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The angry Customer

<The waiter brings in the food tray>

<customer now inspecting the food>

Customer: WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS THAT? Oh waiter would you come

here a second.

<Waiter walks up to the table> 

Waiter: Hello sir, how may I help you? 

Customer: There Is a bug in my soup, what sort of restaurant is this?

Have you got no standards? 

Waiter: hmh sir, are you sure that's not a raisin?  

<Customer takes a closer look> 

Customer: a raisin? NO of course not. I know what a bug looks like.

Look it's brown and round

Waiter: funny because that's exactly what a raisin looks like

Customer: AAAA but if I were to eat that, it would make an awful


Waiter: just like a raisin would


Waiter: sure but he'll tell you the same thing I did

Customer: Go away! I don't want to see your face anymore

<Waiter goes out to call the manager> 

Customer, talking to himself: this is insane, I've never been treated like
this. You know what, I should tell everybody else 

<Customer stands up and starts grabbing everyone else's attention> 

Customer: Excuse me everyone!! This restaurant is awful! I had a bug in

my soup. Their standa— 
<The manager walks up to the customer> 

Manager: Sir! Sir please sit down. How may I help you sir? If you’re
having any issue with the food sir, I’m here to assist you. 

Customer: I had a bug in my soup and I almost ate it! Do you never
clean your kitchen back there? Is this restaurant never inspected for

Manager: sir, I am so sorry that you had to experience this all. I can
assure you that we clean our entire premises regularly and our
standards are regulated by the Pakistani Food Authority so I can assure
you that this usually never happens. 

Customer: Well it happened to me!! What if I had gone ahead and

eaten that. I would've gone sick. 
Manager: yes, sir I understand. If you don’t mind, can I take a look at
the food, sir?

Customer: go ahead see for yourself.

<manager grabs the plate>

Manager: Sir according to my knowledge, this is a raisin and not a bug,

would you please have a closer look.

Customer: Ofcourse it’s a bug , I’ve already had a closer look! You’re
just like the waiter repeating the same words as him.

Manager: but sir I looked at it carefully and……..

Customer: you think I am a fool? I wouldn’t know the difference?

Manager: Sir many other customers here had the same dish ordered as
you and we haven’t received any complaints from them yet.

<customer throws another tantrum>

Customer: Attention everyone just for a moment, people who’ve

ordered the same dish as mine, can you please also confirm that yours
also has an insect in it.

Manager: okay sir calm down please, please sit down. If you’re saying
it’s an insect I do believe you, you have the right to call out if anything
Is not according to the standards.
So, I apologize greatly for what happened. Tell you what, we will make
a fresh version of what you had originally ordered and that will be
covered by us, free of cost. And also, we'll throw in a gift card of your
choice for all the trouble that was caused.
Customer: Oh, wow okay I do accept that! But I still have one issue. 

Manager: Yes sir, what is that? 

Customer: the waiter that came up to me before, he made fun of me. I

can't believe you guys do not train your waiters about basic customer

Manager: thank you so much for bringing this to my attention, I shall

look into the matter and appropriate action will be taken towards the

Customer: You Better do that right away!

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