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INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GUWAHATI Master of Technology GRADE CARD (Provisional) Program Duration: 2 Years ‘Somestors: Four (4) NAME: MINI. KUMAR MECH ROLLNO: 214107120 DISCIPLINE: Chemécal Engineering ‘SPECIALIZATION Semester! (July-Nov) 2021 Course Course Name cr. Gr. CL501 Advanced Transport Phenomena 6 88 CL502 Computer Aided Numerical Methods BoM GLS1! Petroleum Reservoir Engineering 6 BB CL512 Petroleum Refinery Engineering 6 AB 6L630 Composites Materia's 6 8B Semester! (Jan. -May) 2022 Course Course Namo cr Gr. CL 503 Advanced Thermodynamics 6 AB L504 Advanced Reaction Engineering 6 BB CL505 Petroleum Praduction Engineering 6 BC CL598 Petroleum Laboratory 3 AB CL599 Scientific Communications 2 CL650 Quantum technologies in cnemcial enaineerina 6 OMA Semester (uly Nov. }2022 Course Course name cr Gr CL698. Project 2 AA SemesterV (Jan. May) 2023 Course Course name cr Gr. cL@99 PROJECT I 26 RA Semester and Cumulative Performa Sent Sent Sent Son aa arias ase 00008 cri oe ase 885 918 — Date : 07.06.2023, —Sex apecal teaiaa aera gtr Cer are) Assistant Fecistrar (Scacemic Affairs) ais sca sera gett Indian Insuiute of Technology Guwahati Faw / Guwahati-761039, Ter India INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY GUWAHATI GRADE POINTS = 10 Poins (Outstanding) 10° (Excell) Grade —_| Computer Scienee and Engineering | Hleetronics and Communication Engineering Electronics and Flectrieal Engineering, Mechanical Engineering | Civil Engineering [FT points and is a FAILUR | Design at = AU Audit Course ‘ | Biotechnology seen PP__| Pass Chemical Engineering nee] NP | Fait ar | Chemical Science and Technology T__ | Tneomplete | Engineering Physics a | Mathematics and Computing — 5] | Chemistry cane oe Centre for | Centre for No Class or Division is awarded in this Institute, ‘The Cumulative Performance Index (C.P.1.) is CPL ¥ CP XC Where Gis the credit of the course is the grade point obtained by the student in the course Note: Letter grade ‘AS’ is introduced from the academic year 2015-2016 onwards ete By. ahh

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