Henry Ford

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Henry Ford - Brasil | Oral

Henry was born on July 30, 1863 in Springwells Township, Michigan and died in
1947.began working with machines with his father on the farm that later after the
death of his mother came to work in a machine shop. He later took an
engineering degree and worked at the Edison ilumiting company where he
became chief engineer. As a hobby in his spare time Henry began building a
gasoline-powered vehicle.

Years later he created his company Ford engine that came to innovate the
industry of the time where the famous Ford model was born. He continued to
expand his company by creating assembly lines and productions. It also innovated
relations with workers by paying more for fewer hours of work. Also Henry tried
in Brazil to create a rubber company for his tire, but unfortunately it did not go
well and was shut down. Henry Ford, who though revolutionary and progressive
in many respects, was also a conservative in the administrative sense, where his
word was law.

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