Homework #10 - Cui CB3 006

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CUI CB3 | Course 006

It’s Thursday 19th January, 2023

• Today we worked with Develop your reading 2B and we started Unit

2C. Also, we worked with a revision of objects.

Online Activities | Possessives revision

• Whose and possessive pronouns:

• Put the possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives in the correct
place: https://wordwall.net/resource/49507777
• Choose the correct alternative:
• Let’s speak. Ask and answer questions:

Online Activities | Describing objects

CUI CB3 | Course 006

Comfortable /’kamftbl/
Chocolate /choklit/

When we use whose to ask about possession, we have two possibilities. Look
at the examples we find in the Cambridge Dictionary:

Link: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/whose

For next class: Tue 24th Jan
1. Student’s Book | Do the exercises to correct in class:
 Page 19 (Exercises 5, 6a and 7)
 Page 137 (Unit 2C – Ex 1a)
 Pages 118 and 119 | Read the grammar information about “have
got” and do exercises A and B from Unit 2C.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

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