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Animal Classification

Dixie’s Pocket Zoo had

mammals, Fish and birds.
Can you name them?
Dixie’s pocket Zoo animals in different groups


Fish Birds

• Mammals have hair or fur
• They give birth to young babies
• They breathe with the help of lungs
• Mammal mothers nurse their young's with milk
• Warm blooded
• Warm blooded
• Has feathers
• Has a beak
• Has no teeth
• Has wings
• Lays eggs
• Live in water
• Have fins & tail for swimming
• Have gills for breathing
• Cold blooded
• Covered in scales
Today, we are going to learn
with Dixie about Reptiles.

Sam the snake

Reptiles are cold-blooded that means
their bodies need to be warmed up from
outside. They can live in water and land both

Sam the snake is a reptile.

It does not have legs and it moves with it’s muscles.
It has a very smooth, scaly skin and can slither along with ease.
It swallows it’s food whole without chewing it.
This is a crocodile.
It has four legs and is covered with scutes.
It has a long tail that helps him to swim very well.
It chews with it‘s mouth open! How rude!
Crocodiles like to bask in the sun to warm up their bodies.
That‘s because they are cold-blooded.
Their skins are covered with scutes or scales.

Scutes on an alligator’s foot. Scales on a snake.

They lay tough, leathery eggs.
A tortoise is a reptile too.
It is also covered with scutes.
It does everything very slowly.
Like all reptiles, this turtle is using the heat
of the sun to warm up his body.
This is a chameleon.
It can change colour to hide it from it’s enemies.
It moves very slowly.
It uses it’s tongue to catch food.
It’s running on the water!
Reptiles have beautiful and interesting skins.

Can You Think

Of Any Other
Reptiles ??
Can You Guess Which Reptile
This Is ??
Yes, You’re Right !!
It Is A Chameleon
Activity Time!
Step-1: Can you find the reptiles?
Step-: Can you research?

Can you research about your

favourite reptile and write
about its features?
Step-2: Can you find which is True or False?

Reptiles have feathers. True Fals

True Fals
Reptiles have dry, scaly skin. e

Reptiles give birth to young babies. True Fals

Reptiles are cold-blooded animals.
True Fals
Reptile need sun to keep their body
warm up. True Fals

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