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● Trace your reading (setting purpose, asking questions, connecting.

● Develop understanding of literary analysis (plot, thematic – when we consider
overarching ideas ir universal themes that the author has asked us to consider, figurative

Good annotation contains…

● Your own thoughts, reactions, connections, and ideas
● Your understanding of the author’s ideas and intentions

Make and inference

● Read between the lie (authors clues or hints that can help)
● There is no right or wrong, it’s subjective
● You have to get beyond the surface details when you infer
● See other meaning from the details suggested or implied (not stated)

1. Do the first reading
2. On a second reading, annotate the passages that strike you
● Highlight, underline, write

Use margins
● Ask questions (and answer them – “it could be…”)
● Analytical comments
○ What do you think it is about
○ Literary devices/elements
○ Mention/speculate authorial intent

Read over your annotations

● Take time to look over your most powerful thoughts and questions

❖ Question
❖ Connection
➢ To an experience you had
➢ To something you read
➢ Between two things being discussed
❖ Lit Analysis for allusion/pun
❖ Look for words you don’t know

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