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This ls to certify that Shri/Shrtnatifkumari sush Gavale

Son/daughter of Jagyanth avale
of Village/rown Tone in District/dévdeien
in the state/ynten Territory Mohns belongs to the
chem bh Caste/be is which is recognised as
Scheduled Caste Under :
the Constitution (Scheduled Caste)Order 1950
The Constitutton fScheduled pribe) erder,t950
Phe Constitution (Scheduled Caste)Union Territories order 1951
The Gostttutien fSoheduledTribe)tnion- Ter tories Order1951
As amended by the Scheduled caste and scheduled Tribes Iists
Modi cation Order, 1956 the Bombay Reorganisation Act,1960 the
Punjab Reorganisation Act,1966 the State of Himal Pradesh Act,
1970 the North Eastern Areas (Reorganisation Act 1971) and the
Scheduled Caste and scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendnamt) Act, 1976.
The Constitution (Jarmu & Kashmir) Scheđuled caste Order, 1956,
The Costitution (Andaman & Nicobar Islands) schedukea Tribes Order
1959 as amenđed by the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Order
Amendments) Act,1976.
The Constitution (Dadar and Nager Haveli) Scheduled Caste Order 1962
The Constitution .(Dadar end,Nagar HavetiScheduled Tribes Order 1976
The Constitutionłscheduled Tribes)Uttar pradesh Orderl967
The Constitution (Goa,Daman,Duc)(Scheduled Castes Order 1968.
The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order 1970.
2. Shri/Sheimatifkumari, Tushe S5aat" Govde
and/or his/aer fami ly ordinarily reside (s) inVįlHage/Town one
District/Division. of the State/Unien ferritoEy of

Place: Thane
Date: 9l y
State Maharashtra
Lnien Terite,
No,MSC/11/SR. 85 Bzecutive Magistrate, Tha

The Caste certi cate has been issued by the undersigned

on the strength of thể following đocumentary ridence produced
by the applicant in my of ce copies ihich are lled in the
relevant papers.
Particulars of proof.
Osheu le cat ' 5 xecutive Magistrate,Thâne.

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