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Routledge Open Research Routledge Open Research 2023, 2:16 Last updated: 23 MAY 2023


Inclusive leadership for sustainable development in times of

change [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]
Richmond Anane-Simon 1, Sulaiman Olusegun Atiku 2,3

1Pentecost University College, Accra, Greater Accra Region, Ghana

2Namibia University of Science and Technology, Windhoek, Khomas Region, Namibia
3Walter Sisulu University, Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa

v1 First published: 23 May 2023, 2:16 Open Peer Review
Latest published: 23 May 2023, 2:16 Approval Status AWAITING PEER REVIEW

Any reports and responses or comments on the

Abstract article can be found at the end of the article.

This article explores the concept of inclusive leadership as a key
enabler for sustainable development, especially in times of change. A
literature review approach was adopted drawing on relevant research
and best practices. The article identifies the key competencies and
behaviors that inclusive leaders should demonstrate and it explores
the challenges and opportunities of leading inclusively in times of
change. According to the findings of the study, inclusive leadership
can promote sustainable development by encouraging creativity,
enhancing organizational effectiveness and fostering social and
environmental responsibility. The article concludes with a call to action
for individuals and organizations to embrace inclusive leadership for a
sustainable future.

Inclusive leadership, sustainable development, change management,
crisis leadership, sustainable future

This article is included in the Leadership in

Times of Change collection.

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Routledge Open Research Routledge Open Research 2023, 2:16 Last updated: 23 MAY 2023

Corresponding author: Richmond Anane-Simon (

Author roles: Anane-Simon R: Investigation, Methodology, Project Administration, Writing – Original Draft Preparation; Olusegun
Atiku S: Conceptualization, Formal Analysis, Resources, Supervision, Validation, Writing – Review & Editing
Competing interests: No competing interests were disclosed.
Grant information: The author(s) declared that no grants were involved in supporting this work.
Copyright: © 2023 Anane-Simon R and Olusegun Atiku S. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work
is properly cited.
How to cite this article: Anane-Simon R and Olusegun Atiku S. Inclusive leadership for sustainable development in times of change
[version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review] Routledge Open Research 2023, 2:16
First published: 23 May 2023, 2:16

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Introduction the specific potential of inclusive leadership as key enable of

Leadership is increasingly being recognized as a critical sustainable development. Hence, this study explores the concept
factor in promoting sustainable development, which is defined of inclusive leadership as an enabler of sustainable development
as “development that meets present needs without jeopardiz- in times of change.
ing future generations’ ability to meet their own needs” (World
Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). Inclu- Background
sive leadership is especially important during times of change, The idea of inclusive leadership has many facets and includes
as it can aid individuals and organizations in navigating uncer- a variety of skills and actions. At its core, inclusive leader-
tainty, cultivating resilience, and achieving long-term objectives. ship entails promoting a climate of psychological safety, trust,
In recent years, inclusive leadership has gained traction, and and respect where people feel valued and included. This neces-
is increasingly being recognized as a key enabler of sustain- sitates that leaders have a thorough understanding of diversity
able development (United Nations, 2019). Several research and how it affects both people and organizations. By actively
scholars have shared perspectives and have attempted listening, empathizing, and being open to criticism, inclusive
to define inclusive leadership. Nembhard and Edmondson leaders are capable of promoting interpersonal relationships and
(2006) first proposed the concept of inclusive leadership in a sense of belonging. Inclusive leadership can result in a variety
the field of management, defining it as “words and deeds by of positive outcomes, including increased employee engagement
a leader or leaders that indicate an invitation and apprecia- and job satisfaction, increased levels of innovation and creativ-
tion for others’ contributions”(pp. 941–966). Hollander (2009) ity, and improved business performance (Chin, 2020; Homan
went on to define inclusive leadership as a win-win situation et al., 2019; Nishii & Mayer, 2009). A culture of collabora-
characterized by a shared goal and vision of interdependent tion to drive eco-innovation can be promoted through inclu-
relationships. Hollander emphasized the significance of fol- sive leadership by prioritizing social and environmental goals
lowers in this relationship and focused on their perception of for sustainable development (Fields & Atiku, 2019). Promoting
leadership. Ospina (2011) opines that an inclusive leader is sustainable development requires inclusive leadership as it fos-
someone who accepts staff at all levels of the organization and ters an environment where everyone can contribute their distinc-
is accountable for results. An inclusive leader was regarded tive perspectives and abilities to the accomplishment of common
as playing a critical role in the formation of an inclusive objectives. Diverse teams with inclusive leaders are better
organization. According to Nishii and Leroy (2022), inclusive able to tackle challenging issues and come to wise decisions.
leadership is a complex set of proactive (first-stage modera- Inclusive leaders place a high priority on equity and social
tion) and reactive (second-stage moderation) leadership func- justice by ensuring that everyone has access to opportunities
tions that unfolds at multiple levels of analysis (individual, and resources for innovative performance. Diversity manage-
workgroup, and organizational). Its complexity begs the ques- ment is a critical component of inclusive leadership, as it encour-
tion of whether and how organizations can develop inclu- ages the acknowledgement and appreciation of differences
sive leadership. Growing interest in inclusive leadership has among individuals and groups (Gupta & Krishnan, 2016). In
followed an explosion in research on inclusion and inclusive contrast, in a study by Ashikali et al. (2021) findings revealed
climates in an organizational context. Questions regarding the that increased team diversity does not automatically result
distinction between diversity and inclusion as well as whether in a more inclusive environment. To support an inclusive
or not inclusion is a necessary precondition for retaining a climate in which different team members are valued for what
workforce that is becoming more diverse and maximizing its they bring to the workplace, inclusive leadership is required,
potential for positive performance are no longer in the fore- to foster inclusiveness in diverse teams. Inclusive leader-
front of discussion. The next frontier of research focuses on ship can contribute to resolving some of the most urgent social
how to promote inclusive environments and make it easier for and environmental problems of our time, such as poverty,
employees to experience inclusion. Organizational practices inequality, and climate change. For example, green inclusive
are important, but when it comes to inclusion, people’s more leadership has been proposed to combat climate catastrophe
personal and localized experiences are even more significant. and its attendant problems (Bhutto et al., 2021). A green inclu-
Herein lies the crucial role of leaders at all organizational sive leadership style involves interacting with employees to
levels. Lower-level leaders are responsible for putting the promote workplace green behavior; which are actions exhib-
organization’s ideals and policies into action, whereas ited by employees in relation to sustainability (Atiku, 2019;
senior leaders set the strategy and design policies and practices Bhutto et al., 2021) on the foregoing is essential in workplaces
that will increase the likelihood that employees perceive the to reduce carbon emissions and lead with sustainable manage-
organization to be committed to inclusion (MorBarak et al., ment practices in order to achieve carbon neutrality. The promo-
pp. 798–839; Nishii et al., 2018). It is the leaders’ responsi- tion of sustainability in complex and dynamic contexts, such
bility to implement organizational policies and procedures in as those marked by rapid technological change or social and
a way that encourages employees to feel included on a daily political upheaval, has been demonstrated to be particu-
basis (Nishii & Leroy, 2021). As a result, leaders play a criti- larly effective when inclusive leadership is used (ECLAC,
cal role in how employees at all levels experience inclusion. 2021; Neck & Houghton, 2006). Inclusive leaders can suc-
Despite the extensive literature on leadership and its correlation cessfully navigate uncertain and changing contexts by
with sustainable development, only few studies have explored exhibiting adaptability, flexibility, and resilience, as well as

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creating a psychologically safe environment that allows people from multiple stakeholders in order to gain a comprehensive
to learn and grow (Lam et al., 2016). understanding of the situation (Lena-Alyeska & Hannes,
2021). The results of this evaluation can be used to pinpoint
Inclusive leadership, organizational culture and areas of strength and weakness as well as potential obstacles to
employee engagement inclusivity. Making sure the organization’s leadership team
The section examines the impact of inclusive leadership on is dedicated to inclusive leadership is another best practice.
organisational culture and employee engagement. The inclu- This may entail giving leaders opportunities for training and
sive leadership style emphasizes the value and respect for development to hone their abilities in areas like cultural
the diverse perspectives, life experiences, and identities of competency and empathy as well as establishing clear
all employees. Studies showed that inclusive leadership can expectations for their conduct (Feyes, n.d). Holding lead-
enhance organizational culture and employee engagement ers responsible for establishing and preserving an inclusive
(Nishii & Mayer, 2009; Shin et al., 2020). In a study by Khan culture is also crucial. Another vital best practice for inclu-
et al. (2020), the results showed that inclusive leadership (IL) sive leadership is to provide platforms for diverse employee
had a direct influence on project success, as well as an indi- voices to be heard. Establishing employee resource groups or
rect influence through psychological empowerment (PE) and affinity groups can help with this, as can regularly giving
psychological safety (PS). Inclusive leadership has a profound opportunities for all employees to provide feedback and input
effect on organizational culture by promoting an environ- (Taylor, 2019). Finally, inclusive leadership strategies must
ment that is inclusive and welcoming for all workers. It encour- be integrated into all aspects of the organization’s operations.
ages staff members to share their perspectives and ideas, thus This can include incorporating diversity and inclusion goals
allowing for more innovative solutions to emerge from the into performance metrics and reward systems, as well as
appreciation and consideration of diverse view points (Nishii & ensuring fair and equitable hiring and promotion processes
Mayer, 2009; Shin et al., 2020). Employees may feel more (International Labour Organization, 2022). Ultimately, develop-
psychologically safe in such an environment, which has been ing and implementing inclusive leadership strategies necessitates
linked to higher levels of commitment and job satisfaction a concerted effort on the part of organizational leaders. Practices
(Edmondson, 1999). Furthermore, inclusive leadership encour- such as comprehensive assessment, cultivating leadership abili-
ages employee engagement, which can be achieved through ties, allowing for diverse opinions, and integrating inclusivity into
affective, cognitive, and social engagement. Affective engage- all aspects of an organization’s operations can help create a
ment is characterized by an individual’s emotional connection to more inclusive culture that encourages diversity, equity, and
a project, whereas cognitive engagement involves the effort and inclusion. Different case studies of successful implantations
concentration that the individual applies to the task (Reinders & of inclusive leadership in business organizations are presented
Nakamura, 2021). Social engagement measures the degree of in the next section.
interactions with others throughout the activity, collaboration
or community of practice (Fields & Atiku, 2021). Employ- Case studies of successful inclusive leadership in
ees are more likely to feel a sense of ownership and investment organizations
in their work when they perceive that their opinions and contri- Building a culture that values diversity, equity, and inclu-
butions are valued and respected through inclusive leadership sion requires inclusive leadership. Numerous businesses have
(Shin et al., 2020). Higher levels of motivation and job successfully used inclusive leadership techniques, produc-
satisfaction may result from this, and higher levels of employee ing beneficial results for both the workers and the business as a
retention and output may follow (Nishii & Mayer, 2009). whole. Here, we offer case studies of inclusive leadership in
As a whole, inclusive leadership has a significant impact on action within organizations.
organizational culture and employee engagement. Inclusive
leaders can encourage a culture of innovation and creativity Case Study No. 1: IBM- IBM is a global technology com-
(Fields & Atiku, 2019), foster a sense of psychological safety pany that has long prioritized diversity, equity, and inclusion.
among employees, and increase employee engagement and In 2017, the company launched a program called “Leading
retention. Organizations that prioritize inclusive leadership are for Inclusion” to help managers develop their skills in inclu-
likely to benefit from these advantages, which could potentially sive leadership. The program includes training, coaching, and
contribute to their sustainable competitive advantage. a performance review process with an emphasis on inclusivity
goals (IBM, n.d). During the COVID-19 pandemic, IBM
Inclusive leadership strategies has continued to prioritize diversity and inclusion, includ-
Organizational leaders must make a conscious effort to develop ing offering additional support to employees who are parents or
and implement inclusive leadership strategies. To ensure the caregivers, expanding virtual training and development
effectiveness of these strategies, a number of best practices programs, and promoting mental health resources (IBM, 2021).
can be implemented. A sound evaluation of the organization’s As a result of these efforts, IBM has seen increases in employee
current state is a good place to start when creating inclusive engagement and retention, as well as increased innovation,
leadership strategies. revenue growth and customer satisfaction (IBM, 2022).

It is necessary to undertake employee surveys or focus groups, Case Study No. 2: PwC- PwC is a multinational professional
analyze existing policies and procedures, and obtain feedback services firm that has made significant strides in recent years

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in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. The company Inclusive leadership can improve employee engagement
has implemented a number of initiatives aimed at promot- and well-being, improve decision-making processes, and
ing inclusive leadership, such as manager training programs, promote organizational resilience (Zheng et al. (2018)).
employee resource groups, and a focus on diversity in recruit- Furthermore, inclusive leadership has been linked to better
ment and retention (PwC, n.d.). During the COVID-19 crisis management, as leaders who value diversity are more
pandemic, PwC has prioritized employee well-being by offer- likely to consider a broader range of perspectives and ideas,
ing additional mental health resources and flexible work resulting in more effective decision-making and problem-
arrangements, as well as maintaining a focus on diversity and solving (Ahmed et al. (2021)). Several steps can be taken by
inclusion in virtual recruiting and onboarding processes (PwC, leaders to effectively practice inclusive leadership during crises.
2022). These efforts have resulted in increased employee engage- To begin, they can prioritize open communication and transpar-
ment and retention, as well as substantial revenue growth ency, keeping employees informed about the situation and its
and enhanced client satisfaction (PwC, n.d.). potential impact on the organization. Second, leaders can include
diverse perspectives in decision-making processes to ensure that
Case Study No. 3: Marriott International- Marriott Interna- a wide range of opinions and ideas are considered. Third, lead-
tional is a global hospitality company that prioritizes diversity, ers can promote a culture of respect, inclusion, and psychologi-
equity, and inclusion in its operations. The company has imple- cal safety, which is critical for creating an environment in which
mented a number of initiatives aimed at promoting inclusive employees feel supported and valued (Javed et al., 2019; Shore
leadership, such as training programs for managers and & Chung, 2022). Finally, inclusive leadership is critical during
employees, a focus on diverse recruitment and retention, and crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders can improve
partnerships with organizations that support underrepresented crisis management by prioritizing empathy and collaboration.
groups (Marriott International, n.d.). During the COVID-19 Effective communication is also critical in promoting inclusive
pandemic, Marriott International has prioritized employee and leadership and crisis management, as it involves transmitting
guest safety, including implementing enhanced cleaning and information, sharing ideas, and building relationships
hygiene protocols and offering flexible cancellation policies (DeChurch & Mesmer-Magnus, 2016). Leaders who communi-
(Marriott International, 2022). The company has also main- cate effectively can create a shared understanding of goals and
tained its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion by objectives, leading to inclusive outcomes.
continuing to support employee resource groups and offering
virtual training and development programs (Marriott Measuring the effectiveness of inclusive
International, 2020). As a result of these efforts, Marriott Inter- leadership for sustainable development
national has seen increases in employee engagement and For organizations to develop sustainably, measuring the impact
retention, as well as increased revenue growth and customer of inclusive leadership is essential. With the help of an inclu-
loyalty (Marriott International, n.d.). sive leadership strategy, managers can empower staff members
and foster a sense of community, which boosts output, job
These case studies show the effects of inclusive leader- satisfaction, and engagement. However, because this calls
ship on organizations, even in the context of the COVID-19 for evaluating both the outcomes and the process of inclusive
pandemic. The successful implementation of inclusive lead- leadership, determining the effectiveness of inclusive leader-
ership strategies by IBM, PwC, and Marriott International ship can be difficult. In this section, we look at how inclusive
has improved employee engagement, retention, innovation, leadership can be measured for effectiveness and give organiza-
customer or client satisfaction, and revenue growth. These case tions examples of tools and techniques they can use to assess
studies offer beneficial illustrations of inclusive leadership best their inclusive leadership programs.
practices that can be used in other organizations.
Measurement of inclusive leadership outcomes
Inclusive leadership in times of crisis Examining the effects of inclusive practices on employee
In the face of crises such as the Coronavirus disease 2019 engagement, job satisfaction, and productivity is one way to
(COVID-19) pandemic, inclusive leadership becomes even gauge how effective inclusive leadership is. For instance, stud-
more important. Inclusive leaders prioritize empathy, commu- ies have demonstrated that employing inclusive leadership tech-
nication, and collaboration, fostering a sense of belonging and niques can impact employee engagement and job satisfaction
psychological safety for all team members, which is criti- (Catalyst, 2014; Shore et al., 2011). Employers can
cal for navigating crises (Janssen et al., 2020). Crisis leadership use tools like the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the
can enhance team cohesion and resilience, leading to success- Gallup Q12 survey to gauge employee engagement and job
ful outcomes in times of change. Inclusive leadership requires satisfaction. Tracking organizational performance, such as
effective teamwork and communication as it involves financial performance, customer satisfaction, and innovation,
collaboration and cooperation among diverse stakeholders is another way to assess the outcomes of inclusive leadership.
(Northouse, 2018). Teams that are diverse in terms of gender, According to studies, inclusive leadership can improve organi-
ethnicity, and cultural background are more likely to gener- zational performance (Carmeli & Gittell, 2009; Nembhard
ate innovative solutions and adapt to changing environments & Edmondson, 2006). Metrics such as revenue growth, customer
(Horwitz & Horwitz, 2017). Recent research has empha- retention, and patent filings can be used by organizations to
sized the significance of inclusive leadership in times of crisis. evaluate the impact of their inclusive leadership strategies.

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Measurement of the inclusive leadership process training that aid in the development of leadership abilities
Assessing the extent to which leaders are putting inclusive and knowledge are examples of this (Atiku & Lawal, 2022).
actions into practice in their interactions with employees is a Radicioni, 2021 also suggests that providing education and
key step in measuring the process of inclusive leadership (Mor training on inclusive leadership practices can help overcome
Barak et al., 2020). This can be difficult because it involves the lack of knowledge and understanding of its importance.
assessing intangible traits like empathy, openness to criti-
cism, and communication style. Organizations can measure Challenge 2: Unconscious Bias- adopting inclusive leader-
the inclusive leadership process, though, using a number of ship is significantly hampered by unconscious bias. Uninten-
tools and techniques. One method for measuring the inclu- tional favoritism of one group over another by leaders can result
sive leadership process is 720-degree feedback (Lombardo & in exclusionary behaviors and a lack of diversity in the work-
Eichinger, 2000). This strategy entails obtaining feedback from place. Harvard Business Review (2021) noted that unconscious
a variety of people, including peers, subordinates, and supe- biases can impede an individual’s ability to practice inclusive
riors, in order to provide a thorough evaluation of a leader’s leadership.
performance. The feedback can be used to pinpoint areas
where leaders need to strengthen their inclusive practices, like Strategy 2: Diversity and Inclusion Policies- by implement-
giving employees from different backgrounds more praise ing diversity and inclusion policies that support equity and
and recognition. Another method for gauging the effective- fairness in teams, organizations can overcome this challenge.
ness of inclusive leadership is observation (Lopez et al., 2020). These guidelines may include measures to encourage a more
Insights into a leader’s communication style, body language, diverse and inclusive workplace, such as blind hiring practices,
and capacity to connect with staff members from various back- mentorship programs for underrepresented groups, and diversity
grounds can be gained by watching them in action. To determine targets (Hunt, Layton, & Prince, 2015). Harvard Business Review
whether inclusive leadership practices are working, organizations (2021) also suggest that implementing diversity and inclusion
can use trained observers or video recordings. policies can help to mitigate unconscious bias in the workplace.

In order to ensure sustainable development in organizations, Challenge 3: Resistance to Change- another difficulty organiza-
it is crucial to evaluate the efficacy of inclusive leadership tions may encounter when attempting to implement inclusive
(Hansen & Leuty, 2018). Organizations can identify areas leadership is resistance to change. Changes to the status quo may
where their inclusive practices need to be strengthened and be resisted by some leaders, which can impede efforts to cre-
develop more inclusive workplaces by measuring the outcomes ate an inclusive workplace. Sander et al. (2020) confirms
and process of inclusive leadership. Surveys, questionnaires, that resistance to change is a common challenge encountered
720-degree feedback, and observation are some of the tools when implementing inclusive leadership practices.
and methods that can be used to gauge the success of inclu-
sive leadership strategies and assess their effects on employee Strategy 3: Change Management- by promoting leadership
engagement, job satisfaction, and organizational performance and employee buy-in through change management strategies,
(Jones et al., 2019; Zapata-Phelan et al., 2009). organizations can overcome this challenge. This may entail
including stakeholders in the development of inclusive lead-
Challenges and barriers to inclusive leadership ership strategies, highlighting the advantages of these strate-
Inclusive leaders can promote a culture of innovation, gies, and addressing any concerns or objections from potential
collaboration, and impact that prioritizes the well-being of change-resistant individuals (Bourke & Titus, 2020).
people and the environment to drive positive change in the Hultman, 2003 propose that using change management
world. The implementation of inclusive leadership faces a strategies can help to address resistance to change when
number of difficulties and setbacks, which could impede efforts implementing inclusive leadership practices.
to create a more inclusive workplace. The following are some
of the major obstacles that organizations may encounter when Challenge 4: Insufficient Resources- implementing inclusive
attempting to implement inclusive leadership, as well as some leadership can be severely hampered by a lack of resources,
practical solutions. including time and money. The lack of progress in fostering
an inclusive workplace may be caused by organizations’
Challenge 1: Lack of knowledge and comprehension: accord- difficulty in allocating resources to initiatives in inclusive
ing to Randel et al., 2018, a lack of knowledge and understand- leadership. Kiradoo and Giriraji (2022) highlight that the
ing about the value of inclusive leadership and the benefits of lack of resources, including financial and human resources,
diversity can hinder progress towards inclusive leadership. can hinder efforts to create a more inclusive workplace.
The benefits of inclusive leadership and the detrimental effects
of exclusionary practices on team members and organization Strategy 4: Allocation of Resources- Organizations can
may not be fully understood by many leaders. overcome this challenge by allocating resources, such as
time and money, to inclusive leadership initiatives. This can
Strategy 1: Education and Training- by educating and devel- include devoting staff members to oversee and implement
oping leaders on the value of inclusive leadership and the these initiatives, providing training and development oppor-
effects of exclusionary practices, organizations can overcome tunities for leaders, and investing in diversity and inclu-
this challenge. Workshops, seminars, and other types of sion technology and tools (Krithi & Ramesh, 2021).

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Kiradoo and Giriraji (2022) suggest that allocating resources We specifically recommend the following areas for future
to support inclusive leadership initiatives can help to overcome research:
the challenge of insufficient resources. • Examining the impact of inclusive leadership in vari-
ous contexts, such as industries, regions, cultures, and
Finally, implementing inclusive leadership in organizations organizational types. This can aid in identifying the
is critical for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the factors that influence inclusive leadership effectiveness
workplace. However, there are several challenges and barriers and how it can be adapted to different contexts.
that organizations may face when attempting to implement • Creating inclusive leadership measures and evalu-
inclusive leadership. Organizations can overcome these chal- ation frameworks to assess its impact on organi-
lenges and progress toward creating a more inclusive work- zational performance, innovation, and social and
place by implementing strategies such as education and training, environmental responsibility. This can assist in estab-
diversity and inclusion policies, change management, and lishing a clear link between inclusive leadership and
resource allocation. sustainable development outcomes.
• Investigating the possibility of interdisciplinary research
Recommendations on inclusive leadership and how it might intersect
It has been determined through this study that inclusive lead- with other fields such as social psychology, sociology,
ership is a critical enabler of sustainable development, and environmental science. This can help us under-
particularly in times of change. According to the literature stand the complex relationships that exist between
review, we identified a number of traits and skills that inclusive inclusive leadership and sustainable development.
leaders should possess, such as empathy, active listening skills,
multicultural intelligence, and the ability to form diverse • Investigating the capacity of inclusive leadership
teams. Furthermore, we discovered that inclusive leadership to address specific sustainability challenges such
can support sustainable development by encouraging creativ- as climate change, social inequality, and poverty.
ity, improving organizational effectiveness, and promoting This can aid in identifying how inclusive leader-
pro-environmental behaviour. We also recognize that lead- ship can contribute to address pressing sustainability
ing inclusively in times of change can be challenging because issues.
it requires people and organizations to overcome prejudices,
stereotypes, and structural barriers. To address these issues, we We can advance understanding of inclusive leadership and its
recommend that organizational leaders across business divide role in promoting sustainable development by pursuing these
to take the following steps: research directions, which is essential in providing insights and
recommendations for individuals and organizations to adopt
• Provide inclusive leadership training and education to
inclusive leadership practices.
individuals and organizations in order to raise aware-
ness of the importance of inclusive leadership and Conclusion
to develop the necessary skills and competencies. In times of change, inclusive leadership is a critical enabler of
• Promote a culture of diversity and inclusion within sustainable development. Through this literature review, we
organizations by developing policies and practices that identified several competencies and behaviors that inclusive
value and respect differences, as well as encouraging leaders should exhibit, as well as the potential benefits of
underrepresented groups to participate. inclusive leadership for promoting innovation, organizational
performance, and pro-environmental behaviour. However, we
• Use data and analytics to measure and evaluate diver- recognize that inclusive leadership in times of change can be
sity and inclusion, as well as digital tools to improve difficult. It requires individuals and organizations to over-
communication and collaboration. come biases, stereotypes, and systemic barriers. Individuals
and organizations can contribute to addressing the most press-
Team leaders in organizations can promote a more sustain- ing sustainability challenges of our time by embracing inclusive
able future by embracing an inclusive leadership style. This leadership practices. We urge learning and development units
leadership style is useful in involving different perspectives to take action by providing inclusive leadership interven-
and expertise in the decision-making process. Through inclu- tions, cultivating a culture of diversity and inclusion, and
sive leadership, an organization can gain a better understand- embracing the potential of technology to promote inclusive
ing of the stakeholders' needs and make informed decisions leadership. The findings can serve as a guide for leaders who
that are beneficial to the organization and community. want to encourage inclusive leadership in their businesses and
thereby support sustainable development.
Future research direction
While our research has shed light on the role of inclusive lead-
ership in promoting sustainable development, there are a Data availability
number of gaps and limitations that need to be addressed. No data are associated with this article.

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