Anti Bullying Campaign Final Report

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Final report on your GYSD community action (group work)

“Celebrating 35 years of youth changing the world, Global Youth Service Day (April 28-30,
2023) is the longest-running annual youth participation event in the world and the only one
that asks all youth ages 5-25 to find meaning and purpose by working together for the
common good.”

Title: name of the community Action carried out: Campaign Anti-Bullying/Cyberbullying

Name of the volunteers/ group name: Lara, Leticia, Gonçalo and Matilde from AE de Sátão.

Problem addressed: Bullying needs to be addressed in schools and we consider it is

important to prevent it and encourage seeking help and personal safety strategies in situations
of violence.

Presentation made during the research stage:

Action Plan:

What did you plan to address the problem?

● We had the idea to do a presentation for 7th graders about bullying and raise
awareness by joining our Greek partners, the Anti-bullying team from 4th JHS of Chios
in Greece, White T-shirt Day by organising one in our school too. We expect to
sensitize the students towards the negative impacts of bullying on young people.

● Our partners from Póvoa do Varzim joined us by planning to give presentations on

cyberbullying to younger students to help them identify cyberbullying at a young age.
To do this, their plan was to create TikTok video formats to teach them how to handle
different types of cyberbullying.

● Initially we were just two, Matilde and Lara but in the middle of our project, two of our
partners, Leticia and Gonçalo joined us. Throughout the project, they helped us to
make the poster used to advertise our campaign and to make the photo of both the
White T-shirt Campaign and the presentation we delivered to the 7th graders.

● We made a presentation in English that was used to present to the 7th-grade students
7ano). We also made the same presentation in Portuguese so that we could publish
it on the school website (Escolas de Sátão (
apresentacao-7ano). Additionally, we organized a quiz for the 7th-grade students to
play at the end of our presentation.

We sent an email to the 7th-grade moral teacher to request permission to carry out the
presentation in her class. We also sent an email to the class directors to promote the
White Shirt Day. We emailed teacher Helena Silva who is the coordinator of the Health
Education Programme in our school to have us announced on the poster for the Health
Week program. Furthermore, we sent an email to Professor José Couto to announce
the White Shirt Day on the school's web page.


● First, we organized a White T-shirt Day where the students and teachers came wearing
a white T- shirt and on the same day we went to do a presentation to 7th grade students
about bullying and its effects.

● The presentations to the classes 7A and 7C, who are also our partners in this
eTwinning project, were held on May 12th from 13h20 to 14h10, during the Religious
Education class. The “White T-shirt Day” campaign was also carried out on May 12th
throughout the entire day.

● On May 12th, we noticed many people from both within and outside the school wearing
white shirts, which indicates that our campaign had an impact on the community. We
also asked to take photos and people were happy to do so.

● We attempted to contact the nurses from GIAA to collaborate with us during the
presentation, but unfortunately, they were not available on the day we had planned.
To do the presentation we had the collaboration from teacher Religious Education
teacher Ana Magalhães who accepted our visit and our presentation to the class.

For White Shirt Day, we asked the teacher José Couto if he could post the poster of
our campaign on the school Instagram to spread the idea and we also invited our
classmates and other classes to wear the t-shirt and spread the idea.

● We also shared a Portuguese version of our presentation and game on the school’s
webpage so that teachers could use it in their classes.

● To the presentation we added our team members from AE Cego do Maio in Póvoa do
Varzim, Portugal, Fátima and Leonor’s presentation and Tik Tok videos.

Copy of the registration of the action on the GYSD website (PDF sent to the email) see
example HERE

What was the impact of this action on your personal development?

● Personal Growth: The skills we acquired through this activity were creativity,
collaborative problem-solving, collaboration and critical thinking. We learnt how to be
more autonomous and more resilient. We got to learn how to organise a campaign and
all the steps required to make it happen.

● Significance: We think that our work had a positive impact and served to sensitize the
population against bullying which is unfortunately still an issue not only in our school
but also in our partners’ schools. It was interesting to see how others deal with this
issue and that it is possible to create a wave of solidarity in an international scale with
the White T-shirt Day our multinational team organised.

Video report video


24th May 2023, Agrupamento de Escolas de Sátão (Escola Secundária Frei Rosa Viterbo), Sátão,

Teacher: Maria Silva

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