Notes 230504 085232 1d5

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Reasons for the Rise of Tshaka

- Tshaka was a brave soldier.

-he was a courageous and innovative fighter .
-he became effective army commander who advised the king.
-Tshaka's ability to develop new fighting skills which enabled him to defeat others.
-Tshaka defeated and conquered the Mthethwa.
-Senzangakhona's death created a vacuum for his rise.
-Dingiswayo's support for Tshaka.
-the death of Sigujana
- the death of Dingiswayo made him to combine Mthethwa and Zulu.
- there was was weak opposition from local chiefdoms.
- Mfecane led to the rise of Tshaka.
- raiding other states ensured him to create a powerful and secure state.
-betrayal of Dingiswayo by Tshaka led to the rise of Tshaka.

Social Organisation of the Zulu.

- there was sexual division of labour.

-they practised cattle loaning.
-they lived in dome shaped huts arranged in a circular manner with a cattle kraal inside the circle.
-they believed in God.
-they did rainmaking ceremonies
-marriage was allowed to men after retirement from the army.
-females were also organised into regiments.
-regiments of women were used to cultivate land and for ceremonial dances and displays.
-the king officiated at the annual inxwala ceremony.
Zulu was made official language
-they practised polygamy.

Political Organisation of the Zulu State

- the king was the supreme ruler.

-the state was highly centralised.
-defeated chiefs were often deposed and replaced by Tshaka's appointees.
-the defeated were forced to speak Zulu.
-tributary states were left in peace as long as they paid tribute to the king.
-the king was assisted by chiefs and councillors most of whom were relatives of those the king
- the council of advisors was rendered irrelevant as Tshaka became an autocratic ruler.
- traditional chiefs wr reduced to administration of local affairs.
-the king was the commander in chief of the army.
- the king had a standing army.
-the army went on annual raids.
-the king used the army to control the state.
-vassal chiefs were rewarded to remain loyal.
-the state was divided into regimental towns under izunduna who were helped by a female
member of the Royal family.
-the king was the chief land distributor.
-the king controlled long distance trade.
-the king was the chief judge.
-the king was the religious leader.

Economic Organisation.

-they dd external and and internal trade, externally the traded with ivory at Delagoa Bay.
-they raided other states for women, children, grain and cattle.
-they grew crops eg sorghum, millet, cow peas, sweet reeds etc.
-they kept cattle, sheep and goats.
-they smelted iron to make tools.
-mined iron, gold and copper
-they hunted wild animals .
-all subjects paid tribute to the king in form of cattle, goats, sheep and grain.
- they fished to supplement their diet.
-they dd gathering.

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