Homicide/Leo | Chester, PA | REFERENCE: Personal request EXAMINATION REQUESTED BY: , Det. John Davidson SPECIMENS: ‘ svon candle holder ~Personal effects from the pocket book of Emily Leo | ~Bag of assorted von products The submitted evidence has been processed for latent impressions and the results are as follows: No latent impressions were obtained from the submitted items» | ‘i i 4 I "t THIS REPORT IS FURNISHED FOR OFFICIAL USE ony" I poke — - “ CHmSTER POLICE 6 ° Soe nara Cf we” Other 5. GHARGES + SES __ BO Sty iS, [IST CHARGES BELOH + 6. FOUND OR RECOVERED FROM : (person ) 8/S/A/ LOCMMION OR ADDRESS + Jane Doe from the rear of Montco Dist. Te REPORTING OFPICER # <_| 8. tam oF rursow anesTeD { 9. ADDRESS off. W. Butler Sgt. C, Harris 10. | 11. QUAHETY 12. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ‘VALUE cee | puie, piel, color, nerisl miaber, ote, te sais Victim'a Brown Themo Jacket. es 1 u Brown silk shirt ‘i a ue (are " Dungaree pants : Ae 4 4 Broun "footies" = 4 "__Vinite ‘bra w/St, Christonhers Medel _ninned to it 8. 4 n_ Vinite panties pte 4 "Gold ring with 9 pure -stone | 18 4 "Gord necklace (brown) with orange yooden heart! "De oe a : \ 2: itached to it es eyesecence ate _ fadin ty Lhe ae a2. o/ WHE FEVEl 3 THK Tous Lor scaitional {tems note | same at top left, 00 NOY WRITE BELOW LINE: VALUE $ 1h, DARE 15. cel ~GusiCMS RANK, BADGE] 17. PURPOSE & STORAIAR 18, OWNER'S NAME: T hereby certify thet I an the legal ower of the ‘above property ( or authorised agent ‘to receive sane ): and promise to pay any and| all charges accrued through its recovery. SIGN HERE X . say) ‘CHESTER POLICE DEPARDAIE PROPERTY TWCORD +1300 ( PRINT OR TYPE ) page 1. of pages. 6. FOUND OR RECOVERED PROM : (person ) 8/8/k/ LOCATION OR SDDRESS C.C.M.C. Emergency Room Jane Doe ORTING OFmTom # 62 | 6, KRG OF PRAGON ARRESTED | 9. ADDRESS | Sgt. Albert Chess - T 10, | 1%, QUANEY VALUE { 12, DRNORTPITON OF PROPERTY makes mpiel, color, serial mmber, 0 te | One (1) Rope Sodked with blood (contained in a cleat plastie +——— 26 age One (1) Avon Christmas Super Money-Saver Pirice Brochure. with names and, address on_back te . a2, pee ir TSE TRVEREE SIGs GEREN ToRas LOY -wOUCeTOMaY teas TOE | ‘TOTAL NO. same xt top Jeft, DO NOP WRITE BELOW LINEt.. VALUE $ 3. PROPERTY 74, DAE 15. 204 | 19. GRFICER'S RANK, BADGE] 17. PURPOSE 78. GuNER'S NAME + DRESS Therety certify Gal Tae the Tegal Get | 15) GaN ET of ths above property ( or authorized agent L ‘to receive sane ) and promise to pay any and all chargea accrued through its recercry. SIGN HERE X ( mean on TYPE ) i PARIVIENE + « Se CHARGES 2° jo yes X. no ‘Lives “List GARRGES ” eB, FOUND OR REGOVERED + (pergon ) Msi mustosy tS, Ss 388 “BM rt BAR 78, MANE OF Bon ala Hoates Womewze: [AWoe Tomes Ble) 2 DESORIPEION OF or ay, OE) i S = Bloch Binge ‘SBE ETA PQRS FOR, ANGURIONA, WRG: 10 NG YATE BLOW, KNOale 15 EtEM | 16, OFFICER'S RANK, RADG! & SEONATURE OANER'S TN sreby certify that I am ‘tha leget owner the above property ( or authorized agent receive same ) charges acorued through ita recovery 1 HERE X and promise to \pey any and] 20, DATE PHONE NO. |e LABORATORY EVIDENCE RECEIPT. Homicide 9th & Harwick Sts., Chester,’ PA Criminal Investigation Division te John Davidson, CID 1/11 Emily Leo Anthony Jones TNT Bote John Bewidon, a ie scene oL 1 Plastic trash ‘bag foung at cr Q2 r Bloody soil sample found at.érime scene, 3 it Brown shoe of Emily Leo found at crime scene | O4 ia Piece of brick found at crime stene ] o5 in rash can containing bed sheet and shoe of Emily Leo found at crime scene | 06 Bi Canvas pocketbook of Emily Leo found at Jones' residenc | Q7 L white jacket taken from Jones at time of arrest | 08 L Pants taken from Emily Leo at hospital Q9 1 Panties taken from Emily Leo at hospital glo 1 Blouse taken from Emily Leo at hospital oil ct Bra taken from Emily Leo at hospital Q12 1 Coat taken from Fmily Leo at hospital Q13 r Rape kit taken from Eniily Leo at hospital 14 fi Fingernail cuttings of Emily Leo KL a Blood samplé from Emily Leo, 14 OTE (ee LABORATORY EVIDENCE RECEIPT, ALES Homicide » PA,Deleo “Gilly Leo TT GSFESS OLD soeaceataceae ie “Snthony Jones : | PUeS Chbig siti a ae SEE Toh BOARS Daleos GID Courthouse Media, PA “pe peeece eas 0. quaesire oxvenietion q 1 Police of rope taken from around victim's neck ¥ i Peice of rope taken Trom crime scene 9th & Harwick,Ches 1 | Pedee of ropa sample. from clothes ling at the rear of 3011 W 11th Ste Chester, PA i ae eee LE s sei seen % 1 Avon candle holder taken from 3011 11th St. Jone's bedr: 5 1 Pair of footies from victim : 6 fee peice of jewiry from victim 7 4 ring from vietim 8 1 Personal effects from ‘the pocket book of Emily Leo taken from 3001 W. 11th St kitchen 9: 1 Note-address and nane Eddy Jones 3011 Wth 11th St. taken from victim at hospital 10 a Set of keys from kitchen of 3011 11th St 4 “4 bag of assorted Avén products from Jone's bedroom 3011 W. 11th Bt. ; 12 1 Avon products bag from kithcen of 3011 W. 11th Ste yae items. 1-3 for similarity | in items 4-12 as evidence ecourer, PL7a8@ a Please re ” REPORT Sa man 4 yo a of the eH » a2. LADORATORY 4. nan pea = FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 To Me. Thomas P. Gallagher Chief of Detectives Dixector of Criminal Investigation Division eB1 BILE NO. Court House Media} Pennsylvania 19063 Lan. No. YOUR No. ANTHONY JONES ~ SUSPECY; EMILY LEO =. VICTIM; HOMICIDE Examination requested by: Addressee hhetter dated November 17, 1980 Reference: Examinetion reque: RECEIVED HEB 10.1961" A Gib, February 6, 1981 95-240584 01202007 $ UL UT Chemical Analyses - Micxoscopic Analyses Speciitens personally delivered by Detective Davidson on December. 2, 1980: al Plastic trash bag (Q-1) 2 Soil. sample with unknown substance 93° Shoe . (0-3) Q4 . Piece of brick (9-4) 95 i, @rash can (9-5) 96 sheet . (Q-5) Q6a Sheet (Q-5) Page 1 investigation of @ ori {othe lavastigation abarataty roport in eorinection with nef brocseding, I tattor mi thet tho Laabovatery toport wil bo (9-2) (over) ‘nis examiation has boon made with the understanding that the evidence {a connected with an official 1d For official purposes only, relatod sequent cciminal prosecalion, “Authorization eaanct be graniod for the we® of the Q7 Shoe (9-5) 98 Pocketbook (Q~6} 28 Jacket. (Q-7} quo Pants (0-8) gua Panties (9-9) Qh2 Blouse . (Q-10) ~ Q13 Brassiere (Q-11) qua coat (Q-12) gus-9i6 . Vaginal smears (Q~-13) . QL7 Pubic hair collection lifter (Q-13) gus pubic haix colbings from victim (Q-13) gig Fingernail cuttings from victim (Q-14) KL Blood sample from victim (K=1) K2 Pubic hair saiuple from victim (Q~23) : Result of examination: Grouping tests conducted on the Kl blood sample disclgsed -that the victim belonged to blood groups "0, Rh ODS, EAP. BA, Hp. 2-1, PGM 1-1, ESD 1+1, ADA 1-1, aK 1-1." | Group "0", human blood: was. identisied, on specimens QL, 92, Q8-and 910 throligh 914. Grouping tests, conducted * on thé human blood identified on specihens 04,'05;.06,and..,. : Q6A were’ inconclusive. Humaii bléod, tbo limited in; amout for conclusive grouping purposes was iflentifiéd on specimens Q9 and Q19. No blood was found on spetimens 93, Q7, Qi5 and gi. No femen was found on specimens Q15 and 916, page 3 01202007. 8 0b Black head hairs possessing Negroid characteristics were ound on or in specimens Q5, Q6 and Qi8. ‘These hairs are suitable for future comparison purposes and have been mountéd on glass microscope slides. No hairs of Negroid oxigih wexe Zound on ox in specimens gl through 94, Q6A, Q7, Q8, Q10 through 914, 917 and Q19. No hairs of Caucasian origin ‘were found on the 09 specimen. No apparent interchange of textile fibers was noted between the clothing of the suspect and the clothing off the yictin. = The submitted items will. be returned under separate cover. by registered mail Page. 3 1202007 ¢ UL | | BI-COUNTY CRIME LABORATORY LIMA, DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA! 19037 Frans T. Haz te ine {J —Telephone: : Wins H, Lane Dives Attomey go 213-991-7381 i Disnict Atorney © Delaware County ji Chester County Peter Siuckten, Director ese Att. Homicide * Lae meron 80-1647 wer Emily Leo nevont oat 3-25-82 susreer Anthony Jones {— tietoewr no, 80-1183 mace 3011 W. 11th Sts, Chester, Pa. i ome L121 -80 a ron Det. Craig Siti, Deleo. CID DATE 11-20-80 1, Piece of rope taken from around victim's neck. 2. Piece of rope taken from crime scene 9th |& Harwick, Chester. Pigce of rope sample from clothes line at the rear of 3011 W. 31th St., Chester, Pa. i LAB REPORT: Same type of cotton rope in items 1, 2, and 3. 4, Avon candle holder taken from 3011 llth St, Jone's bedroom. 5, Pair of footies from victim. 6. Piece of jewelry, from-vietin. ; 7. Ring from victim. 8. Personal effects from the pocket book of .Rmily Leo taken from 30L1 W. lith. St. kitchen. : 9, Note-address and name Eddy Jones 3011 W. /J1th. St. taken from | victim at hospital. 10... Set of keys from kitchen of 3011 W. 1lth'st. 11, Bag of assorted Avon products from Jone's bedroom 3011 W. ith st. Pagel of 2 Bi-County Crime Lab Lab Report #: 80-164" Accused: Anthony Jon Date: 3-25-81 Incident #: 80-1183 ' | W. Vth Bt. ij | { 12. Avon products bag from kitchen of 3611 Disposition of Evidence: Given to Evidence Custodian __James W. Borzy. on_3-26-8 Dh ema. P Fegan Thomas P. Logany, Page 2 of 2 Case #801111 9 2 @ area down to the third métacarpophalangeal joint is somewhat irregular in outline and measures 5 cm. ‘Irregular scarring and hyperpigmen~ tation involve the lower half of the anterior aspect of the left leg extending to the ankle and the medial aspect of the lower third of the right leg extending to the ankle. No clubbing or peripheral edema are noted. . EXTERNAL BVIDED CE OF RECENT INJURY AND ‘THERAPY 1. On the right parietal area of the scalp just medial to the parietal eminence and 6 cm. right of the midline, there is a healing laceration covered with eschar bearing several blue sutures 3.5 cm. in length. 2. In the posterior parietal area, just behind the previously mentioned lesion there is a large denuded area with granulation tissue and brown eschar in which can be ‘identified some blue synthetic sutures, 6 cm. in width with a maximum sagittal dimension of 2.8 om.; this lesion extends to the right from a point just left of the midline. 3. A vertical sutured laceration is present in the right posterior parietal area with its medial end 8 cm. right of the midline having a length of 4.5 cm., closed with blue suture material. 4. Irregular Bluish purple subcutaneous ecchymosis involves the right frontotemporal scalp continuous with bilateral periorbital ecchymoses, bluish purple in color. Continuous but more faint purple and blue ecchymosis extends over both cheeks and becomes marked over the right mandibular area. 5. Examination of the buccal cavity reveals large unbealed lacere- tions involving the reflection of the gingiva and maxilla onto the buccal epithelium on each lateral aspect. Sutures are present’ in both areas. 6. Bechymosis of the left cheek with swelling extends to the; lateral, two-thirds of the mandible. ‘There is crepitus of the left mandible on palpation consistent with a fracture. i, 7. “Eochymosis extends into the left lateral neck and into the temporo-oecipital scalp. 8. Ecchymosis is noted over the right mastoid and also over the ‘right cheek anterior to the ear. 9. An established gaping tracheostomy is present in the low midline anterior neck. 10. Extensive irregular areas of blue, purple and brownish ecchymosis involve the anterior thorax. » Case #80111) @ 3 ) al, 12. 13. 14, 1s. 16. a7. Multiple large caliber needle punctures are present in the subclavicular areas bilaterally. Over the anterior thorax extending from the clavicular areas downwards .are numerous small areas of denudation which appear to be recent without evidence of healing. Over the lower anterior thorax are numerous small purpuric spots. : There is a healing sutured surgical incision in the midsuprapubic abdomen centering at the midline measuring 6.5 om. in length and there is also a gastrostomy tube extruded from th left upper quadrant. An almost healed smaller incision is present just above the umbilicus at the midline of the upper abdominal skin measuring 3 cm. in length. A left thoracostomy is present at the anterior axillary Line over the ninth intercostal space closed anteriorly by one stainless steel suture and meusuring 2.8 cm. in length. A sutured incision is, present over the left radial’ artery at the wrist which measures 3.5 cm. in length. A late healing brown eschar is present on the posterior aspect of the left ulnar portion of the forearm just below the olecranon process measuring 2 cin. by 1 cm. Numerous areas of irregular cutaneous denudation and ulceration involve the medial and posterior aspect of the right elbow, the largest measuring 3 cm. in greatest dimension. On the lateral aspect of the right elbow there is a v-shaped deep cutaneous defect measuring 1 cm. in greatest dimension bearing cream-colored pus. More areas of ulceration, involve the midulnar border of the right forearm, the largest measuring 2:5 cm. in the long vertical axis. On the anterior aspect of the right forearm 5 ch. above the wrist there are two areas of cutaneous denudation at the lateral and medial margins, .the largest measuring 1.5,cm. in greatest dimension and between these two is a faint pale scar which runs horizontally and communicates with the; lateral two incisions, An eschar situated 2.5 cm. above the medla1 of the latter cutaneous denudations is recently healed, méasures about .6 cm. ini greatest dimension’ and is continuous with a linear scar which exténds horizoritally j across the right antérior forearm having a length of 3.7¢ Situated 2 cm. above the wrist are two more cutaneous denudations with evidence of suppidfation. These are 2.5 cm. apart, the largest one measures cm. in greatest dimension. On the dorsum of the right wrist there is another area of cutaneous denudation 1 cm. in greatest dimension. There is marked swelling of the dorsum of the right hand with ecchynosis and a small punctum which may represent a needle puncture. A needle puncture and swelling are present on the dorsum of the left hard as well. + Case #801111 ) 4 oy 18. "An area of blue purple ecchymosis extends transversely acrass the anterior aspect of the right thigh just below its midpoint measuring 13 cm. in the horizontal by a maximum of 5 cm. in the | vertical axis. 19. On the palmar aspect of the right thumb there is a healing incision which appears to be tangential passing from above downwards and is inclined somewhat from the horizontal with the lower end lateral measuring 1 cm. in length. 20. Situated on the dorsum of the left wrist and lower forearm : there are a nunber of superficial cutaneous denudations and some smaller brown eschars. INTERNAL BXAMTNATTON ANTERNAL EVIDENCE OF RUCENT INJURY AND THERAPY. A small surgical burt hole is noted in the right parasagittal frontal bone underlying a small area of cutaneous denudation which is seen to be @ healing surgical incision. Three other sutured defects in the right parietal scalp are lacerations. A linear fracture commences at the apex of the lambda passing forwards and downwards through the right parietal and temporal bones ahit entering the major groove for the right middle meningeal artery, continues downwards within the groove into the floor of the skull entering the anterior portion of the right middle crahial fossa and extends across the midline of the floor of the skull just forward of the sella turcica. There is no associated epidural hemorrhage. ; 3. Additional multiple small hairline fractures are present overlying the air cells of the left petrous temporal bone on its superior surface associated with approximately 10 grams of uniform, dark red, slightly translucent, clotted epidural hemorrhage at this location. 4. There are contrecoup terebral Cortical contusion hemorrhages on the undersurfaces' of the left temporal lobe and the medial undersurface of the left frontal lobe. 8. “There is a slight amount of clotted sibdural hemorrhage in the floor of the left middle cranial fossa under the contused portion of the left temporal lobe. 6. Thin-layered subarachnoid hemorrhage involves the base of the brain overlying the pons and extending into the spinal svb- arachnoid space. 7. The brain shows marked diffuse anoxic encephalomalacia. 8. Palpation of the mandible reveals complete fracture through the body of the mandible on the right just forward of the angle. case #8011!! @ 5 hy 9. The strap muscles of the neck show extensive patties ct : Phere 1 fracture of cach major hyoid corm and rie i a transverse fracture through each superior hyroit orn: the baie, gn addition there is fracture on the reght pot rer aspect of the ossified ericoid cartilage. Phang trae cus oe residual surrounding organizing ecchymosis. 10. Vermiform dark swellings on the posterior subet helial a. cf the thyroid cartilage are found to be thrombi (prewandy intravenous). 1). Rib frw'ures are identified of the cighth, mnih a left ribs on the Lateral aspect and on the posterior t+ the nin'n right rib. There is transverse kingo.typ ra cla throug}. the sternum. TRAL whe brain weighs 1300 grams. anoxic enc pathy is manifested by pinkish discoloray eur of the leptomeningeal surface, perimortum blood clots distartits ‘re cerebral vessels and marked softening of the central port ser: of the brain. ‘The encephalomalacia is nol too great to p visualization of the traumatic lesions, Ne other patholosic changes arc identified of the meninges, the brain parene s/s the cerebral vessels. ‘There is no atheroma identified in cerebral vessels, nor anonalies. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: ‘Tho lungs weigh 1349 grams aight, Ui left. Focal stringy, fibrous adhesions bind the pleurac + eft lung. Both lungs show marked bronchopnounonia, mess in the right Jung where thore are focal abscessus filles brownish purulent material, No pre-existing or chronic? paltal owe changes are identified of the lung parenchyma, the phew pulmonary arteries or the airways. An established trache satay is present. Erosive changes are noted at the margins of ti laryngeal epithelium consistent with prolonged intub.tion. TOVASCULAR SYSTEM: The heart weighs 470 grams. . Stringy, Forat fibrous adhesions extend between the visceral and parietal pericarsn over the mijor portion of the heart. These are fairly vastly 2rd with the dissecting hand: ‘The coronary arteries have the asual distribution without a significant degree of at-heroniatous ‘iavel v2 being found. ‘The cardiac valves are remarkable for the prvscnes of fibrous allcration and atrophy of the posterior left paps! lar muscle, friable reddish vegetations along the margin of closare the posterior right mitral cusp and slight thickening chane . nodularity with slight changes of the attached chordag tor tine. of the anterior mitral cusp. The remaining cardiac vatye sin sot show any pathologic chanues. The aorta shows a mild degree ot atheroma. cetion through the myocardium shows diffu. eller of the myocariium with evidence of fibrosis involving the pockertor papillary muscle of the mitral valve. : dtm case #801111 © 6 @ BILIARY SYSTEM: ‘The livek weighs 2600 grams, There is marked Enlargement and rounding of the margins. This is associated with eee ree aced seara extending on the capsular aspect of the right sieicet lobes. Section reveals that these fissures are indeed sears extending a lattle way into the parenchyma. The entire parenchyma of the liver is a mustard yellow color with a pronounced Pebalar architecture without evidence of diffuse cirrhosis. The gail bladder is distended, thin walled, containing liquid bile- The bile ducts are not obstructed. HEMATOPOIETIC S¥ST: ‘tHe spleen weighs 270 grams. The surface Saeaerth “fhe cut soction is somewhat soft, uniformly dark pink in color without a follicular pattern apparent. PANCREAS: The pancreas has the usual configuration, Cut section Ehows preservation of the usual gross architecture. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM: The adrenal glands appear small and ein: cut aeetion reveals an atrophic appearance with loss of the usual bright yellow color and of the usual gross architecture. The thyroid and pituitary glands are not grossly remarkable. GENITOURINARY TRACT: The kidneys weigh 220 grams right, 160 grams {eft ‘The capsules strip with ease revealing smooth surfaces. the cut sections show preservation of the usual gross architecture. The ureters empty freely into the urinary bladder which show no gross changes. The uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries are remotely Seent, No injuries are noted of the introitus or vagina- gas! SPINAL TRACT: The esophagus is unremarkable; The stomach Sas a gastrostomy tube sutured in situ. The gastric mucosa te not peeackible. The gastric content consists of thick brownish viscous search. an irregular uleer about 2 om. in greatest dimension és marca an the Eizst portion of the duodenum. This appears grossly noted tT ubecute ulcer rather than a chronic ulcer. The remainder SF the gastrointestinal tract is not remarkable. The vermiform appendix is present. TOXICOLOGY: Blood is retained. SPECIAL, EVIDENCE: Scalp and pubic hairs retained for further studies: Scalp hair submitted from hospital also retained. Fingernail clipping: retained. SEROLOGY: Blood retained for typing. MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION: Heart - non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis, mitral valve; marked fibrosis of posterior mitral papillary muscle; focal inter— stitial fibrosis and peri-vascular fibrosis of myocardium: focal intravascular coagulation. ae th ‘ease #801111 qe 7 Liver — fatty metamorphosis, diffuse, moderate; focal post-necrotic scarring. ung — extensive bronchopneumonia; focal abscess formation in which fungal hyphae are identified on B. and B. preparation; focal intravascular coagulation; focal parenchymal hemorrhages. PATHOLOGIC DIAGNOSE: 1. MULTIPLE BLUNT INJURTES OF HEAD, FACE, NECK AND THORAX: A, MULTIPLE CONTUSIONS INVOLVING THE FACE AND SCALP. BL CONTUSED LACERATIONS OF SCALP, THREE, RIGHT PARTETAL. C. LINEAR SKULL FRACTURE, . RIGHT TEMPOROPARTRTAL, EXTENDING INTO FLOOR OF SKULL. D. CONTRECOUP CEREBRAL CONTUSIONS, FRONTAL AND LEFT TEMPORAL. EB. LINEAR FRACPURES, LEFT PETROUS TEMPORAL RONE, WITH FOCAL EPIDURAL, HEMORRHAGE. F, FRACTURE’ OF RIGHT MANDIBLE. G. MULTIPLE FRACTURES OF OSSEOCARTILAGINOUS STRUCTURES OF ANTERIOR NECK WITH ASSOCIATED ORGANIZING SOFT TISSUE CONTUSION ECCHYMOSES.. H. MULTIPLE RIB FRACTURES, LEFT 8, 9, 10, RIGHT 9, AND FRACTURE OF STERNUM. I. MARKED BRONCHOPNEUMONIA WITH FOCAL LUNG ABSCESSES. J. DIFFUSE ANOXIC ENCEPHALOMALACIA, K! STATUS POST TRACHEOSTOMY, GASTROSTOMY, THORACOSTOMY AND CRANIOTOMY. L. STRESS ULCERATION OF DUODENUM. M. NON-BACTERIAL THROMBOTIC ENDOCARDISIS, MITRAL VALVE. . RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE, INACTIVE: A. INTERSTITIAL AND PERIVASCULAR MYOCARDIAL FIBROSIS. ' B. DEFORMITY OF MITRAL VALVE CUSPS AND CHORDAE TENDINEAE, MILD. ©. FIBROUS ATROPAY Of POSTERIOR MITRAL PAPILLARY. MUSCLE. D. ADHESIVE FIBROUS PERICARDITIS. : 3. _PAPTY METAMORPHOSIS OF LIVER, MODERATE; FOCAL POST-NECROTIC SCARRING. 4, ADRENOCORTICAL ATROPHY. i re 5. STATUS POST PAN-HYSTERBCTOMY, REMOTE. CAUSE OP DEATH: ANOXIC ENCEPHALOPATHY AND SEPSIS COMPLICATING MULTIPLE BLUNT INJURIES OF HEAD, FACE AND NECK. aH eee a MAME eyes STD Dimitri L. Contostavlos, M.D. Medical Examiner/Coroner DLC:ngr cage #BOLILL Zz i area down to, the third metacarpophalangeal joint is somewhat irregular in outline and measures 5 om. Irregular scarring and hyperpigmen- tation involve the lower half of the anterior aspect of the left leg extending to the ankle and the medial aspect of the lower third of the right leg extending to the ankle. No clubbing or peripheral edema are noted. : EXTERNAL EVID) RECENT INJURY AND THERAPY 1. On the right parietal area of the scalp just medial to the parietal eminence and 6 om. right of the midline, there is a healing laceration covered with eschar bearing several blue sutures 3.5 cm. in lehgth. 2. In the posterior parietal area, just behind the previously mentioned lesion there is a large denuded area with granulation tissue and brown eschar in which can be identified some blue synthetic gutures, 6 cm. in width with a maximum sagittal dimension of 2.8 om.; this lesion extends to the right from a point just left of the midline. > A_vertical sutured laceration is present in the cigtit posterior parietal area with its medial end & cm. right of the midline having a length of 4.5 cm., closed with biue suture material. 4, Irregular bluish purple subcutaneous ecchymosis involves the right frontotemporal scalp continuous with bilateral periorbital ecchymoses, bluish purple in color. Continuous but more faint purple and blue ecchymosis extends over both cheeks and becomes marked over the right mandibular area. f 5. Examination of the buccal ‘cavity reveals large unhealed lacera- tions involving the reflection of the gingiva and maxilla onto the buccal epithelium on each lateral aspect. sutures are | present in both areas. it hat Ere 6 Ecchymosis of the deft cheek with swelling extends to the. lateral twosthirds of the mandible. ‘here is crepitua of the lege K/GHiZy, mandibleé‘on. palpation ‘consistent with a fractute, x % he 7. Bechymosis extends into the left lateral neck and into. temporo-occipital scalp. iz 8. Ecchymosis is noted over the right mastoid and also over the ‘right cheek anterior to the ear. 9. An established gaping tracheostomy is present in the-low midline anterior neck. 10. Extensive irregular areas of blue, purple and brownish ecchymosis involve the anterior thorax.

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