Ernest Hemingway

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Ernest Hemingway, “Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.

SOCIAL MEDIA. It's very dangerous living in another artificial world. In the end, you just
become a sheep in a herd of others where one follows the other without having to think.
These lazy sheep see nothing but bums and this is a contagious disease with dangerous
consequences. Manipulation at all levels with possible outcomes like Holocaust or other
mass manipulations we've seen

if you have not experienced something, you will not feel its absence.

My name is jawad irfan, and I agree with the stance that ignorance is a
bliss, Simply because you cannot stress about something that you
already don’t know, the news ,which is mostly terrible these days, or
about those cute couple pictures leading you to the realization that you
are still single, or even not worrying about the fact that you’re parents
are not willing to get you married but nimra and asad on Instagram are
getting married at 18. The news has shifted to social media.

Speaking of pressing matters,

Let’s talk about suicide, what do you think how can it be prevented?
Can it be prevented by not ignoring certain facts or by actually ignoring
the things which caused you immense trauma that you had no other
option but to commit suicide.
We’re the only mammal on the face of the earth who knows they’re
going to die, it causes so much stress, people don’t live in the moment,
make bad decisions, it make people greedy, we lie we hurt we betray,
When is the last time have you seen a rabbit take an anti depressant pill
just because he couldn’t defend his political party on social media.
And while we’re on the topic of social media, According to an article
written on “Focus ME” it is defined as this digital epidemic that has led
to frustrations and disorders that didn’t exist a couple decades ago:
Facebook addiction, nomophobia, and cyberchondria.

Continuing from the previous argument about social media, According

to an article by the Jakarta post,” The scientists found that the young
adults who spent more than five hours per day using social media were
2.8 times as likely to become depressed within six months.”
Now imagine a scenario, where you are on social media and you just
can’t handle to comeback at someone in the comments of a random
person’s post , knowing that he made a stupid argument, and you
actually reply him, now he’s trying to get back at you and some other
people are also jumping in to share their opinions. And it becomes a
mess eventually eating up a solid hour or two of yours.
The time you could’ve spent with your family, your parents who
actually look forward to you coming home from the institute and sitting
with them, the time you could’ve spent on developing personal or even
professional relationships!
If you could’ve just ignored a simple art of stupidity by someone and if
that person even had ignored your reply and hadn’t taken it personally,
Both of your lives would remain completely unaffected as there would
be no loss of anyone instead you could’ve been more creative with your
While in adult life, it is easy to lose sight of its blissful moments, you are
too focused on your bigger goals, your big agendas for the future that
you actually forget about the everyday satisfactions you also have. If
you were to ignore the constant burden and worry of the coming future
even the coming day just to recharge and take time for yourself, you
can actually start appreciating the small things in life.
According to an article written by Jennifer Kunst Ph.D. published on the
website “pshycology today.” She says,
”There are everyday satisfactions, too, that we often overlook like
offering a kindness, telling the truth, having a good idea, paying our
bills, learning something new. In their own way, these moments bring a
kind of bliss, too.”

Parents protect their children from knowledge which is too much for them
to bear, too confusing for their little minds to process. For some time,
children can operate successfully under the "need-to-know basis" of
parental protection.

In the end I would just like to give credits to everyone for laying
forward very compelling arguments yet I would state that I’m still affirm
on the stance that ignorance is bliss, because yes your arguments were
compelling but not compelling enough.

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