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Management School – Postgraduate Coursework Specification

Module Code: MGT658 Coursework Code: MGT658-2

Module Title: Professional Development

Assessment Component: Individual Reflection

Date Available: 10/10/2022

Submission details: Tuesday 31st January 2023, 12pm (noon) GMT

Electronic submission only through Blackboard. Students are able to check their work for plagiarism before submitting. This can be done using
the Turnitin link on the PG Taught Blackboard site. NB that link will not submit your work for this assessment. The link to submit the
assessment will be in the MGT6166 Blackboard site. Students should note that the time of submission is taken from once the document has
been successfully uploaded and confirmed – this may take more than five minutes during busy periods. Late penalties will be applied to any
work submitted from 12.01pm on 31st January 2023 onwards. Details of how to calculate a late penalty can be found in the PG Handbook. It
is the student’s responsibility to ensure the document/file has uploaded successfully.
When submitting, students must:
1. Include a completed cover sheet (available from Blackboard)
2. Use ‘Student Number, MGT658-2’ (for example, 150011001 MGT658-2) as the document’s file name and also as the assignment title
in Turnitin. Failure to do either, or both of these things may result in a five mark penalty deduction.

Contribution to Final Mark for Module: 25%

Maximum Word Length: 750

Unless otherwise specified, the word count is for the main body of the text and ignores the reference list and appendices. If you exceed the
word length you will be penalised. For details see the Management School Handbooks.
This is an individual reflection where you reflect on your experience of working in your group on the group workshop. We want you to focus
less upon the actual outcome that your group achieved in delivering your workshop, and more upon what you have learned from your
experiences of working in your group. It is important that you reflect on your learning from the experiences. Therefore you might want to
 What went well? Think about why it worked well and how you personally contributed to this. Think about what you have learned about
good group working process which you can take forward to other group work tasks.
 What went wrong? It is important that you are not dwelling on the problems here but what you learned from this. Think about what
actions you could you have taken to prevent this situation and what you might you do differently if you were in a similar situation again.
For example, when thinking about what you found most challenging about the workshop delivery, it is not enough, for example, to say that you
did not find it easy to agree on the workshop content. Provide an example that illustrates precisely how this was manifested e.g. “One day, we
were discussing whether to include some material about industrial tribunals and there was some tension in the group as we discussed this,
evidenced by the fact that one member went very quiet and seemed withdrawn. We all felt a bit troubled after this because on discussing it, it
seems one group member felt we were ignoring her and disrespecting her.” Note that in this example, there is a specific example that
illustrates the problem (disagreement); there is reflection on the processes involved (what actually happened); and there is reflection on what
this felt like for the group. This brief summary of the situation then needs to be followed up by an analysis of how the situation could be/ was
resolved. “From this I recognised that there are personal and cultural factors which impact how people respond in a situation. In future, I will
ensure that I make sure all group members are encouraged to speak. If we have a lively group with a lot of overtalking then I will encourage
people to take turns in presenting their position.”
It is likely you will discuss two or three main issues in the group and will include a very brief introduction and conclusion to the work.

Referencing: If theory or research is used then it should be referenced using Harvard style. However, it is probable that no references are
needed in this submission, due to the personal reflective nature.

Independence of working: You are reminded of the University's Regulations on the Use of Unfair Means, which are outlined in the School's
Handbooks. Should you be found to be in breach of them you will be subject to disciplinary procedures.
Assessment <40% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70 % and above 80 % and above
(Hard Fail) (Soft Fail) (Pass) (Pass) (Distinction) (Distinction)
Describes the Concisely describes
issues well Describes the issues the issues sufficient to
Demonstrates little Concisely describes
enough to well enough to understand what has
understanding of Describes the issues sufficient
understand what understand what has occurred. Uses the
the dimensions one or more to understand what
has occurred but occurred. Uses the description as a
listed for reflection issues listed has occurred. Uses
may be overlong. description as a mechanism for
and either fails to but shows the description as a
Description is mechanism for reflecting on own skill
Reflection reflect on one or little mechanism for
used to reflect on reflecting on own skill and learning needs in a
more of these reflexive reflecting on own skill
own skill and and learning needs in highly reflexive way.
issues or else does ability. No and learning needs in
learning needs in a good way. It likely Uses strong evidence
not appear to learning is a reflexive way. Uses
a reasonable way. to draw in a range of to support claims and
understand what is identified. strong evidence to
Claims may only strong evidence to is able to critique their
required support claims.
be weakly support claims. own position.
It is possible Outstanding written
Excellent written
to follow the Good written skills skills are
The report is not skills are
report, but it Reasonably well are demonstrated, demonstrated. The
well written, lacks demonstrated. The
Coherence is both badly written with a and the report is report is extremely well
coherence and is report is well
written and sensible structure coherent and easy to organised and
poorly organized organised and
poorly follow structured.

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