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Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Department of Civil Engineering

CE 749 Freight Transportation Planning and Logistics

Paper Critique
This assigned may be performed in groups of up to four students. A group can suggest a paper for the critique; a
few papers will also be shared from which a paper may be selected. The paper critique report broadly involves two
components: summary of the paper and your assessment. Write a short summary of the paper in your own language.
This part primarily includes problem definition, problem formulation, results, and conclusions. Any theorems and
their proofs and algorithms used to solve the formulation need not be included in the report. At the end of the report
include your assessment summarizing: 1) significance and implications of the paper, ii) shortcomings, if any, iii)
suggestions, if any.

The report needs to be concise with the word limit of 2500 excluding tables and figures. Prepare a short presentation
of about 8-10 min based on the paper critique report. Submit the editable files of report and presentation.

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