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Before his untimely death, Supreme Emperor Vollnicke Suvellis of wonder, noun:

the Thrice-Signed Covenant, Lantern of the North, Conqueror of a feeling of surprise and admiration caused
Stones, amassed a collection of artifacts and curiosities unrivaled by something beautiful, unexpected,
in the Knownlands. Scholars and archaeologists are still finding unfamiliar, or inexplicable.
examples of his holdings in libraries and cloisters across the wonder, verb:
world. It is rumored that a piece of exceptional value is hidden in a 1. desire or be curious to know something.
subterranean chamber nearby. The piece is known only as... 2. feel doubt.

The Eleventh Wonder of the Suvellian Age

G: Chamber of the Wonderwyrm. Corridor from Area F enters mid-way up side of the room,
connecting to the central pedestal by a bridge. The Wonderwyrm is enclosed in a glass fluid-filled
sphere. Bridge is counterbalanced so that as soon as 2-3 characters are on bridge it will fold
down, causing the sphere to roll down (Dexterity save or bludgeoning damage for those on the
bridge) and shatter against the wall of the chamber (see diagram at right).
G1: The Wonderwyrm: Claw/claw/bite on ground or tail lash when airborne. At 1/4 hit points
Bridge initial position
will emit a 30’ diameter psionic wonder-blast: make a Wisdom save or disbelieve that the crea-
ture exists for d4+1 rounds. Disbelievers will try to calm down anyone still fighting the “hallucina-
tion”; meanwhile Wonderwyrm will try to
escape to Areas D or F. Crystalline organ in
neck can be harvested and made to emit a
blast with similar effect d4 times before
becoming inert.
Bridge after triggered by weight
G2: The Eleventh Wonder: If bridge
is triggered, a subchamber contain-
ing the Codex of Beasts -- which can G1 F1: The Guardian: A robed
provide useful lore regarding strange automaton/construct will leap from
creatures -- is exposed. the niche if any but members of the
Suvellian Imperial House cross the
D: The Pantry. Smells faintly of threshold at the top of the stairs. As
rotting meat. Walls of the passage its first attack it will
to Area G show scratch marks, as if
G2 attempt to push the
something was desperately trying to largest character
not be forced through. down the stairs
D1: Three levers D3 toward Area C (extra
raise/lower the bars F1 bludgeoning
sealing areas D2, damage)
D3, and D4.
F2: Obser-
D2: 2-5 Firenewts, very D4 vation Gallery.
hungry for something The under-
other than rats. D1 side of the
D2 E1
D3: Empty save for Loftmantle
rat droppings. er
F2 can be
wo observed from
D4: 2-5 Zombies,
this vantage (if
quite dry.
it is still there):
eyes, teeth,
A1: Stone bridge
A2 E
ve C gas ports.
to the Entry Gate. su

A2: Raptor nest! B E: Ever-burning

Two adult raptors logs light the room. If
will attack. Amid logs are extinguished (difficult) or
the litter is an removed, E1 will attack. E1 is a
adventurer’s A1 Loftmantle. It furls its membranes and
C: Antechamber. Door to dives with advantage for first attack,
journal with
Area E is barred with a inflicting ongoing suffocation/bite
correct ball order
portcullis (Str. check to lift). damage. While attached, characters’
for Area B (in
Lintel above opening to attacks inflict half damage to victim,
B: Four colored spheres are perched Area F reads, “Hall of the half to Loftmantle. If it misses it will
language), as
above a stone bowl with a hole in the 10th Wonder” in ancient reinflate gas-bladder and rise back to
well as d4
bottom. Drop in three of them in the language. Faint smell of ceiling to attack again. If slain near
correct order (arbitrary) within 30 seconds smoke from Area E. open flame the gas-bladder explodes.
or floor gives way. Door to Area C is
locked; correct sequence unlocks door. Steve Kilian

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