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27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.

[AAB01] Online quiz 2: Este

Evaluate your comprehension
examen se presentará en un minuto of the use of contents
of units 3 and 4.
Comenzado: 27 de mayo en 8:40

Instrucciones del examen

Description of the activity

En contacto con el docente (ACD)       (        )

Componentes del aprendizaje: Práctico-experimental (APE)                (        )

Autónomo (AA)                                     (   X   )

Graded activity 6: Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and
Actividad de aprendizaje:

Tipo de recurso: Online quiz 2

Tema de la unidad: UNIT 3: Business and Money
UNIT 4: Personal Attitudes

 Describes in simple terms aspects of his/her academic life, environment, and matters related to
Resultados de aprendizaje que se his/her immediate needs in present and past.
espera lograr: Articulates main ideas, both stated and inferred, and important details in a variety of texts at the
A2 level. 1/13
27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.

Review the grammar explanations and the reading and writing strategies introduced in units 3 and
 Este examen se presentará en un minuto
Estrategias didácticas: Complete the suggested activities to practice the grammar explanations and the reading and
writing strategies introduced in units 3 and 4.
Now, answer the questions included in this Graded activity 6: Online quiz 2.

Pregunta 1 0.5 pts


A. Read the text. Choose the correct answers. (Questions from 1 to 6)

Is it Real or Fake?

Museums pay millions of dollars to buy paintings. But sometimes they make mistakes and pay millions for fake paintings. If you
want to buy a painting, how can you be completely sure that you are buying a real painting? You need to do your homework.
First of all, study the artist’s work. Find out what kind of paint he or she uses. Oil paint takes a long time to dry. Use your nose. If
you can’t smell it, it’s very old. Second, find out if the artist usually paints pictures of people or objects. What is his or her style?
Third, study the frames used by the artist. Some artists always use wood from certain trees. Other artists always paint their
frames a certain color. Finally, if you still don’t know if the painting is real or fake, ask a professional. Some people spend their
lives studying works of art by one artist. These people can usually look at a painting and know if it’s real or fake. As technology
improves, professionals can use computers to find out if a painting is real or fake. But better technology can also make it easier
to for people to counterfeit artwork. There is no way to be completely sure, but if you follow these steps you will usually be able
to tell the real painting from the fake one.

1. If you are completely sure that the painting is fake, you are _____ sure.

0% 2/13
27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.

100% Este examen se presentará en un minuto



Pregunta 2 0.5 pts

After I bought that expensive painting, I felt nervous that maybe it was fake.

Which sentence means the same?

I thought the painting was too expensive.

Buying the painting set me free.

I was worried that the painting wasn't real.

After I bought the painting, I was relaxed.

Pregunta 3 0.5 pts

Which statement describes the main idea?

People use technology to counterfeit artwork. 3/13
27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.

Do your homework to find out if a painting is real or fake.

 Este examen se presentará en un minuto
Museums spend millions of dollars on fake artwork.

Old paintings are usually real.

Pregunta 4 0.5 pts

To tell if a painting is real or fake, the first thing you do is _____.

learn about the artist's work

smell the frame

study the frame

ask a professional

Pregunta 5 0.5 pts

Read the prediction. Can you tell if it is true or not from the information in the paragraph?

"It will be easier in the future to determine if a painting is real or fake."

There is not enough information in the paragraph to know if this statement is true.

True, based on what we read in the paragraph. 4/13
27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.

 Este examen se presentará en un minuto

Pregunta 6 0.5 pts

The paragraph describes four things to do to determine if a painting is real or fake. What is the fourth thing?

Study the frames.

Use your nose and smell the paint.

If you can't tell, get some help.

Do your homework.

Pregunta 7 0.5 pts

B. Choose the correct answers. (Questions from 7 to 10)

7. The two men were _____ for selling fake CDs.


following the law


arrested 5/13
27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.

 Este examen se presentará en un minuto

Pregunta 8 0.5 pts

No one can prevent other people from making fake paintings.

Prevent means _____.





Pregunta 9 0.5 pts

Which sentence is correct?

The dark painting is most interesting than the light one.

The dark painting is interesting than the light one.

The dark painting is more interesting than the light one.

The dark painting is interestinger than the light one. 6/13
27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.

Pregunta 10  Este examen se presentará en un minuto 0.5 pts

Which sentence is correct?

This photograph is more big than that one.

This photograph is more bigger than that one.

This photograph is bigger than that one.

This photograph is most big than that one.

Pregunta 11 0.5 pts


A. Read the text. Choose the correct answers. (Questions from 11 to 16)

Do We Need a Rule for THAT?

1 There are a lot of rules about subway etiquette. Many of these rules are unwritten. For example, if an elderly woman walks onto
a crowded train and all the seats are full, most people would stand up and give her a seat. Most people are polite and usually
follow the rules. But there aren't rules for everything. I had a surprising experience last week. 7/13
27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.
 It was about 5:15 last Tuesday night. I was standing at the subway station along with many other tired people on their way
Este examen
 crowded.
home from work. It was especially sewondered
I even presentará en un
if we minuto
would all have seats on the next train. After a while, I saw a
man walking onto the platform. I couldn't believe what he was carrying. He was dragging a tree that was almost as tall as he was
and about three times as wide. The other people waiting for the subway were also quite surprised and a little bit annoyed. Was
he really going to bring that on the train? Now there was definitely not going to be enough room for all of us on the train. Should I
tell him that trees aren't allowed on the subway? Is that even a rule? A tree might even block the door and that would be very
dangerous. There weren't even any police officers around to enforce the rules. All I knew was that I didn't want to stand next to a
tree on my long ride home. So, I just waited for the next train and left the man with the tree to annoy someone else.

11. Many rules are difficult to _____, especially when there are no police officers around.



rely on


Pregunta 12 0.5 pts

The passenger with the tree was annoyed that no one helped him carry the tree.

The passenger was _____.

a little angry

a little rude 8/13
27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.

a little confused
 Este examen se presentará en un minuto
a little shy

Pregunta 13 0.5 pts

What is the main idea?

Trees on trains are dangerous.

Most trains are very crowded.

There aren't enough police officers on subways.

Some people don't follow subway etiquette.

Pregunta 14 0.5 pts

The author sees a man trying to bring a tree on the subway, and in the end _____.

he ignores the man and takes a different train

he helps the man carry the tree onto the train

he tells the man he's breaking the rules

he makes a new rule about trees on trains 9/13
27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.

 Este examen se presentará en un minuto

Pregunta 15 0.5 pts

Which opinion does the author agree with?

There are too many etiquette rules.

People should help other people carry heavy objects.

There should be a rule about trees on subways.

All etiquette rules should be written.

Pregunta 16 0.5 pts

What is the conflict in the story?

A lot of people were waiting to get on the train.

A man wanted to bring a tree onto a crowded train.

There weren't enough seats for all the passengers on the train.

The tree was too heavy for the man to carry. 10/13
27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.

Pregunta 17  Este examen se presentará en un minuto 0.5 pts

B. Choose the correct answers. (Questions from 17 to 20)

17. I wanted to tell the man with the tree that he was being impolite to the other passengers.

Impolite means _____.





Pregunta 18 0.5 pts

Was the man with the tree breaking the rules?

Breaking the rules means _____.

following the rules

making up new rules

changing the rules 11/13
27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.

not following the rules

 Este examen se presentará en un minuto

Pregunta 19 0.5 pts

Which sentence is correct in using the imperative?

Always hold the door for pregnant women.

He always holds the door for pregnant women.

The door must always be held for pregnant women.

You must always hold the door for pregnant women.

Pregunta 20 0.5 pts

Which sentence is correct in using the imperative?

Shouldn't smoke on the bus.

Don't smoke on the bus.

Must not smoke on the bus.

You shouldn't smoke on the bus. 12/13
27/5/23, 9:04 Examen: [AAB01] Online quiz 2: Evaluate your comprehension of the use of contents of units 3 and 4.

 Este examen se presentará en un minuto

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