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The cultural social and demographic impact caused by the Spanish conquest to

Student’s name:
Fernanda Tapia

Nine “B”

Dra. Alexandra Velasquez

School Year:

This research work analyzes the causes and consequences of the sociocultural
and demographic impact caused by the Spanish conquest of America. It is
important to study the causes and consequences of the Spanish conquest of
America, since it directly affects us in our day to day. Since the changes are
drastic in the sociocultural and demographic impact in this research work you
will find some bibliographical sources that will detail the different causes and
consequences of the sociocultural and demographic impact caused by the
Spanish conquest of America. There will be different actions to prevent the
cultural, social and demographic impact that the Spanish conquest of America
has caused. The work will be carried out through the bibliographic search in
reliable internet pages, as well as renowned books that provide us with
knowledge on the subject to be carried out. Therefore, the exploratory reading
and the analysis of the sources will be key to understanding the information
collected, being a guide for a better understanding of the possible causes of the
Spanish conquest of America.


The conquest means the establishment of a "Hispanist" current that highlights

the European civilizing work in these parts with the contributions of a new
language, the Christian religion, the new laws that allow incorporating to our
ancestral culture to the civilized world and to the Universal Culture. Although
this also meant cultural domination through invasion sion, the loss of autonomy
of the Tallan people. (Historia, C O N T R A S T E S .Revista de, 2022) which is
why great misinformation is generated about the causes and consequences of
what they cause. are. witness in students It is necessary to know the different
causes and consequences of the Spanish conquest, since it is necessary to
carry out a preventive analysis against the sociocultural and demographic
impact that the Spanish conquest of America had that the inhabitants could not
face, in addition to promoting awareness of studying more the case. What we
have. on the topic to be investigated. Knowledge of the different causes and
consequences of the cultural, social and demographic impact caused by the
Spanish conquest in America will help us prevent and raise awareness about
our because we did not have experience.


Worldwide, the Spanish conquest is a very sensitive and important issue for
countries. The cultural, social and demographic impact caused by the Spanish
conquest of America had a significant impact worldwide, generating great
human and economic losses throughout the world. Therefore, it is necessary to
know the causes and consequences of the sociocultural and demographic
impact caused by the Spanish conquest of America. It is of the utmost
importance to know the causes and consequences of the sociocultural and
demographic impact, since they directly affect the global economy and the daily
life of the people who inhabit it, in addition to the different ways that could
prevent the sociocultural and demographic impact. So, what are the causes and
consequences of the sociocultural and demographic impact of recent times, due
to the Spanish conquest of America?


It is important to know the causes and consequences of the It is important to

know the causes and consequences of the cultural, social and demographic
impact caused by the Spanish conquest of America; since they directly affect
customs, gastronomy, clothing, etc., in addition to the different ways to prevent
it from affecting us much more in the economy and it could occur. In addition,
the need to know how to act in the different cases of economies that we can
suffer today. Likewise, we must raise awareness about the abuse of theft that
we generate in the country This knowledge will provide us with guidelines to
reduce the cultural, social and demographic impact caused by the Spanish
conquest of America, as well as help each student's knowledge about the
causes and consequences that we could face. , due to the impact caused by
the Spanish conquest of America; Since they directly affect our customs and the
daily life of the people who inhabit America, in addition to the different forms of
prevention of the impact caused by the Spanish conquest of America. In
addition, the need to know how to act in the face of the different impacts that we
can suffer today. We must also raise awareness about the abuse of This
knowledge will provide us with guidelines to reduce the cultural, social and
demographic impact caused by the Spanish conquest of America, as well as
help each student's knowledge about the causes and consequences that we
could face.

General objective

 To analyze the cultural, social and demographic impact caused by the

Spanish conquest to America.

Specific objectives

 To compare the different consequences of the cultural, social and

demographic impact caused by the Spanish conquest to America
 To study the importance to know the cultural, social and demographic
impact caused by the Spanish conquest to America.


The Spanish conquest caused the restructuring of the American aboriginal

world, that is, the historical evolution of great civilizations and important cultures
was interrupted forever. With their social hierarchies upset, their economic
structure altered, and their religious beliefs threatened, the Indians had to adapt
to the new circumstances imposed by the conquerors. For warrior peoples and
in the process of territorial expansion such as the Aztecs and Incas, defeat was
interpreted as abandonment by their gods and the end of a cosmic cycle
(Realpe, 2022).
Perhaps the factor that gravitated the most in the native mortality were
diseases, an invisible army that caused the so-called "microbial shock". In the
words of Nicolás Sánchez Albornoz, "these morbidities -especially smallpox,
malaria, measles, typhus and influenza- that regularly devastated Europe, soon
jumped to the New World. They came after the invaders and found hosts here
no immunity. Instead, the three continents of the Old World shared the same
repertoire of diseases (Realpe, 2022).

The conquest of America produced bloody wars that led to a decline in the
American population and the end of the Aztec and Inca empires. It was a violent
clash of civilizations. The indigenous peoples were forced and subjected by the
Europeans to learn their language, incorporate their religion (Christianity),
culture and, in addition, they were forced into different forms of work such as
servitude or being slaves. Also, the Spanish monarchy became rich with all the
resources it obtained from America, such as gold, silver and other natural
resources. The arrival of new diseases in America (Rosero & Pérez, 2022).

The miscegenation between Europeans and indigenous people begins, as a

result of the union of both civilizations due to the non-presence of white women
at the beginning of the conquest. Also, new species of animals. New species
were incorporated into America such as the horse, the donkey, the cattle, the
sheep, the pig, the chicken and the rabbit. This caused the extinction of some
local species, but also the incorporation of many species into the American
ecosystem (Rúa & Laverde, 2018).


During this research we have used descriptive research as methodological

support. The descriptive research aims to analyze the cultural, social and
demographic impact caused by the Spanish conquest of America. Observation,
where researchers process, has also been used as a research technique. The
purpose of this type of research is to compare the different consequences of the
cultural, social and demographic impact caused by the Spanish conquest of
America. Ethnography is a specific set of research practices related to data
collection, analysis, research ethics, and performance, rooted in participant
observation. We also rely on the web graph, which is a list of websites related to
a given topic. A web graph is much like a bibliography, but is limited to a
collection of online resources rather than academic books and journals.

Finally, a survey was applied to obtain a real result of people's knowledge

regarding the cultural, social and demographic impact caused by the Spanish
conquest of America, based on the following questions:

1. Do you know about the Spanish conquest?

2. Do you study about the Spanish conquest in your college?
3. Do you know about the consequences of the Spanish conquest in
4. Do you consider that the Spanish conquest was beneficial for America?
5. Do you know that the Spanish conquest caused the restructuring of the
American aboriginal world?
6. Did you know that the Spanish conquest caused different diseases in the
aboriginal peoples of America, causing death?
7. Did you know that the indigenous peoples were forced and subjected by
the Europeans to learn their language?
8. Did you know that the indigenous peoples were forced and subjected by
the Europeans to incorporate their religion (Christianity)?
9. Did you know that indigenous peoples were forced into different forms of
work such as servitude or being slaves?
10. Did you know that due to the incorporation of new species such as the
American horse, other aboriginal species of America became extinct?

1. Do you know about the Spanish conquest?

NO 2
2. Do you study about the Spanish conquest in your college?
NO 3

3. Do you know about the consequences of the Spanish conquest in

NO 4

4. Do you consider that the Spanish conquest was beneficial for

NO 7

5. Do you know that the Spanish conquest caused the restructuring of

the American aboriginal world?
NO 4

6. Did you know that the Spanish conquest caused different diseases in
the aboriginal peoples of America, causing death?
NO 3
7. Did you know that the indigenous peoples were forced and subjected
by the Europeans to learn their language?
NO 4

8. Did you know that the indigenous peoples were forced and subjected
by the Europeans to incorporate their religion (Christianity)?
NO 7

9. Did you know that indigenous peoples were forced into different forms
of work such as servitude or being slaves?
NO 5

10. Did you know that due to the incorporation of new species such as the
American horse, other aboriginal species of America became extinct?
NO 4

In this part after applying the survey we got the following results:


Q1. Do you know about the Spanish Regarding the first question, we have
conquest? that 8 people out of 10 know about
the Spanish conquest and that 2 are
unaware of this event in America.
Q2. Do you study about the Spanish In this question we find that the
conquest in your college? majority of people did study at school
about the Spanish conquest in a
number of 7 and the rest have not
studied about the subject (3).

Q3. Do you know about the We have in this question that 6

consequences of the Spanish
people know the terrible
conquest in America?
consequences that the Spanish
conquest brought to America and the
remaining 4 do not know due to the
lack of study or ignorance of the

Q4. Do you consider that the Spanish In this question we find that 3 people
conquest was beneficial for America?
consider that the Spanish conquest in
America was beneficial, on the
contrary, 7 believe that the Spanish
conquest was not beneficial at all for
the American aboriginal peoples.
Q5. Do you know that the Spanish In this question we have that 6 people
conquest caused the restructuring of
are aware that the Spanish conquest
the American aboriginal world?
caused the restructuring of America,
on the contrary, 4 people are
unaware of the subject so they
believe otherwise.
Q6. Did you know that the Spanish In this question we found that 7
conquest caused different diseases in
people know about the diseases
the aboriginal peoples of America,
causing death? caused by the Spanish conquest due
to the new microbiota incorporated by
the conquest, but on the contrary 3
people are unaware of the subject
due to the lack of information in some
cases due to lack of study of the

Q7. Did you know that the In this question we have that 7 people
indigenous peoples were forced and
subjected by the Europeans to learn know that the indigenous people were
their language?
forced by the Europeans to learn their
language due to the conquest, and 3
are unaware about the subject.

Q8. Did you know that the In this question we have that 3 people
indigenous peoples were forced and
out of the 10 have the knowledge that
subjected by the Europeans to
incorporate their religion the Spanish forced the indigenous
peoples to adopt Christianity as their
religion, unfortunately 7 people do not
think the same or do not know about
the impact that the conquest
generated on the indigenous peoples
of the Spanish.

Q9. Did you know that indigenous In this question, half of the
peoples were forced into different
respondents (5) know that the
forms of work such as servitude or
being slaves? indigenous people were forced by the
Spanish to work as servants or
slaves, and the other half of the
respondents (5) are unaware of the
Q10. Did you know that due to the Finally, in the last question we have
incorporation of new species such as
that 6 people know about the
the American horse, other aboriginal
species of America became extinct? extinction of several species due to
the incorporation of European
species, on the contrary, 4 are
unaware of the subject due to lack of
study or ignorance.


 In this project it was possible to analyze the cultural, social and

demographic impact caused by the Spanish conquest in America. It was
found that the indigenous aboriginal peoples unfortunately submitted to
the Spanish due to the excessive advancement of Spanish culture,
causing great benefits to the Spaniards and, on the contrary, great
losses for the American aboriginal people.
 In addition, it is possible to compare the different consequences of the
cultural, social and demographic impact caused by the Spanish conquest
in America, such as the large-scale deaths that had a disastrous impact,
causing great human losses, due to the presence of many diseases that
the Spaniards contaminated. to the American Indian peoples. In addition
to the fact that the Spanish plundered the wealth of America, causing
Spain to become richer.
 In this work it was possible to study the importance of knowing the
cultural, social and demographic impact that the Spanish conquest had in
America, demonstrating that the American peoples had great wealth and
that perhaps if it had not been conquered, America would have enjoyed
many riches.
 It is advisable to study in more depth, about the Spanish conquest
because America had invaluable wealth, which unfortunately the Spanish
 In addition, it can be recommended that more should be studied about
our aboriginal cultures, since, before the conquest, they were already
developed peoples in terms of their organizations and cultures.
 Finally, it is recommended to have more knowledge about the Spanish
conquest, because through its study more critical points will be
elaborated in relation to what has been studied in the conquest.


Historia, C O N T R A S T E S .Revista de. (2022). Conquista Española de

America . Quito.
Realpe, T. (2022). La caída de la población indígena. Retrieved may 01, 2023,
Rosero, T., & Pérez, A. (2022). Las consecuencias de la conquista de América
en los pueblos indígenas. Retrieved may 12, 2023, from
Rúa, P., & Laverde, D. (2018). Los efectos y desafíos de la transformación
demográfica en América latina y el Caribe. Retrieved may 15, 2023, from

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