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Barato, Paulo Miguel A.

Living the Lasallian Spirit – Module 3 - Activity

11 – Roger September 17, 2020

Inspirational Story: The Life Story of St. John Marie Vianney

1. He never gave up on priesthood despite of failing multiple times.

With that statement, I can really say that he is really driven to serve and guide the
people towards God. Even if he had difficult times along the way, he asked for God’s
guidance and went on a pilgrimage for enlightenment. He never gave up on his faith and
persevered his passion by being a priest and a servant of the Lord.

2. Encouraged everyone in the village to attend the mass and have confession.

During his first time in visiting the isolated village of Ars, the whole village
doesn’t have any knowledge or idea about the Lord. Due to his passion and zeal to serve
the community, he tried the best he can to encourage everyone and spending long hours
of confession to purify everyone’s sins.

3. Gave everything to the poor without anything in return.

St. John Vianney always visit the poor and beggars and give them what he have.
Some beggars visit him to ask for some food and he undoubtedly shared his own food to
others. He also gave his furnitures to those who has none and left those only that are
essential. We can see here the generosity and service of St. John Vianney to other people
without asking anything in return.

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