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Here are some design ideas that might help you create a successful product:

Energy efficiency: Consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of their environmental impact and
seek products that are energy-efficient. You could consider designing a toaster that uses less energy than
traditional toasters, or that incorporates renewable energy sources, such as solar power. (1)

Retro style: There is a certain appeal to products with a vintage, retro look. You could consider designing
a toaster that incorporates elements of classic toaster designs, such as the Sunbeam T-20 from 1949,
which reportedly still has a cult following today. (2)

Smart technology: In the age of smart homes, many consumers are interested in appliances that can
connect to their devices and integrate with their lifestyles. You could consider designing a toaster that
includes features like voice control or the ability to program toasting preferences through a smartphone
app. (4)

Multifunctionality: Many consumers appreciate products that can perform multiple functions. You could
consider designing a toaster that can also function as a small oven, a griddle, or a coffee maker, for
example. (1)

Compact design: As people live in smaller and smaller spaces, compact appliances are becoming
increasingly popular. You could consider designing a toaster that is compact and can easily fit on a
countertop, but still has all the features of a traditional toaster. (1)

Remember that these are just a few ideas to get you started. Sketching your ideas and creating a
prototype are essential steps in developing a successful product. And if you're planning on patenting
your invention, keeping a detailed inventor's notebook is also important. (3)

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