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Machinising humans and humanising machines: Emotional

relationships mediated by technology and material experience

Caroline Yan Zheng

Book chapter manuscript under review, not for distribution

For Digital Bodies, Creativity and Technology in the Arts and Humanities by Prof Susan

Broadhurst and Dr Sara Price (eds), Palgrave Macmillan


With the advent of affective computing and physical computing, technological artefacts are

increasingly mediating human emotional relations, and becoming social entities themselves.

These technologies on one hand prompt a critical reflection on human-machine relations, and

on the other hand offer a fertile ground for imagining new dynamics of emotional relations

mediated by technology and materiality. This chapter describes design research drawing on

theories of technology, materiality and making. Carried out through fashion and experience

design, my practice amplifies processes of mediation. By creating material playgrounds for

technological and human agency, the experiments described here aim to generate knowledge

about the emotional self, critical reflection on human-machine relationships, and new

imagined emotional relations resulting from the hybridity of humans and technology.


human-machine relations, emotional relations, affective artefacts, technical mediation,

process, material experience, hybridity, materiality, postphenomenology, smart fashion,

wearable technology, intelligent interface, synthetic emotion, emotional intelligence

Contributor Bio

Trained in Paris and London, Caroline Yan Zheng is a designer and researcher in fashion,

physical interaction, wearable technology and experience design.

Her practice explores new ways to communicate emotion enabled by technology. She designs

relational objects and interfaces between body and space with artificial intelligence, textile

and programmable materials. Such interactive material experiences often engage critical

reflections of human – machine relations.

In her current PhD research at Royal College of Art, she examines the emotional

relationships mediated by technology and material experience.


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