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An Integrated Color-Appearance Model

Using CIELUV and Its Applications

Yoshinobu Nayatani,* Hideki Sakai

Graduate School of Human Life Science, Osaka City University, Sugimoto 3, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 558-8585, Japan

Received 6 January 2007; revised 20 April 2007; accepted 22 May 2007

Abstract: A new type of color-appearance model is pre- ceived lightness, equi-perceived chroma) irrespective of
sented together with its formulations. It is named In- hues under reference illuminant. Using the In-CAM, we
CAM(CIELUV), which means the integrated color- can integrate the fields of applications in both colorimet-
appearance model using CIELUV space. Using the In- ric engineering and artistic color design. Further, the In-
CAM(CIELUV), we can integrate its fields of applications CAM clarifies the importance of attribute of whiteness–
in both colorimetric engineering and artistic color design. blackness in surface color perception, and also the useful-
Various applications are introduced in colorimetric and ness of a concept named ‘‘Hue-Tone’’ or ‘‘Hue-Nuance’’
color design fields. The In-CAM(CIELUV) connects system widely used in the field of color design.
directly colorimetric color space and perceptual Hue- We also reported that we can develop various In-CAM
Tone color order systems. In other words, the In-CAM formulations on the basis of each of CAMs developed so
(CIELUV) gives a colorimetric basis for Hue-Tone sys- far.1 The usefulness of each In-CAM developed depends
tem. The three color attributes in the In-CAM(CIELUV) upon its structure and application. However, the funda-
space are mutually independent. This is a very convenient mental concepts and procedures are the same for trans-
feature for selecting color combinations. Some two-color forming each of CAMs already developed, for example
combinations selected systematically in the In-CAM(CIE- CIECAM02,3 to its corresponding In-CAM.
LUV) space are shown. Ó 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res In this article, an example of In-CAM is given using
Appl, 33, 125 – 134, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience CIELUV4 to illustrate the concept because of the simplicity
( DOI 10.1002/col.20387 for model formulation. It is named the In-CAM (CIELUV),
which means the Integrated Color-Appearance Model using
Key words: color-appearance model; Hue-Tone system;
the CIELUV space. Readers must understand that we do
whiteness–blackness; opponent-colors system; color com-
not claim that the In-CAM(CIELUV) is the best In-CAM.
We can expect to have various excellent In-CAMs in
future as already stated.
In the next section, after a brief introduction, detailed for-
INTRODUCTION mulation of In-CAM(CIELUV) is described step by step.
The concept and importance of Integrated Color-Appear- Graphical representations of the In-CAM(CIELUV) space are
ance Models (In-CAMs) were reported in the previous given in the third section. Then, two applications are given:
study together with its new features in color-appearance one for colorimetric fields in the fourth section, the other for
study.1 The In-CAMs have characteristics as follows: color design fields in the fifth section. In the color design
all the perceptual color attributes in In-CAM space are application, some color figures (a hue ring and two-color com-
mutually independent, because the Helmholtz-Kohlrausch binations) are used to show the Hue-Tone concept. The In-
(H-K) effect in the VCC method is taken into account.2 It CAM is expected to prove the Hue-Tone or Hue-Nuance sys-
can determine object colors with the same Tone (equi-per- tem as a useful tool for assisting color designers in selecting
various color combinations. Finally, in the sixth section, we
discuss the significance of In-CAM concept in color science.

*Correspondence to: Yoshinobu Nayatani (e-mail: nayatani@pearl.ocn. STRUCTURE OF In-CAM(CIELUV)
In this section, the detailed formulation of In-CAM(CIE-
C 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. LUV) is described after a brief introduction.

Volume 33, Number 2, April 2008 125

Brief Introduction of In-CAM(CIELUV)
The concept of In-CAM was already reported in a pre-
vious article in detail.1 In this article, detailed formulation
of In-CAM using CIELUV or In-CAM(CIELUV) are
described together with two examples of its application in
the fields of colorimetry and color design. The reason of
using CIELUV space is already described. For taking an
effect of chromatic adaptation into account, combined is
the CIECAT94-new5–7 to In-CAM(CIELUV). The pur-
pose of this article is to show the concept of In-CAM
clearly and concretely.
We fully expect the development of various new In-
CAMs in future, which have better performance than In-
CAM(CIELUV). The In-CAM(CIELUV) is closely related
with the analytical formula of the Nayatani-Theoretical
(NT) color order system already proposed by the senior
author.8–10 In NT space, Munsell color attributes H V/C FIG. 1. A flow chart on the computational procedure of
are used for relating the color attributes of the NT and In-CAM(CIELUV).
Munsell systems directly.
Naturally, Munsell H V/C is closely related with metric
hue angle y, metric lightness L*, and metric chroma Cuv
functions are introduced from its metric quantities to
in CIELUV, respectively. In Ref. 11, we already dis-
those perceived: for lightness, used is the coefficient ‘‘cz’’
cussed a relationship between Munsell, NT, and CIELUV
in Eq. (7.24) in the technical report; for chroma, ‘‘t’’
function in Eq. (7.26); for hue, ‘‘H’’ in Eq. (7.22) and Ta-
ble III of Ref. 3. These functions are introduced for mak-
ing the CAM adapt to practical applications, and some-
Detailed Formulation of In-CAM(CIELUV)
times empirical functions are used in them.
The formulation of In-CAM(CIELUV) is described in Step 3: Derivation of Leq . Perceived lightness correlate
this section. The model gives perceived lightness (its cor- or equivalent lightness Leq is determined by Eq. (1)
relate given by equivalent lightness Leq ,12 which takes below. The transformation takes the H-K(VCC) effect
into account the H-K effect2), perceived chroma correlate into account.12 The notation t(R) on the transformed col-
(Cuv ), and hue correlate (y) of any surface color under orimetric values of a test color under reference illuminant
any adapting illumination. They are further transformed to is excluded in succeeding descriptions.
the perceived attributes of whiteness–blackness (W-Bk),
correlate of Munsell Chroma (hCi), and the opponent-col- Leq ¼ L  0:8660  qðyÞ  Cuv þ 0:0872  KBr  Cuv ; (1)
ors Hue (H). The computational procedures are rather
long. Figure 1 shows a flow chart of the procedures for
readers’ convenience. where the values of q(y) for various hues are found in Ta-
Step 1: Transformation of Colorimetric Values Using ble I. It is also found in Table A1 of Ref. 12 for NCS hues.
the CIECAT94-New. Colorimetric values [x, y, Y]t of a The equation of q(y) in CIELUV space is shown in Appen-
test color under test illuminant T are transformed to [x, y, dix I. It is also given in Eqs. (3) and (4) of the Ref. 12.
Y]t(R) under reference illuminant R (usually C or D65) Equation (1) is already found in Eq. (8) of the Ref. 12.
using the CIECAT94-new.6,7 The coefficient KBr in Eq. (1) depends on the adapting
Step 2: Determination of L*, Cuv , and y. From the col- luminance in observation, and the equation of KBr is also
orimetric values [x, y, Y]t(R) under reference illuminant R, shown in Appendix I. It is normalized to KBr ¼ 1000 at the
values of [L*, Cuv , y]t(R) are derived using the CIELUV adapting luminance La ¼ 63.66 (cd/m2) under the reference
formula.4 illuminant D65 or C (1000 [lx] for gray background with Y
¼ 20). In this study, KBr ¼ 1.000 is always used.
Comment on Steps 1 and 2
The attributes [L*, Cuv , y]t(R) derived at Step 2 can be
used as a CAM-Match (a model for predicting the color- Comment on the Introduction of H-K Effect
appearance match under different adapting or observing Theoretically, any CAMs already proposed can introduce
conditions).1 Most of the present CAMs already proposed the H-K(VCC) effect referring the principle developed by
(CAMs-Match) correspond to Steps 1 and 2. Complex the senior author. At present, we have two kinds of H-K
formulations are used in them; for example, CIECAM02, formulas in the VCC method: one for nonlinear color-
and the nonlinear color-appearance model by the senior appearance model,14 and the other for CIELUV.12 We
author.13 In case of CIECAM02, complex transformation have no universal formula for predicting the H-K effect,

126 COLOR research and application

TABLE I. The coefficients q(y) and k(y) for 10 Comment on Step 4
fundamental Munsell hues at 5H 5.5/10 in the The scales of [W_Bk]eq and Cuv are closely related to
CIELUV space. those of CIELUV. It must be noted that [W_Bk]eq is the
whiteness and blackness in opponent-colors system. The
Munsell H In-CAM H y [deg.] q(y) k(y)
value of [W_Bk]eq [ 0 corresponds to whiteness,
5R R100 14.4 20.06465 0.8169 [W_Bk]eq \ 0 to blackness, and [W_Bk]eq ¼ 0 to gray-
5YR Y50R50 37.1 0.07489 0.8563 ness attribute. The In-CAM Hue H can be shown using
5Y Y100 67.3 0.21482 0.7319
5GY G50Y50 101.9 0.14662 0.7239 opponent-colors hues: R-G (red–green) and Y-B (yellow–
5G G100 151.2 0.00442 0.6248 blue) orthogonal axes. Three orthogonal axes, R-G, Y-B,
5BG B50G50 186.0 20.00965 0.6057 and W-Bk, constitute an opponent-colors space. The rela-
5B B100 224.1 20.04770 0.7146
5PB R25B75 249.3 20.09907 0.6888 tionship between the In-CAM Hue H and the CIELUV
5P R50B50 289.1 20.15518 0.5428 metric hue angle y can be derived on the basis of Munsell
5RP R75B25 347.2 20.14569 0.5946 or NCS system. Almost the same relationship holds as
Average 0.6900
found in Fig. 5 of Ref. 13 by the senior author on his
The coefficient k(y) ¼ [Cuv /C](1/10) is a scaling factor for trans- nonlinear color-appearance model, although some devia-
forming Cuv to C at each hue. The average of k(y) is 0.6900. Rela- tion is found for Blue Primary Color between Munsell
tionship between Munsell Hue and In-CAM Hue (opponent-colors
hue) is also shown. and NCS systems. In case of using Munsell Hues for
some practical applications, R100 corresponds to 5R,
G100 to 5G, Y100 to 5Y, and B100 to 5B. Several other
hues are indicated in the second column of Table I. The
because of large differences existing in the scale of three Munsell Hue 10YR is, for example, shown by Y75R25.
metric attributes between various models. For example, These transformations are used for deriving H.
CIECAM02 has a quite different structure from the above Step 5: Transformation to [w, bk, gr, hCi, H]. In this
two models. For this reason, very tedious and laborious Step 5, the attributes ([W_Bk]eq, Cuv , H) are further trans-
procedures are required for deriving the H-K formula in formed to opponent-colors attributes similar to the NT
CIECAM02, even though the principle for deriving its H- color order system.8–10
K formula is known. Step 5-1: On Whiteness and Blackness. Now, the equiv-
alent Whiteness–Blackness [W_Bk]eq used in Eq. (2) is
Comment on Step 3 further transformed to have w ¼ 10 for Primary White
Up to this step, we have an In-CAM with attributes W, and bk ¼ 10 for Primary Black Bk. The values of
[Leq ,Cuv , y].1 It gives psychological correlates of all the whiteness w and blackness bk are represented by Eqs. (3)
three attributes on color appearance of a surface color, that and (4). The value w ranges from 0 to 10, and bk from 0
is, perceived lightness correlate (Leq ), perceived chroma to 10.
correlate (Cuv ), and hue correlate (y). In the next steps
(Steps 4 and 5), these attributes are further transformed to w ¼ ½W Bkeq =fð100  LGr Þ=10g;
whiteness (w) and blackness (bk). The attributes of white- bk ¼ 0; for ½W Bkeq  0; ð3Þ
ness and blackness are closely related to the tone concept
and are necessary for color design applications. and
Step 4: Derivation of [W_Bk]eq and H. The attributes
w ¼ 0;
in CIELUV space are transformed to those in opponent-
colors space. The transformed system consists of bk ¼ ½W Bkeq =fLGr =10g; for ½W Bkeq < 0: ð4Þ
[W_Bk]eq, Cuv , and H. The equivalent Whiteness–Black- Step 5-2: On Chroma. The metric chroma Cuv is
ness [W_Bk]eq is defined by Eq. (2) adjusted to have Munsell Chroma scale approximately.
The transformed values are represented by Munsell
½W Bkeq ¼ L  LG  qðyÞ  Cuv þ 0:0872  KBr  Cuv ; (2)
Chroma estimates hCi by the following equation,
where the LGr is the metric lightness of the reference hCi ¼ Cuv =½10kðyÞ; (5)
gray; LGr ¼ 55.0, which roughly corresponds to s ¼ w ¼
50 (gray color) in the NCS system. Note that the coeffi- where 1/[10 k(y)] is a transformation coefficient from Cuv
cient of q(y)  Cuv in Eq. (2) is approximated by 1 for to /C at each hue. See the Appendix of Ref. 11 for their
simplicity (strictly, it should be 0.8660).10 The attribute determination. The values of k(y) are shown in Table I
Cuv is kept as it is, and the opponent-colors hue H is for 10 fundamental Munsell hues. For intermediate hues,
determined from y on the basis of Munsell or NCS sys- linear interpolation method is used as described in Appen-
tem. Table I can be used for the purpose. In Table I, the dix I.
relationship between H and y is shown for 10 fundamen- Step 5-3: On Grayness. A chromatic color with w ¼ bk
tal Munsell hues; for intermediate hues, linear interpola- ¼ 0 and hCi ¼ 10 approximately has no grayness (gr ¼
tion method is used to derive H from y (see Appendix I 0) irrespective of its hue.8–10 Thus, the grayness gr is
for detailed procedures). defined as follows:

Volume 33, Number 2, April 2008 127

each hue H. The value of C(H; Max) ranges from about
20 to 36. The details are found from the fourth column of
Table A1 of Ref. 9.


In this section, an application of In-CAM(CIELUV) from

Steps 1 to 3 is shown with its numerical example.

Use of Attributes [Leq ,Cuv , y] in the

FIG. 2. Equi-hue plane of In-CAM with [w, bk, hCi, H] for
primary yellow hue Y100. The maximum chroma
Consider two different object colors C1 and C2
hC(Y100;Max)i is 20. The grayness loci at gr ¼ 0 and gr ¼ observed under a test illuminant T with [x0,y0]. The color
5 are shown by dashed lines. The point gr ¼ 10 C1 has tristimulus values [x, y, Y]1 and C2 has [x, y, Y]2
corresponds to the reference gray Gr. under the test illuminant. Test illuminance can be kept
different for the two colors. Using these colorimetric in-
formation and the procedures from Steps 1 to 3 described
gr ¼ 10  ðw þ bk þ hCiÞ; for ðw þ bk þ hCiÞ  10; in the second section, the following quantities under refer-
ence illuminant can be derived easily for each test color
and [Leq , Cuv , y]1 for C1 and [Leq , Cuv , y]2 for C2.
When Leq;1 is higher than Leq;2 , the color C1 is per-
gr ¼ 0; for ðw þ bk þ hCiÞ > 10: ð6Þ
ceived lighter than the color C2. When Cuv;1 is lower than
Step 5-4: On Hue Scale. The hue scale is the same as Cuv;2 , the color C1 is generally perceived lower in chroma
H given in Step 4. Fundamentally, it has opponent-colors than the color C2. When y1 is equal to y2, test color C1 is
hues proposed by Hering.15 Practically, it can be related perceived to have the same hue as test color C2. The In-
with Munsell Hue system approximately as already CAM attributes [Leq , Cuv , y] can be used for predicting,
described in Step 4. whether color perceptions of any two test colors agree or
On the basis of the above procedures, all the color not under any test illuminant. A numerical example corre-
attributes on NT system are defined analytically using sponding to the explanation stated earlier is shown in the
the CIELUV system. All the structures of NT system in next subsection.
Ref. 9 are unchanged. From the above analyses, it is
understood that the colors with the same values of w, bk,
and hCi have the constant perceived lightness Leq irre- Color Appearance of Surface Colors Under
spective of hues. This corresponds to the concept of Hue- Illuminant A––Numerical Example
Tone or Hue-Nuance system. The In-CAM(CIELUV) and A Numerical example is shown for illuminant A as a
NT systems satisfy the concept. test illuminant. The computational procedures are as fol-
Now, we have determined the attributes [Leq , Cuv , y; w, lows:
bk, gr, hCi, H] of In-CAM(CIELUV) under reference illu-
minant for any test colors under any test adapting illumi-
nants. A numerical example of whole In-CAM(CIELUV)
procedures is given in Appendix II.



Equi-hue planes in attributes [w, bk, hCi] are shown in

Figs. 2 and 3 for two representative hues Y100 (Munsell
Hue 5Y) and B100 (Munsell Hue 5B). The ordinate
shows w or bk, and the abscissa Munsell Chroma estimate
hCi. The approximate values of Cuv are also shown on
the abscissa within parentheses. Practically, it is sufficient
to show until hCi ¼ 15 or Cuv ¼ 100. Primary chromatic FIG. 3. Equi-hue plane of In-CAM with [w, bk, hCi, H] for
primary blue hue B100. The maximum chroma
color at each hue is approximately determined to con- hC(B100;Max)i is 32. The grayness loci at gr ¼ 0 and gr ¼
verge from the primary white W and black Bk to the 5 are shown by dashed lines. The point gr ¼ 10
point of the maximum Munsell Chroma C(H; Max) at corresponds to the reference gray Gr.

128 COLOR research and application

TABLE II. Estimation of tone failure under illuminant A.
Test colors Hue Attributes under reference Attributes under illuminant A Deviations of attributes
Munsell In-CAM Leq Cuv y Leq (A;C) Cuv (A;C) y(A;C) DLeq DCuv Dy

5R R100 55.0 50.0 14.4 58.1 57.5 19.2 3.1 7.5 4.8
5YR Y50R50 55.0 50.0 37.1 57.3 53.0 38.8 2.3 3.0 1.8
5Y Y100 55.0 50.0 67.3 56.8 48.3 68.3 1.8 21.7 1.0
5GY G50Y50 55.0 50.0 101.9 56.5 45.9 110.4 1.5 24.1 8.5
5G G100 55.0 50.0 151.2 52.9 53.9 163.1 22.1 3.9 11.9
5BG B50G50 55.0 50.0 186.0 51.7 56.4 189.3 23.3 6.4 3.4
5B B100 55.0 50.0 224.1 50.6 46.2 220.3 24.4 23.8 23.7
5PB R25B75 55.0 50.0 249.3 50.5 37.8 249.2 24.5 212.2 0.0
5P R50B50 55.0 50.0 289.1 54.1 42.3 314.3 20.9 27.7 25.2
5RP R75B25 55.0 50.0 347.2 59.1 59.7 360.8 4.1 9.7 13.7
8.6a 21.9a 28.9a
4.1b 9.7b 25.2b
24.5c 212.2c 23.7c

DLeq ¼ Leq (A;C) 2 Leq is the value of deviations of perceived lightness, DCuv ¼ Leq (A;C) 2 Cuv is that of perceived chroma, and Dy ¼ y
(A;C) 2 y is that of hue angle.
Range of deviation.
Maximum deviation.
Minimum deviation.

1. Ten test colors [x, y, Y]i with different hues are used, (¼ 55), Cuv (¼ 50), y for 10 Hues. The attributes adapted
which have constant values of Leq (¼ 55) and to test illuminant A, denoted by (A;C), are shown in the
Cuv (¼ 50) under the reference illuminant C and for 6th to the 8th columns. The deviations of attributes from
KBr ¼ 1.0. In the derivations of colorimetric values, their original values, DLeq , DCuv , and Dy, are shown in
Eq. (1) is used inversely. Their colorimetric values the 9th to the 11th columns.
are shown in Table II. They have approximately the
same perceived lightness and chroma, and thus
belong to the same Tone category.9 The Munsell
notations [H V/C]i are easily determined from the
values [x, y, Y]i of the 10 test colors.
2. Spectral reflectance functions R(k)i for the test colors are
estimated from [H V/C]i using the method by Sobagaki
et al.16–18 (JIS Z 8721-1993 specifies the colorimetric
values of Munsell Color Order System under illuminants
C and D65, respectively). The estimated R(k)i are shown
in Fig. 4. Note that it is possible to derive various spec-
tral distributions for the same Munsell notation H V/C.
In other words, estimated R(k)i of each test color
depends on the estimation method used. This problem is
called metamerism.19 The spectral reflectance functions
estimated by Sobagaki et al.’s method are very similar
to those found in Munsell Color Chart.
3. Their colorimetric values [x, y, Y]i(A) are derived
using R(k)i under illuminant A.
4. The colorimetric values [x, y, Y]i(A) under illuminant
A are transformed to the attributes [Leq , Cuv ,
y]i(A;C) using the procedures of Steps 1–3 described
in the previous section. The computed results of
[Leq , Cuv , y]i(A;C) are shown in Table II.
5. The attributes [Leq , Cuv , y]i(A;C) are compared with
their original values, Leq ¼ 55 and Cuv ¼ 50. The
deviations from their original values show the mag-
nitude of their Tone failures under illuminant A. If
these deviations are larger than the criteria specified,
the test illuminant or its corresponding light source
is not adequate for the expected color observation.
In Table II, the original values of three attributes under FIG. 4. Estimated spectral reflectance functions R(k)i for
illuminant C are shown in the 3rd to the 5th columns, Leq the test colors. (a) R, YR, Y, GY, G; (b) BG, B, PB, P, RP.

Volume 33, Number 2, April 2008 129

In this section, an application of In-CAM(CIELUV) for
color design fields is shown. The In-CAM(CIELUV) can
clarify a concept of Hue-Tone system, which is widely
used in artistic color design field, but has yet to be
explained by colorimetric terms.1

Using In-CAM to Determine the Hue-Tone

The In-CAM can determine object colors with the same
Tone (equi-whiteness, equi-blackness, and equi-perceived
chroma). By specifying the attributes [w, bk, hCi], colori-
FIG. 5. Estimation of tone failure under illuminant A: devi- metric values [x, y, Y] of any Tone colors can be obtained
ation of perceived lightness DLeq ¼ Leq (A;C) 2 Leq .
using the In-CAM(CIELUV) inversely (from Steps 5 to
1). An example is shown for Tone colors with [w ¼ bk ¼
0, and hCi ¼ 10] in Fig. 7.
Figure 7(a) shows a 10 hue ring with the same Tone
Ten test colors range in their deviation DLeq from 24.5 ([w ¼ bk ¼ 0, hCi ¼ 10]), together with Munsell nota-
to þ4.1; the range of DLeq is 8.6. The range of DCuv is tions. Figure 7(b) shows the corresponding achromatic-
21.9, and the range of Dy is 28.9 in degrees. For Hue, as color ring. The Munsell values at the same position of the
an example, the maximum of deviation Dy is 25.2 at the two rings are kept the same. One can easily understand
hue R50B50(5P). It is only five Munsell Hue steps. The that the colors in Fig. 7(a) have approximately the same
deviations are not so large. Therefore, light source corre- Tone irrespective of hues (i.e., a constant whiteness, a
sponding to illuminant A is acceptable for recognizing constant blackness, and a constant chroma). In contrast,
surface colors in daily life (complete accuracy is not the colors in Fig. 7(b) have quite different whiteness or
required). Naturally, whether it is acceptable or not blackness. Approximately the same perceived lightness
depends on the criteria specified as is already described. found in Fig. 7(a) between 10 colors clearly shows a large
The following characteristics are also found between contribution of chromatic strength (CS) of each hue to
the illuminant A (test) and C (reference) for lightness and perceived lightness.1
chroma attributes: In Fig. 7(a), the maximum luminance factor is Y(5Y) ¼
34.04 for 5Y 6.4/10, and the minimum one is Y(5RP) ¼
1. Perceived lightness (Fig. 5). The deviation DLeq is 12.35 for 5RP 4.1/10. The ratio between the maximum and
positive around red (R100 or 5R), and negative the minimum Y values [Y(5Y)/Y(5RP)] is 2.76 or 276%,
around blue (B100 or 5B). This trend is very natural This is significantly large in spite of approximately the
considering the spectral distribution of illuminant A, same perceived lightness between those colors. The authors
which contains plenty of long-wavelength (yellowish) hope that readers understand the significantly large H-
light. The spectral power ratio of long to short wave- K(VCC) effect and its importance in color appearance. The
length, for example, 650 nm to 450 nm, is about 5 to H-K(VAC) effect gives wrong results for estimating per-
1. The fact suggests enhancing the lightness of red- ceived lightness of chromatic colors.2
dish colors under illuminant A. However, the devia-
tion is appreciably reduced by adaptation or color
constancy effect. The actual deviation of Leq is only
about 64 from the reference (about 60.4 in Munsell
Value unit).
2. Perceived chroma (Fig. 6), the deviations DCuv are
positive near green or red hues. Those colors corre-
spond to the R100(5R)-G100(5G) axis in the oppo-
nent-colors space. On the other hand, the deviations
are negative near blue or yellow hues. They corre-
spond to the Y100(5Y)-B100(5B) axis. At a first
glance, we feel that the fact, especially DCuv (Y100) \
0, may contradict the expectation from the spectral dis-
tribution of illuminant A (plenty of long-wavelength
light). It is interesting that the chromatic adaptation
effects on chroma perception completely follow the
opponent-colors concept. This can be a minor finding FIG. 6. Estimation of tone failure under illuminant A: devi-
in color appearance studies. ation of perceived chroma DCuv ¼ Cuv (A;C) 2 Cuv .

130 COLOR research and application

Tone concept is very important in the artistic field of
painting and color design. Using In-CAM(CIELUV), the
magnitude of color shifts or Tone failures can be esti-
mated analytically and quantitatively, because all the
attributes in In-CAM space are defined colorimetrically.

Use of In-CAM for Selecting Color Combinations

Three color attributes (whiteness or blackness, chroma,
hue) in the In-CAM(CIELUV) space are perceptually in-
dependent to each other. Thus, each perceived color at-
tribute can be changed independently of other two attrib-
utes in any two-color combinations. This is a very con-
venient feature in the use of its color space for color
designers. For example, the Munsell equi-value colors
with 5Y 7/C and 5PB 4/C are plotted on the In-CAM
(CIELUV) space in Fig. 8. In spite of having a fixed FIG. 8. Munsell colors with 5Y 7/C and 5PB 4/C in In-
Munsell Value, these colors have different whiteness or CAM(CIELUV) space.
blackness (perceived lightness). Thus, they are plotted

obliquely. Figure 8 clearly shows that the color attributes

of the Munsell system are not mutually independent. This
is the reason why painters or color designers do not like
to use Munsell system in their work as is discussed in
Ref. 1.
Some examples of two-color combinations are selected
systematically in the In-CAM(CIELUV) space. They are
shown in Fig. 9. In the figure, two-color combinations
with different hues or tones are shown.
Figure 9(a) shows two kinds of constant Hue plane.
Each plane consists of attributes [w or bk, hCi, H]. In the
figure, the concept is shown for two kinds of examples on
two-color combinations. One is the color combination
with different Hues but with the same Tone (the same
values of w or bk, and hCi); the other with different
Tones (different values of w or bk, and hCi) but with the
same Hue. The former examples are shown in Fig. 9(b),
three kinds of two-color combinations with different Hues
(H1 and H2) and the same Tone of [w ¼ bk ¼ 0, hCi ¼
10]. These two-color combinations consist of different
hues, but have the same perceived lightness and chroma.
The latter examples are shown in Fig. 9(c), three kinds of
two-color combinations with the same Hue and different
Tones. Selected Tones are [w ¼ bk ¼ 0, hCi ¼ 10] and
[w ¼ 4, bk ¼ 0, hCi ¼ 4] for each component color.
Munsell notations of each component color are also
shown in the figure.
Readers probably notice the convenience of Hue-Tone
system for selecting color combinations from the colored
examples in Fig. 9. We expect that the method described
here will be used for training in color-design education.
The authors also feel that the method is also useful to
FIG. 7. (a) A hue ring consisting of 10 chromatic colors assist color designers from the viewpoint of color science.
with the attributes [w ¼ bk ¼ 0, hCi ¼ 10] in In-CAM(CIE-
LUV) with their Munsell color notations. (b) The corre- Note that, however, the proposed method does not force
sponding achromatic-color ring. The Munsell values at the to use the selected color combinations in actual color
same position of the two rings are kept the same. designs.

Volume 33, Number 2, April 2008 131

FIG. 9. Examples of two-color combinations selected using In-CAM(CIELUV). (a) Schematic diagram for showing the
selected two-color combinations used in (b) and (c). Selected values of w or bk, hCi, and H are shown for each compo-
nent color. (b) Examples of two-color combinations with different Hues and the same Tone. (c) Examples of two-color com-
binations with different Tones (differences found in w and hCi) and the same Hue. Note: Munsell notation of each compo-
nent color is also shown in the figure.

Future Studies of In-CAM in Color Design Fields However, color scientists, whose scientific background is
the present CIE 1931 colorimetric system, usually do not
Various proposals and their studies are further
understand the claims of the important concept of Hue-
requested for the use of Hue-Tone system based on In-
Tone or Hue-Nuance system. On the other hand, psycholo-
CAM in future. Using the In-CAM(CIELUV), for exam-
gists or color designers, whose background is a Hue-Tone
ple, we shall be able to examine the effectiveness of vari-
or Hue-Nuance system, cannot prove its practical impor-
ous proposals by color designers and researchers, which
tance on the basis of CIE 1931 colorimetric system. The
are used for selecting practically applicable color combi-
senior author feels this situation, as if both parties have dif-
nations with various feelings. For example, Moon and
ferent foreign languages within a common color field.
Spencer proposed a method for selecting pleasing color
For this reason, the senior author has believed it is im-
combinations by similarity and contrast20; it will be inter-
portant to explain Hue-Tone or Hue-Nuance system theo-
esting to examine their method by using the Hue-Tone
retically on the basis of CIE 1931 colorimetric system
system. This is an example of cooperation between artis-
over the last 15 years.
tic color design and color science.
The studies conducted so far are summarized as

The senior author often experiences that the beginners in 1. Discovering the existence of two kinds of H-K effect
colorimetry believe that surface colors with the same (VCC and VAC methods), and their prediction formu-
Munsell Value have the same perceived lightness irre- las. Only the VCC method can predict the perceived
spective their hues. They are usually astonished by the lightness or equivalent lightness (denoted by Leq or
existence of significant perceived lightness difference Veq) for any chromatic colors.2,12
between Munsell colors with 5Y 5/10 and 5PB 5/10 (the 2. Derivation of attributes on whiteness w, blackness bk,
same Value 5/), when the two colors are shown to them. and grayness gr. It is also found that the fundamental
This is the reason why many famous color psychologists attributes [w, bk, gr] are closely related with equiva-
including Edward Hering, painters, and color designers lent lightness Leq or Veq.
have proposed the concept, so called, Hue-Tone or Hue- 3. Development of a theoretical Hue-Tone system (NT color
Nuance system (also including the concepts of whiteness, order system).8–10 It consists of the attributes Hue H, white-
blackness, and chroma) up to the present for adapting to ness w or blackness bk, grayness gr, and Munsell Chroma /
practical and important color applications of surface colors. C. NT space is now belongs to a part of In-CAM.1

132 COLOR research and application

4. The above studies have led to the proposal of In-CAM
by the authors in the previous and the present studies.1 6:469 þ 6:362L0:4495
KBr ¼ 0:2717  a
; (A2)
6:469 þ L0:4495
Readers should understand that the proposal of In-CAM
expects to act as an interpreter for the above two mutually where y is the metric hue angle of a test color in the CIE-
un-understandable parties. The authors believe that the LUV space.
problem raised has been already solved theoretically.
H and k(y) used in Steps 4 and 5
The values of H and k(y) are given in Table I for 10
CONCLUSIONS fundamental Munsell hues. For these hues, data in Table I
can be used directly. For other hues, linear interpolation
The following results are obtained in the present study.
method is used as follows:
1. An example of the Integrated Color-Appearance
For example, if the metric hue angle of a test color is y
Model, named In-CAM(CIELUV), is given with its
¼ 19.28, it is between the first and second items in Table I,
that is, between R100 (y ¼ 14.48) and Y50R50 (y ¼
2. The computational procedures are described for the
37.18). Therefore, In-CAM Hue H (opponent-colors hue) is
whole steps of In-CAM(CIELUV). Some examples of
determined by
its applications are shown for colorimetric field and for
color design field. yðHÞ  yðR100Þ 19:2  14:4
3. The In-CAM(CIELUV) connects directly the colori- ¼ ¼ 0:21: (A3)
yðY50R50Þ  yðR100Þ 37:1  14:4
metric color space and the perceptual Hue-Tone color
order systems. In other words, the In-CAM(CIELUV)
R100 has 100 red components and no yellow compo-
gives a colorimetric basis for Hue-Tone system.
nent; Y50R10 has 50 red components and 50 yellow com-
4. The color attributes in In-CAM(CIELUV) space are
ponents. Therefore, red and yellow components of a test
approximately independent to each other. This is a
color are,
common feature of any In-CAM to be developed in
future. This feature is very convenient for selecting ðRed componentÞ ¼ 100 3 ð1  0:21Þ þ 50 3 0:21 ¼ 89:5;
various color combinations. Some examples are shown
ðYellow componentÞ ¼ 0 3 ð1  0:21Þ þ 50 3 0:21 ¼ 10:5:
for two-color combinations, which are selected system-
atically in the In-CAM(CIELUV) space.
5. Various proposals and their studies are further Then, we obtain H ¼ Y10.5R89.5. For a coefficient
requested for the use of Hue-Tone system based on the k(y),
In-CAM in future.
kðh ¼ 19:2Þ ¼ 0:1869 3 ð1  0:21Þ þ 0:8563 3 0:21
6. Some discussions are given on the significance of In-
¼ 0:82517:
CAM concept in color science.
Then, we obtain k(y ¼ 19.2) ¼ 0.82517.
The authors thank anonymous referees for their valuable APPENDIX II: A NUMERICAL EXAMPLE IN WHOLE
comments. The comments were very helpful for improv- ATTRIBUTES OF In-CAM(CIELUV)
ing the manuscript.
An example of In-CAM(CIELUV) computations is given
from Steps 1 to 5. Numerical conditions are as follows; it
APPENDIX I: DETAILED INFORMATION corresponds to the first item (R100 or 5R) in Table II. A
OF CALCULATION test illuminant is illuminant A with 1000 lx, and reference
q(y) and KBr used in Eq. (1) illuminant is illuminant C with 1000 lx.

The q(y) is a coefficient for determining the Gray-Pure Input: Colorimetric values of a test color under the test
color line in the Munsell space, and KBr is the coefficient illuminant A. [x, y, Y]t ¼ [0.5512, 0.3730, 19.60]t
determined by the adapting luminance (La in cd/m2). See Step 1. Transformation of colorimetric values using the
Ref. 12 for their derivations. The equations are again CIECAT94-new: [x, y, Y]t(C) ¼ [0.4334, 0.3337, 19.44]
shown later. Step 2. Determination of L*, C*uv, and y: By using CIE-
qðyÞ ¼ 0:01585  0:03017 cosy  0:04556 cos2y LUV, we obtain L*(A;C) ¼ 51.2, C*uv(A;C) ¼ 57.5,
y(A;C) ¼ 19.2 deg.
 0:02667 cos3y  0:00295 cos4y
Step 3. Derivation of L*eq: By using Eq. (1), we obtain
þ 0:14592 siny þ 0:05084 sin2y L*eq(A;C) ¼ 58.1, where q(y ¼ 19.2) ¼ –0.03880 and
 0:01900 sin3y  0:00764 sin4y; ðA1Þ KBr ¼ 1.000.

Volume 33, Number 2, April 2008 133

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