Khutbah 28

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Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, Salawaat

Verily, all praise belongs to Allah alone. We praise Him, we seek His assistance, and we ask
for His forgiveness. And we seek refuge in Him from the evils of our selves. Whoever Allah
guides, none can misguide. Whoever He misguides, none can guide. And I bear witness that
there is no deity other than Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and
messenger. To Proceed: If we look towards the Animal Kingdom, We will not find any animal
that is in a state of Heedlessness – It doesn’t maGer what an animal is doing, they are always
in a state of awareness. If we have ever seen a rabbit, their ears are always moving around,
why? Because they’re worried of something that would threaten them, some sort of danger.
When a mouse comes out of its hole, we don’t see it just walk out freely, but rather it comes
out slowly, looking around. Animals are always aware of Danger, Why? Because their
existence is threatened. If the Animal was absent for a period of Mme, if it was heedless,
then the Animal would be endangering its own self by not being mindful of its surroundings.
Allah says in the Quran:

Or do you think that most of them listen or understand? They are only like Ca;le – Nay! They
are even more astray than them.

Why does Allah say that these heedless people are even more astray than CaGle? Because
Animals are not in a state of heedlessness about the Danger that is threatening them. But
Humans, Us, We are in Heedlessness. We have to recognise our purpose here before it is too
late, we have to do what we can in the Mme that we have been given, to do what is correct
and what is right. Allah says:

By the Passage of Time, Surely Humanity is in a state of Loss.

We are losing Time, our Mme is running out – Similarly that we have a clock that will tell us
the Mme of day, we too have an internal clock, and that clock is how long we have leR –
whether that be 1 year, 52 days leR to live, or 30 years – perhaps we may have a month leR
to live… we truly do not know how long we have leR; and when that clock ends, and death
hits us, that’s it. On the Day of Judgment people will be saying as menMoned in the Quran:

When death approaches any one of them, they cry: “My Lord, Send Me Back so I may do
Good in what I leM behind.”
To such people, Allah will respond to them in the Quran by saying:

Never! It is only a useless appeal that they make. And there is a barrier behind them un9l the
Day they are Resurrected.
Meaning, Once they are dead – they will never return to the World. So think about what we
have right now Brothers – We have Life, whilst those that are dead have death. What does
that mean? Well, there are billions upon billions of souls right now in the Grave that are
wishing they were in our shoes right now, they wish they were alive right now just to recite
one more verse of Qur’an, recite one more Subhan Allah, pray one more Rak’at, fast one
more Ramadan, give one more dollar in charity. And we have people today that would say,
Me? Who would want to be me? No maGer what our situaMon is, we sMll have the
opportunity to seek forgiveness, to obtain rewards and to do what is correct – before we
pass into the grave where it is much difficult to seek forgiveness. Hasan Al Bašri used to say:
“May Allah have mercy upon those who will do the deeds that the people who have passed
away want to do.” So, we have something very precious with us, that is, being alive. A
Bedouin came to The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬saying: “Oh Messenger of Allah, who are the best people?
And the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬replied “The one with a Long Life of Good deeds.” So the Qur’an is
warning us to not be of the people of Heedlessness – Because not even the Animals are in a
state of heedlessness. Animals are always thinking of Danger, they are aware of their
enemies. And yet, we are unaware of our enemies – our true enemies being the Nafs,
Shaytaan, Desires and Dunya. Animals are worried about their physical life being lost due to
their heedlessness, similarly, we should be worried about our eternal lives being lost. The
Scholars say that the real root cause of all sin, crime and evil in the world is heedlessness.
Allah says to us in the Quran, first verse of Surah Anbiya:

[The Time of] Their Account/Reckoning has approached for the People, while they are
heedlessly turning away.
So we have to really wake up to the fact that this world is the delusion, and the next world,
the world of eternality is the real world. This is only temporary, just a taste. But one is only
truly heedless as a result of the decepMons of this Dunya, its portrayal to its inhabitants and
its decepMve deals is what prevents us from thinking of the hereaRer. The only way to stop
heedlessness, is to become heedful, that is, remembering Allah, instead of NOT
remembering him. But one can simply say, remember Allah – and not put it in to pracMce.
What we need to realise is how close Allah is to us, that we are being heard and seen by him
at all Mmes, every minute of the day, no maGer where we are. When we know that we are
being heard and watched vigilantly, would we ever commit sins in front of our Lord? Hence,
it is heedlessness that results in one wanMng to commit a sin. Allah says to us in the Qur’an:

Certainly, it is We who created Mankind and completely know what their souls whisper to
them, and We are closer to them than their [own] Jugular Vein
The Jugular Vein is the vein which surrounds the neck on the leR and right sides, which carry
the de-oxygenated blood back to the heart. Allah is closer to man than his own soul in an
unparalleled way, completely unlike the closeness of one person to another. This closeness
that Allah has to us is unrelated to Mme or place, There is no closeness like his closeness, and
he is the closer to us than anything else. Allah tells us:

Say, O Muhammad: “Whether you conceal what is in your hearts or reveal it, it is known to
So all your thoughts and feelings, emoMons, and acMons, outwardly or inwardly, hidden, or
public – Our Lord, Allah knows it all. There is no escape from his sight, nor his hearing, nor
his knowledge. He knows everything to the most intrinsic details – So why are we heedless
of him? Everything we are doing, everything we are thinking – He knows and witnesses. In
fact while we are doing a Good Deed Allah tells us:

Neither you [O Muhammad], do any deed nor recite any porVon of Quran, Nor YOU Mankind
do any Good Deed except that we are a witness to it, while you are doing it. And Nothing is
hidden from your Lord (So much as) The weight of an atom on the earth or in the heaven or
anything smaller or greater than that, except that it is wri;en in a clear Record.

So the next Mme we perform a Good Deed, Know that ALLAH told us, that he is a witness to
it, while we are doing it, even though he already knows we were going to do it. We cannot
even begin to comprehend that we are being seen, heard, known all the Mme, 24/7 every
day, all day unMl the day we die.

Bismillah, Alhamdulillah, Salawaat
The Reality my Brothers, is that we are living our lives, and in this day and age where
Heedlessness prevails, we must strive to remember Allah as much as we possibly can. We
have to know that we are being watched at all Mmes and are being heard – that we have two
recording Angels on our sides. Allah even tells us:

Not a leaf falls except that he has complete knowledge of it.

If even the fullest knowledge and comprehension that a leaf has fallen is within the sight of Allah,
then what of you just walking, just thinking. All of this is known to Allah. The quesMon is, are we
aware of being watched by Allah? The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬told Jibreel ‫ﻪ اﻟﺴﻼم‬r‫ ﻋﻠ‬in response to what Ihsan
was, “It is to Worship Allah as if you see him, for even though you cannot see him, know that he
certainly sees you.” I finish on these words from a scholar: “The Fact is, We are Always in his
Presence… The Fact is, He is Always Present. The Issue is, Most of the @me, we are not aware of
his Presence.”

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