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Ralph Kennel*, Gerhard Kobs#, Rupert Weber§

Electrical Machines and Drives
Wuppertal University, D – 42097 Wuppertal, Germany
Phone: +49 202 439 3950
Fax: +49 202 439 2924

Robert BOSCH GmbH
Postfach 1162, D – 64701 Erbach, Germany
Phone: +49 6062 78 379
Fax: +49 6062 78 770

Robert BOSCH GmbH
Postfach 1162, D – 64701 Erbach, Germany
Phone: +49 6062 78 527
Fax: +49 6062 78 770

Abstract: This contribution shows the state of the art of serial products and the reasons for
using a completely digital drive control. New servo drive products show that the commuta-
tion of analogue to digital drive control is now completed even in industrial products with
high production quantities. The way for modern control algorithms in industrial servo drives
is now open.

Keywords: adjustable speed drives, brushless drives, industrial applications, intelligent

drives, machine tool drives, speed control, servo drives, EMC/EMI, safe operation

1. INTRODUCTION nous and even synchronous reluctance motors.

An „electronic name plate“ (patent pending)
In the area of servo drives for machine tools the inside the motor is the most progressive solu-
cycles of innovation are very short. Servo drive tion to transfer all data necessary to operate the
manufacturers introduce results of university re- drive. An optimization by technical staff is
search into their products as early as possible. Fur- possible but not necessary any more.
thermore they make their own efforts to realize new
developments in servo drive products. - A high resolution encoder system for simulta-
neous sensing of position and speed provides a
Recently several servo drive manufacturers pre- resolution of several million positions per
sented new servo drives which can be called a new revolution. A significant reduction of encoder
generation of servo drives. The main features of costs introduced even multi-turn absolute en-
these drives are: coders to a wide field of applications.

- A digital control of position, speed and current. - Digital interfaces (e.g. SERCOS interface [2],
Since 1987, when first industrial servo drives CAN, ...) provide full access to all data inside
with completely digital control had been pre- the servo drive.
sented [1], the performance of these drives has
improved more and more and today is better Besides the advantage of having the possibility to
than the behaviour of analogue controlled use modern and sophisticated control algorithms,
drives [9]. Therefore servo drives with ana- servo drives with microcomputer control also have
logue control are going to be replaced com- some disadvantages. Control algorithm, cycle time,
pletely by digitally controlled drives. microcomputer, sensors and interface have to be
perfectly combined to achieve better performance
- The same inverter hardware and software is as it is known by servo drives with analogue con-
used for synchronous as well as for asynchro- trol. It is necessary to use special current, speed and
This concept saves cost
inverter modules inverter modules and effort on the cus-
folding/plug compact and tomer’s side.
mechanism standalone
...120kW ...15kW To control synchronous
and asynchronous motors
the servo drives use the
same control structure in
field orientation. Fur-
thermore it is not neces-
sary any more to differ
between feed drives and
spindle drives. Depending
on the type of motor
connected to the inverter,
Processor Board the microcomputer acti-
Processor Board
•CAN vates some software-
•SERCOS interface
subroutines. A hardware
or software change is not
necessary. Even the
power supply unit may be
Fig: 1 Modular Servo Drive System
considered as a big syn-
position sensors as well as digital interfaces to chronous machine and
transfer the reference values. Internal synchroniza- can be controlled by the same control algorithm
tion of all control parts is essential as well. This (see paragraph 5 “EMC/EMI”).
paper presents experiences and results of a modern
digital drive system pointing out the influences of The communication and diagnostic features of
low and high accuracy position sensors and the drives with digital control are overwhelming in
interdependencies mentioned above. comparison to drives with analogue control. Digital
interfaces (SERCOS interface [2], CAN, ...) allow
access to all data inside the drive and enable to
2. DRIVE CONTROL initialize any operation without using additional
wires or cables. Furthermore the feedback can eas-
The reasons for using a completely digital drive ily be given as more or less detailed text messages
control in industrial applications ([4], [5], [6]) in to the supervisor's screen instead of LED signals
spite of being slightly more expensive than drives inside the cabinet.
with analogue control can be found in a lot of ad-
vantages. Cost reductions have been achieved by shortening
the time necessary for set-up operations of servo
When using servo drives with digital control re- drives. Besides the significantly reduced number of
markable improvements of the drive behaviour are wiring and cables and consequently minimized
obtained during operation. Due to the fact of digital installation effort the optimization procedure of
signal processing and - what is even more important „digital“ servo drives was simplified by the use of
- digital sensing of speed and position there are no data tables containing control parameters or - what
offsets and no drifts any more within the control is even more progressive - an "electronic name
loops. A command value of 0 really leads to a plate". A memory is integrated in the servo motor
standstill of the drive. (or its encoder). When switching on the power, the
drive's microcontroller polls all information to
The development of „digital“ servo drives meant adjust the drive control to that specific motor from
integrating microcomputers into inverter designs. the "electronic name plate" without any additional
This is possible today without negative interfer- action from the operating staff.
ences between power stage and microcomputer.
The new drive generation provides a modular me- Last not least PC-based diagnostic and service
chanical structure by using identical power stage equipment was developed allowing the operators to
and control hardware for synchronous and asyn- communicate directly with the drive. Menu guided
chronous motors as well as for power supplies. access to the drive parameters reduces the time of
Processor boards are only different due to the dif- diagnostic and restart in the case of failures or un-
ferent digital interfaces. Fig. 1 shows the possibility expected situations. In difficult cases the diagnostic
to combine inverters with power stages for different equipment might be connected to the manufac-
output powers and processor boards with different turer’s service hotline by telephone line providing
processor performance for any servo drive system. more exact information and more successful action.
3. SYNCHRONIZATION few processors are able to do this within acceptable
cycle times. The drive presented in this contribution
As mentioned above, there are some disadvantages performs:
when using servo drives with microcomputer con-
trol. Control algorithm, cycle time, microcomputer, - position control in 250 µs cycle time
sensors and interface have to be perfectly combined - speed control in 40 µs cycle time
to achieve better performance than it is known by - current control in 40 µs cycle time
servo drives with analogue control. The application
of digital current control has to consider the effects There is enough performance left to calculate mod-
of control cycle time, inverter switching frequency els of the electrical machine to support the drive’s
and recovery time of the inverter switches. It is behaviour in safe operation conditions (see para-
necessary to implement internal synchronization of graph 6 “Safe Operation”).
all control parts. Fig. 2 shows the current/torque


stator current

The recent improvement concerning accuracy and

0 resolution of optical sensors provided a dramatic
increase of positioning accuracy. High resolution
position encoders enable to detect even very small
-10A deviations. In combination with high resolution
0 200 400 microcontrollers or -processors (> 32 bit) very
µs smooth speed operation as well as accurate posi-
tioning can be achieved.

stator current



-10A -0.2

0 200 400
µs 0 120 240 360

Fig. 3 Comparison of Position Accuracies when

Fig. 2 Current Ripple without (upper diagram) using Magnetic or Optical Sensors in Ser-
and with (lower diagram) Synchronisati- vo Drives
on of Control Loops

ripple of a synchronous servo drive with identical The detection of several sequential positions from
control hardware and control algorithm with and the encoder is now possible even in low speed op-
without control synchronization [7]. Today’s servo eration. Fig. 3 shows the comparison between a
drives provide internal cycle synchronization to modern optical encoder and a well-known resolver
improve the drives behaviour and to avoid any concerning accuracy of position angle. The devia-
drawback like additional torque or current ripple. tion of the position error is a measure for the servo
drive’s ability of smooth operation at very low
When using several servo drives as a whole system speeds. To operate a servo drive with the speed of a
for multidimensional motion control, it is necessary clock’s hour hand – which is not unusual – an en-
to synchronize not only the components within each coder resolution of several million positions per
drive but also the drives taking part in the co- revolution is necessary to guarantee really smooth
ordinated motion with each other. This is possible operation. These devices are available on market
by using a special synchronization interface or – today. Therefore the smooth operation behaviour of
what is more sophisticated – by using a digital servo drives with digital control has improved sig-
interface with integrated synchronization procedure nificantly in spite of some drawbacks in compari-
(e.g. SERCOS interface [2]). son with analogue tachogenerators.

The servo drive’s microcomputer must be able to Fig. 4 compares the smooth operation of the servo
handle at least 32-bit-operations to achieve results drive; one is equipped with a brushless tachogen-
better than servo drives with analogue control. Only erator and analogue control, the other one with a
high resolution encoder and digital control. The plying the electrical machine to the inverter of
commutation of the brushless tachogenerator pro- power supply [3]. The electrical mains can be
duces significant speed deviations which cannot be viewn as a very big and very special synchronous
compensated by the drive control, because the machine controlled by the power supply. If the
tachogenerator is a component of the feedback servo drive needs power, the power supply intends
loop. to decelerate the electrical network – hopefully
without success. If the servo drive regenerates
power, the power supply tries – not successfully, of
course – to accelerate the synchronous machine
behind the electrical network. Therefore the same
0,5 control strategy can be used for both the electrical
machine and the power supply of a servo drive
difference angle

The current control on both sides takes care of low
power pulsations. This means low torque ripple and
-0,5 low harmonic losses on the motor side and low
harmonics on the line side. The application of field-
oriented control algorithms even in power supplies
10 30 50 70 gives a significant improvement of EMC behaviour.
position angle All ideas aiming to a reduction of ripple currents in
inverter supplied electrical machines can also be
a.) brushless DC tacho used for line currents. The result is a significant
reduction of line harmonics. The 5th harmonic can
be easily reduced by a factor 8 to 10 [3]. Therefore
it is possible to meet the regulations of the Euro-
pean EMC directive (EN 61800-3) even with high
power servo drives.
difference angle

A further improvement of using “field-oriented”

control in power supplies is the control of the DC
link voltage. The voltage control on the line side
-0,5 providing a constant DC link voltage is superim-
posed on the current control like the speed control
on the motor side. Even when the line voltage has
tolerances of 20% and more, the DC link voltage is
10 30 50 70 controlled with much higher accuracy (e.g. 1%).
position angle
This provides an improved torque-speed-charac-
b.) high resolution optical encoder teristic of servo drives – especially of asynchronous
motors in the field weakening range.
Fig. 4 Position Error in Low Speed Operation
(30 rpm) Furthermore the efficiency of servo drives is in-
creased in a whole by reduced tolerances of the
An optical encoder improves the smooth operation motor voltages. The tolerances of the DC link volt-
by more than 10 in comparison to brushless tacho- ages can be limited so far that the rated values of
generators, which are commonly used with ana- the servo motors do not need to consider voltage
logue drive control. variations any more. The design of the electrical
machines can be adjusted much closer to the rated
values, (e.g. ± 1% instead of ± 10%) saving weight
5. DC LINK VOLTAGE CONTROL and and cost.
The new servo drive generation shows an improved 6. SAFE OPERATION
EMC behaviour concerning the power supply, an
improved drive efficiency by controlling the DC The most interesting highlight of the new servo
link voltage and an improved torque-speed- drive generation is the possibility to realize safe
characteristic – especially of asynchronous motors operation (i.e. safe standstill or safe motion) in
in the field weakening range. robots or machine tools with opened housing. The
people may work under direct access to a machin-
The basic idea leading to these improvements was ery without danger even when the electrical power
to transfer control principles from the inverter sup- is still active. The digital drive system provides safe
agency as a safety related component (according to
the machinery directive of EU). This means that
using this system a manufacturer of machine tools
power mains connecting or similar safety critical machinery has much less
switch equipment
off problems than in the past.
mains status
To avoid any danger during standard operation
(which is not a safe operation condition), it is ad-
vantageous to integrate the locking mechanism of
power supply inverter the machinery into the drive’s equipment. The drive
process status
only releases the door to be opened when safe op-
e.g. "open door"
eration condition is required and achieved, or the
µC HW power of the drive system is switched off com-
pletely. Without closing the door the safe operation
condition cannot be left by the drive. All informa-
drive status tion necessary is provided in more than one channel
to meet the safety standards.
power drive inverter
off Similar influence is provided by connecting the
µC HW machine tool’s emergency switch off as a double
channel signal to the servo drive. If there is a sepa-
rate power supply with microcomputer control in a
speed / position multi-axis servo drive system, it is not too difficult
sensor to deal with emergency and safety supervision and
switch off in a double way – in the power supply’s
M servo motor
control equipment and in each drive’s control
equipment. The information exchange between the
Fig. 5 Double Channel Signal Processing different microcomputers takes place by active and
dynamic signals indicating each interruption imme-
diately to each controller.
operation by internal redundant channels with dif-
ferent hardware.
This allows to operate the drive even with open
doors of the machine tool, because the drive guar-
Based on a new generation of position/speed sen-
antees a safe speed limit or standstill even under
sors in combination with a processor independent
torque by its double channel supervision and emer-
encoder hardware, safe operation of servo drives is
gency switch-off structure (patent pending).
possible. The servo motor itself is used as a
speed/position sensor by the microprocessor with-
out considering any information from the encoder.
(For control purposes – accuracy etc. – of course, 7. SUMMARY
the encoder’s information is used by the processor
as well.) When using a processor independent en- Today’s servo drives fulfil nearly all requirements
coder hardware to define the drive’s position and/or in the market – therefore the servo drives develop-
speed, this second (redundant) channel is used for ment has decreased its speed and is not a very big
supervising safe operation of the servo drive (Fig. issue in industry’s research at the moment. Some
5). Both channels – the encoder hardware as well as years later, when further progress in servo drive
the microcomputer – compare the real speeds/posi- performance will be required, the resolution of the
tions with each other. In the case of a difference, encoders will appear as the technical narrow-gap in
both channels switch off the drive – this type of servo drives.
emergency action is also performed in two inde-
pendent channels: the encoder hardware as well as After reaching a rather high standard in servo drive
the microcomputer block the drive’s inverter and – performance, issues like EMC and torque ripple get
via a second (redundant) channel – switch off the more to the foreground. To reduce the drive’s
main switch of the drive system. torque ripples, it is not sufficient any more to de-
sign a proper magnetic circuit of the electrical ma-
This procedure provides sufficient safety even chine – control synchronization to the inverter’s
when staff is operating directly at the machine tool. switching and the encoder characteristic as well as
In spite of using only one encoder per drive, the the variations of DC link voltage get more and
whole system is completely redundant concerning more important.
speed/position supervision, power switch off, door
control and emergency switch off interface. There- The drive internal processing performance is used
fore the system was certified by a Swiss safety for additional features. The example of safe opera-
tion (described in this paper) shows how to use the [10] R. Kennel, A. Linder, “Predictive Control of
distributed processing performance more efficient Inverter Supplied Electrical Drives”, 31st An-
than a central processor. nual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Con-
ference PESC’00, Galway/Ireland, June 2000.
Servo drives of the newest generation are now a
good basis to make further development in control
techniques. Processing power is big enough to im- 9. AUTHORS
plement self optimization and self adjustment
schemes for drive controls – the main requirement Ralph Kennel was born in
when replacing the well-known cascade control by Kaiserslautern, Germany, in
more modern control schemes (e.g. [10]). Even for 1955. He received the di-
university laboratories it is advantageous to perform ploma in Electrical Engi-
their research work in drive control based on one of neering and the Dr.-Ing.
the industrial servo drives, as these provide all degree from the University of
features necessary for that. Kaiserlautern in 1979 and
1984, respectively.
From 1983 – 1985 he was
8. REFERENCES Development Engineer for
servo drives with Robert BOSCH GmbH and later
[1] G. Kobs, R. Kennel, P. Zimmermann, „Fully Department Manager with the same company. In
Digital Controlled Induction Motors for Ma- 1997 he changed to the Automotive Division of the
chine Tool Applications“, 2nd European Con- same company at Bühlertal, Germany, as Depart-
ference on Power Electronics and Applications ment Manager for Advanced Development.
(EPE), Grenoble, Vol. 2, 1987, Pre-prints, pp. Since 1994 he is Visiting Professor at the Univer-
1171 – 1174. sity of Newcastle-upon-Tyne/UK and since 1999
Professor and Head of the Electrical Machines and
[2] R. Kennel, R. Weber, „Datenkommunikation Drives Laboratory at Wuppertal University.
über das Bussystem „SERCOS interface“,
Automatisierungstechnische Praxis (atp), Vol.
7, 1991, pp. 363 – 368, and Vol. 8, pp. 425 – Gerhard Kobs received his
429. diploma degree from the
Technical University of
[3] Michael Link, Erkki Niemi, Vesa Manninen, Braunschweig, Germany.
“Vier-Quadranten-Umrichter mit geregeltem From 1985 he developed
Netzwechselrichter”, Antriebstechnik 38, Nr. microcomputer controlled
3, 1999, pp. 34 – 40. drives with Robert BOSCH
GmbH at Erbach, Germany.
[4] N.N., “Höhere Produktivität beim Schleifen”, Later he became group man-
maschine + werkzeuge 6, 1998. ager for main spindle drives
in machine tools. In 1994 he
[5] Michael Reichenbach, “Verpackungstechnik took over responsibility as a product manager for
mit digital geregelten Servoantrieben”, An- servo drives. In this position he introduced the new
triebstechnik 37, Nr. 7, 1998. servo drive generation SERVODYN-D with digital
control to the market.
[6] Peter Ernst, “Open CNC Control with Digital
Drive Interface”, AMD&C, Issue 4, 1998, pp. Rupert Weber received his
164 – 169. diploma degree in electro-
technics in 1977. From 1977
[7] NC-Fertigung, Nr. 2, 1993, p. 55. to 1980 he worked in devel-
oping industrial power sup-
[8] G. Kobs, “Redundante Sicherheitsüber- plies and battery chargers. In
wachung im Antrieb integriert”, A&D Kom- 1980 he joined Robert
pendium, 1999, pp. 153 – 154. BOSCH GmbH at Erbach for
developing electrical drives.
[9] R. Kennel, G. Kobs, R. Weber, „Digital Con- He was project manager for
trol of Industrial Servo Drives for Machine the development of the digi-
Tools“, 8th European Conference on Power tal drives family SERVODYN-D. Since 1998 he is
Electronics and Applications (EPE), Lausanne, head of the servo drives development at Robert
1999, Proceedings, CD-ROM EPE '99, paper BOSCH GmbH, Erbach, Germany.
no. 882.

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