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How to Integrate Your Christian Faith with Day-to-Day Business Practices

How Do I Integrate My Christian Faith

with Day-to-Day Business Practices?
Copy Right MMXIX by Dave Kahle

Published by Dave Kahle Management, LLC

P.O. Box 523

Comstock Park, MI 49321


March 2023

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How to Integrate Your Christian Faith with Day-to-Day Business Practices

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
STEP ONE: SHIFT YOUR PARADIGM........................................................................................................................ 8
STEP TWO: PRAY MORE AND PRAY MORE INTENTIONALLY ................................................................................. 12
STEP THREE: SEEK TO LIVE OUT THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT .................................................................................... 17
STEP FOUR: PREPARE YOUR PERSONAL TESTIMONIES ......................................................................................... 20
STEP FIVE: EMPHASIZE EXCELLENCE ..................................................................................................................... 23
WHERE TO NOW? ................................................................................................................................................ 27

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How to Integrate Your Christian Faith with Day-to-Day Business Practices


There was a time when Christian-owned businesses were looked at with

just a touch of disdain by the Christian community. In many places they still are.

The real work of the Kingdom, or so the idea was, happens inside the
institutional church, and is only done by pastors and missionaries and those who
support and train them. Business was thought of as a necessary ‘secular’ activity
whose real purpose was to make money to support the religious establishment.

Establishing and propagating that paradigm had to be one of Satan’s most

effective strategies. Because of that mindset, literally millions of people could
have been exposed to the Kingdom in the place where they spent 40 hours a
week, and were not.

Instead of being exposed to the blessings, principles and practices of a

Christian business, millions of people were excluded because of a mindset that
promoted compartmentalization – a mindset that said Christianity is what you did
on Sunday morning and had nothing to do with what you did during the week.
Business was one thing, Christianity was another, and the two didn’t mix.

But, the Lord began a movement, 20 to 30 years ago, to destroy that

paradigm and bring Christian businesses to the forefront in the Kingdom. The
Business as Mission (BAM) movement was an early manifestation of that
movement. Under the BAM concept, business could impact the world for Christ, if
it served the interests and agenda of the institutional church. It initially began with
the realization, on the part of some missionary groups, that while missionaries
were banned from a number of countries, businesses were welcome. Why not
make a mission effort and disguise it as a business? The institutional church now
saw businesses as tools to further their agenda.

In that modest beginning, BAM unleashed a virtual tiger. Instead of just

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disguised mission efforts, Christian businesses could actually do good in the

world. They could, for example, develop wells for African villages, promote crafts
from developing countries, and create jobs. Now, Christian business people were
no longer compelled to think of themselves as second-class Christians. Their
work, skills and gifts could be important in the Kingdom! Dozens of books were
written, and conferences held all over the world promoting the BAM concept.

The BAM concept is now morphing into BIM – Business is Ministry. The
BIM concept realizes that business – your business – can be a powerful entity in
the Kingdom, regardless of what it does or where it exists. Business doesn’t have
to be an arm of a mission movement, business is ministry all by itself.

When I was researching the scriptures for The Good Book on Business, I
discovered an even higher principle. Not only is business a ministry, but business
is and was the priority for God to interact with his people, the primary place where
He builds leaders, and the most powerful place to build faith among His people.
Business was established before Eve was created, before scripture was written,
before prophets, priests, churches or pastors.

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Here are a few of the things I discovered about Biblical


1. They are God’s first priority for a venue in which to

interact with mankind.

2. They are a powerful place to build faith among his


3. They are a conduit for God’s blessings.

4. They are the first venue for the application of spiritual gifts.

5. They are God’s preferred venue to raise up Godly leaders.

6. They provide the perfect setting for wholesale conversions to Christianity.

That’s a short list. The full list is in The Good Book on Business.

Not only is business a ministry, but it is the original ministry. Unfortunately,

most Christian businesses have no idea of how powerful their business (ministry)
can be in the Kingdom.

As I researched Biblical businesses, I discovered a set of principles and

practices that set a Biblical business apart from others. Any Christian business
person can implement these practices and principles and transform his/her
business into a powerful entity in the Kingdom. It’s not easy, and it doesn’t happen
on its own. But it can be done. The necessary ingredient is you -- you must decide
to begin the process.

Because you are reading this little book, you are already positively

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disposed to the idea that your business can be more. There is more spiritual
potential in your business than you realize. You can transform your business and
begin to achieve that potential.

This book shows you how.

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How to Integrate Your Christian Faith with Day-to-Day Business Practices

Step One: Shift Your Paradigm

“How do I integrate my Christian faith with my day-to-day business


That’s a question that almost every

Christian considers from time to time. And,
while that question may have been seen
as mildly important as we mused on it
several years ago, the rapid deterioration
of our culture has suddenly injected it with
an ASAP. Urgency.
It was a lifestyle to which many of
us adhered. Call it comfortable
compartmentalization. It was the spiritual
status quo. It meant that we got by being
somewhat involved in church on Sundays
and doing no grievous wrong during the week.
In the last few years, all of that has changed. Today, we are living in the world
which has risen out of 40 years of comfortable, arms-length Christianity.
A couple of decades of spiritual compartmentalization have brought us to the
point where our religious freedoms and values are clearly under attack by a widening
coalition of left-wing politicians, complicit media, social media moguls and hordes of
anonymous social media pundits. Any half-way literate person can’t help but notice the
rapid decline in Christian influence in our culture. You may recall that Obama opposed
gay marriage when he took office. It took about ten years to go from that to the point

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where transgenderism is being promoted at the federal level, rational thinking is

ignored, and the rule of law is being supplanted by mob rule.
If these trends continue, the next ten years will find Christians persecuted in this
country. Ten years ago, we may have thought, “How do I integrate my Christian faith
with my day-to-day business practices?” because we had a mild sense of obligation.
For the most part, it was a nice idea we thought about from time to time because we felt
a bit of a sense of obligation. But, there was no real urgency, and we were content to
build our businesses and careers and keep them separate from our involvement in the
local religious institution.
Today we ask the question because we realize that if we don’t do something, we
may not be able to practice our faith in the near future. If something doesn’t change, we
will have been the last generation to openly practice Christianity. Our children won’t
have that luxury.
Our motivation now is to insure a reasonably free existence for our children and
grandchildren and the survival of the country. The question is no longer an academic
musing, but rather our knee-jerk reaction to the realization that we have lost the culture
and may lose everything else if we don’t act.
The mildly intrigued academic question of ten years ago has become the make-
or break response to a world turning increasingly dark.
So, how do we integrate our Christian faith with our day-to-day business
The answer isn’t simple, and it varies from time to time and place to place.

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Where do we start?
The Apostle Paul gave us the direction:
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so
that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2 (NIV)

If we are going to make a difference in the world, it has to start in our minds.
First, we think it, then we do it. In 21 st Century, Western civilization terms, that means a
paradigm shift.
One dictionary defines “paradigm: as a standard, perspective, or set of ideas. A

paradigm is a way of looking at something.

When we shift our paradigms, we see things differently. And, since we see things
differently, we think differently and act differently. For example, if we were raised in an
abusive home, we might have acquired the paradigm that says, “people of the opposite
sex are inherently manipulative.” That paradigm colors all our thoughts, interactions
and relationships with the opposite sex. It’s almost impossible to act positively when we
are burdened with a twisted paradigm.
As in every other area of our life, our spirituality is hampered or nurtured by the
paradigms we’ve acquired over our lifetime. One of the most damaging paradigms has
to do with our Christianity in the marketplace. That paradigm says that our Christianity is
primarily expressed through our involvement with an institutional church. As long as we
believe that we will see the world through a slightly perverted perspective – a
perspective that puts church—not Christ-- at the heart to our Christian experience. And
as long as we believe that, we will never be able to fully live out our Christianity in the
As in the previous generations who bought into that false idea, the impact will
continue to be millions of marketplace people who could have been exposed to God’s
providence and grace through interaction with a Christian and weren’t. It will continue,
as in previous generations to encourage Christians to stay silent in their spheres of
influence. As in previous generations, it will continue to create a culture where God is
ridiculed, and Christians viewed a

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The paradigm that says Christianity is about church has to change. When we
shift that paradigm and begin to see that Christianity is about every aspect of our lives in
subjection to Jesus Christ, that new paradigm frees us from the idea that holds us to an
institution and allows us to think more clearly and more creatively about the
marketplace. When the blinders come off, we’ll see opportunities all around us.
Until we make that paradigm shift,-- that Christianity is about every aspect of our
lives, including our business and career -- our efforts to live our Christianity in the day-
to-day practices of the marketplace will be like paddling a canoe upstream. We can
make some temporarily progress, but we are ultimately doomed to be overtaken by the
forces around us.
If we are going to live out our Christianity in the marketplace, we must first
change our paradigm.

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Step Two: Pray More and Pray More


The Christian life is a journey, and we focus one step at a time. It’s like walking through
a forest at night, with just a small flashlight to light your way. You can’t see more than
a few feet ahead, and the light illuminates only the next few steps.
That analogy provides us a perspective on the question. The answer to the
question today may be different than it will be just a bit down the road. Because our
circumstances vary, the opportunities and relationships that we have today will be
different than what we encounter further down the path. So, the specific answers to that
question in some part depends on the details of the situation in which you find yourself.
What’s important is that you keep asking the question. Today’s answer is just today’s
answer, and not necessarily a lifetime prescription.
Having said that, there is a body of knowledge about some principles and
practices that extend beyond the specific details of our current situation. These are
principles and practices that apply regardless of the circumstances.
Here’s one: Pray more and pray more intentionally. In other words,
intentionally add depth and breadth to your prayer practices. First, let’s establish a
couple Biblical principles upon which this practice is based.

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1. We are commanded to pray for everything.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God. And the Peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6 (NIV)
Does “everything” include our careers and businesses and the multitude of
decisions we must make, the relationships which occupy us, and the never-ending list of
tasks to be accomplished? Of course. “Everything” means just that.

There is a horribly debilitating idea

that is, unfortunately, quite commonly held;
that God doesn’t want us to pray for our
careers and businesses. This mistaken
mindset reserves our prayers for our
families and sanctioned “church work.” It is
OK to pray for a missionary your church
supports, for example, but a bit gauche to
pray for that big sale on which you are
working. You can pray that you find a new
youth pastor, but not that you find a new
administrative assistant.
Those ideas must be some of Satan’s greatest lies. By getting Christian
businesspeople to believe them, he has successfully removed a major sphere of activity
from being God-influenced. He must chuckle to himself everything he sees someone
who could be praying about a business issue and doesn’t.
Prayer is how we invite God into aspects of our lives, and the marketplace is one
of those major pieces. If Christian people are to be a light in a dark world, the
marketplace represents a huge slice of that darkness crying out for the moderating and
illuminating presence of Christians unafraid to ask God’s intervention.
2. Prayer brings peace.
Notice, in the passage quoted above, the impact of our prayers. “And the Peace
of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in

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Christ Jesus. “When we look at our lives, there are few areas which bring more anxiety,
more worry and more dread than the marketplace. In the ebb and flow of countless
business decisions, with consequences impacting hordes of others, our activity in the
marketplace calls out for peace like no other. The source of that peace is not success,
but relationship with God through prayer.
3. Prayer promotes a closer relationship with God.
As we bring Him our hopes, our opportunities, our challenges and our decisions,
we naturally grow closer to Him. We hear from Him and we see Him operate in our
lives. Our work in the marketplace is a perfect venue for this constant interaction with
God. Every day presents a swirling stream of decisions clamoring for our attention. As
Richard Swensen said in the book Margin, “we must now deal with more things per
person than at any other time in history.” More things per person means a never-ending
set of concerns and requests to bring to God. It is as if God created our turbulent times
just for the purpose of bringing us closer to him through prayer.
Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. John 16:23

4. Prayer is a powerful way to bring glory to God without sermonizing or

turning people off.
When you tell someone you will pray for them, or better yet offer to pray with
them, you acknowledge a personal God’s involvement in your life in a way which is non-
obtrusive and non-threatening. It doesn’t offend anyone, nor force your beliefs on
anyone else. Prayer in the marketplace, then, is one of the most powerful evangelistic
If you were to commit to “praying for everything” in the marketplace what would
that look like?
We are all at different places in our journey to bring God into our marketplace lives. So,
it is difficult to prescribe a set of practices that are the final definition of prayer

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in the marketplace. Having said that, we can paint a picture of what the ideal situation
would be.
If you were to fully implement this practice, you’d
• Invest in an annual personal retreat in which you methodically prayed over
every aspect of your business, career for the year.
• Pray before every planning session, personal or business, to invite the Holy
Spirit into the planning process.
• Pray before and after every major event to invite Him to do His will through
this event.
• Pray before and after every encounter with people – employees, co-workers,
customers, and vendors.
• Seek opportunities to pray for and with people.
• Pray methodically for all the people with whom you interact.
• Pray for business and career success, profitability, excellence and ever-
growing impact.
The specific itineration of each of these practices will vary from person to person
and situation to situation. One of the members of my CBIG groups, for example, prays
for each of the employees in his company. He keeps index cars for each, notes some
personal things about them, and records his prayers for them. He prays through those
cards every Friday.
You may have some unique expressions of what it means to pray in the

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marketplace. Feel free to share them with us in the eXcellence & Influence Community.

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Step Three: Seek to Live Out the Fruit

of The Spirit
As a consultant for 35 years, I’ve observed that the
tactical details often differ dramatically, even in
similar situations. For example, an executive may be
mulling over the decision to terminate an
employee. Another executive, in a similar situation,
has an almost identical set of circumstances. In one
case, the decision to terminate is obvious, and in other not nearly so. The difference is
in the details. The answer to today’s circumstances is just today’s answer, and not
necessarily a lifetime prescription. What’s important is that you keep asking the question
and that you seek to build deeper attitudes, principles and habits into your personal
routines. If you want to confidently make tactical decisions, then you need to commit to
a set of unwavering values. Those unwavering values are composed of principles,
practices and habits that extend beyond the specific details of our current situation.
These apply regardless of the circumstances.
In the first chapter, I identified the first: Shift Your Paradigm. In the next, I
unpacked the second: Pray more and pray more intentionally.

In this chapter, I’m unpacking the third: Seek to live out the fruit of the spirit.

What are the Fruit of the spirit?

Let’s begin by understanding the fruit of the spirit. They are listed in Galatians,
chapter five:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,23
gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22, 23 (NIV)

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These are character traits -- which is another

way of saying habits which have been cultivated
over time and begin to manifest more explicitly as a
person matures in Christ. Notice that they are fruit of
“the Spirit.” These habits, like all others, are built
over time. They are built by the Holy Spirit in the
character of a person who cooperates with him in
the process of slowly acquiring these traits. Just as it takes time and the right
conditions for fruit to appear and ripen in
nature, so too the fruit of the spirit
manifest increasingly over time, out of a
willful heart, a relationship with Christ,
and an activity of the Spirit.

Notice too that almost all of these

traits are most apparent in relationship to
other people. While one can love God,
for example, it is impossible to love
others if there are no others. One can’t
exhibit kindness if there is no one to which to be kind. In order to be good, there has to
be someone to which to be good.

This is readily apparent when the passage is viewed in context with the rest of
the chapter. Paul first tells us how NOT to act by describing the worldly approach:

Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity,
sensuality,20 idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes,
dissensions, factions,21 envying, drunkenness, orgies and the like. I warn you, as I did
before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-
21 (NIV)

He then positions the fruit of the spirit as the Godly prescription for us:

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But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness,23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Galatians
5:22, 23 (NIV)

The fruit of the Spirit, then, function to attract and soften the people around us. If
we lived alone on a desert island, there would be no need for love, peace, patience, etc.
As such the fruit of the spirit are a prescription for significant interpersonal
success in the marketplace. They are the result of a relationship with Christ and model
his character in our lives. Just as Christ attracted people and impacted them, so too we
attract and impact people by displaying His character through the fruit.
It is interesting to note that Paul asserts, “against such things there is no law.”
These traits are so universally valued and admired that no law stands against them.
But is it bigger than just a law? Can the ‘cancel culture’ squads object to joy,
peace and love? Can the hordes of anonymous social media detractors find something
objectionable in kindness, goodness and self-control? Can a super-sensitive, easily
offended atheist find fault with you for practicing kindness, gentleness and patience?
Probably not, at least not without showing themselves as fools.
If you ask the Holy Spirit to manifest the fruit of the spirit in your marketplace
activities, you will have embraced a bulletproof strategy for living your faith in the
marketplace. You’ll be protected from criticism and reflect the attractive, impactful
character of our Lord.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness,23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)

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Step Four: Prepare Your Personal


In the first chapter, I identified the first of five simple steps to integrate your Christian
faith with day-to-day business practices Shift Your Paradigm.. In the next, I unpacked
the second: Pray more and pray more intentionally. The third is: Seek to live out the
fruit of the spirit. In this fourth chapter, we are going to look at the next key practice:
Prepare your personal testimonies.

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the
reason for the hope) that you have. But do this with gentleness and
respect, 16 keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously
against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. I Peter
3:15,16 (NIV)

This is God’s system for attracting people to the Kingdom. As we exhibit the
Fruit of the Spirit to an ever-greater degree, we naturally attract people to want what we
have. If we are obedient to Peter’s command, above, we will have prepared a response
for those inevitable inquiries. When we
manifest the fruit of the spirit in our marketplace lives, some people will take notice. The
Holy Spirit will prompt some of the people around you, attracted by your Christian
character and curious about your faith, to ask you about it. At that point, you’ll need to

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explain your faith, and what God has done for you, your family, and your business or
profession. This situation – someone asking you about your faith – is so likely to happen
that the Lord directs us to prepare for it. All of us have two
parts to our stories about our relationship with God, and we need to prepare both parts
of the story. First is our conversion experience – how God intervened in our lives and
brought us into a relationship with Him.
The second is just as important – how
God has worked with us, to mold our
character and improve our lives since
our conversion. If we are going to
be obedient to Peter’s direction, we
need to prepare both parts of that story.
Some people will write out a page or two
of personal testimony in preparation.
The act of writing it out forces some
precision on your part, gives you the
opportunity to edit it and embeds it more soundly into your mind – making it easier for
you to bring it to the surface and find the words when you need to share them.

In your conversion testimony, it is important that you be transparent and honest

with your personal testimony. God has, by his grace, brought you out of difficult
circumstances, most likely caused by your sin. Don’t avoid that. It is the universal
condition. People will relate to and be drawn to the difficulties in your life as much as
the successes. Tell the story of what you were before Christ, how you encountered
him, and what you have become after that. Talk about the change in you. Add a Bible
verse or two. Keep it under one side of one page. Then, read it several times to
yourself to embed it into your brain.
Then go onto telling some parts of the story of how God has worked in in your life
since your conversion to mold your character, to communicate with you, and to order
your life. Ask Him to inspire your story, so that you tell the parts of it that He wants you

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to convey. Follow the same guidelines – a page or two, written out, and then practiced a
few times. Your outline should be something like this:

• The situation before God’s intervention.

• How God intervened in your life.
• The situation after that intervention.
• How God has changed you.

Having done that, you will have complied with Peter’s direction, and take a huge
step toward living your faith out in the marketplace.

Let’s review the four practical practices:

1. Shift your paradigm

2. Pray more and pray more intentionally.

3. Seek to live out the Fruit of the Spirit

4. Prepare your personal testimonies.

This simple approach to living out your faith in the marketplace will provide you a
platform upon which to add more specific practices as you grow in your influence. It is
Biblical, and within the scope of everyone reading this. If only a percentage of the
people reading this would apply it, we could turn the world upside down!

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Step Five: Emphasize Excellence

Shortly after I became a Christian, I interviewed for my
first professional job. The manager to whom I would
later report mentioned that the territory was open
because the previous salesperson had falsified call
reports and been fired for a lack of honesty. I jumped
in, declaring my newly found faith and its emphasis on
integrity, assuring him that he would have nothing to
worry about with me.
Later, in de-briefing the interview with the recruiter with whom I was working, the
recruiter shared that my interviewer had seen my declaration of Christianity as a
negative and was afraid that I would use my position to proselytize my customers. It
was my first experience with the conflict between the world’s expectations and my faith.
I didn’t know what else to do, so I prayed and asked God for direction. And, in a flash I
received – nothing. God was not going to bail me out with a simple and direct strategy.
Rather, he was expecting me to dig deeper for the answer.
My initial thought was “This is going to be tricky.” Finding your way in a world
which emphasizes results, worldly accomplishment, money and success while coming
from a perspective that puts God’s Kingdom at the zenith – that’s tricky. And, while I
certainly haven’t gotten it all figured out, I’ve spent 35 years working on it, and have
acquired some insights.

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I’m assuming, of course, that you have matured enough in your spiritual walk to
even consider the question. The vast majority of Christian business people have never
considered the question because they have not yet made the paradigm shift to go from
compartmentalized thinking – “My Christian faith is about going to church on Sundays
and my life Monday – Friday life has
nothing to do with it”-- to understanding
that your career and your business
belongs to God, that he provided them to
you and that he should be the general
partner of your business and the
immediate supervisor of your career.
If you haven’t yet made that
paradigm shift, then the question is
irrelevant to you. If, however, you are a
Christian, active in the marketplace at a
professional level – salesperson, manager, executive, professional -- and you
understand that your
job/business/career is your ministry or, that you should at least be trying to integrate
your Christian faith with your day-to-day work, then you are searching for ways in which
to do that.
Once you’ve made that big shift in your paradigms and come to understand that
your business or career is not yours, but rather belong to God, you are faced with an
immediate problem: “ How do you focus on living out your Christian faith when the world
(and your employer and customers) demand results?”
This is the next in this series of things I’ve learned about integrating my faith with
my day-to-day job in the marketplace: Focus on process, not results. Here’s how I
first discovered this principle. In my earlier life, I was a salesperson and actually had
seven different sales positions. I was successful in all of them – twice becoming the
number one salesperson in the nation for two different companies in two distinctly
different selling situations. And, in almost all of those positions, I was given quotas and
goals which were designed to motivate me to produce the results the company’s

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But here’s the secret – I never paid any attention to them. OK. I looked at how I
was doing from time to time for financial planning purposes, but as far as being
motivated by them – I was oblivious. Instead, I focused on doing everything I could
ever better. While I didn’t have the sophistication of thought back then, what I was
doing, albeit subconsciously, was focusing on the process, not the result.
In one job, where a million-dollar territory was the difference between the men
and the boys, I had a million-dollar year increase, and after five years had a five-million-
dollar territory. And I never paid the least attention to the quotas provided me by my
I wasn’t motivated by hitting the results – I was motivated by the sense of
fulfillment I got when I did everything right – created the relationship with the customers,
uncovered the opportunities, dug deeper into understanding them, presented attractive
proposals, serviced the business well – and did that with an ever-growing set of
customers. It was the nuts and bolts of B2B selling.
In my next career as a sales consultant and sales guru, I had the time to reflect
on some of my experience and draw lessons from them. It occurred to me that one of
the reasons I was successful in every sales job was that I focused on the process, not
the end result, and by continually focusing on doing the right things, and doing them
well, I produced exceptional results.
Today, looking at that same
experience through with my Christian
world view, I realize that God had
given me at least a partial answer to
that early prayer. One of the ways
that you can integrate your
Christianity with your day-to-day
activities in the marketplace is to
focus on the processes and let God
take care of the results.
Do the right things and do them well. That’s a lifetime challenge for every

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How to Integrate Your Christian Faith with Day-to-Day Business Practices

professional position. Your boss will be pleased with you, your customers will reward
you and you will be fulfilling one of the guidepost scriptures for businesspeople in the

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for
men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a
reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3: 23,24:

It may be tricky, but it is certainly possible.

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How to Integrate Your Christian Faith with Day-to-Day Business Practices

Where to now?
Sooner or later, you must do it. There is only so much you can learn,

You know that if you implemented these practices you’d eventually have a
radically different business. You know, in your heart, that this is the ministry for
which God created you.

Now is the time to do it.

You may need some help. Let me suggest

you subscribe to The Biblical Business Course,
which consists of a number of multi-media
modules teaching basically the same thing we
articulated in the book, plus a number of other
principles and practices. It will take you step-by-step through the process of
building a Biblical business by implementing the practices we’ve discussed.

If you’d like to dig deeper into the ideas expressed here, I’d recommend
you purchase a copy of The Good Book on Business. Not only will you see the
scriptural underpinning for much of what we’ve come to understand, but you’ll
also see profiles of several Biblical businesses. Your views on business will never
be the same.

Finally, if you think you’d gain from an association of like-minded Christian

business people, consider my Christian Business Impact Groups, noted in the
section on “Gather a group of advisers.” I have two groups which I personally
facilitate. Check It out here, and then fill in the form and I’ll reach out to you.

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How to Integrate Your Christian Faith with Day-to-Day Business Practices

About the Author

Dave Kahle has been in practice for 30 years.
He’s been the number 1 salesperson in the
country for 2 different companies, in two
distinct industries and selling situations. He’s a
high-energy, intense, world class speaker, who
has presented in 5 Canadian provinces, 11
B2B Sales Expert Countries, and 47 US States.
Christian Business Thought Leader

Dave has authored 13 books, including his most recent book The Good Book
on Business. Other popular titles are, Question Your Way to Sales Success, 11 Secrets
of Time Management for Salespeople, and How to Sell Anything to Anyone Anytime.
His books have been translated into 8 languages and are available in 20 countries.
He has trained or consulted for over 459 individual companies. When he isn’t
helping sales teams reach new heights, he and his wife, Coleen split their time
between Grand Rapids, Michigan and Sarasota, Florida. He is a father, foster
father, adoptive father and grandfather to 14 grandchildren. He has authored 13 books,
including The Good Book on Business. Sign up for his weekly messages here.

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