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Strategy for a company which is struggling due to inflation:

Media strategy

The media strategy for this campaign will focus will focus on
*Social Media*. This will allow the company to reach a large
audience at a relatively low cost. The ads will be targeted to
people who are interested in beauty and cosmetics. The ads
will focus on the company’s high quality peoducts and
affordable prices.

1 : Analyze the situation.

The first step is to analyze the situation.

This includes understanding the company’s target
audience,their needs, and their main points. It is also important
to understand the competitive landscapes.

2 : Set your objectives.

The next step is to set your objectives.

What do you want to avhieve with this campaign. Do you want
to increase brand awareness,generate leads or drive sales.

3 : Plan for advertisement

Once you know your objectives , you can start planning your
advertisement. This includes creating a creative brief
developing the ad copy, and selecting the right media.

4 : Select appropriate medium.

The next step is to select the appropriate medium. This will

depend on youbtarget audience and your budget.
For example : if your target audience is young women you
might want to advertise om **instagram**. If your target is
limited you might want to consider running afs on facebook.

5 : Select target audience.

The next step is to select target audience. This will help you to
focus your advertising efforts and ensure that your ads are seen
by the people who are most likely to be interested in your

6 : Determine end result.

The final step is to determine the end result. What do you want
to achieve with this campaign? Do you want to increase brand
awareness,generate leads or drive sales.

Following are the Points

- Be visionary to captire attention.

- Make sure your ads is relevant to your target audience.
- Test different ads to see what works best.
- Track your result to see how well your campaign is
Here are some unique solutions.
Use influencers partner with influencers whi have a large
following of people who are interested in beauty and
cosmetics. This will help you to reach a wider audience and
build credibility with potential customers.
Offer discounts on you products to attract new customers and
encourage existing cuatomers to buy more.

Run contests to give away free products or gift cards. This is a

great way to generate excitement and buzz around yoir brand.

Host events such as make up tutorials to connect with the


By implementing these solutions there will be an effective

strategy that will help.

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