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John Locke

1. A government should exist to preserve people’s property and protect them from violence and injury.
2. Since people have the right to self-preservation, they have the right to destroy anyone who makes war upon them.
3. Humans have the state of nature -> peace, freedom

Karl Marx

1. There should not be a government. When it is needed, it should prevent people from using their social powers to exploit
2. There should not be any inequities.
3. Human nature was not fixed.

Thomas Hobbes

1. A government should exist to compel people to follow the covenant. The fear of punishment should be greater than the
reward for breaking the covenant.
2. Revenge should never be cruel.
3. Humans are born greedy -> so they need a covenant.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

1. Work together so that the government can function.

2. There should be a severe punishment for breaking the contract.
3. The state of nature is like the Garden of Eden. It is perfection.


John Locke, Karl Marx, Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau

1. They wanted to make their nations a safe, better, and efficient place for all citizens
2. They agreed that a government should exist to avoid the chaos and lawlessness in society

John Locke / Hobbes

1. Equal rights and freedom for all human beings

2. The state of nature for all human beings

Hobbes / Marx

1. The need for equality and equity

2. Humans are selfish and greedy -> creates struggles between people

Marx / Locke

1. Fairness should be at the heart of the government

2. There should be a better society and equity

Hobbes / Rousseau

1. There should be the death-penalty for criminals to deterred to do bad things

Marx / Rousseau

1. Private property separates society into classes

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