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Soil improvement

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Water holding capacity

and water drainage

Nutrients status and


Soil structure and

organic matter

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Water holding and drainage improvement

• Low permeability is caused by:

• High clay content
• Low organic matter content
• Poor structure
• Soil compaction
• Measures for improvement:
• Improve surface drainage
• Add organic matter
• Use wide crop rotation

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Nutrient status improvement

• A complex process that involves

the constant cycling of nutrients
between organic and inorganic
• Mineralization and
• Fertilization:
• Inorganic fertilizers
• Organic fertilizers

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pH-value improvement

• Alkaline soils: pH above 7.5

• Acidic soils: pH below 5.0
• To lower soil acidity:
• Add lime
• Add organic matter
• Mulches
• To higher soil acidity:
• Add compost or peat

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Soil structure improvement

• Increasing organic content

• Reducing or eliminating tillage
• Avoiding soil disturbance
during periods of excessive dry
or wet
• Ensuring sufficient ground

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• Irrigation is the application of water to

crops through artificial means
• Used in areas with sporadic rainfall
or potential drought conditions to
ensure crop receives adequate water
needs for growth and development
• Water quality???

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Types of irrigation

• Surface irrigation
• Localized irrigation:
• Drip (trickle) irrigation
• Sprinkler irrigation:
• Center pivot irrigation
• Lateral move (wheel line)
• Sub-irrigation

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Surface irrigation

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Localized irrigation

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Localized irrigation

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Sprinkler irrigation

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Specifičnosti zaštite bilja
u zaštićenim prostorima

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Agrotehničke mjere

• gnojidba – homogena, uravnotežena,

• plodosmjena – izbjegavanje precestog
uzgoja iste kulture ili skupine srodnih kultura
• zdravo sjeme, zdrave presadnice –
dokument o strucnom nadzoru sjemenskog
ili sadnog materijala
• izbor kultivara – otporni (rezistentni),

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Mehaničke mjere

• korovi – kultivacija, plijevljenje;

• krupniji štetnici – sakupljanje
• antiinsekticidne mreže na zaštićenim
prostorima, agrotekstil na usjevima
• izdvajanje bolesnih biljaka u sadnji, cupanje i
spaljivanje zaraženih biljaka iz usjeva
• skupljanje i spaljivanje biljnih ostataka

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Fizikalne mjere

• termička sterilizacija tla;

• mamci (atraktanti):
• vidljivi (vizualni) – raznobojne (žute, plave)
ljepljive ploče,
• olfaktorni (osjetila mirisa) – hranidbeni i
seksualni (feromoni)

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Biološke mjere (korisni organizmi)

• bioinsekticidi – uzročnici bolesti insekata

• grabežljivci (predatori)
• paraziti

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