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Código: FM-GAC-024-01 Elaboró: Gestión de Calidad Revisó: Coordinación Académica Fecha: 03/03/22 Versión: 01 Página 1 de 1

Nombre del Estudiante: Asignatura: Inglés

Evaluación: Final Curso: Cuarto Período: Tercero Fecha:
Docente: Disney Arias Arias Calificación:
Audio 32, taken from, English book IMAGE 4, editorial SM.

Image 1. Taken from, English book IMAGE 4,

editorial SM.

A- Listen to the conversation and choose the correct letter and answer for the next questions:
1. The early submarines used to be:
A. Short and wide B. Short and narrow C. Long and narrow
2. The modern submarines are shaped like:
A. Short and wide B. Short and narrow C. Long and narrow
3. The early submarines were made of:
A. Wood B. Metal C. long and narrow
4. How long did early submarines stay underwater?
Image 1. Taken from, English book IMAGE 4,
editorial SM.
A. Thirty minutes B. a few days C. a few months
Complete las situaciones de acuerdo a la imagen y las frases, elige la opción correcta, En las
preguntas 2 - 5, marque la letra correcta A - C en su hoja de respuestas.
Complete the situations according to the picture and phrases, and choose the correct

Image 2. Taken from LIVE WORKSHEETS Image 3. Taken from LIVE WORKSHEETS WEB

5. The elephant _______than the mouse. 7. Pedro _______than Ana.

A. is shorter B. is taller C. is smaller A. is biger B. is bigger C. is smaller

Image 3. Taken from Image 4. Taken from

6. Ricky is _______than the mouse 8. Carlos is _______than Pablo.

A. smarter B. shorter C. is stronger A. ugly B. uglier C. scared

Código: FM-GAC-024-01 Elaboró: Gestión de Calidad Revisó: Coordinación Académica Fecha: 03/03/22 Versión: 01 Página 1 de 1

Answer the questions from 9 to 11, according to the following text.
En las preguntas 9 - 11, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas

Image 1. Taken from, English book IMAGE 4,

9. 1. How did people hear the news in the past?

A. they listened to the town crier B. they listen to the TV announcers.

10. How do people hear the news now?

A. they listened to the town crier B. they listen to the TV announcers.

11. What do these two jobs need that is the same?

A. they listened to the town crier B. they listen to the TV announcers.

Elija la forma correcta del verbo en pasado que está en el paréntesis, para las siguientes
oraciones. En las preguntas 12- 16, marque A, B o C en su hoja de respuestas
A Choose the correct past form of the verb in parentheses, for the following sentences.
12. I (enjoy) ______studying English every day.
A. enjoys B. enjoyed C. enjoy
13. I (speak) _______English with my teacher in class.
A. speak B. spoke C. speaking
14. We (eat) _______Chinese food for lunch.
A. eat B. ate C. eating
15. We (drink) ________Chinese tea.
A. drank B. drink C. drinks
16. We (see) _________pandas in the Beijing Panda Zoo.
A. see B. saw C. seeing
Answer sheet
1. A. B. C. D. 9. A. B. C. D.
2. A. B. C. D. 10. A. B. C. D.
3. A. B. C. D. 11. A. B. C. D.
4. A. B. C. D. 12. A. B. C. D.
5. A. B. C. D. 13. A. B. C. D.
6. A. B. C. D. 14. A. B. C. D.
7. A. B. C. D. 15. A. B. C. D.
8. A. B. C. D. 16. A. B. C. D.
Código: FM-GAC-024-01 Elaboró: Gestión de Calidad Revisó: Coordinación Académica Fecha: 03/03/22 Versión: 01 Página 1 de 1

Aprobado por: _________________

Jefe de área

Image 1. Taken from, English book IMAGE 4,

editorial SM.
4, editorial SM.

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