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Name of Student Teacher Maria Erica M.

Eltanal Section Milkfish

Leaning Area Electrical Installation and Time 8:30 – 9:30
Grade Level 10 Date May 10, 2023
Cooperating Teacher Manuel C. Palisbo Quarter 4th

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates an understanding of the basic concepts and underlying theories in
electrical installation and maintenance.
B. Performance The learner independently installs electrical lighting systems, auxiliary outlets and lighting
Standards fixtures based on the Philippine Electrical Code (PEC) standards and Local Code/Utility
Company Regulations.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:
Competencies/Objective  Identify the difference between other switches and 4-way switch.
s  Perform the connection of one bulb controlled by 4-way switch and two 3-way switches
Write for the LC code for in three locations.
each  Value the importance of 4-way switch.
FIXTURES (EL) Board Wiring Installation using 3-way and 4-way switch
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM page 19 of 23
2. Learner’s Materials Electrical Installation and Maintenance Module 1, page 167 - 169
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Wiring Board, Electrical Materials and Tools, PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, TV screen,
from Learning Resource Visual Aids, Cartolina
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning TVET Academy -
Resources view=displaylesson&id=494&course=151&job=70
C. Subject Integration Mathematics
D. Values Integration Appreciation
IV. PROCEDURES Activity Method
(Pre-Activity, Activity Proper, Post Activity)
1. Preliminary Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
A. Prayer Before we formally start our class, I want you to arrange your
chairs properly and pick up some trashes around you.

Alright! Are you ready now? Yes ma’am!

May I request Mr./Ms.______ to kindly lead the prayer.

Let us bow down our heads
and put ourselves in the
holiest presence of the
B. Greetings Good morning grade 10 – Milkfish!
Good morning, ma’am.

How are you today?

We are doing fine ma’am.
C. Checking of Now, let me check your attendance first, who is your secretary
Attendance here? May I know who’s absent today?
None ma’am
Okay everyone is present, very good!
D. Reading of Again, if we enter in this room let’s always remember and obey
House Rules our rules of excellence, for us to learn efficiently.

What are our rules of excellence again?

Kindly read everyone!

W – when you
E – enter in this room
L – learning is fun
C – cooperative is expected
O – our positive attitude and
M – mutual respect, are part
E – everything we do and
Are we clear?

One more thing, for those students who have visual or auditory Yes ma’am.
impairment, please transfer in front so that you can follow our
discussion more easily.

(Students transferring seats)

E. Checking of Now, as far as I can remember, I did give you an assignment,
Assignment right? And that is about how important three-way switches.
Yes ma’am!

Okay, kindly get your assignments and pass it forward.

F. Reviewing of the Before we proceed, let us have a short review. Who among you
past lesson here can still recall our topic last meeting?
(Student raising their hands)

Three-way switches ma’am.

Very good!

May I call Mr./Ms._______ kindly explain to us what is 3-way

switches. A 3-way switch is a common
type of switch used to
control a light or fixture from
two different locations.

Okay, Three-way switches have three terminals, right? What are

those? A 3-way switch has three
terminals: a common
terminal and two traveler

Very good! All your answers are correct. I really appreciate it that
you learned well from our previous topic.
G. Motivation I have here a picture (present a picture on screen).

Okay, what do you see in the picture?

Bulb, Circuit breaker, a
switch or a 2 three-way
What do you call this whole picture? Anyone?
A diagram of a three-way
switches controlling one
bulb ma’am.

We already know how these three-way switches work. Based on

the diagram, you can control this one bulb from a two different

But I have one question, how about if one person wants to

control one bulb from more than two locations?
By using four-way switch

That’s correct! Very good!

So now, do you have any idea what is our next topic this
morning? Yes ma’am, our topic for
today is about Four-way
H. Reading of the Before we proceed let us know our objective first. This will help
Objectives and guide us throughout our lesson. I want you to read and
understand it, okay?

Everybody, please read.

At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

 Identify the
difference between
other switches and
4-way switch.
 Perform the
connection of one
bulb controlled by
4-way switch, and
two 3-way switches
into two locations.
 Value the
importance of 4-
way switch.
Okay, thank you!
I. Unlocking of I have some words for you that you may not be familiar with. So,
Difficult terms let us know what they mean because we may encounter these
later on.

Everyone, please read.

Base on your understanding what is a terminal?
Base on your understanding what is a traveler?
Base on your understanding what is Energize?

A terminal doesn’t mean bus terminal, A traveler doesn’t mean a

person who is traveling. Okay?
So, here are the correct meaning of these terms that we are
going to use in our discussion. Unlocking of difficulties
1. Terminal – where
the wire is part of
an electrical wire
that is connected on
2. Traveler – is an
extra wire which
can be connected
between 2
switches to control
a light from 2
different locations.
3. Energize – to give
energy or supply
with an electrical
Culminating Activity 1 I think, I need to energize you all.

Let us have an activity, I will be dividing the class into 3 groups.

This activity is called “PUZZLE ME UP!”

o Each group will be given different picture and letters to
o The goal is to complete the task by putting the pieces
o Have a brainstorm about the picture and choose 1
representative to share your insights.
o I will give you 3 minutes to complete the task and 1-2
minutes to present your activity in front.

Are we clear class? Yes ma’am.

Okay, just make a small circle with your group.

Are you ready? Okay your time, starts now!


This is the picture of a

Single-pole switch. This
type of light switch controls
one light fixture (or electrical
outlet) from a single


This is the picture of a

Three-way switch. This type
of switch controls light
fixture from two different


This is the picture of a Four-

way switch. This type of
switch control lighting from
three or more locations.
Okay, thank you class. As, I observed, you presented it very
well. So, I’ll be giving 10 points each group.

What have you observed in the picture?

The symbols in the back of
the switch ma’am.
B. Developmental A Four-way switch is similar to a three-way, except it has four
Activities/ Lesson Proper terminals; which is two for traveler wires coming in, and two for
traveler going out. It controls one fixture from three locations.
This switch must be combined with a two three-way switch.


Here’s a simple diagram for a four-way switch.

Steps in the actual wiring of two three-way switches and a four-

way switch controlling a lamp from three (3) different locations:
1. Observe safety precautions.
2. Prepare all necessary tools and materials.
3. Connect Line 1 to the common (0) terminal of three-way
switch A (S3Wa).
4. Connect Line 2 to the Terminal 1 of the lamp.
5. Connect Terminal 2 of lamp to the Common terminal of
three-way switch B (S3Wb).
6. Connect the travelers: the One (1) terminal of S3Wa to
the 1 terminal of SW4 and the Three (3) terminal of
S3Wa to the terminal of S4W.
7. Connect the travelers: the One (1) terminal of S3Wb to
the 2 terminal of S4W and the Three (3) terminal of
S3Wb to the terminal of S4W.
8. Check wiring for faults and wrong connections using
multi-tester or bulb continuity tester.
9. Energize and test.

C. Culminating Activity 2 Do you already know how to read and interpret a wiring diagram
Yes ma’am.
Are you sure?

Well, do you want to test it?

Okay then, let’s do an activity, are you excited?

We will use the same group in our last activity.

Here’s the instruction:

o Each group will be given a diagram and steps on how to
wire two three-way switches and a four-way switch
controlling one lamp from three different locations.
o You will be given 10 minutes to finish the task.
o Afterwards, you present your output by stating the steps
in wiring. But with the twist, you need to present it in a
creative way, either in a form of song, poem, dance, or
Yes ma’am!
Do you understand?

Let me show you the activity's rubrics before we get started. This
will be my basis for you the evaluation.


FUNCTIONALIT Lamps light Lamp lights Lamp does
Y but flicker not light
WORKMANSHI All wire One of the Two or
P terminators wire more wire
are done terminator is terminators
perfectly imperfectly are
done. imperfectly
Dimension, Dimensions There is an There are
Mounting and are perfect. error in either errors in
Presentation All boxes dimensions both
are properly or mounting dimensions
mounted of boxes. and
and Finished mounting of
secured. output is boxes.
Finished quite messy. Finished
output is output is
clean and messy.
PROCESS The The diagram Did not
diagram was partly follow the
was followed. diagram
followed correct.
from wire to
CREATIVITY It has an It is clear and Lacks
element of contains few clarity of
creativity mistakes. information,
and style, Good creativity
and is not creativity and and
just a list of neatness. neatness.
facts. The
ng of the
TIME Work was Work was Unable to
MANAGEMENT done ahead done just in finish the
of time. time. work.

Any questions? If none then you can go to your group now.

(Students presented their
Are you ready? Okay, your time starts now. output)


Giving feedback to the students and rating their output.

Job well done class. Thank you for your cooperation! Let us give
ourselves a coca cola clap.
V. GENERALIZATION Okay now, I’ll be showing you a short video of a four-way

(Presenting a video)

So, how was the video class? Did you notice how much wire
they used in just one setting? How much more if you calculate all
the wire that is in your house.

Let’s try to compute this one. For example you have a wire:

10 meters
10 + 10 + 10 = 30
10 meters

10 meters

If we talk about wiring, is it only applicable to our homes? No ma’am!

Okay, can you tell me or do you have any idea where wiring is
involved? Automotive ma’am.

Very good! In automotive, there is also a wiring but they have

different lights and switches.

Now, I’ll be calling two students, one from the girls and one from
the boys. We’ll see you if have learned something in our lesson

Okay, we’ll start from the girls, Ms. ______, as an EIM (Electrical
Installation Maintenance) student, how can you apply this lesson
in your daily living and help you in your future endeavors?

Very good! How about from the girls, Mr. ______.

Excellent! Your answers are correct, thank you Mr. ______ and
Ms. ______. You've shown me that you really paid attention and
comprehended our lesson today.
None ma’am!
4-way switches may not be a component of our daily lives that
we think about often but they play an important role in our ability
to control the lighting in our homes, workplaces, and other
buildings. They help to make our environments safer, more
functional, and more convenient, making them an important part
of our modern electrical systems.

So, do you have any question?

VI. EVALUATION We will have a quiz, kindly get ¼ sheet of paper. I will only give
you 3 minutes to finish it.

Identify these symbols. Write only the correct letter.


a. Switch Closed
b. Switch Open
c. Switch Crossed
d. none of the above


a. Switch Closed
b. Switch Open
c. Switch Crossed
d. none of the above


a. Single pole switch

b. Three-way switch (S3W)
c. Four-way switch (S4W)
d. both A & B


a. Single pole switch

b. Three-way switch (S3W)
c. Four-way switch (S4W)
d. both A & B


a. Single pole switch

b. Three-way switch (S3W)
c. Four-way switch (S4W)
d. both A & B Yes ma’am!

Are you done?

Okay, exchange your paper with your seatmates, we will be

going to check it.

Answer key:
1. B. Switch Open
2. A. Switch Closed
3. Four-way Switch (S4W)
4. Three-way switch (S3W)
5. Single-Pole Switch

Who got 5?
Who got 4?
Who got 3?

For those who got 3 below, please pass your papers in font.

VII. ENRICHMENT/ Review the topic today and also watch YouTube videos about
ASSIGNMENT wiring installation of 3-way and 4-way switches. We will be
having a laboratory tomorrow May 11, 2023. Okay ma’am.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of Learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Do the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these works?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

Observer’s Notes:


Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher 3 School Principal

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