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2010 – 2020

Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy
With best wishes, presented by,

TMCP Students Unit, MsdMCH

Jakir Hossain (7718780492)
General Secretary
Souvik Sen
Dr. Sayantan Biswas
Working President
Dr. Anish Majhi
Dr. Tuhin Khan
Dr. Parvez Alam
Dr. Abdul Aziz
Scan the QR code to go to our
Facebook page or you may just
Dr. Subhrodwip Mondal
tap on the logo above. Dr. Shubhodeep Mondal

Group – A
1. Enumerate different routes of drug administration. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of
intravenous route. Explain why inhalation route of drug administration is preferred in the
management of acute attack ofbronchial asthma. 3+4+3 (2020 P1)
2. Discuss biotransformation of drug. State the chemical reaction with examples which are involved in
drug biotransformation. Give examples of active drug generated by biotransformation in human
body. 3+3+4 (2018 P1)
3. What are the different routes of drug administration? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
intravenous route of drug administration? What is meant by “First-pass metabolism? 4+2+2+2
(2012 P1)
4. What is meant by bioavailability of drug? What are the measures/indices of bioavailability? Mention the
factors that influence oral bioavailability of drug. How is the bioavailable of an oral administered
drugassessed? 1+2+3+4 (2011 P1)

Group – B (Explain Why)

1. Plasma concentration of some drugs need to be monitored therapeutically. (2014 P1)
2. Intravenous route ism the route of emergency. (2016 P1)
3. In pharmacotherapeutics, children are not viewed as miniature adults. (2011 P1)

Group – C (Mechanism of Action)

1. Transdermal drug delivery system. (2017 P1)
2. Transdermal drug delivery system. (2016 P1)
Group – D (Short Note)
1. Drug antagonism (2021 P1) 17. Loading dose. (2016 P1)
2. Transdermal therapeutic system (2021 18. Plasma protein binding Drugs. (2015 P1)
P1) 19. Essential and orphan drugs. (2015 P1)
3. Volume of distribution of drugs. (2020 P1) 20. Partial agonist and inverse agonist. (2014 P1)
4. Therapeutic index of a drug. (2020 P1) 21. Drug synergism. (2014 P1)
22. Pharmaco vigilance. (2014 P1)
5. P- drug. (2020 P1)
6. Drug tolerance (Definition, Type 23. First phase metabolism. (2014 P1)
24. Essential drug. (2014 P1)
. withexample). (2019 P1)
7. Therapeutic drug monitoring (When 25. Enzyme induction. (2013 P1)
required,Significant for which drugs). 26. Physical redistribution of drug. (2013 P1)
(2019 P1) 27. Therapeutic Index. (2013 P1)
8. Sources of drugs (Different sources with 28. Receptor antagonist. (2013 P1)
examples). (2019 P1) 29. Essential drug. (2012 P1)
9. Drug nomenclature (Different names with 30. Diagnostic uses of drugs. (2011 P1)
examples). (2019 P1) 31. Graded dose response. (2011 P1)
10. First pass effect (definition, 32. Pharmacovigilance. (2010 P1)
significant,example) (2018 P1) 33. Pharmacogenetics. (2010 P1)
11. Physiological antagonism. (2018 P1) 34. Phase II metabolism of drugs. (2010 P1)
12. Volume of distribution. (2018 P1)
13. Orphan Drug. (2017 P1)
14. Essential Drugs. (2017 P1)
15. Clinical trial. (2017 P1)
16. Plasma half life. (2016 P1)

Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka


Group – A
1. Enumerate the different cholinergic receptors. Mention agonist and antagonist of each receptor.
(2021 P1)
2. Enumerate the drugs used in the treatment of organophosphorus poisoning. Mention the reasons of
usingeach drug. State the dosage schedule and duration of treatment of the lifesaving drug used in
the abovecondition. 3+4+3 (2019 P1)

3. Enumerate the drugs used in treatment of Glaucoma. Mention the reason of using each drug. 4+6
(2016 P1)
4. Enumerate the anti-cholinergic drugs and their side effects. Outline the management of case of
Organo- phosphorus poisoning? 3+3+4 (2015 P1)
5. Enumerate drugs used in the treatment of acute congested and chronic simple Glaucoma. Describe
the mechanism of action of Pilocarpine in wide and narrow angle Glaucoma. How Timolol reduces
intra- ocular pressure? 4+4+2 (2014 P1)

6. On the occasion of a Hindu religious festival a group of men have consumed dhatura seeds. They
were brought to a nearby hospital. Mention the signs and symptoms of this type of poisoning.
Describe the pharmacological basis of treatment of the conditions. 4+6 (2013 P1)

Group – B (Explain Why)

1. Hyoscine is preferred in the treatment of 8. Adrenaline injection is given in
vomiting due to motion sickness. (2019 anaphylacticshock. (2013 P1)
P1) 9. Adrenaline injection is given in
2. Tamsulosin is used in hypertrophy of anaphylacticshock. (2012 P1)
prostate.(2018 P1) 10. Intravenous dopamine infusion in cardiogenic
3. Atropine sulphate is not used in shock should be closely monitored. (2011 P1)
acutecongested Glaucoma. (2017 11. Pralidoxime is not use in carbamate
P1) poisoning.(2011 P1)
4. Adrenaline injection is used in 12. Phenoxybenzamine is used in management
anaphylacticshock. (2017 P1) ofpheochromocytoma. (2010 P1)
5. Beta blocker are contraindicated in 13. Neostigmine is preferred over
peripheralvascular disease. (2016 P1) physostigminein myasthenia gravis.
6. Dopamine used in cardiogenic shock. (2010 P1)
(2016P1) 14. Metoprolol is preferred over propranolol
7. Adrenaline is the drug of choice inhypertensive patients with diabetes
inanaphylactic shock. (2015 mellitus.(2010 P1)
6. Atropine sulphate as Mydriatics,
Group – C (Mechanism of Action) cycloplegicagent. (2014 P1)
1. Oximes in organophosphorus poisoning. 7. Tamsulosin is used in benign hypertrophy
(2020P1) ofprostrate. (2014 P1)
2. Acetazolamide in treatment of glaucoma. 8. Tamsulosin in benign hypertrophy of prostate.
(2019P1) (2012 P1)
3. Pyridostigmine in myasthenia grinds. (2018 9. Dopamine in carcinogenic Shock. (2010 P1)
4. Adrenalin in epistaxis. (2018 P1)
5. Pralidoxime is used in Organo phosphorus
poisoning. (2017 P1)

Group – D (Short Note)

1. Atropine substitutes. (2021 P1)
2. Neostigmine (Therapeutic uses with reasons). (2019 P1)
Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
3. Different clinical use of anticholinergic drug. (2018 P1)
4. Atropine substitute is used in preanesthetic medication. (2016 P1)
5. Drug treatment of glaucoma. (2012 P1)


Group – B (Explain Why)
1. Sumatriptan in acute attack of migraine. (2020 P1)
2. Paracetamol is preferred as antipyretic agent amongst NSAIDS. (2019 P1)

Group – C (Mechanism of Action)

1. Meclizine as antiemetic drug. (2021 P1) 8. Allopurinol in chronic gout. (2015 P2)
2. Prostaglandin analogues in glaucoma. (2017 9. Triptans in migraine. (2014 P2)
P2) 10. Colchicine in Acute Gout. (2013 P2)
3. Aspirin not used in children with
11. Methotrexate in Rheumatoid Arthritis. (2012
4. Sumatriptan in acute attack of migraine.
12. Allopurinol in chronic gout (2011 P1)
13. Antihistamines in motion sickness. (2011 P1)
5. Promethazine in motion sickness. (2016 P1)
14. N acetyl Cysteine in Paracetamol poisoning.
6. Sumatriptan in acute attack of migraine. (2016
15. Indomethacin for treatment of patent ductus
7. N acetyl Cysteine is used in Paracetamol
arteriosus. (2010 P2)
poisoning. (2016 P2)

Group – D (Short Note)

1. Allopurinol (2021 P2) 5. Misoprostol. (2015 P2)
2. Methotrexate. (2018 P2) 6. Methotrexate. (2014 P2)
3. Sodium Chromoglycate. (2017 P1) 7. Sodium Chromoglycate. (2012 P1)
4. Levo- cetirizine. (2015 P1)

Group – A
1. Enumerate the drug used in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Mention the route of administration
of drug used in treatment of acute severe attack of bronchial asthma stating the reasons of using
every drug. 3+3+4(2018 P1)
2. Enumerate the different group of drugs which are used in bronchial asthma. How will you treat a
case of status asthmaticus? Name two drugs which may precipitate asthma and how? 4+4+2
(2015 P1)
3. Outline the therapeutic regimen for a case of acute severe bronchial asthma. Enumerate the drugs
used in
the prophylactic therapy of bronchial asthma. Why is the inhalation therapy preferred over oral
medicatio nin bronchial asthma? 6+2+2 (2014 P1)
4. An eight-year old boy arrives at the emergency ward with severe respiratory distress and wheezing.
Outlinethe drug management that would provide relief to the boy (with brief mechanism of such action
and two common adverse effects for each drug). What drugs would you prescribe to prevent future
similar attacks?2+3+3+2 (2012 P1)
5. Enumerate the drugs for the treatment of Bronchial Asthma. Mention the mode of action of
Salbutamol andits common side effects. 3+4+3 (2010 P1)

Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
Group – B (Explain Why)
1. Salbutamol is a rescue drug in acute attack of bronchial asthma (2021 P1)
2. Nebulised salbutamol is used in the treatment of acute severe attack of bronchial asthma. (2019 P1)
3. Montelukast is not used in acute attack of bronchial Asthma. (2017 P1)
4. Montelukast is not used in acute attack of bronchial Asthma. (2013 P1)

Group – D (Short Note)

1. Theophylline. (2020 P1
2. Leukotriene Antagonist. (2011 P1)


Group – A
1. Enumerate the drugs used in NIDDM. Describe the mechanism of action of Metformin in diabetes
mellitus. What are the adverse effects of metformin? Mention the non diabetic indications of
metformin. (2021 P2)
2. Enumerate anti thyroid drugs. Write down therapeutic uses of iodine. Why T4 is preferred over T3 in
thetreatment of myxoedema coma. 4+4+2 (2020 P2)
3. Enumerate glucocorticoids. Mention therapeutic uses and adverse effects of glucocorticoids. 3+4+3

4. Briefly discuss the drug use in treatment of Diabetes Mellitus, including preparations of insulin.
management of Diabetic ketoacidosis. 7+3 (2018 P2)
5. Mention different Insulin preparation. How will you manage Hypoglycaemic Coma? 6+4 (2017 P2)
6. Mention different Insulin preparation. How will you manage Hypoglycaemic Coma? 6+4 (2016 P2)
7. Enumerate common use glucocorticoid. Briefly describe the role of corticoid in Bronchial asthma.
Mentionthe contraindications of corticosteroid. Name one glucocorticoid receptor antagonist with its
use. (2016 P2)
8. Enumerate the drug used for NIDDM. Briefly mention the mechanism of action of Insulin. Mention
therapeutic uses of Insulin. 4+4+2 (2015 P2)
9. Enumerate oral antidiabetic drugs. Discuss the mechanism of action of biguanides. Outline the treatment
of hyperosmolar diabetic coma. 3+2+5 (2014 P2)
10. Describe the drug treatment of acute thyrotoxicosis. How do you prepare the patient for surgery?
6+4 (2012P2)

Group – B (Explain Why)

1. Corticosteroid therapy is slowly tapered down.(2020 P2)
2. Recombinant parathyroid hormone is used toprevent osteoporosis. (2020 P2)
3. Iodide is used prior to thyroid surgery. (2019 P2)
4. Oxytocin is drug of choice for induction of labourand not ergotamine. (2018 P2)
5. Mifepristone is used in medical treatment of
pregnancy. (2018 P2)
6. Corticosteroid as anti inflammatory drug. (2018P2)
7. Clomiphene citrate in both male and femaleinfertility. (2017 P2)
8. Lugol’s Iodine is given in pre operative preparation of thyroid surgery. (2015 P2)
9. Glucocorticoid should be tapered off graduallyafter long term therapy. (2014 P2)
10. Alfacalcidiol is effective in Renal Rickets. (2014P2)
Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
11. Lugol’s iodine is used for preoperative preparationof thyroidectomy. (2013 P2)
12. Clomiphene citrate is indicated in the treatment of infertility. (2013 P2)
13. Glucocorticoids should not be withdrawn suddenly after prolonged therapy. (2012 P2)
14. Oxytocin and methylergometrine - both are routinely requisitioned in an obstetric care unit.(2011 P2)
15. Sildenafil is not safe for patient on nitrate therapy. (2010 P1)
16. Long term use of glucocorticoids is potentiallyhazardous. (2010 P2)

Group – C (Mechanism of Action)

1. Carbimazole as antithyroid drug (2021 P2)
2. Carbimazole is a antithyroid drug. (2018 P2)
3. Clomiphene citrate in both male and femaleinfertility. (2016 P2)
4. Raloxifene in post menopausal osteoporosis.
(2015 P2)
5. Oxytocin for induction of labour. (2015 P2)
6. Propylthiouracil in hyperthyroidism. (2014 P2)
7. Corticosteroids as anti-inflammatory agent.(2013P2)
8. DPP4 inhibitor in Type 2 diabetes mellitus. (2013P2)
9. Tamoxifen in breast carcinoma. (2012 P2)
10. Combined oral contraceptive pills. (2011 P2)
11. Metformin in diabetes mellitus. (2011 P2)
12. Combined oral contraceptive steroids. (2010 P

Group – D (Short Note)

1. Bisphosphonates (2021 P2)
2. Insulin resistance (Definition, Treatment). (2019P2)
3. Tamoxifen (Use with reasons). (2019 P2)
4. Emergency Contraceptive. (2014 P2)
5. Anabolic steroids. (2013 P2)
6. Glimepiride. (2013 P2)
7. Magnesium sulphate. (2011 P1)
8. Radioactive iodine. (2010 P2)
9. Bisphosphonate. (2010 P2)


Group – B (Explain Why)
1. Local anaesthetic is sometimes combined with adrenaline. (2019 P1)

Group – D (Short Note)

1. Lignocaine. (2012 P2)


Group – A
1. Enumerate the drugs used in the treatment of epilepsy. Mention therapeutic uses and adverse
effects ofphenytoin sodium. 4+3+3 (2019 P2)
2. Enumerate the drug used to treat Parkinsonism. Outline treatment of drug induced Parkinsonism.
thr side effect of levodopa. Mention the benefits of dopamine agonists. 3+3+2+2 (2018 P2)
3. Enumerate the Anti Epileptic drugs. Mention the mechanism of action, therapeutic uses and adverse
drugreaction of Phenytoin sodium. 4+2+2+2 (2017 P2)
Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
4. Enumerate the antiepileptic drugs. Discuss the mechanism of action of sodium valproate
as aanticonvulsant. Outline the treatment strategy of status epilepticus. (2014 P2)
5. Enumerate antiepileptic drugs. Mention the mechanism of action and adverse effects of Phenytoin.
4+3+3(2012 P2)
6. Enumerate drugs (analgesic or non-analgesic) used in the treatment of four different pain conditions.
Briefly outline the mechanism of action of any one situation. Comment on the safety concern
associated with the NSAIDS. Enumerate opioid receptor antagonist and mention their uses.
4+2+2+2 (2011 P2)
7. Enumerate drugs acting via benzodiazepine-GABA-A receptor complex channel. Discuss the
use of benzodiazepine and the treatment of its overdose. 4+4+2 (2010 P2)

Group – B (Explain Why)

1. Sodium Valproate as entiepileptic (2021 P2)
2. Barbiturates poisoning is more detrimental than benzodiazepine. (2021 P2)
3. Trihexyphenidyl is used in the treatment of drug induced extrapyramidal disorder. (2019 P2)
4. Methadone is used in morphine withdrawal therapy. (2018 P2)
5. Morphine used in pulmonary Oedema. (2017 P2)
6. Carbidopa cannot be used as monotherapy in Parkinson’s disease. (2016 P2)
7. Levodopa is combined with carbidopa in treatment of Parkinsonism. (2013 P2)
8. Methadone is used in morphine withdrawal. (2012 P2)
9. Patients of Parkinson’s disease on L-Dopa therapy are cautioned not to self-medication with OTC
multivitamin preparation. (2011 P2)
10. Propofol is a popular I.V. anaesthetic agent. (2010 P2)

Group – C (Mechanism of Action)

1. Lithium in Bipolar disorder. (2020 P2) 6. Benzodiazepine as hypnotic. (2016 P2)
2. Ketamine as anaesthetic agent. (2019 P2) 7. Succinyl Choline as muscle relaxants.
3. Escitalopram as antidepressive agent. (2016P2)
(2019P2) 8. Glycopyrrolate as pre anaesthetic medication.
4. Sodium Valproate as antiepileptic drug. (2015 P1)
(2018P2) 9. Naloxone in morphine overdose. (2015 P2)
5. Benzodiazepine as sedative hypnotic.

Group – D (Short Note)

1. Dissociative anaesthesia (2021 P2) 10. Levodopa. (2015 P2)
2. Prazosin. (2020 P1) 11. Propofol. (2014 P2)
3. Pre-anaesthetic medication (Name the drugs 12. Use of Carbamazepine. (2012 P2)
usedwith reasons). (2019 P2) 13. Lithium carbonate. (2011 P2)
4. Benzodiazepines (Examples, Uses). (2019 P2) 14. Sodium valproate. (2010 P2)
5. Non depolarizing muscle relaxants. (2018 P2) 15. Levodopa. (2010 P2)
6. Dissociative anaesthesia. (2017 P2)
7. Dissociative anaesthesia. (2016 P2)
8. Lithium. (2015 P2)
9. Pre-anaesthetic medication. (2015 P2)

Group – A

1. Enumerate the drugs used in CHF. Mention the mechanism of action of any two type
of drug in this condition. (2021 P1)
Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
2. Enumerate drugs used in the treatment of Angina pectoris. Describe the pharmacological
action,therapeutic and adverse effects of nitrates. 3+3+2+2 (2020 P1)
3. Enumerate the drugs used in the treatment of essential hypertension. Mention the drugs preferred
in the
treatment of hypertension, when it is associated with diabetes mellitus with reasons. 4+3+3 (2019
4. Enumerate antihypertensive drugs. Outline the management of hypertensive emergency. Mention
the sideeffect of ACE inhibitors. 4+4+2 (2017 P1)
5. Enumerate drugs used in Angina Pectoris. Outline the mechanism of action of nitrates. Outline the
management of unstable angina. 4+4+2(2017 P1)
6. Enumerate drugs used in chronic heart failure. Mention the role of diuretics in heart failure. Outline
themanagement of acute loft ventricular failure. 4+2+4 (2016 P1)
7. Give an outline of an ideal therapeutic regimen for a patient suffering form congestive cardiac
failure.What are the possible cardiac toxic effects of digitalis therapy and what are the early
indications of toxicity? 7+2+1 (2013 P1)
8. Enumerate the drugs used in the treatment of congestive cardiac failure. Discuss the adverse
effect andthe current status of Digoxin in the treatment of congestive Heart Failure. 4+3+3
(2010 P1)

Group – B (Explain Why)

1. Propranolol is contraindicated in variant angina. (2021 P1)
2. Telmisartan as antihypertensive. (2020 P1)
3. Telmisartan is used in hypertension. (2018 P1)
4. Thiazide diuretics may be prescribe in Diabetes insipidus. (2018 P1)
5. Alteplase is preferred over streptokinase in acute myocardial infarction. (2015 P1)
6. Low dose aspirin is used as anti platelet agents. (2014 P1)
7. In angina pectoris Isosorbide dinitrate is administered sublingually. (2012 P1)
8. Low dose aspirin is advised as prophylaxis after myocardial infarction. (2012 P1)

Group – C (Mechanism of Action)

1. Atorvastatin as hypolipidemic drug. (2020 P1) infraction.(2015 P1)
2. Ramipril in the treatment of congestive cardiac 6. GTN in Angina Pectoris. (2013 P1)
failure. (2019 P1) 7. Olmesartan as antihypertensive agent. (2013
3. Frusemide in treatment of left ventricular P1)
failure. 8. Statins as hypolipidemic agents. (2011 P1)
(2018 P1) 9. Nifedipine in treatment of hypertension. (2010
4. Nitrate in angina. (2018 P1) P1)
5. Low dose aspirin in acute myocardial 10. Verapamil in cardiac arrhythmia. (2010 P1)

Group – D (Short Note)

1. Amlodipine. (2015 P1) 2. Losartan. (2013 P1)


Group – A
1. Name three drugs (of different Categories) that act by modifying the renin-angiotensin system.
Mention one indication for each and outline the rationale for such use. Which one(s) of these three
drugs do you think should be included in the national essential medicines list of India and why?
2+2+3+1+2 (2011 P1)

Group – B (Explain Why)

Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
1. Frusemide is the drug of choise in acute pulmonary edema. (2021 P1)
2. Spironolactone in cirrhosis of liver. (2020 P1)
3. Furosemide is combined with spironolactone as diuretics. (2015 P1)
4. Furosemide is used in acute left ventricular failure. (2014 P1)

Group – C (Mechanism of Action)

1. Solifenacin in symptomatic treatment of increased frequency of micturition. (2021 P1)
2. Solifenacin in hyperactive urinary bladder. (2020P1)
3. ACE inhibitors induces cough. (2015 P1)
4. Thiazides as Antihypertensive agent. (2014 P1)
5. ACE inhibitors as antihypertension. (2012 P1)
6. Thiazides in the treatment of mild to moderate hypertension. (2012 P2)

Group – D (Short Note)

1. Furosemide. (2017 P1) 2. Furosemide. (2012 P1)

Group – A
Classify & enumerate drugs used for peptic ulcer. Discuss the mechanism of action of proton pump inhibitor.
Mention effective regimen for eradication of H.pylori infection. 4+3+3 (2020 P2)

Group – B (Explain Why)

1. Ondansetron is drug of choice in chemotherapy induced emesis. (2018 P1)
2. Cisapride has been withdrawal in some countries. (2010 P2)

Group – C (Mechanism of Action)

1. Ondansetron as antiemetic agent. (2021
P2) 6. Pantoprazole in peptic ulcer. (2014 P2)
2. Lactulose in hepatic encephalopathy. 7. Mosapride is prokinetic agent. (2013 P1)
(2020P2) 8. Bisacodyl as purgatives. (2013 P2)
3. Sucralfate in the treatment of peptic ulcer. 9. Domperidone as antiemetic. (2012 P2)
(2019 P1) 10. Lactulose in hepatic encephalopathy.
4. Pantoprazole in acid-peptic disease. (2017 (2011P2)
P1) 11. Ondansetron as antiemetic agent. (2010
5. Levosulpride as prokinetic agent. (2017 P1) P2)
Group – D (Short Note)
1. Omeprazole. (2015 P1) 2. Ondansetron. (2013 P2)


Group – B (Explain Why)
1. Desferrioxamine is used in Thalassemia (2021 P1)
2. Vitamin K is used in over dose of oral anticoagulant. (2020 P1)
3. Vitamin K is used in warfarin toxicity. (2018 P1)
4. LMH Heparin is superior to conventional Heparin. (2017 P1)
5. Vitamin K is used in treatment of warfarin overdose. (2016 P1)
6. Iron therapy is contraindicated in Thalassemia. (2015 P1)
7. Desferioxamine is used in patient of thalassaemia. (2015 P2)
8. Desferioxamine is used in iron poisoning. (2014 P1)
9. Iron and folate supplementation are recommended during pregnancy. (2013 P1)
Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
10. Low molecular weight heparin preparations are superior. (2013 P1)
11. Folic acid should not give alone in megaloblastic anaemia. (2012 P1)
12. Folic acid supplementation is advocated in early pregnancy. (2011 P1)
Group – C (Mechanism of Action)
1. Ticagrelor as antiplatelet agent (2021 P1)
2. Erythropoietin in anaemia. (2020 P1)
3. Warfarin sodium as anticoagulant. (2019 P1)
4. Clopidrogrel as anti platelet agent. (2016 P1)
5. Heparin as anticoagulant. (2015 P1)
6. Clopidrogrel as anti platelet agent. (2014 P1)
7. Cyanocobalamin as haematinic agent. (2013 P1)
8. Vitamin k as pro-coagulant. (2012 P1)
9. Low molecular heparin in deep vein thrombosis.(2012 P1)
10. Low molecular heparin in deep vein thrombosis.(2011 P1)
11. Warfarin as an oral anti-coagulant. (2010 P1)

Group – D (Short Note)

1. Parenteral iron therapy (2021 P1)
2. Thrombolytic drugs (2021 P1)
3. Low molecular weight heparin. (2018 P1)
4. Erythropoietin. (2017 P2)
5. Low molecular weight heparine. (2016 P1)
6. Thrombolytic drugs. (2010 P1)
7. Parenteral iron therapy. (2010 P1)


Group – A
1. Classify antimalarial drugs. Write down the specific drug therapy of severe malaria. Write
chemoprophylaxis of malaria. Write the reason behind using primaquine in malaria.? (2021 P2)
2. Enumerate the drugs use in treatment of malaria. Discuss briefly the drug treatment of chloroquine
resistantuncomplicated falciparum malaria. Mention the therapeutic uses of chloroquine. (2015
3. Describe antiretroviral drugs. Discuss different regimens and underlying mechanisms recommended
for thetreatment of AIDS. 5+5 (2013 P2)
4. Give an outline of the drug treatment of acute Rheumatic fever in both adult and children). For
prevention of recurrences of such cases, what drugs should you prescribe and how long the
prophylactic treatmentshould continue? 7+2+1 (2013 P2)
5. Classify the drugs used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Explain why anti-tuberculosis
drugs are used in combination. Mention the commonly encountered adverse reactions of drugs
antituberculosis. How would you treat a case of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. 3+2+3+2 (2011
6. Enumerate drugs used for chloroquine resistant P. falciparum malaria. Describe drug treatment of
uncomplicated falciparum malaria mentioning the dosage regimes and important adverse effects of
drugs used. 2+5+3 (2010 P2)

Group – B (Explain Why)

1. Tetracycline should not be given to pregnant woman. (2021 P2)
2. Multiple drug are used to treat tuberculosis. (2021 P2)
3. Amikacin as antimicrobial agent. (2020 P2)
4. Rifampicin is used once in a month in the treatment of leprosy. (2019 P2)
Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
5. Primaquine is used both in the treatment of vivax and falciparum malaria. (2019 P2)
6. Multidrug combination therapy is essential for treatment of tuberculosis. (2018 P2)
7. Multi Drug therapy in Leprosy. (2017 P2)
8. Combination therapy is usually beneficial over single drug therapy in malaria. (2017 P2)
9. Multi Drug therapy in Leprosy. (2016 P2)
10. Metronidazole is combined with Diloxinide Furoate in the treatment of internal amoebiasis. (2016 P2)
11. Fixed dose combination is used in cotrimoxazole. (2015 P2)
12. Multi Drug therapy in tuberculosis. (2015 P2)
13. Ciprofloxacin and theophylline should not be co prescribed. (2014 P2)
14. Metronidazole is to be avoided in chronic alcoholics. (2014 P2)
15. Concomitant use of Rifampicin and oral contraceptives should better be avoided. (2013 P2)
16. Metronidazole should not he advised to chronic alcoholic persons. (2012 P2)
17. Doxycycline is proffered over other tetracycline. (2012 P2)
18. Oral chloroquine therapy in malaria is stared with a loading dose. (2011 P2)
19. Probenecid is combined with penicillin. (2011 P2)
20. Azithromycin is considered superior to Erythromycin. (2010 P2)
Group – C (Mechanism of Action)
1. Pyridoxine in tuberculosis (2021 P1)
2. Methotrexate (2021 P2)
3. Ivermectin (2021 P2)
4. Desferrioxamine in iron toxicity. (2020 P2)
5. Liposomal Amphotericin B in Kala azar. (2020P2)
6. Penicillin in the treatment of gram positiveinfection (2019 P2)
7. Ciprofloxacin as antibacterial agent. (2019 P2)
8. Aminoglycoside antibiotics (Examples, Commoncharacteristics). (2019 P2)
9. Itraconazole as anti fungal agent. (2017 P2)
10. Itraconazole as anti fungal agent. (2016 P2)
11. Fluconazole as antifungal agent. (2014 P2)
12. Acyclovir in treatment of herpes virus infection. (2010 P2)

Group – D (Short Note)

1. Chemoprophylaxis (2021 P2) 15. HAART therapy. (2016 P2)
2. Post exposure prophylaxis in HIV. (2020 P2) 16. Amikacin. (2016 P2)
3. Chloroquine. (2020 P2) 17. Super infection. (2014 P2)
4. Methotrexate. (2020 P2) 18. Chloroquine. (2014 P)
5. Monoclonal antibody (nomenclature, 19. Ketoconazole. (2013 P2)
generations,uses). (2020 P2) 20. Meropenem. (2013 P2)
6. Antibiotic resistance. (2020 P2) 21. Azithromycin. (2012 P1)
7. Lepra Reaction. (2018 P2) 22. Albendazole. (2012 P2)
8. Amphotericin B. (2018 P2) 23. Ciprofloxacin. (2012 P2)
9. Post exposure prophylaxis of HIV. (2018 P2) 24. Rifampicin. (2012 P2)
10. Lamivudine. (2017 P2) 25. Antibiotic associated diarrhoea. (2011 P2)
11. β Lactam antibiotics. (2017 P2) 26. Mebendazole. (2011 P2)
12. Metronidazole. (2017 P2) 27. Chemoprophylaxis, (2011 P2)
13. Lamivudine. (2016 P2) 28. Therapeutic uses of fluoroquinolones.
14. Rifampicin. (2016 P2) (2010P2)

Group – B (Explain Why)
N 1. Ethanol is used in the treatment of Methanol Poisoning. (2020 P2)
Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
Group – D (Short Note)
1. Interferons (2021 P2) 4. d-Penicillamine. (2011 P1)
2. Anti – snake venom. (2016 5. chelating agent. (2011
3. Interferons. (2015 P2)

Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka
Edited by: Soumyadeb Roy Compiled by: Apurva Himmatsingka

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