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Nowadays online fitness classes are becoming more and more popular.

In my opinion, they are not

as effective as real classes , but it is worth considering/ taking into account the aspects of
convenience and motivation.

Firstly, exercising requires a lot of space in the room in order to be able to do the exercises freely
and correctly. and An average person does not have that much space in a flat or house. Secondly,
the exercise space is not everything,. The floor is also important: which it should be soft and
comfortable so as not to cause any kind of spinal injury. Such conditions which are often not
accessible in a common room.

Another important aspect to discuss is motivation. First and foremost, motivation at home is
bound to be less lower than, for example, at the gym, because the house is a place of rest and
relaxation and it is often difficult to motivate yourself to exercise after returning from school or
work. Furthermore, when practicing online fitness, our one friends or colleagues will not be
exercising with us, which will further lower our motivation due to the lack of comparison and
inspiration from others.

To summarize, online fitness classes in my opinion are not a good idea considering the motivation
and convenience factors.


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